Double Bosses: An Office Romance

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Double Bosses: An Office Romance Page 5

by Parker Grey

  “Come for us,” Lawson murmurs on my other side, fingers moving even faster and deeper inside me. “We want to watch you come, peach.”

  I slurp back along Kade’s cock, his hand now fisted in my hair as pleasure drives through me, my whole body shaking with the force of it. The airplane blanket has fallen off me already, my leggings around my ankles, but I don’t care anymore.

  I want them. I want this, and as I spiral closer and closer to coming, I moan into Kade’s cock, my hand locked in a fist around the base.

  I take him as deep as I can one more time, and then all at once I come as Lawson strokes that spot again, his fingers perfectly in time with his thumb. The wave of pleasure breaks over me, and despite everything, I moan my orgasm into Kade’s cock, my whole body shuddering as Lawson’s fingers keep working their magic.

  His fist tightens in my hair and for a moment I can’t move at all as another wave of pleasure washes through my body, and then his cock jolts in my mouth as I suck eagerly, swallowing every last drop, licking and sucking until he’s got nothing left.

  When I finally pull back I’m spent, almost delirious. Lawson pulls his fingers out of me as I collapse back into my airplane seat, panting for breath. As I watch, he puts them slowly into his mouth, one by one, licking my juices off.

  I’m fascinated. Above me, Kade groans quietly, almost like he’s jealous. I can’t believe that he’s doing this — it’s dirty as hell but also unbelievably hot, all at once.

  “Delicious,” Lawson grins at me when he’s finished. “I’ve wanted to taste you since the day you interviewed for your job, peach, and it’s just as good as I imagined.

  I have no idea what to say to that, so instead I just swallow and fumble with the blanket, pulling it back over my lap. I don’t even bother pulling my leggings up yet — I feel totally spent, and getting pants back on isn’t even something I can worry about right now.

  “Next time it’s my turn,” Kade rumbles from above, tucking his cock back into his pants.

  “You’ll—” Lawson starts, but he’s interrupted by a female voice from behind Kade.

  “Is everything all right here?” a flight attendant asks, her voice low in the quiet cabin.

  I jump nearly out of my seat with surprise, but Kade just calmly turns around and Lawson looks up from where he’s sitting in his own seat, perfectly casual.

  “Just lovely, thanks,” Kade says, a smirk around his eyes.

  Chapter Eleven


  I sleep like a baby for the rest of the flight, dreaming of the way Jenna looks when she comes, the feeling of her pussy clenching around me as she did.

  Watching her suck Kade’s cock. The way she moaned when she did, how greedily she sucked him down. I’m still hard as a rock as I drift off to sleep in my first-class seat, but I’m a grown man.

  I know how to wait a little while for what I want.

  When Jenna wakes up, about an hour before landing, there’s a moment when she suddenly glances at me, like she’s trying to remember whether what happened was a dream or real, glancing from my face to my fingers.

  I grin at her, give the girl a wink. She blushes. Even though a few hours ago I was knuckle-deep inside her while she had my best friend’s cock in her mouth, she blushes.

  I lean forward, crook one finger at her. She leans forward, toward me.

  “It all really happened,” I whisper. “And just as soon as we get to the hotel, I’m going to taste your sweet pussy the old-fashioned way.”

  She swallows hard, pulling back a little, glancing around to see if anyone can hear.

  They can’t. I chuckle.

  “And we won’t be stopping until you’re screaming our names, peach,” I finish.

  She looks over at Kade, who’s scowling at the airplane TV in front of him, mashing the buttons on his armrest like there’s nothing good on. He always has trouble sleeping on airplanes, so he’s probably been awake most of this time, trying to find something to do.

  He seems to sense her watching him, though, and meets her eyes for a long second, letting his gaze travel down her body. At last Jenna, blushing, breaks eye contact and starts shoving magazines back into the pocket in her seat.

  Kade looks at me and grins.

