Bane (Angel's Rebellion MC: #7)

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Bane (Angel's Rebellion MC: #7) Page 30

by Jeneveir Evans

  I took a deep breath and let it out. It was time. I took out my phone and looked at my texts. I have messages from every

  one of my Brothers, my mom and from Kenzie. Stalling, I opened a couple from my Brothers.

  Blood: Want you to know we’re here for you, Brother. For. Absolutely. Anything.

  Brute: Miss you, asshole. Don’t think of not coming home. We need you here.

  Slaughter: Need your ass back here man. We got your six.

  Dog: When U R ready 2 come home, we R here.

  Fuck, if that didn’t make me swallow hard.

  My finger shook when I clicked on Eagle’s texts. I was too afraid to see Kenzie’s.

  Eagle: March 12th. Forgive me, Bane. I can’t do what you asked. I can’t make Kenzie mine. She doesn’t love me and I don’t love her. I’ll watch out for her, that is all I can do. Kenzie needs you, Bane. She’s yours, Bane. She’s yours.

  Shock held me immobile. They didn’t want each other? They didn’t have feelings for each other? My eyes started skimming his other posts till one held my attention.

  Eagle: March 27th. Kenzie’s first Dr. appt. We heard the baby’s heartbeat. Everything looks good. This should have been you watching the ultrasound, Bane. You should be here for this. Kenzie needs you. I need you.

  He sent something every single day after that. Each told me that I needed to be there. Some that he missed me. A couple that he loved me. And every single one said Kenzie needed me.

  Eagle: April 26th. You’re having a son. Congratulations, Dad. It should have been you here to see this, not me. Kenzie needs you. I need you. We miss you like crazy, Bane.

  Eagle: May 27th. Everything is going good with the baby. We miss you. Kenzie needs you. I need my best friend. Come home, Bane.

  Day after day of texts giving me an insight into their lives. I was confused, I couldn’t figure out why he kept telling me Kenzie needed me.

  Eagle: June 11th. I’ve missed fourteen Churches now. Thinking of turning in my cut. We miss you. Kenzie needs you. I fucking need you.

  I sat up straighter at that. What the fuck did he mean he’d missed Church fourteen times? He was thinking of turning in his cut, why? I was dumbfounded. ARMC was something we’d wanted since we were young kids. Why the hell would he give it up for?

  I held my finger over Kenzie’s name. I was scared to death to read what she had to say. I know I deserved every foul word she wanted to heap on me. I just didn’t know if I could take it. I didn’t know if it would bring the demon back out. I still hadn’t heard anything from him, that had surprised me. I couldn’t let my guard down though, he was liable to pop back up anytime.

  Closing my eyes, I pushed on Kenzie’s name to bring her texts up. Holding my breath, I eased my eyes open and looked at her first message.

  Kenzie: March 12th. I forgive you. I know the demon made you do this. Come home to me, Bane. I need you. I love you.

  I hadn’t even realized I had stood up. I scrolled through text after text. Everyone was the same until her doctor’s appointment.

  Kenzie: March 27th. Oh, Bane. I wish you were here. We saw the baby and heard the baby’s heartbeat. I need you here, Bane. I need you for this. Come home, Bane. Come home to me. I love you.

  I dropped to my knees. Tears started falling down my face. Day after day of her telling me she loved me, she needed me, she wanted me to come home, I saw the days fly by as I read her messages.

  Kenzie: April 26th. We’re having a boy, Bane. He smiled at us on the ultrasound. He and I need you, Bane. Come home to us. I love you.

  A sob escaped me. I was having a boy. Kenzie was still asking me to come home, still telling me she loved me and needed me. What was going on?

  Kenzie: May 27th. Everything good at Dr. appointment. Your son and I want you to come home. We need you. I love you. Come home, Bane. Come home.

  I wasn’t even aware anyone was on the porch with me. All I could see was the texts Kenzie had sent me.

