Farseek Shavin's Mate: SFR Alien Mates Romance (Farseek Mercenary Series Book 3)

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Farseek Shavin's Mate: SFR Alien Mates Romance (Farseek Mercenary Series Book 3) Page 3

by T. J. Quinn

  My cock stirred to attention almost as soon as she put her arms around me. I needed to mate with her to tame it before we went out among the others on the ship. I also needed to satisfy my Nora so she would not be distracted as well when we left our cabin.



  I had only meant to give Sahvin a casual hug and kiss, but then I couldn’t resist pressing my lips against his neck and nibbling his delectable skin. I don’t know whether it was more of his pheromones at work, or merely my own attraction to him, but I wanted him.

  As he pulled me onto his lap, into his arms, I could feel his erection against my butt. When he kissed me and our tongues met, my entire body seemed to clamor for his touch, the feel of his hands and lips on my skin. Sahvin had a way of making love that turned my whole body into an erogenous zone. This was one of those times.

  After a long passionate kiss, he carried me into the bedroom and took off my clothes and then his. I pushed back the cover and lay down. He got in after me and knelt beside me on the bed.

  “Your body is so beautiful. I want to stroke every inch of your smooth skin and pleasure you with my touch before we join our bodies with my cock inside you,” he said, his voice soft and seductive.

  He spoke to me in English with that enchanting accent of his. “Close your eyes and just feel my fingers caressing your skin.”

  He started with my face, letting his fingertips glide over my face ever so lightly. Slow even strokes of his fingers gradually working their way down my body made me feel as though I were floating. Before he got past my shoulders, I started to tremble with desire. My nipples peaked and my inner walls clenched, and my breathing was punctuated with soft sighs.

  Sahvin lingered maddeningly on my upper chest then circled below my breasts before circling them around closer and closer to each nipple. He lingered over my sensitive peaks, gently stroking them. Then as if he couldn’t help himself, kissed each one and sucked it briefly until I moaned softly at the exquisite sensations surging straight to my core.

  As he continued over the rest of my body at length the bud of my sex throbbed continuously. The pleasure of his touch was indescribably breathtaking. I murmured his name frequently and hummed in pleasure as I became a quivering mass of arousal under his hands.

  Once Sahvin reached my feet he completed his soft caressing and began kissing his way back up my legs. My heart was throbbing, and my breath was fast and shallow. The closer he came to my core my muscles began to tense. My clit and inner walls throbbed and contracted and I could hardly lay still. All it took was a kiss to my center, and I broke into the most intense orgasm Sahvin had given me yet.

  I screamed an inarticulate wail of ecstasy as he tongued my clit lapping at my juices in and around my slit. He held my hips as I bucked and writhed in my orgasm that seemed to intensify with each swipe of his tongue. Even when he stopped, I was still writhing in the throes of orgasm, moaning, “Oh, Sahvin, that was unbelievable. I don’t think I’ve come so hard in my life.”

  He just grinned at me, eminently pleased with himself for satisfying me so completely. As I came down from that euphoric high Sahvin started kissing his way back up my body over my belly and rib cage, taking his time like we had all day. Well, we mostly did, and I had no willpower to object to his loving.

  I was so sensitized by then that I came again when he just sucked on my nipples. He was no longer even touching my pussy. What a lover he was!

  Finally, he lay beside me and pulled me close dropping light kisses on my face. He held me against him, and we just cuddled there until I came down from the multiple orgasms he’d given me before he made love to me again for his pleasure as well as mine.

  How could I not fall in love with this gorgeous, passionate man?

  It was a good two hours later when we finally made our way to the Medic in sickbay. The AI medic ran a complete body scan of Sahvin to find that he had some healed cracked ribs where he had been beaten and kicked by one of the guards. Otherwise, he was in good health and even better spirits. His genetics were just different enough than homo sapiens that the generic translator injected by the slavers didn’t work. The AI Medic synthesized one that was tailored specifically to his DNA and he had no problem with rejection. Even better, it was working within a few days so that Sahvin could begin orientation.

  He didn’t like the idea of my training for combat, which didn’t surprise me at all. But I assured him that I was not looking to go into combat, but it was required for us to remain with the crew. Scarlet’s and Harper’s standing with the crew was assured because they were solmatu to the first and second officers of the ground force whereas Sahvin had no standing in the crew.

  Even though I would go on to train as a Medic, I was required to know primary weapons use and self-defense techniques. I got it though. I was his mate, and he feared that some mishap would befall on me or I would be put in danger by being part of the organization.

  “But the Farseekans were home minding their business when they were attacked and taken by slavers.” I reminded him. “I was at my home emptying my mailbox when I was taken.”

  “I know, it’s just that I am so attached to you.”

  “And I feel the same way. I don’t want to see you endanger yourself either,” I assured him. “But, I know you feel like you owe them for setting you free the same as I do. I think we both want to pay it forward.”

  “That means to free someone else as we were freed, right?” he asked.


  “I agree we should do that,” Sahvin said.



  “Hey, Nora, Sahvin, good to see you out and about,” Scarlet said as Nora, and I entered the mess hall together for third meal three days later. “Get your food and come join us.”

