Seducing His Convenient Innocent

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Seducing His Convenient Innocent Page 1

by Rachael Thomas

  The Greek’s terms?

  She must wear his diamond!

  Lysandros Drakakis always gets what he wants, and he’s never stopped wanting beautiful pianist Rio Armstrong! A fake engagement to please his family is the perfect opportunity to uncover why she walked away from their powerful connection...and indulge their still-sizzling desire under the Mediterranean sun. But Rio’s heartbreaking revelation changes the stakes—he’s given her his ring, yet now Lysandros finds himself wanting to give Rio everything...

  Enjoy this dramatic fake engagement romance!

  Lysandros sensed Rio watching him as he held his sister’s gaze. He could feel her scrutiny burning his skin, setting fire to the passion that had simmered dangerously close to the surface the last time he’d kissed her.

  “Rio,” he began, turning to her, opening his hand to reveal the box his mother had just secretly given him. He moved closer to Rio, her brows pulled together in confusion. “Will you do me the honor of becoming my fiancée?”

  The words came far more easily than he’d thought and he opened the box as Rio’s eyes widened in shock. She looked down at the ring and then back at him, questions clearly running riot in her mind.

  “But...” Her voice was barely a whisper and the whole room echoed with a heaviness of expectant silence.

  Slowly he took her left hand, which shook, confirming she really was afraid of what he was doing. Carefully he slid the ring onto her finger. It was a perfect fit. She looked at him, the same shock he felt flooding her eyes. “I want us to be engaged.”

  Rachael Thomas has always loved reading romance, and is thrilled to be a Harlequin author. She lives and works on a farm in Wales—a far cry from the glamour of a Harlequin Presents story—but that makes slipping into her characters’ worlds all the more appealing. When she’s not writing or working on the farm, she enjoys photography and visiting historical castles and grand houses. Visit her at

  Books by Rachael Thomas

  Harlequin Presents

  A Deal Before the Altar

  Claimed by the Sheikh

  Craving Her Enemy’s Touch

  The Sheikh’s Last Mistress

  New Year at the Boss’s Bidding

  Hired to Wear the Sheikh’s Ring

  A Ring to Claim His Legacy

  One Night With Consequences

  From One Night to Wife

  A Child Claimed by Gold

  Convenient Christmas Brides

  Valdez’s Bartered Bride

  Martinez’s Pregnant Wife

  The Secret Billionaires

  Di Marcello’s Secret Son

  Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.

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  Rachael Thomas

  Seducing His Convenient Innocent


















  Spring in London

  LYSANDROS DRAKAKIS WATCHED Rio Armstrong, the woman he wanted above all others, as she took her seat at the piano. An expectant hush fell over the room as everyone waited for the recital he’d arranged for his business clients at one of London’s top hotels to begin.

  Rio was beautiful. Her tall, slender body was full of poise and elegance and as she sat at the piano all eyes were on her. Everyone else in the room was waiting for her to play but all Lysandros could do was imagine her in his arms, kissing him with an unrestrained passion she’d so far resisted. Every time they’d kissed the hints of desire had lingered on her lips, tormenting him.

  His younger sister, Xena, had introduced them, claiming them to be perfect for one another, and for the last two months he’d been the personification of a gentleman with this alluring beauty. He’d also been patient, allowing their relationship to unfold at Rio’s pace. Not at all his usual style, but this was the first time since his disastrous engagement to Kyra ten years ago that he wanted to consider more than just physical gratification.

  That uncharacteristic restraint since he and Rio had started dating was having serious side effects. Not having done anything more than kiss her, his mind was constantly filled with the image of their naked bodies entwined with desire, and as Rio’s fingers began to caress the first notes of her performance from the piano, he closed his eyes, forcing himself to calm his ardour, try to halt the thoughts of her touching him, caressing him.

  Rio had warned him, from the first moment he’d made his interest in her known, of her concert commitments, the need to put in hours of daily practice, and more recently had used those commitments as the reason she wasn’t ready to take their romance further. But with summer approaching and the concert season ending, Lysandros was determined to whisk her away to his home in Greece. Once there he wanted to allow the attraction between them to bloom like the flowers on his island retreat.

  A ripple of applause swayed around the room, dragging his thoughts back to the present. How long had he been wrapped in heated thoughts of making Rio his? Rio stood and took a bow, smiling at the audience’s appreciation of her playing. She was a rising star in the world of classical music and small performances like this were her way of bringing the joy of the genre to new listeners.

  As the audience slowly dwindled away, heading to the hotel restaurant or bar, he walked towards the large black grand piano where Rio was gathering up her music. She glanced up, smiling at him, and he could almost believe that she could be, as Xena had more than hinted at, the woman to overthrow all the disbelief in love with which his ex-fiancée Kyra had filled him.

  ‘Excellent entertainment, Lysandros.’ The gruff voice of Samuel Andrews, a man with whom he’d just signed a lucrative deal to supply his company with ten luxury yachts, invaded the moment.

