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Exposure Page 13

by Ember Dante

  He leaned closer, eyes wide, searching mine. It was the most earnest I’d ever seen him.

  “What do you mean? You’re my brother, my family, and I love you. Your sexual preferences don’t change that. I couldn’t care less about that. Not everyone is like that fucking sperm donor of ours.”

  “You’ve always been there for me, no matter what.” He ducked his head and gave me a sidelong glance. “I can’t tell you how much that means to me. I know I probably never said thank you enough, but I mean it.”

  I rested a hand on his shoulder and gave him a brief squeeze. “No need to thank me. I will always be here for you, whenever you need me.”

  He nodded again. “Lukas should be here soon. So fess up and tell me about this girl who has you all twisted up in knots. Please tell me she’s nothing like Caitlin.”

  “No. She’s not at all like Caitlin.” I felt that same stupid grin spread across my face as I gave a quick summary of the night Emmy and I met. “Then the next morning, she couldn’t get away from me fast enough.”

  “What the hell? A chick actually wanted to get away from you?” laughed Finn. “The guy who could bang any chick he wanted?”

  “Har, har, hardy-fucking-har.”

  Finn had the nerve to laugh at me. Again. The bastard. “Sorry, man. Please continue.”

  I gave him a dark look and told him the rest of the story, including our subsequent meetings, both at the studio and the Flying Saucer. A look of pure astonishment was etched into Finn’s face.

  “And? I know there’s more to the story than that.”

  “We had dinner Friday, then we spent almost the entire weekend together.”

  “Whoa, wait. You let a chick spend the night at your place? No shit?” Finn asked, his voice thick with disbelief.

  “No shit,” I said, taking another drink. “I don’t know, man, she’s so different from any other girl I’ve ever known. She’s fucking incredible, and I’m thinking about shit I never would’ve considered before. For the first time in my life, I’m actually thinking about the future.”

  Finn didn’t continue his commentary, so I turned and noticed his attention had been drawn elsewhere. He was sitting up straighter, a huge smile plastered across his face. I nudged him to get his attention.

  “Hey, dude. What the fuck? Are you even listening to me?”

  “Huh? Oh, sorry, man. Yeah, she sounds great. I can’t wait to meet her.”

  “Did you hear me say she has a horn growing out of her forehead?”

  Distracted, he nodded as he turned his head in the opposite direction. “Really? That’s awesome.”

  I laughed with a shake of my head and followed the direction of Finn’s gaze. A rather good-looking, and somewhat familiar, guy walked toward us, wearing a grin that matched Finn’s. When he reached us, he leaned against the bar and drew a finger across Finn’s hand before giving it a slight squeeze. “Hey, babe. Glad you could make it. I didn’t expect to see you this early.”

  Finn’s smile widened at the familiar greeting, and the two shared a look before he backed away. “I’m not sure if you remember, but this is my older brother, Ian,” Finn said. Lukas smiled in recognition and extended his hand. I accepted it without hesitation.

  “It’s been a long time. I was happy to hear about you and Finn.”

  “Thanks, man. I’m happy, too.”

  Lukas winked at Finn, then asked if we needed anything before moving on to his other customers. We made small talk while Finn watched Lukas work, a perpetual look of bliss on his face. I couldn’t have been happier for him—he deserved it after everything he’d been through. I looked down when my phone lit up with an incoming text.

  Emmy: Did you enjoy your time with your mom?

  Me: Yes, but it was a suck ass day. How was yours?

  Emmy: Sorry to hear that. Anything you want to talk about?

  Me: Just another day in paradise.

  Emmy: Are you okay?

  I wasn’t sure how to respond, because no, I wasn’t okay. I was tired of the drama that came with my family. Lukas rejoined us, and I set my phone aside until I could think of something to say. There was a lull in business, not unusual for a Sunday, so Lukas hung out with us for a while. Thirty minutes later I began to feel like a complete prick for not responding to Emmy, although I still didn't know what to say. It was too early to unload all of my shit on her, but I felt like I owed her an explanation. That alone felt strange.

