Freddy vs. Ash

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Freddy vs. Ash Page 41

by A. Eggleston

  The sounds that came out of her mouth were a mixture of gags and shrill gasps for air. Freddy responded by forcing her mouth open even wider so that he could stick his slimy tongue inside of it. He licked the roof of her mouth. Then her tongue. Then the tops of her teeth.

  When Freddy leaned back by only three inches from her face, their was a ribbon of their shared saliva connected to both of their bottom lips. It quickly broke once Faith sealed her lips shut. She shut her eyes, allowing a tear to escape from the corner.

  Her eyes opened again when she felt his blades trace down her shirt, and linger towards the zipper of her black jeans. She stared into his eyes, but he was no longer looking at her. His eyes followed where he moved his glove. She came to realize just how sharp his knives were. Even the slightest touch would cut her skin or the fabric of her clothes. That was why it especially hurt when he applied pressure on her vagina through the thin denim. He flicked his index blade upward.

  Faith wanted to scream. The cut left on her stung and burned. But she knew that's what he wanted: to hear her shriek. She refused to give him the satisfaction. Instead, she pursed her lips and winced, allowing only a mere groan to vibrate in the back of her throat. She suddenly felt a thick wetness between her legs. She knew it had to be blood. When surrounded by the fires and mist in the boiler room, the blood that left her body felt cold as it soaked in her jeans.

  She was relieved when Freddy pulled back his glove, away from her body, and brought it up to his face. He lowered all of his knives, except the one used to cut her. The tip of the knife was red with her blood. Before it could trail down the silver, Freddy brought it to his open mouth and let the droplet fall to his tongue. His menacing eyes trailed back to look at her face. He scanned her short hair that was now matted with sweat. Her smooth, pale skin. Her heart shaped face. Her thin, curved lips. Then, her small but mesmerizing cat-shaped, brown eyes.

  Fear had risen inside her again when Freddy lowered down and started whispering in her ear. His voice was low and warbled. He sounded like he had eaten coal before he spoke to her. "You know, I'd eat you right now, but..." He smiled and spoke maliciously. "I'd just be hungry again thirty minutes later."

  Faith gritted her teeth, speaking softer then Freddy, but still loud enough for him to hear. "Asshole." she remarked.

  His face remained the same, unfazed by her insult. In fact, he was kind of amused that she would continue to fight back, even though she knew it would cause her more pain. He chuckled softly. "Got a dirty little mouth, don't you? You filthy whore." He leaned down and kissed her again, sullying her mouth with his putrid lips and tongue.

  I can't take it anymore. Faith thought. I'm tired of Freddy treating me like this. I don't care if this doesn't do damage to him, I want the bastard to hurt. With his tongue twisting around hers, Faith quickly smashed her teeth together and bit his slimy tongue. She could already taste the bitterness of his warm blood running down her tongue. Her front teeth were now wet and red.

  The feeling of her teeth sinking into his soft, meaty tongue was a pain he had never felt before. He let out a small scream. "Ah!" He tried to pull away, but he couldn't escape her grip. Blood streamed from the tip of Freddy's tongue. Droplets fell down to the walkway.

  Freddy stopped her attacks by slapping her. He hit her so hard, it caused her to release his tongue. Not only that, her head had also whipped to her left, in the direction of Freddy's slap. The side of her face was rosy and stinging from the impact.

  Immediately following that, was Freddy's index blade piercing the fatty tissue above her cheek bone. The pain made her squirm as he touched the bone, still pressing hard with his knife. She gritted her blood-stained teeth as she muffled her groans. The loudest sound that came from her, was the heaviness of her breathing.

  His voice was steady and deep. "Now that I have your attention, cunt..." He pressed the knife further into her cheek bone, forcing her to face him. He made her stare directly at his burned, blistered face. The top layer of his skin was nearly gone. Sinews of flesh were dangling from all parts of his face. His muscle tissue was visible, moving underneath the areas where his unburned skin used to be. He was charred, but somehow appeared red, either by the light of the boiler room, or due to his powers. His brows were prominent, and arched into an expression of anger. The rims of his eyes and the corners of his mouth were black.