  Kenzie: June 11th. Come home, Bane. Your son needs you. I need you. Eagle needs you. Bane, it’s so sad. He is a shell of himself without you here, but then so am I. We miss you so much. Our days are dark without you here. Please, Bane. I’m begging you, please come home. I need you so. I love you so much. I need to feel your arms around me, Bane. I need to feel your lips on mine. I need for you to make love to me. God, Bane. I need you.

  My head dropped and I started sobbing.

  She forgave me.

  She forgave me the one thing she said she couldn’t. She understood what had caused me to do what I did. She knew my demon had taken over my thoughts and tried to destroy my mind. She knew all that and she still wanted me to come home, she still loved me.

  Oh, God. She still loved me.

  I felt arms go around me and hold me close. They were the arms of my dad. The dad the demon had convinced me who had never wanted me. The dad the demon had demonized in my mind. The dad who I found out did want me, did love me. He loved me, demon and all. And fucking hell, it felt wonderful to have his arms around me. My dad was hugging me. I now know what it feels like. It feels like everything good in the world combined with all the love in the world wrapped around me. Now I knew and I was elated to know.

  “She still loves me,” I said hoarsely. “She says she needs me and wants me to come home. She begged me to come home.”

  I looked up at Ryker as I spoke and he smiled at me. “Then, son, I think it’s time you went home.”

  I smiled back at him and nodded. He got up and held his hand out to help me up. Then he took me into his arms and hugged me tight again.

  “Don’t forget about me, Bane.”

  I could hear the plea in his voice. He was hurting knowing I was going.

  “I couldn’t ever forget about you. Don’t think you’re getting rid of me so easily. I’ll be back and I’ll bring Kenzie with me. Eagle too.”

  I pulled back to look him in the face and smiled. “You’re having a grandson, Gramps.”

  He growled at me, then laughed. “A grandson, huh. We’ll need to teach the boy to ride.”

  “That’s a given.”

  I left all my information and got all his and my siblings too. We all vowed to talk, if not daily, then at least once a week. I could tell Ryker was nervous that I’d get home and forget about him.

  I stared at him, soaking him in as I stood by my bike. I was ready to go. I reached out and drew him in to me for a hug. He held on as tight as I did.

  “This isn’t goodbye. That’s a promise. One I won’t let the demon make me not keep.”

  “It better not be goodbye,” he mumbled. I could hear how his throat was clogged by tears.

  I stepped back, then reached up and grabbed his shoulder.

  “I love you, Dad.”

  Tears fell down his face.

  “I love you too, son.”

  With one last quick hug, I mounted my bike and headed toward my heart. I was going home.

  I had to stop for the night since I started late. I could have pushed on, but I was tired. Today had been emotional and had done a number on me. I was up bright and early the next morning and on the road.


  June 13th, 1999

  I pulled off at Bella Vista to place a phone call. It was answered on the first ring.

  “Bane?” Dog asked.

  “Yeah, it’s me, Prez.”

  “Fucking glad to hear your voice.”

  “Same, Prez. Got a favor to ask.”


  “Think you can get Eagle and Kenzie to the compound?”

  I heard Dog sigh.

  “Not sure of that, Bane. Neither has stepped foot on the compound since that morning you left.”

  I knew Eagle had told me he’d missed Church. I had no idea he hadn’t been on the compound at all.

  “Can you make up an emergency or something?”

  “What’s all this about, Bane?”

  “In Bella Vista. I’ll be home shortly.”

nbsp; “They’ll be here if I have to go kidnap them myself.”

  “Thanks, Prez.”

  “Glad you’re coming home, Bane. Everyone has missed you.”

  Fuck, it was hard hearing shit like that. Humbling, but hard.

  “I’ve missed everyone too. See you soon.”

  I was smiling as I got back on the road. I was almost there. I was almost home. I was almost to Eagle and to my beloved, Kenzie.



  When my phone started ringing, I picked it up and checked to see who was calling. It was Dog. Looked like it might be decision time for me. I still didn’t know what I wanted to do.

  “Hey, Prez. What’s up?” I asked as I answered the call.

