Didn't Stay in Vegas

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Didn't Stay in Vegas Page 19

by Chelsea M. Cameron

  I didn’t know how to get sure. What was it going to take?

  I was training with my new boss at the co-working space on Monday when I got a phone call. They said it was fine to have my phone on, but I didn’t recognize the number, so I sent it right to voicemail, and went back to what I was doing. Five minutes later, another call.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to take that?” my new boss, Sofia, asked.

  “They left a voice mail, hold on,” I said. This better be an emergency and not some fucking phishing scam. I was going to rip someone a new asshole if it was. I didn’t want to make a bad impression on my first day.

  I started listening to the voicemail and nearly dropped the phone.

  “Oh shit, oh shit, oh fuck,” I said, not even trying not to swear. The voice on the other end of the phone said that there had been an accident and they were calling to speak to Emma Vitali’s wife, and to get to the hospital. I was Emma Vitali’s wife.

  “What’s wrong?” Sofia said as I stared at them, completely stunned.

  “My . . . my . . .my wife has been in an accident and is at the hospital.” Sofia grabbed my hands and squeezed my fingers.

  “I’m so sorry, which hospital?”

  “Uh, MGH,” I said. I think that was what the person on the other end of the phone had said.

  “Okay, let’s go. I’ll call you a car and we can go together. You shouldn’t be alone right now.” I blinked at them, unable to process their words. They basically picked me up and shoved me outside and onto the street and then into the backseat of a car. The nurse from the hospital hadn’t said how serious Emma’s injuries were. Why hadn’t she said how serious the injuries were?! What the fuck was wrong with Emma?

  Sofia got me into the hospital and shoved me down the hall and found out where Emma was.

  “Emma!” I screamed when I saw her lying in a hospital bed. Her eyes were closed and she looked so pale. She was in a little curtained-off area in the ER, but the other sections were empty. I threw myself onto the available space on the bed. Her hair was a mess and she was so very still.

  “Oh my god, Emma, you have to wake up. You have to. You have to wake up so I can tell you that I love you.” I knew now. This was the moment. When I’d been in that car and driving to the hospital, everything had fallen into place. It was so obvious, later I would be pissed at myself for ever doubting it. Right now, I was still flipping out and begging her to open her eyes so I could see if they were shading toward blue or green today.

  “Ow,” she said with a groan, as her eyes opened. Blue. They were so blue.

  “Fuck, you’re not dead,” I said, instantly bursting into tears again. “You can never die, I won’t let you.” I wanted to hold her so tight and never let her go, but that probably wouldn’t be pleasant for her right now. Later, after she healed from whatever had happened. She would heal. I would do whatever it took to help her.

  “Okay,” she said in a rough voice with a smile. “When did you get here?”

  “Just now. What happened, Em?” She sighed and cringed, as if it hurt.

  “Ugh. There was a bunch of wind and one of those huge construction signs flew into the windshield of the car I was in and we ended up crashing. That’s what I get for being lazy and not wanting to walk to campus. The driver is okay, I think, but it was really bad there for a little while. I was so scared and all I could think about was coming back to you. I love you so much, Callyn, all I wanted was to get to you.”

  I guess she hadn’t heard my declaration of a few moments ago so it was time to make it again, this time so she could hear me. It was time for us.

  I took a breath. “I love you, Emma. I do. I know now. I promise. This is it. You’re it. You’re everything to me, always have been.” I wanted to stroke her hair and hold her, but I didn’t know the extent of her injuries, so I didn’t want to hurt her.

  Her smile was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen in my life. It made my heart want to burst in my chest. At least we were already in the hospital.

  “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear you say that.” She lifted one arm and wiped away some tears from my face.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, taking more stock of her. Her face was unblemished, but there was an IV in her arm. I tried not to think through all the terrible injuries she could possibly have suffered.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Sort of. Just a broken leg, probably, and maybe some other stuff. I have to go for tests, so I’m just waiting for them to take me. I was knocked out for a little bit there, so I probably have a concussion.” I squeezed her hand and brought to my lips, kissing it. I was afraid to touch her anywhere else. I couldn’t imagine causing her any more pain.

  “But you’re going to be okay?” I said, and she nodded, but winced.

  “Ouch, why did I do that?” She tried to lift her hand to touch the back of her head, but then she winced again.

  “Everything hurts, Cal.”

  “I’m going to take care of you,” I said. I had no idea what that would entail, but if she needed a fucking kidney, I would grab a scalpel and cut it out of me for her right now.

  “Did someone call you?” Emma asked, and I told her about Sofia, who was absent. I guess they’d stepped out to give us privacy.

  “What a way to start a new job, huh?” I said, and she laughed then winced.

  “Maybe a cracked rib or two,” she said.

  “Okay, you keep adding injuries and I’m getting concerned. Let’s call a nurse so I can get the full details on my busted wife.” The word was so natural now, so easy. She agreed and I hit the call button. A very nice nurse in scrubs with llamas on them came in and gave me the litany of Emma’s injuries and her possible injuries. It was nice that we were legally married because I might not have gotten that info otherwise. I also realized that as her wife, it was my duty to call her parents and tell them what had happened.