  ‘Indeed.’ He glanced at the older man before looking over at Rio, who was almost ready to leave. He couldn’t let her go without telling her how wonderfully she’d played—and arranging dinner tonight. ‘If you will excuse me.’

  He didn’t wait for a response. The only thing that mattered now was being with Rio. In just a few days he would return to Greece, where he had a full schedule of meetings for the next few weeks, and it shocked him to realise how much he would miss Rio during that time. This was all such new territory for a man who’d done nothing but play the field for the last ten years.

  Rio looked up at him, that sensual but shy smile on her lips convincing him further, if he needed it, that time together in Greece with this woman was exactly what he wanted.

  ‘You were wonderful,’ he said as he stood in the curve of the piano, its lid lifted. ‘You play so beautifully.’ He watched her, admiring her grace and elegance in the long black dress she wore, one shoulder bare, as the silky fabric swept across her breasts, a frill of black silk over her other shoulder. Her hair was pulled back at the nape of her neck in a tousled chignon he found so very sexy as he imagined setting it free during the passion of sex.

bsp; She gathered the last of her music up and clutched it to her, the softness of her brown eyes filled with happiness. ‘Thank you.’ Her voice was light and teasing, the sparkle in her eyes flirtatious. Finally, he was breaking through her reserve. Soon this innocent beauty would be his in the most intimate way. That thought intensified the heated lust already raging inside him after his imaginings while she’d played. ‘Does that mean you will take me to dinner tonight?’

  He stepped closer to her, not able to resist touching her, and brushed back a stray piece of hair, lifting her chin gently with his thumb and finger. His eyes held hers briefly, and then he brushed his lips over hers before answering. ‘It most certainly does, especially as I have to return to Greece at the end of the week.’

  ‘Next week?’ Her voice was husky, proving she wanted him as much as he wanted her. ‘So soon?’

  ‘Yes, agape mou, so soon.’ He wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her until that infernal barrier she hid behind came crashing down.

  ‘I have to meet with Hans now, the conductor. He wants to go over some of the pieces with me, but afterwards I’ll be free.’ She paused. ‘Free to make the most of the last few nights together.’

  ‘Last few nights?’ He couldn’t miss the blush that had crept over her face or the sudden shyness that made her look at him from lowered lashes. He swallowed hard against the need to crush his mouth to hers, to kiss her until passion consumed them both, until desire doused them in flames.

  ‘Yes, Lysandros.’ Her whisper was husky and so very sexy. She moved closer to him, her gaze locked with his, the fire of their attraction almost crackling in the air around them. Did she have any idea what she was doing to him? How she was tormenting him? ‘I want to be with you tonight. All night.’

  He looked into her eyes, desire filling them, darkening the soft brown until they were almost black. ‘Are you sure?’ he asked softly, wanting her to know that he was willing to wait, that he understood this wasn’t something she did lightly. He wanted her to know he was prepared to take things as slowly as she wanted to.

  ‘Absolutely.’ The certainty in her voice was all the reassurance he needed. Tonight, this beautiful woman, with an aura of innocence, would be his.

  He kissed her gently, allowing her to taste his passion, his desire for her, and when she responded with as much need for him, he had to force himself to step back from her as the crazy need for her threatened to overcome him. ‘I will make tonight very special for you, agape mou.’

  ‘Just being with you will do that.’ She blushed and hugged her music sheets tighter. ‘But first I must sort this out.’ She allowed the sheets of music to fall forward, as if providing the evidence for what she had to do. ‘You know how hard Hans works us. And, besides, you need to mingle with your guests.’

  He watched as she walked away, turning to look back at him, smiling, her step light with happiness. The same happiness that had made him feel a different man since he’d been dating Rio, sparking off conversations about engagement with his sister. Xena had been convinced that, ever since that first date with her friend, an engagement would be a question of when, not if.

  * * *

  Rio felt crazy and reckless with the anticipation of all that tonight would hold. Tonight she would give herself, give her virginity to a man who was everything she wanted. He might be her best friend’s brother, might have already been engaged once, but he was the man who made her feel alive. Even though she knew he wasn’t looking for any kind of long-term, emotional commitment, he was the man she wanted to be with above all others.

  She pushed open the door of the grand room where practices were held and crossed the wooden floor to the piano, her heels echoing in the vastness of the room. Hans had insisted they go over some of her pieces for the final concerts of the season. She was early, so there was time to enjoy just playing, for no other reason than she wanted to.

  She hadn’t wasted time changing from her black gown. She’d wanted to get the meeting over and done with and back to Lysandros. For the first time in her life, she was irritated by the need to do such things, annoyed by the fact that it meant she couldn’t be somewhere else, doing something else. Something else she was finally ready for. Even knowing Lysandros was only interested in her physically, she wanted to be with him, wanted to know the pleasure of a night in his bed.