  Me: Sorry. I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to say. Connor and Finn got into it.

  Almost ten minutes passed before Emmy responded, making me think I’d pissed her off.

  Emmy: Is there anything I can do?

  Me: Just keep talking to me ;)

  Emmy: What do you want to talk about?

  My lips curved into a mischievous smile. It was corny, but what the hell?

  Me: What are you wearing?

  Emmy: A towel

  The sudden visual of my girl wrapped in a towel made my dick jump, and I squirmed in my seat. I flicked a surreptitious glance toward Finn to see if he noticed my reaction. He and Lukas were talking, oblivious to their surroundings.

  Me: Wish I were there to see it

  Lukas had just set another round on the bar when I received Emmy’s response.

  Emmy: 3721 Spring Valley Road #1204

  “I have to go, dude. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “What’s wrong? You look weird.”

  “Nothing. I just have to get up early in the morning.”

  “Right,” Finn said, his eyes narrowed. “Are you going to tell me the truth, or are you more concerned about gettin’ laid?”

  I took one last swig of beer before tossing money on the bar to cover our drinks. Turning to leave, I clapped Finn on the shoulder and held up a peace sign as I waved goodbye to Lukas. Finn laughed and shook his head.

  The sarcasm was thick when he sent a parting shot over his shoulder, “Tell Emmy I said hi.”

  Laughter followed me to the door, and before I exited, I turned to give him the finger. Brotherly love at its finest.

  Twenty minutes later I was searching for a parking spot at Emmy’s apartment complex.

  Buzzing with anticipation, I located the key in the exact place she’d mentioned in her last text and opened the door. The apartment was dark and quiet, except for the soft glow from the kitchen that provided just enough illumination to navigate the living area. The door to the right was closed, probably Jules’ room. A door on the opposite side of the apartment stood ajar with light seeping around its edges. Not sure what to expect, I approached and gently pushed it open. The sight before me almost brought me to my knees. Emmy was lying on the bed, the covers half concealing her naked body. She smiled and lowered the sheet.

  “Took you long enough. Care to join me?”

  Goddamn right.



  I jolted awake, the dream still fresh, and stared into the darkness, disoriented until I saw Emmy curled on her side facing away from me. The memories of that night clawed at my mind, denying me the small amount of refuge sleep would allow. Moving carefully so I didn’t wake her, I sat and massaged the ache in my arm and shoulder, beginning at the scar that covered most of my forearm—a souvenir of my father’s betrayal. It was only phantom pain—the injuries had long since healed—and I sucked in several deep breaths to calm my racing heart. I pressed my shaking hands against my eyes, willing the images behind them to fade.

  It was always the same. I jumped from Jason’s truck before it came to a complete stop and sprinted through the pasture to check on the boys. The calls to 9-1-1 and my father. The baseless accusation in my friend’s eyes before he threw the first punch. The indifference in my father’s eyes as he watched my dreams go up in smoke. I could still feel and hear the pop of my shoulder and the snap of bones in my forearm. That pain was only matched by the depth of my despair at my mother’s disappointment. The mere thought of going back to sleep made my stomach lurch, and I
considered getting up, but I wasn’t quite ready to leave the beauty by my side.

  I slowly returned to my place and rolled toward her. A contented moan echoed in her throat as I draped an arm over her torso and conformed my body to hers. She sank into me, and I nuzzled the back of her head, inhaling deeply. The combination of mint, citrus, and just a touch of jasmine soothed my soul. Of all five senses, smell is supposedly the most powerful in eliciting an emotional response. I had to agree because the remnants of the dream began to dissipate as I breathed in her scent. I needed to ask what it was—perfume, body wash, whatever—so I could buy her a shit ton of it so she’d never run out. Her warmth washed over me, and I pulled her closer still, drawing comfort from the embrace. She stirred and wriggled her hips against my groin. That would definitely direct my attention elsewhere.

  “Mmm... What time is it?” she mumbled, her voice thick with sleep.