  Her face was already red from the heat, and stained with tears. She had been fought, slapped, and pierced with a knife. Her friends, and the man she loved, were dead. She knew that from where she was now, that she would soon join them. She didn't like it, but she slowly learned to accept it the more she looked into his vindictive eyes. That doesn't mean I have to take it like a bitch, though. She thought. Before Freddy could continue with what he was saying, Faith cut him off. She scoffed in his face, making his expression change. "Go to Hell." she told him. Her voice was cold, but at the same snarky, as per her usual demeanor. "Seriously, go to Hell and go fuck yourself. Fuck you in the ear, Freddy."

  Freddy didn't lash out. He didn't snarl and grab her throat. Nor did he plunge his knives into her chest as soon as the words left her mouth. Instead, he half-smiled and lowered his gloved hand to his hip. He laughed softly as his hand slowly reached out and his knives caressed her bare skin, through the rips in her shirt.

  Faith squirmed. She tried with all of her strength to launch her knee into his stomach, or hit him in the face with her elbows, but the chains refused to break or loosen at all. She screamed in his face. "Stop it!"

  He looked into her eyes. "You don't like it when I touch you there?"

  "No, you asshole! How many times do I have to say that?!"

  His blades left her midsection and dropped down to her left thigh. He barely sliced through her jeans. "How about here?" He dragged his index blade up her thigh and paused when he neared her vagina. "Or here?"

  Faith screamed in his face. "I hope Ash saws your limbs off, and you burn in Hell!"

  He pulled his glove back, but still had it raised slightly.

  This time, there was more desperation in her voice. Although she was still angered, she warned him. "Get that fucking glove away from me."

  He smiled at her, showing his bloodied, sharp teeth to her. "I don't think that's possible. I can't keep my hands off you."

  Faith rested her head on the pipe behind her and stared at the ceiling briefly before shutting her eyes. She opened her mouth and screamed for help. "SOMEONE GET ME OUT OF HERE!"

  "No one can hear you." said Freddy. "You're all alone." He raised his glove even higher, above his head. He writhed the blades around as he shouted, "Reach out, touch Faith!" He brought his glove down in the blink of an eye. His four blades plunged deep into her stomach.

  Faith screamed until her voice gave out. "Aaaah!" Her shrieks had mixed with short gasps for air as Freddy stabbed her repeatedly. She felt the four knives move back and forth through her stomach, shredding her skin, her muscles, and her organs. She shut her eyes tightly, not wanting to see the her own body being torn apart before her eyes.

  His shining, silver blades turned a thick red as soon as his wrist pulled from Faith's body. He continued to shove his razor fingers inside her, grunting and growling as he attempted to pierce the knives through her back.

  By the fifth stab, the fires within the boiler room became alive with a deafening roar, shooting from the pipes and vents. The sound consumed the entire area, muffling all other noises inside. Faith's pained screams and Freddy's sickening grunts became lost within the moans of the fire.

  Faith's smooth, pale skin was riddled with droplets of sweat from the heat. Bright, uncontrolled flames filled the corners of her vision. The dancing flames served as the frame, while Freddy's scowling face was in the center of it all. The longer she looked at his face, she realized that it was changing before her. His burned skin became even more enflamed, almost red. The tips of his ears were growing longer, becoming sharp at the ends, like horns. The rims of his eyes and corners o
f his mouth were getting darker and darker until they became black as sludge. His brow bones and cheekbones became prominent and resembled that of a Deadite. When he opened his mouth, she could see his teeth growing longer and more pointed before her very eyes. It was like looking into a shark's mouth.

  Everything in her vision was starting to go black. From the corners of her eyes, everything was getting darker. She could feel herself leaving her own body. The pain was slowly numbing. Every sight, touch, and sound was gradually fading away. Her screams had withered away. She had given up on trying to fight back or move in any way. She simply stood there, hanging by the chains as Freddy eviscerated her. Her hot blood soaked into her pants and inside her shoes. If she wasn't chained to the pipe, she would've surely slipped on her own thick blood. The very last thing she felt before death, was the emptiness of her stomach as all her intestines, chunks of her bones, and blood spilled onto her feet.