  As she sat at the piano she thought of Lysandros, of the way he’d kissed her before she’d left. Even if he hadn’t promised her tonight would be special, it had been there in his kiss. Her heart fluttered with anticipation as she began playing, losing herself in the romance of the piece, letting all her emotion pour out through her fingers as she played.

  As she ended the piece her whole body was humming with need for Lysandros. She closed her eyes and sat, hands lying on her lap as she savoured the moment.

  ‘Now, that was beautiful.’ Hans’s voice came from behind her. Very close behind her.

  She gasped and turned around, annoyed that he’d invaded her private moment. She felt vulnerable. Exposed. He’d watched her as she’d given free rein to her emotions, as she’d allowed all the desire she felt for Lysandros to pour into the music.

  ‘You should have said you were there.’ She couldn’t keep the irritation from her voice.

  ‘And ruin such a moment?’ He looked at her, his gaze sweeping down her body. ‘You looked so beautiful. So passionate.’

  He stepped closer to her as he spoke and for the first time ever Rio felt threatened by a man’s presence. The smell of alcohol hung around him and she didn’t like the way he looked at her, the way he’d wiped away the purity of her feelings for Lysandros. Mentally she shook herself. She was overreacting. Embarrassed at being caught off guard.

  ‘Shall we go through what you wanted to discuss?’ Desperately she tried to get the practice session back on track.

  ‘Play something for me.’ He seemed to be goading her. As if he’d known she’d been playing for someone else. For Lysandros.

  She swallowed down her nerves, sure her embarrassment must be making her see things that weren’t there. As she turned on the piano stool and sorted her music, she was aware of him moving even closer. She glanced over the grand piano towards the big bay window and the parkland beyond, which was coming to life now with spring. In the summer it would be full of people enjoying the sunshine. Now it was empty.

  ‘That one,’ he said as he leant over her shoulder, moving one piece of music to the front.

  Play, she told herself. Just play and he will step back.

  She took a breath and placed her fingers lightly on the keys. After a few seconds’ pause, she began to play. At first it was stilted, emotionless as the uncertainty of the moment took over. He hadn’t moved at all. Was she just being panicky? Gradually, even though he remained behind her, she began to relax, and the music flowed more naturally round the vastness of the domed room.

  She finished the piece and sat looking at the keys, not daring to look up at him. When his hand rested on her bare shoulder she stiffened, her eyes wide. What was he doing?

  She turned and looked at his hand, unable to move any other part of her body. She should get up, should step away, but she couldn’t. Paralysed by fear, she dragged in a ragged breath.

  As if her stillness had given consent, his hand moved lower, down over her chest, and she gasped, moving backwards on the stool, only to come against the firmness of his body.

  ‘Don’t,’ she said, snatching at his hand as it slipped alarmingly lower. Inside the fabric of her gown. Instinctively she curled herself inwards, hoping the movement would prevent what he was trying to do, but the fabric slackened, enabling him to fully grasp her breast.

  ‘What are you doing?’ she shouted.

  The room echoed with the sound as she tried to avoid him, but his grasp tightened painfully on her breast and she was trapped between his body and his arm. How could this
be happening?

  ‘I’m giving you what you want.’ His voice had changed, become hard and menacing. His face was so close to hers now she could smell stale alcohol on his breath.

  ‘No. No. This isn’t what I want.’ She struggled again and his grip on her tightened, his free hand now pressing down on her other shoulder.

  ‘Don’t be shy, Rio. I know you want it.’ He groped at her breast. Pain shot through it. Sickness filled her. She had to stop this. Had to get away.

  She pushed against the piano with a discordant jangle of keys. Her heels making it difficult, she scrambled to her feet. Finally, she was free of him, but so shocked by what had just happened she stood there, panting wildly as she looked at him.

  Too late she realised her mistake. She should have run when she’d had the chance. He moved quickly, his body pressing hers against the keys, his mouth claiming hers in a cruel kiss. He roughly pulled her dress up, his hand grasping at her thigh as his body pushed her even harder against the piano.

  The sound of her dress ripping galvanised her into action and she pushed against him. ‘Get off.’

  He was too strong for her. ‘I like it rough,’ he said as he tried to kiss her neck, his stubble scratching her skin, his foul breath making her retch.

  ‘No,’ she screamed as panic tore through her. He couldn’t do this to her. He couldn’t. She fought harder, screamed louder. ‘No. Stop it.’

  ‘What the hell?’ Another voice mingled with her scream and Hans let her go. She sagged in relief as his weight suddenly moved away from her. Anger took over and she watched Hans being manhandled off her by two other members of the orchestra. Then shock set in. The whole thing had lasted only minutes, but it had felt like hours. Rio slithered to the floor, her arms clutching the piano stool as if she’d been cast into the sea and it was all she had to hold on to.

  She rested her head on her arms, not wanting to watch now as the scuffle continued amidst Hans’s angry accusations. How could he accuse her of leading him on? How could he say she had been up for it?


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