  “Need you and Kenzie at the compound. We’ve got an emergency. Need you now.”

  I didn’t even stop to think. My answer was automatic.

  “On our way, Prez.”

  “Kenz,” I called out. She was in her room doing something.

  “Yeah,” she hollered back.

  “They need us at the compound. There’s some kind of emergency,” I yelled back.

  She came running into the room.

  “Is everyone okay?”

  “Don’t know. Dog just called and said he needed us there.”

  “Gotta get my shoes,” she said loudly as she ran to her room.

  She was back in less than a minute. We ran out of the apartment and jumped into her car and took off. I worried the entire way out there that someone else had gotten hurt again or worse. With as concerned as I was, I knew this had given me my answer. I wasn’t ready to leave my club. It was time I started participating again. Kenzie would just have to get used to it. I’d be dragging her ass along with me to things.

  When we arrived at the gate, a man I had never seen before was in the tower. Who the hell was he? I realized he must be a new prospect. Damn, I had missed out on so much stuff. I felt guilty for not being here for my club. Looking around the lot, I saw it was packed with everyone’s bikes and vehicles. If I didn’t know better, I would swear they were having a barbecue or something.

  We pulled into a parking space, got out, and rushed inside. As soon as we walked through the door, everyone rushed us, welcoming us back. Brother after Brother hugged me, telling me they had missed me. I glanced around trying to decide what the emergency was. Finally, I saw Dog and made my way over to him. He pulled me in for a hug.

  “Fuck, Eagle. Missed you, Brother.”


  He stepped back and I gazed at him quizzically.

  “Prez, what’s the emergency?”

  “Waiting on a couple more people and I’ll let everyone know.”

  His answer confused me. If there really was an emergency, why was he having to wait on others to get here. All at once the thought hit me that something had happened to Bane. I felt all the blood leave my face and I got lightheaded.

  “Bane?” I asked hoarsely.

  “Bane’s fine, Eagle.”

  I swayed as relief swept over me. Dog’s phone buzzed in his hand. He looked down at the text and started smiling.

  “Alright everyone, we need to go out front,” Dog yelled out.

  I had no clue what was going on. Kenzie grabbed a hold of my belt loop as everyone piled out the door and into the parking lot. I hadn’t taken five steps when I froze.

  Oh fuck. Oh fuck. That was Bane’s bike. I knew its sound anywhere. I started pushing people aside, making my way to the front of the crowd. Kenzie came along for the ride. I stepped about five feet away from everyone as I stared down the driveway. There coming toward us was that beautiful copper bike carrying my best friend, Bane.

  “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” Kenzie was whispering over and over. She started jumping up and down.

  “The baby, Kenzie,” I murmured.

  She nodded but kept bouncing on her feet. As soon as Bane stopped, she took off running. He dismounted his bike and turned toward her. His face was a myriad of emotions. Love, fear, hope, joy, disbelief and happiness. I started walking toward him with a smile on my face. He was home.



  As I started down the driveway, people started pouring out of the Clubhouse. I think every member of the club and their families were walking outside. My gaze roamed over the multitude of people until I saw Eagle pushing his way through the crowd. He stepped forward in front of everyone. Right behind him was Kenzie.

  She was jumping up and down in excitement. A smile from ear to ear was on her face. Fear shot through me as concern for the baby filled me. Hell, was jumping around like that safe for a pregnant woman to do? I had no clue. I saw Eagle say something, she nodded and her jumping turned into bounces. As soon as I stopped my bike, she took off running toward me. I got off and barely had enough time to open my arms before she flung herself at me.

  I dropped my head into her neck and hugged her as tight to me as her belly would let me. I couldn’t believe I was holding the woman I loved again and that she was happy I was doing it.

  “Oh, god. Oh, god. You’re home, you’re really home,” her voice came out on sobs.

  “Yeah, baby. I’m really home,” I managed to get out. My throat was tight with emotion.

  “Can you ever forgive me, Kenzie?” I murmured into her neck.