  I’ve got plans for our arrival in London. The car will be at the airport to take us to the hotel, where we’ll have a few hours to freshen up before our first meeting at 1pm.

  The second we get into that hotel, Jenna is ours. I know we shouldn’t have done that to her on the airplane like that, but I can’t help myself around the girl — all rational thought flies right out the window with one look at her beautiful face, and I’m instantly lost.

  But when we finally get through customs at Heathrow Airport, instead of the usual driver waiting for us, holding a sign with our last names, there are two men — one clearly not a driver.

  “Welcome to London, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Chandler, Miss McAlister,” he says, his voice formal. “I’m Niall, it’s a pleasure to meet you in person. I believe we spoke on the phone?”

  “Yes,” Jenna pipes up, putting down her bag and holding out her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  He clears his throat as he shakes her hand.

  “I’m afraid that I’ll be taking you directly from the airport to the offices,” he says. “I understand that you’d probably like some time to freshen up, but Mr. Evanston has indicated that there have been some developments and he’ll be needing to speak to you directly.”

  My heart sinks, along with my cock. I was half-hard just walking through the airport, thinking of the delicious things I was going to do to Jenna the moment we were alone again. I was aching to taste her in the back of the limousine, push her soft thighs apart as I lick her sweet pussy, her hips arching off the seat…

  “Of course,” Kade says next to me, his voice little more than a growl. “As long as George doesn’t mind seeing us in our travel clothes, I didn’t exactly wear a three-piece suit on the airplane.”

  Niall smiles, and he somehow looks very British while doing it.

  “Naturally,” he says, as the driver steps forward and begins loading our luggage onto a cart.

  I exchange a glance with Kade, and I can tell that we’re both wracking our brains right now, trying to come up with a reason that we need an hour at the hotel, or at least somewhere that we won’t be supervised. I know my best friend and colleague well enough to know that he wants the exact same thing that I do — Jenna, moaning our names over and over again.

  Jenna, coming hard, the beautiful pink flush in her cheeks as we bring our peach to ecstasy over and over again. I want to bury myself inside her sweet virgin pussy, make her beg for release when she can’t take it anymore.

  I want to share her with him. I want to watch her as she completely loses control to the feeling of both of us, completely in our power as she experiences more pleasure than she could possibly imagine.

  But instead, as I follow Niall to the waiting car, I clench my fists and say nothing, because we can’t be found out.

  To my dismay, Niall also climbs into the back of the limousine with us, and the driver closes the door behind all four before pulling into the heavy airport traffic. Even though he’s there, I can’t take my eyes off her — even the way she pulls her strawberry-blonde hair back from her face has me watching her neck, wondering what kind of noises she’d make when I suck the soft skin there.

  I look at Kade again. His mouth is a hard, straight line, and I know he’s just as disappointed as I am.

  “There have been some serious developments in the case, I’m afraid,” Niall starts. “To begin, it turns out that the claim made by Trentine Industries seems to change by the hour…”

  Jenna shifts slightly in her seat. I swallow hard, drink some of the water that Niall’s offered us.

  Soon, peach, I promise her silently.

  Chapter Twelve


  Fuck DiMaggio holdings.

  Fuck Trentine Ind

  Fuck everything and everyone standing between me and Jenna and Lawson right now, between her pretty pink lips around my cock while Lawson buries his face between her thighs.

  Fuck everything between her in my hotel room shower, wet and naked, the water dripping down her body like sin as my mouth devours hers and Lawson takes her from behind, the lust quickly clouding over her eyes as I reach down between her legs and rub her clit while he—

  “Any questions?” the man at the head of the table asks, and I snap back to reality, away from the thoughts I can’t control.

  Lawson and I glance at each other quickly. Just long enough for me to know that he hasn’t been paying proper attention either. Luckily George, Niall’s boss and a classic stuffy old British man, doesn’t seem to notice as he takes off his reading glasses and wipes them.