  “It’s almost two.” I pressed kisses over her shoulder and along her neck. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “S’okay,” she mumbled again, rolling over to snuggle against me. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I guess I have a lot on my mind and can’t sleep.”

  It was a small lie, but it wasn’t the time to share the horrors of my past. Regardless, I still felt a slight twinge of guilt over my answer.

  “Anything I can do to help?” she asked, pressing her lips to the pulse in my throat.

  “I can think of something that might.”

  I rolled her onto her back and nudged her knees apart so I could settle between her thighs. Her response was automatic, her arms and legs wrapping around me, pulling me to her. We both moaned as I guided my cock inside her, and I knew it was as close to heaven as I would likely ever get.

  “Are you okay?”


  Our combined breath filled the space between us as we moved in a slow, lazy rhythm—a stark contrast to the frenzied tempo we fell into when I’d first arrived. Then, we were driven by pure lust. Now, however, I was seeking something completely different. Solace. Lying in Emmy’s arms, sheathed within her heat, the past seemed insignificant and faded away. Temporarily, at least. I came shortly after her, and sleep threatened to claim me once more. Reluctant to move, I supported myself above her and buried my face in the curve of her shoulder. I’d been given a brief reprieve from the demons that haunted me, but I knew the time would come when I’d have to tell her my secrets. I was growing dependent on her and the way she made me feel. My only hope was that she could find it in her heart to forgive me for what I’d done.

  Leaving Emmy was difficult, and I closed the door as softly as possible to avoid waking her. It was probably the first time I’d ever hated my job. Jules was standing in the kitchen doorway, a cup of coffee in hand.

  “Good morning,” I said, mustering a weak smile. “It’s nice to see you again.”

  She scowled, eyes narrowed. “You know, if I weren’t banging Parker, I would almost feel jealous.”

  That wasn’t quite the response I was expecting. She started to laugh and clamped a hand over her mouth. Her humor was contagious, and soon I was laughing with her.

  “Did I wake you when I got here last night? If so, I apologize.”

  “When you got here? No. But did you two keep me awake with the wild monkey sex last night AND this morning? Yes.” She turned to refill her cup but first lifted it in invitation. I refused with a polite shake of my head. “Seriously. Every time I’d finally go back to sleep, you two would start up again. Is she even still alive in there?”

  “Yes. Alive and well, but asleep.” I coughed softly, clearing my throat. “I was just leaving. I have to be in Houston this afternoon. I didn’t want to wake her, so I left a note.”

  Placing her cup on the counter, she stepped closer, wearing a serious expression. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and lowered her voice, whether to avoid waking Emmy or come off as more threatening, I didn’t know.

  “Emmy’s my best friend, and I love her.” I nodded, encouraging her to continue. “I try not to butt into her business unless she asks me for advice, but I’d feel like a slacker if I didn’t say what’s on my mind right now.”

  “That sounds ominous.”

  “She likes you ... a lot.”

  “I like her, too.”

  “Look, if this is just a casual fling to you, my advice is to walk away now before things get any more serious. Emmy’s independent and strong, but she has a soft heart, and when she falls, she falls hard.”

  I opened my mouth to respond, but she waved me off.

  “I know it’s only been a short time. I get it. If you really like Emmy, and you truly meant you want to see where this goes, then I’m happy for you both. But if you’re just stringing her along, I swear to God I will punch you in the fucking face if you hurt her.”

  “Can I say something now?” She nodded in agreement. “Yes, I meant it. I don’t have any intention of hurting her.” I took a small step toward her and lowered my voice, matching her tone. “Just so we’re clear: I don’t play games, I don’t lie, and I don’t fucking cheat. As long as Emmy and I are together, I’ll do whatever it takes to make her happy.”

  A slow smile spread across her face. “Good answer. You and I will get along just fine.” She turned back to the kitchen and glanced over her shoulder. “Are you sure you don’t want any coffee before you go?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. Thanks, though. I’m going to take off. Please tell Emmy I’ll call her later, just in case she doesn’t see my note.”