  When it was finally over, Faith's head lowered down, limp and lifeless. Her lids were half open, barely showing her glassy eyes. Her lips parted slightly, just enough to allow a small droplet of blood escape the center of her bottom lip and splash into the puddle of blood around her feet. Her soul was now escaping her body.

  He stared down at her dead body before he collected her soul. He felt Faith's soul leaving her body and joining his. He leaned his head back to the ceiling, feeling himself grow stronger. He opened his eyes, the usual blue coloration had disappeared. For a brief moment, his eyes had transformed. They had become clouded with an opaque whiteness to them. Once her soul had been absorbed into his body, Freddy's eyes turned back to normal. His Deadite features, however, did not go away.

  He flicked the blade on his index finger upward, both using his powers and tossing a drop of Faith's blood. As soon as he did, the chains around her wrists and ankles unwrapped and retreated.

  Instantly, Faith's lifeless body, along with the book, dropped on the floor with a mixture with a hard thud from the metal walkway, and wet splash! from the puddle of her own blood. She landed on her side, her cold, expressionless eyes staring at Freddy's bloodied boots as he grabbed the book.

  The soft wind gently hit Evelyn's side as she sat on the concrete. Her long, dark hair flowed in the direction of the wind. Her knees had grown sore from digging into the concrete, but she couldn't move away. Her eyes were locked on the spot where Faith disappeared before her eyes. She still breathed heavily from running, trying to save her from Freddy. For her, it had been only seconds since Freddy had taken Faith away.

  Amid the sounds of shrieking Deadites, gunshots, and utter chaos, Evelyn almost didn't hear the pattering of footsteps approaching her. Her ears finally became alert to the sound of boots stepping on the concrete, along with something dragging behind.

  Once she tilted her head to look up, she saw Freddy standing over her, dragging Faith's body behind him. He had a chunk of her hair in his left hand, using it to drag her along.

  Her gaze trailed from Freddy's smiling, demonic, face, down to her friend's body. She was shredded and disemboweled. Her clothes were stained with dark red splatters. Her skin was pale, almost blue in spots. Her entire stomach and chest had been cut open and emptied. The inside of her body was void, like a hollowed out pumpkin.

  From head to toe, Evelyn's body went numb. She couldn't even express her sadness with tears, she was in such shock over seeing Faith's mutilated body that her face was frozen. All she could do was gasp softly, and feel a lump form in the back of her throat.

  Freddy tossed Faith's corpse aside like a bag of garbage. He left her to fall on the dirty concrete. Her skull bounced on the concrete before falling limp. Her blank, milky eyes seemed to look directly into Evelyn's.

  She stared at Faith's dead, expressionless, face. She didn't want to believe that the only friend she had left was gone forever. And worse, she would see no peace in death. None of her friends would. Their souls belonged to him.

  That was when her eyes trailed up to his gloved hand. Aside from the rusted copper plating and blood-stained silver knives, it was what he was holding that caught her attention. Caged within his steel claws was the Book of the Dead. He's got the book! Evelyn realized. And now I'm the only one left who can open the portal.

  He pointed at her with his bloody index blade, extending his arm out to her. He scowled. "You're next, cunt."

  She looked at the Necronomicon as it was now within her reach. Her eyes darted between the book and his enraged stare. She debated on whether or not to take it right then, as Freddy continued to threaten her.

  "I'll fuck your soul, you little whore!"

  She felt the adrenaline rush through her, and she knew that it was now or never to take the book from him. Evelyn snatched the book from his claws, giving herself a couple of tiny cuts on her fingers as she robbed him of the book. She then leapt back up to her feet, standing tall. Evelyn gripped the book tightly in her fingers and swung it upwards as hard as she could, hitting Freddy in the jaw. "Fuck yourself, bitch!"

  His head tilted up to the sky as Evelyn hit him. He grunted, "Ugh!" He was taken aback for a moment before returning to his original position.

  Evelyn ran as fast as she could across the parking lot. She avoided all of the Deadites in her way. Most of them ignored her, only seeing her as a distraction from pursuing Ash. Some of them noticed that she had been carrying the Necronomicon, and tried to stop her. Near the edge of the lot, she found a clear spot free of Deadites. She looked across the way and saw Ash. She called to him, "ASH!"