  “Can Trentine back up their claim that the mark was in use by them before DiMaggio’s first products came out in nineteen sixty-two?” I ask, even though I’ve got a bad feeling that George has already answered it in his long-winded spiel.

  George sighs. He laces his hands together in front of himself and looks at me, his chin wobbling.

  “That’s the crux of the case, isn’t it? They claim it was, but their evidence is somewhat lacking. If we can show that it wasn’t we’ll have this wrapped up in a bow with a ribbon on top, but I’m afraid that it’s going to be quite tricky,” George says.

  Lawson and I both nod. We’ve done a thousand trademark cases before — corporate intellectual property is our specialty, and it’s one that’s made us both very wealthy men — but this one is far more complicated than most, spanning fifty years and two continents.

  “It shouldn’t present a real stumbling block,” Lawson says, his smile and charm instantly smoothing everything over. “Kade and I thrive on tricky, tough-to-crack cases, don’t we?”

  I swallow hard, forcing thoughts of my assistant bent over the bathroom counter out of my head.

  “Of course,” I say.

  With that, George Evanston stands, snapping his folder closed. His assistant, a middle-aged woman with salt-and-pepper hair in a bun also stands, tucking her pen away in a briefcase.

  Jenna clears her throat quickly, nervously tapping her pen on the pad in front of her. She hasn’t said a word this whole time, though she’s been writing furiously. Longhand — George is so afraid of corporate espionage that he won’t allow anyone to take notes using a tablet or laptop.

  “Excuse me,” she says, her voice quiet and a little nervous.

  Now we’re all standing, and I force my eyes ahead, to George’s balding head, instead of at my assistant’s perfect ass in her tight leggings, since none of us has changed clothes since yesterday.

  God, the things I would do to that ass. I can still practically feel the way those two perfect globes hugged my cock, even through my pants, and for just a split second I let my self-control go and I’m imagining her, astride me reverse-cowgirl, the tip of my cock just barely sliding through that tight back hole—

  “Yes, Miss McAlister?” George asks, his London accent genteel but slightly impatient.

  But our peach holds her ground.

  “Can you remind me what date you wanted to move forward with discovery?” she asks.

  “I’d like it by the end of next week,” he says. “Is that all?”

  Jenna leans forward slightly, writing that down on her notepad, and it takes everything I’ve got not to come up behind her and bend her over the rest of the way, grabbing her hair and pulling her head back while I suck at the tender skin on her neck.

  Fuck. Fuck, I have to stop doing this.

  “That’s it,” says Lawson smoothly, shooting me a glance as he does. He can probably tell that I’m barely listening, utterly lost in thought with my mind elsewhere. “We’ll see you at the restaurant tonight, of course.”

  “Seven-thirty on the dot, and don’t be late,” George says, and then he tosses a scarf around his neck and walks from the conference room, followed by his assistant.

  Goddamn it, I’d forgotten about the dinner tonight. Of course we’ve got a dinner with clients, at one of London’s poshest restaurants, with all the top people at DiMaggio Holdings — the President, CEO, CFO, and several other people whose titles I don’t even remember right now.

  Meaning instead of easing Jenna onto my cock as she kneels over me tonight, panting for breath, her nipples between Lawson’s fingers, I’m going to be eating steak, drinking vintage red wine, and desperately wishing to be back in my hotel room already.

  “Bloody hell,” I mutter to the almost-empty room, half-mocking our British client.

  “You’ve got the accent all wrong,” Lawson chides me, teasing.

  “I wasn’t trying for an accent,” I say, not in the mood for his jokes. “I was trying to swear about tonight’s dinner.”

  “What’s wrong with Le Chevalier?” Jenna asks, innocent as anything.

  Lawson and I look at each other. I’m still scowling, but there’s a hint of amusement in his eye.

  And then, as he looks around the room and seems to realize something, there’s a hint of something far wickeder.

  “There’s nothing wrong with Le Chevalier, peach,” he says, his voice lowering to a purr as he walks toward Jenna. I can practically see her pulse skyrocket as he does, her pupils dilating with sudden desire.