  She called out as I walked away. “Hey, Ian, just wait until you see the dress she bought to wear to your opening.” She waggled her eyebrows. “It’ll make your dick hard.”

  The woman had no filter. “I can’t wait to see it.” I glanced over my shoulder as I opened the door, my lips split into a wide grin. “But I don’t have any problems with that where Emmy is concerned.”

  With that, I walked out.



  I was disappointed to wake and find Ian gone, but the note he left promising to call was rather sweet.

  There was an extra spring in my step that Tyler noticed as soon as I got to work. Great. I could see the wheels turning, gearing up for his next interrogation. I offered a broad smile and a quick wave before closing my door. I wanted to bask in my good mood a bit longer before dealing with his questions. To my surprise, he left me alone until mid-afternoon, when he waltzed through my door without so much as a knock, carrying a large vase filled with tiger lilies. The grin spread across my face before he managed to set them on my desk.

  “Judging by that ridiculous expression, I suppose I don’t need to ask who these are from,” he quipped.

  Shaking my head, I slid the small card from its envelope and sighed when I read his words. Oh my God.

  You make my world, Beautiful —Ian.

  “Well? What did he say?” Tyler asked, gently pushing my door closed.

  I handed him the card, my smile wide and my cheeks aching. He stared at it longer than necessary before looking at me, bemused.

  “What gives? He capitalized beautiful and put the comma in the wrong place.”

  That’s Tyler, my own personal grammar nazi.

  “Not necessarily. That’s kind of his pet name for me.” I shrugged, blushing at the admission.

  His eyes dropped to the card once more, his lips moving as he read the message again. “Hmph. I wasn’t thinking about it that way. I was just about to warn you off him. The dude may be hot as fuck, but if he’s got an MBA and shitty grammar, something’s wrong.”

  “Give me that,” I demanded, holding my hand up. “You’re such a shit sometimes.”

  “But you love me.” He winked, placing the card on my palm. Rather than leave, he assumed his usual place across from me and propped one foot on the opposite knee. “How is Mr. Wonderful?”

  I lowered my eyes to watch my fingers flick the card before meeting his gaze once
more. “I’m scared, Ty. Terrified, actually.”

  Amusement morphed into concern. “Why? What’s wrong? Are these ‘sorry I fucked up’ flowers?”

  “No. Not at all. Everything’s great.” I set the card on the desk and propped my elbows on the surface, resting my face against my clasped hands. “I guess that’s what scares me. I feel like everything is happening so fast, and we just jumped into this. I don’t know. I keep second-guessing myself.”

  “Fast isn’t necessarily a bad thing, you know. Call it fate, kismet, destiny, soulmates, love at first sight—whatever. I believe it truly does exist. Sometimes it just takes a while to find that person, and when it happens…”

  “I know I want to be with him.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “I don’t know,” I groaned, burying my face in my hands. “I’m an idiot. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

  “If it does, you move on. But based on what little I’ve seen and from what you’ve told me, he seems like a stand-up guy. The complete opposite of you-know-who. So when are you seeing him again? I’d say these flowers scored major booty points.”

  “Is that all you ever think about?” I scowled.

  “Duh. I’m a guy.”

  Give me patience. “To answer your question, I’m not sure. He had to go out of town and won’t be back until tomorrow. He promised to call tonight.”

  “You should bring him to happy hour. Avery will be there.”

  My eyebrows lifted. “Really? Wow. Things must be getting serious.”

  “Laugh it up. On that note, I’m taking my toys and going back to play in my own yard.” He stopped at the door, his hand on the knob. “Enjoy your flowers, Beautiful.”

  I waved him out the door, silently berating myself for divulging that little tidbit. Tyler would never let me live that down.

  I was never the girl who sat by the phone waiting for a guy to call. Ever. Over the years, I’d given way too many pep talks to friends who had, and I swore to myself I would never wait for a man. Never say never, sweetheart. It was easy while I was at work, but it was a different story once I got home.


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