  We did exactly that. Although I would be happy to sit with my Nora alone, I also wished to know her friends. I recognized Scarlet from the night we arrived, but I hadn’t yet met the man she had with her.

  “We haven’t seen you two in days,” Scarlet commented with a wicked smirk.

  “You know how it is, Scarlet. We have been---bonding,” Nora said with a little laugh. She set her tray on the table across from the other woman and introduced me to Pyrr Avantu. He nodded his acknowledgment, and I mimicked the gesture and sat down across from him.

  “You probably haven’t heard,” Scarlet began. “The people we rescued don’t want to go back to Farseek until we go to Julconi to rescue the people taken there as slaves.”

  “How are we going to transport over three thousand people?” Nora asked. “We’ve already got them packed in the cargo bay like sardines.”

  “We’re going to steal a transport big enough to carry them all,” stated Pyrr in complete seriousness. “There is a huge shipyard about three weeks out in the Teglia system. It is only a slight detour between here and the Julconi system so we are going to explore the station there for a ship that will suit our needs.”

  “That makes sense,” I nodded.

  “How is your new language chip working,” Pyrr asked. “You seemed to have a good command of our language now.”

  “This one is working fine. There have been no side effects, not like the one from the slavers,” I said shaking my head, remembering the pain and the buzzing in my head. “Those barbarians treated us worse than animals bred for slaughter. A few died, but they don’t care. If not for my friend Bill Waters, I don’t know how much worse it could have been.”

  “Those bastards cut out the implant with no pain blockers,” Nora added bitterly. “We don’t even do that on Earth.”

  “Bill was the only one who spoke a language I knew so I could get him to tell the overseers the problem. I am convinced it would have killed me,” I smiled at my Nora, “Even if it was painfully removed, I was better for it.”

  “I understand you are a trained warrior,” Pyrr said as I took a bite of food from my plate.

  “Yes, and I have combat experience
with automated armor suits,” I told him.

  “You’ll have a chance to show what you can do during training,” Pyrr said, “I expect now that you have a working language implant, you should be able to compensate for the differences in technology.”

  I nodded. “From what I have learned so far, it seems that your technology is very close to the same level as our Alliance tech.”

  “When you arrived, you told the Earth women that you were pretty sure their planet Earth is in another sector of this galaxy,” Pyrr said.

  “I am positive we did not leave the galaxy, but we are in a different arm of the rim. My guess is about two arms away, but I can be sure. We must have been on that slave ship for months,” I explained. “I have made peace with the fact that I may never go back. All of that brought me to my Nora.”

  “You are solmatu,” Pyrr said.

  “Yes, that is the closest translation in your language. Only our initial bonding is more intense as Nora has told me. It’s probably my feline genes,” I said.

  “Felines on Earth are pretty randy when they are in heat,” Scarlet remarked half seriously.

  “That is essentially correct,” I told her. “But even more intense, and very specific. We only experience this heat with our soulmate, unlike your non-humanoid felines. They are much less discriminating.”

  “Oh, I didn’t mean…, Scarlet stammered.

  “That’s okay, Scar,” Nora laughed, “you can take your foot out of your mouth.”

  Pyrr frowned, looking a little confused.

  “That is not to be taken literally,” I explained.

  “Ah, an idiom,” Pyrr grinned.

  “It means someone has said something inappropriate,” I said.

  “Yes,” Scarlet said ruefully. “I have a habit of doing that. I meant no disrespect. We just missed our fantastic fourth at training these last two weeks.”

  Nora laughed. “No, insult intended, but I didn’t miss you guys at all.”

  Scarlet laughed too. “I sure can understand that. He is almost as pretty as Pyrr.” She inclined her head in my direction.

  Pyrr gave me a smirk at our mates’ banter.

  “Zoe is the only one of who hasn’t met her mate,” Scarlet said after a moment.

  “She still hasn’t met everyone aboard,” said Pyrr. “I thought perhaps Brintu was interested, but they are just friends.

  “It would be too coincidental for us all to find mates in one crew,” Nora said.

  “Bigger than the odds of us getting kidnapped by aliens?” Scarlet asked arching one eyebrow.

  “I almost think so,” Nora said.

  I enjoyed the time we spent with Nora’s friend and her mate. It made a big difference when I could fully understand what everyone was saying. It wasn’t the life I had planned for myself, but the future seemed so much more promising than it had when I was a slave in the mines of Breskaa.



  The weeks leading up to the Teglia mission were filled with intense physical training, learning weapons usage, a crash course in the Farseek laws and military regulations as practiced by the Farseek Mercenary fleet. It didn’t matter that the female recruits would all be non-combatants, we still had to go through the training.

  Sahvin had no trouble transferring his skill to the use of the Farseekan weaponry as well as the armored combat suits. With his language implant fully functional, he tested out of most of the training. We completed the physical training just before Tegliar Station.

  Savin and I were assigned to do reconnaissance in one of the far sectors of the station. The primary reason the Dreadnaught One docked at Tegliar Station was to find a transport big enough to carry the people they planned to rescue on their circuitous route back to Farseek. I remember Scarlet saying that the space station looked like the Death Star from Star Wars, but with at least a hundred docking arms extending out into space.