  Lawson interrupts her without missing a beat, hoisting her onto the conference table and pushing her knees apart, running his hands up the insides of her thighs.

  “There’s something else I’d much rather be doing,” he says.

  My face breaks into a wolfish grin.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Ten thousand alarm bells go off in my head as Lawson kisses me roughly, urgently, his hands already between my legs before I’ve even had a moment to think.

  Instantly my body surrenders to him, my mouth opening beneath his, a small, urgent noise escaping my lips. This is all I’ve thought about since our encounter on the airplane — but we haven’t had another moment alone.

  Until now.

  In this conference room.

  Oh my God.

  My eyes fly open and I pull back for just a moment, head swiveling as I look at our surroundings, but I didn’t need to worry. Instead of a modern, glass-walled, light and airy conference room like the ones we’ve got back in New York, this one is thoroughly Old World — dark wood paneling, lined with bookshelves.

  There’s not a window anywhere.

  Lawson moves his lips to my ear, nips at my earlobe, and chuckles softly.

  “You think I didn’t check that first thing, peach?” he asks, the growl in his voice sending shivers straight down my spine. “I’m not about to let anyone else see the things we’re about to do to you, because you’re all ours.”

  I swallow hard, desire blossoming within me. The conference table shakes slightly, and I look behind myself to see Kade on his knees behind me, fingers whispering down my neck.

  I shiver again, my eyes stuttering closed for a moment.

  Don’t, I think to myself, desperately. Go back to the hotel where there are doors that lock, anyone could walk in at any moment…

  “We shouldn’t do this here,” I murmur as Kade’s fingers find their way up and into my hair. “Someone could walk in on —"

  His fingers suddenly lock, pulling my head back toward him. He claims my mouth roughly and I give in completely as his tongue plunders my mouth, his grip never once letting up.

  Finally, he pulls back a fraction of an inch, and at the same time Lawson’s thumb sweeps over the spot between my legs and I gasp in pleasure, even though he’s touching me through my leggings.

  “What was that?” Kade murmurs, his voice dark and deep. “If you want us to stop, just say the word, peach.”

  My breath is coming in shallow gasps, and I try to force myself to form the words: no, stop, let’s just go back to the hotel
where it’s safe…

  But I can’t. It’s not what I really want, because what I really want is dirty beyond words, totally filthy.

  I want both my bosses to take my virginity at the same time.

  Right here.

  Right now.

  On this conference table.

  “We’re waiting,” Lawson says, teasing me as his lips make their way down my neck and my eyes side closed again.

  Kade slides his other hand down the neck of my shirt, my head still back, palming my breast and pinching one nipple between two fingers, making me sigh.

  “Tell us to stop anytime you want, peach,” Kade growls. “We’ll give you exactly what you want.”

  I swallow, still panting. I lick my lips, eyes still closed, as I try to gather my wits.

  “Don’t stop,” I finally manage to whisper over the roar of lust in my head.

  They both chuckle quietly.

  “We wouldn’t dream of it,” Lawson says, and before I know it his hands are at the waistband of my leggings and he pulls hard. For the second time in twenty-four hours I lift my hips to let him undress me, and in the blink of an eye my shoes and leggings are tossed somewhere else.

  Instantly, his hands are cupping my ass, then sliding me to the edge of the table. I bite my lip hard so I don’t yelp, but Lawson is already shoving my thighs apart with his rough hands, sucking at the soft, tender skin as he works his way up from my knee.

  I’m reeling, still astonished at what’s happening, leaning back on my hands as I watch Lawson’s sandy head between my legs.

  “What are you…” I start to ask, but I cut myself off, because it’s perfectly obvious what he’s doing.

  But he answers me anyway.

  “I’m going to lick your sweet pussy until you come for me,” he answers, looking up with pure sin in his eyes. “God, you’re so fucking wet for me right now.”


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