  Another nurse arrived to take Emma down to get a bunch of scans and x-rays taken to ascertain the extent of what happened, so I said I would let her do that and call her parents.

  “Are you going to tell them?” she asked.

  “Do you want me to?” She thought about that for a second.

  “Sure, fuck it. Tell them. Tell them we’re in love and we eloped after you tell them the other stuff. I mean, can they be mad that we’re married after you tell them I’ve been in an accident?” She had an excellent point. It would probably go right over their heads.

  “Okay, will do,” I said, and leaned down to give her a good luck kiss. “I love you.”

  “I love you, Callyn Jean,” she said, her voice choked with emotion. “Always will.”

  THE CONVO WITH EMMA’S parents was a little chaotic. They were so panicked about Emma being in the hospital that I sort of threw in the marriage thing, but I could tell that it didn’t resonate, so they were going to find out when they got here, which would take a few hours. I said I was staying with her and they thanked me. They weren’t bad people, they just had bad priorities for their only daughter.

  Sofia also stayed with me and I thanked them over and over again until they told me to stop.

  “I don’t even know you and this is my first day, but you’re doing all of this. Don’t you have an office to run?” They waved that off.

  “Look, work isn’t everything. That’s probably not what other bosses would say, but it’s not. I used to work a job that sucked up all my time and energy and I gave and gave and gave and I didn’t pay attention to my husband and then he had a massive heart attack when he was thirty-five. I lost him and I lost that time because I put work first. Yes, your job is important, but the things outside of work are more important.” I had never met a boss who talked like that. I think I was going to like this job.

  “I’m here to support you, in whatever way that is. Right now it’s being here. Down the road it might be helping you gain new skills so you can be better at your job. It might be a million different things, but that’s my job.” They sai
d it like that was no big deal. Wow.

  “This is the weirdest first day of work I’ve ever had,” I said, and we both laughed.

  “It will only go up from here, I promise,” they said, and I believed them.

  EMMA HAD A FRACTURED leg and two cracked ribs, a concussion, and some bruising, but no internal bleeding, so that was great. She was going to be fine after a short hospital stay, and then we were going to have some recovery time. She’d already emailed her professors and taken medical leave. I asked Sofia if I could have a few days off to take care of her and they didn’t have to let me, but said that they would, and I gave them a hug, which probably wasn’t appropriate, but I didn’t care. They had been here for me today and I didn’t know if I would have been able to get through it without their help.

  They moved Emma into a room and I hung out with her and watched bad TV and brought her food when she wanted snacks. I also found out where the nurses got their coffee from and got myself a cup, as well as one for Emma.

  Her parents showed up and her mom was a complete wreck, and her dad gave me a tight smile. We’d known each other for so long, but it was still a little awkward being around them. Especially now that I was married to their daughter and in love with her and they had no idea.

  “Mom, I’m going to be okay. I have Callyn,” Emma said, throwing me a look.

  “Yeah, I’m going to take good care of her.” I tried to ask Emma with my eyes if I should tell them about the marriage and the love, but I don’t think she got the memo.

  “Mom, dad, I have something to tell you,” she said, reaching out to me.

  “Oh, are we doing this now?” I asked, but I went to her.

  “Yeah, we’re doing this now. No better time.” I took her hand and squeezed it. I looked at her parents and they were giving us confused looks.

  “We’re together. And we’re married,” Emma said.

  “You’re what?!” her mother screeched, and Emma’s father put his hand on her shoulder.

  “Cheryl, calm down. Let’s not make a scene.” They really didn’t like scenes.

  “You’re married? When did you get married? Were you going to tell us? What is going on with you, Emma?” I looked at Emma and she just gave me a smile. I think she was on some pretty decent painkillers that had just kicked in.

  “You want to take this one?” she asked, and closed her eyes. “I’m suddenly very tired.” With that, she fell asleep, and I had to deal with my new in-laws.

  It took a lot of talking and reiterating what had happened and the fact that, yes, I did love their daughter, and no, I hadn’t always known it myself. They hadn’t known Emma was in love with me, but they weren’t surprised after the initial shock.

  They actually took it better than I thought they would, and Emma eventually woke up.

  “I have to go get Vegas soon,” I said, looking at the clock. The day had flown by somehow. I didn’t want to get the puppy and then have to go home and be in the apartment by myself, but that was what I was going to have to do. I didn’t like it.

  “Listen, just video chat me. That way it’s like we’re together, and then I can see Vegas.” That was a perfect idea.

  “What’s Vegas?” Emma’s mom asked.

  “We got a dog,” Emma said. “It’s not a big deal.” I could feel Cheryl wanting to say something else, but her husband hushed her and ushered her out of the room and into the hall to give us some privacy.

  I agreed that I would video chat with Emma as soon as I got back, and kissed her until we were both completely breathless, and not just because Emma had a few cracked ribs.