  Each arm had multiple ships of every size and shape docked at them and attached to the arm by airlocks clamped to their hatchways. Along with their massive repair and shipbuilding operations, it was also a pleasure station designed to entertain patrons while their ships were under repair or construction. Admiral Degatu’s ship operations team cruised the perimeter of the station and found what they were looking for pretty quickly.

  What was wholly unexpected were the thousands of Uatu people enslaved on Tegliar Station. It didn’t change their plans drastically, as the new ship we were appropriating would still have room for them and thousands more. I hoped for them that we could fill that massive transport with their people.

  Sahvin and I had great sympathy for the Farseek Mercenaries. Their world was required to provide defense forces for the Consortium as a condition of their membership. While they were away defending the Consortium, their world was attacked and their people killed or kidnapped into slavery. Everywhere we went everything they did was directed at finding and rescuing their people who were taken alive and returning them to Farseek.

  That quest brought them the rescue my Earth friends, Sahvin and I along with a couple dozen various humanoids along with their own people. They called themselves mercenaries, but they were far nobler than those who fought for financial gain.

  So far as I could see, the only thing they did for financial gain was to rescue Kyanna Evzen. They rescued the other ninety-nine of us just because they could. That’s how both Sahvin and I were both saved, mainly because we were there on their way. They couldn’t give us back our old lives, but they offered us a chance to make new lives.

  Eventually, we would all return to Farseek and to live and start families.

  Other than the fact that mind controlled slaves provide most of the services on the station, Sahvin and I would have thoroughly enjoyed our excursion into the outer region of the station. Surprisingly, there were a few small shops that seemed to be run and owned by independent beings.

  It was at one of those shops that we came upon an unbelievable find.

  “Sahvin, look! Is that a puppy?” I pointed to a shop window as we stepped off a pedestrian beltway.

  “I think so,” he agreed, and we hurried over to get a better look.

  “Oh, my God! There are four of them,” I exclaimed. “We have to get one for Scarlet. She was so heartbroken to lose her dog when she was taken. It’s hard to tell what breed. Looks like it might be hound and lab or pit or all three.”

  “We only have credits enough for food,” Sahvin said. “And look, there are two larger dogs as well.”

  “Right, probably not enough even if we didn’t buy food,” I said. “Let me text Harper on the tablet to see if Zared can front us some credit to get them. That shouldn’t violate the no com order. It’s not about strategy.”

  I sent Harper the text, and we went into the shop. It turned out there were the four mongrel puppies and two adult dogs. The proprietor was anxious to get rid of the animals because her contract on the station was ending and she was pulling out. She would give us a deal if we took them all.

  Ten minutes later it was all arranged. Our people were taking over the passenger freighter they redubbed the Kurellis. Commander Maktu authorize the purchase of the dog family and the proprietor arranged for them to be shipped directly onto the ship. They would be safely quartered before Scarlet arrived to help get the Uatu people loaded the following night.

  I was almost as excited as if I were getting the new puppy. It seemed obvious that the shopkeeper didn’t really know what she had. She had traded something for the pair of adults a few months before, then the female had delivered four puppies. While they didn’t seem all that valuable to them, they were like gold to me, a piece of home.

  My family had dogs all while I was growing up, but I hadn’t had a dog since I had been one my own, because I worked crazy hours and sometimes double shifts. I couldn’t give a dog the time and attention it would deserve. I thought I would probably get one again when I had a family.

  That dream almost died when I was
taken, but now with Sahvin, I began to believe in it again.

  While we were waiting to hear back from Harper, we went inside and got acquainted with the adult dog parents. They were both very well behaved and sweet. They loved the attention we gave them. Sahvin was acquainted with dogs because Narovians imported them from Earth. They were almost as common there as on Earth.

  As we returned to the ship a little while later, we were feeling satisfied that our mission was successful. In addition to finding the dogs, we also determined there were no Sargan militaries evident anywhere we went. We hoped it would stay that way.



  Even though we were on a recon mission, our excursion through Tegliar Station had some pleasurable moments. Nora was so excited that we found the dogs. It was a welcome break from the intense training of the previous weeks.

  While we were on our way to get the dogs settled on the Kurellis, the Dread’s AI team set up clearance for us to get on the ship and place them in a room by the cargo hold. We also procured enough food for a few months. The quarters provided were set up for animals with an automated sanitation system to remove their wastes, plus food and water dispenser. There was even a low bunk big enough for all the dogs to lie on with space between them.

  We returned to our quarters well past third meal, but we had eaten at one of the food concessions in the shop district where we got the dogs. All I wanted when we got back to our quarters was my Nora wrapped around me with my cock buried in her depths. She seemed to have the same idea as she went directly into our bedroom and started taking off her clothes.

  She didn’t even have to say anything. The smoldering look in her eyes told me all I needed to know, and I started pulling off my clothes as well. Then she was in my arms with her luscious soft curves pressed against me, and her face turned up with her lips parted. I kissed her deeply, teasing her tongue with mine and laying claim to the inner recesses of her mouth.


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