  Deadite corpses surrounded him. Covered in sweat, dirt, and Deadite blood, Ash was already growing weary from battling demons throughout the night. He didn't know how much longer he was going to last. He heard Evelyn's voice and made his way to her. She met him halfway across the lot.

  "Ash," she said breathlessly. "I got the book back from Freddy."

  He squinted his brows and looked at her with confusion. I thought Steven was taking care of that. "Whoa, whoa, back up." he said. "What happened to Steven and--"

  Evelyn interrupted him. "Freddy killed them. It's just me now. Ash, I--"

  He put his hand on her shoulder and stared at her intently. "Evelyn, I need you to listen." he said. "I don't want to hear you say 'I can't do this', you got me?"

  She shook her head in agreement.

  "Good." said Ash. "Now, we don't have much time left, so you need to read from those pages now."

  "I know." she said. "I want the bastard dead as much as you do."

  Ash took out his 9mm and handed it to Evelyn. "Here." he offered. "You're gonna need this. These Deadites are everywhere."

  Evelyn spoke softly, feeling her nerves rise. "Thank you."

  He pointed his finger at her, forcing her to listen carefully. "And don't screw it up. I don't wanna get sucked up into the Middle Ages again."

  Evelyn opened the book to the correct passage as Ash turned away.

  When Ash turned away from Evelyn, the first thing he saw from across the lot was Freddy, standing amid the Deadite corpses. He had his blade raised slightly, ready to fight.

  Ash smirked as he casually walked closer towards Freddy. "Long time, no see, Freddy." he said. "Back for another ass-kicking?"

  Evelyn backed away from the two of them, not wanting to stand in the middle of a gruesome fight to the death. She began reading the words, speaking loudly and with power in her voice. "Nosferatos!" she began. "Alememnon!" I guess Latin class wasn't a waste of time. she thought. "Kanda!"

  It was then that she felt a pair of cracked, bloodied hands on her shoulders. She felt herself being spun around, now staring at the face of her friend, Faith. Only now, her body was merely the vessel for a Kandarian demon. Her skin was a pale blue, with purple veins pulsating under her skin. Her eyes were blank. Her brows were tilted up in a "V" shape, a permanent fixture of anger.

  "You've taken our book!" said Faith, warbled and with multiple voices. "And now we'll take your life!" She slid her hands toward Evelyn's throat and opened h
er mouth, preparing to take a chunk of her lively flesh.

  Evelyn kicked her in the stomach and launched her elbow toward her face, knocking her back. While she was still down, Evelyn pointed the gun barrel at her face. She stared at the hideous distortion that had become of her friend with a cold expression. "I'm sorry too, Faith." She pulled the trigger, putting a bullet-hole in the center of her friend's face.


  Chapter Thirty Eight

  Ash was halfway across the lot from Freddy, who stood at the edge. He stared at him with a cool intensity. His demeanor remained calm, but inside, he wanted nothing more than to pump his skull full of lead.

  The distance between them grew shorter as Ash continued to march on the concrete. He was out of breath, sweaty, and ammo was in short supply. But his confidence remained steady when his eyes quickly scanned the lot, observing the bodies of Deadites littered throughout.

  It was a picture that Ash had not seen quite as often. Dozens upon dozens of demons, lying dead on the ground. While he was familiar with seeing a slain Deadite, it was truly a spectacle to see so many dead bodies strewn across the ground. Almost every square inch of the lot was riddled with corpses. I'm on one hell of a kill streak tonight, aren't I?

  What seemed to be sixty bodies, lied cold and still on the ground. Their bodies were stiff, contorted in inhuman fashions. All of them had been dismembered in some way. Some had been missing their arms, others missed their legs. A few Deadites had all of their limbs, including their heads, sawed off, scattered around their un-moving torso. Under each cadaver, was a pool of blood. Each puddle varied in color. There was blood of red, black, and green coloration. The entire lot had become a watercolor painting of Deadite blood. Ash had not killed every demon in the area, but he definitely cleared the S-Mart parking lot, leaving only Freddy in his sights.

  "What's the matter, Freddy?" he yelled, now only thirty feet away. "Keeping your distance 'cause I just shredded all your buddies?"


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