  “I’m going to miss you so much,” I said, even though I’d be back here tomorrow as soon as I could drop Vegas off. Everything else was going to be on hold while I took care of Emma. Her parents were going to stick around in case she needed anything as well, so I would have to keep dealing with them. I guess since they were my in-laws now, I’d have to adjust to it.

  Vegas was so happy to see me, and I felt horrible when he ran around the apartment like he was looking for Emma.

  “She’s not here, but she’s in the phone, come here, sweetheart.” I called Emma and she came up immediately.

  “Hey,” she said. Sounded like she’d had another round of painkillers.

  “Look, it’s mama,” I said to Vegas, and he started licking the phone.

  “Okay, okay!” I pulled it away from him and tried to get off the worst of the slobber.

  “Sorry about that.”

  “It’s okay,” Emma said through a yawn. Something told me this was going to be a short conversation.

  “Before you completely pass out, I want to remind you that I love you, and I love our life together and I love you and I love you.” I couldn’t stop saying it now.

  “I love you and I love you and I love you,” she mumbled, her eyes half-closed. Oh, she was cute when she was doped up. I was going to enjoy that a little too much.

  “Goodnight, my love,” I said. She yawned again and the phone fell to the bed and the chat ended.

  SHE WAS A LITTLE MORE chipper the next day, and had her cast on and her ribs wrapped when I got there. I had to help her to the bathroom, and she got mad at me for helping her and not calling for a nurse, but I said I was her wife and I had the privilege of helping her pee when she needed help. Someday, she could pay me back.

  Emma was in the hospital for a whole week, and then her ribs had healed enough for her to get around with crutches and we went home. Vegas was beyond confused by the cast and kept trying to bite it, but he couldn’t do much damage.

  “I can’t wait until I have just a brace on it. I want to take a normal shower.” Every time she needed to bathe, we had to wrap up the cast in a bunch of bags and it was a whole production that always had me laughing and Emma frustrated. She was not a good invalid.

  We ended up ordering a lot of food because I was too tired from taking care of her and the puppy to cook. Whatever, I was putting it all on my credit card. The pay at my new job would take care of it, when I eventually was able to work and get paid. I’d been in contact with Sofia and they had been so great about everything.

  Reece was actually coming over tomorrow so I could get back to work. Our other friends were also taking shifts to make sure Emma could get to the bathroom and didn’t have any emergencies. I was also one phone call away, and could come home if she needed me.

  “This was not what I planned,” Emma said, after one week of being home from the hospital and fumbling around with the crutches.

  “I don’t think most people plan to fracture their leg and crack their ribs, Em,” I said, as she slowly toppled over on the couch.

  “I know. But I still don’t like it. Although, one good thing did come out of all this,” she said, as I sat down next to her and started playing with her hair.

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “You finally figuring out that you loved me.” Oh, that.

  “I mean, it probably shouldn’t have taken you getting in a car accident for me to get my shit together.” She laughed.

  “At least you got there,” she said, looking over her shoulder at me.

  “I did. You’re my wife, my go home, my ride-or-die, my everything, my forever, my one true love, my best friend.” Our eyes locked and we had one of those moments that seemed to stop time.

  “It was worth all the pain to hear you say that, Callyn. You’re my best friend too.” That was the most important because it was where we had started. No matter what else Emma was to me, she was always that.

  “Oh, by the way, getting married was my idea,” Emma said. “I was drunk, but I remember everything.”



  One month later, I walked down the aisle in a dusty rose bridesmaid dress at Lara’s wedding, but I wasn’t looking at anyone in the crowd. I had my eyes locked with one person. Emma, who had walked down (with a massive boot on her leg that the dress couldn’t hide) just before me. I couldn’t wai
t to walk down the aisle to her again, and be sober this time. We had a celebration planned in six months, and we decided that we wanted to renew our vows in Vegas every year for the rest of our lives. This time we were going to bring the dog.

  Her parents had stopped flipping out about us being married, just in time for me to tell my parents about us being married. I got the mother of all lectures, but I didn't care. Somehow their words didn’t sting like they usually did. I even got congratulated by my sister, which was a complete shock. We ended up chatting on the phone for over an hour, and I had some hope that maybe we could start a relationship.

  Vegas was killing it at puppy school, and I was so proud of him and glad he was in our life, even if I had to get up and take him out at all hours.

  My new job was amazing, and Emma was killing it at vet tech school. Financially we weren’t in the best situation, but Emma wanted to get a part time job for a few hours a week to help, and I was flirting with the idea of going back to school after she’d graduated. Still wasn’t sure what I was going to do, but I wanted to do it. I wanted to give myself a new challenge and see what I could really do with my brain and my talents if I was given a shot and not constantly told that I shouldn’t or couldn’t.

  When I reached Emma, I used the hand that wasn’t holding my bouquet to twist our fingers together in the folds of our dresses.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  “I love you,” she whispered back, as Lara and Asa said their vows. Next time we got married, I was going to write my own vows and pour out my heart to her in front of everyone we cared about. I felt this strange need to prove to everyone that our marriage wasn’t a mistake that we were just going along with because divorcing was too much work. I wanted our love to be legitimate. Emma said that was bullshit, and I loved her for it.


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