  “You were forgiven that next morning. I love you so much, Bane. So very much. Don’t ever leave me again. Promise you won’t ever leave me again. I’ve missed you so bad, so bad,” she cried.

  “I’m never leaving you again, Kenzie. You’re my world. My heart and soul. I’m nothing without you, baby. Nothing.”

  I pulled back, slid my hands into her hair, leaned down and kissed her. We both groaned. I had missed this so fucking much. I couldn’t wait to get her alone and explore her body. I wanted to see where she was carrying my child. Finally, I lifted my lips off hers.

  “I love you, Kenzie. I’ve been so lost without you. Marry me, Kenzie, be my Old Lady, be the mother of my children. Be mine, baby, forever.”

  “Yesssss,” she screamed.

  Then she planted her lips to mine and kissed me again.

  Slowly she released my lips and murmured, “Go to him, Bane. He’s hurt so much since you’ve been gone. Go to him and let him know you’re back for good.”

  I looked up into Eagle’s face, tears were running down it. Kenzie moved to the side and as I strode forward, our arms reached for the other. Not caring who was watching, I hugged my cousin, my Brother, my best friend tight to me.

  “Don’t you fucking leave again, asshole. Don’t you do it,” his raspy voice muttered. “I swear if you do this again, I’ll find you and beat the hell out of you.”

  “Not going anywhere, Eagle. I’m back. For good.”

  “Thank God.”

  I felt his shoulders shake and realized mine were too. I held my best friend tight and realized that it was good to be home. As one, we each held out an arm and Kenzie stepped into our embrace and we held on to each other, scared to let the other go.

  I was home with my Brothers. With my family. With my best friend. And with the love of my life.

  I had come back home to Kenzie and Eagle and I wasn’t ever leaving here again, unless they were with me.

  “I love you, Bane,” they both whispered at the same time.

  “Not as much as I love you.”

  The demon was quiet. All was right in my world. I was where I belonged.

  I was home.


  One day you’ll make peace with your demons, and the chaos in your heart will settle flat. And maybe for the first time in your life, life will smile right back at you and welcome you home.

  ~Robert M. Drake~


  The End


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br />   Thank you for reading Angel’s Rebellion MC.

  Sneak Peek



  Excerpt from KJ


  Glancing down at the files on my desk, I exhaled a deep breath. I managed to pull my thoughts off of the sour memories of my marriage and turned them toward the information that was on the papers in front of me.

  My office had been working a drug trafficking ring for the last few years with little success. Meth was the biggest illegal drug on the streets in Northwest Arkansas. Hell, NWA was one of the top three manufacturing areas of the drug in the US.

  Our department had been trying to find the dealers who were importing from Mexico the materials it took to manufacture the drugs. There had been a crackdown in the state limiting the amount of certain over the counter medications used by cookers in making meth. While we had small time players that we busted almost weekly, I knew we had a bigger dealer in the area and not just of meth but heroin as well.

  I had some suspicions of who a couple of the key players were that were buying the meth, but didn’t have any proof. I still didn’t have a clue on who was buying the products to manufacture the meth or where it was being produced.

  When Ava came to us with her story of Anson Miller murdering her family, I’d had my suspicions confirmed of one of the two players who bought the meth when I learned what her husband had overheard. The week before he was murdered, her husband had heard Miller on the phone talking about ten kilos of meth being delivered.

  Then, when a committee of Dog, Viper, Seer and Blood had interviewed the new club girls last year, we found out that one of the girls, Amy, worked at Miller’s law firm. She’d overheard Miller talking to someone he called ‘judge’ and making a reference to a drop. It didn’t take much from that point to link Judge Courtway to the drug trafficking ring.

  After finding that out, I’d followed the damn judge for weeks on end, and nothing. I hadn’t told Dog I was doing that. Hell, it’s a part of my job, yet I knew he’d be pissed knowing I did surveillance alone. While I probably shouldn’t be doing it without backup, the most excitement that I’d had was watching a damn squirrel run up and down a tree.


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