Needing You Close (Tyler & Gemma duet Book 2)

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Needing You Close (Tyler & Gemma duet Book 2) Page 19

by Kennedy Fox

  She nods. “Yes, trees. You can’t have just one. Come on.”

  This makes me chuckle. “Maybe, but isn’t it tradition for it to be put up after Thanksgiving?”

  “Not when you’re in the business of slinging candy cane leggings like they’re drugs.” She laughs at her own joke.

  “Okay, okay. I’ll help.” I agree just to appease her.

  Everleigh’s satisfied with my answer and turns up the volume on the radio. Taylor Swift blares through the car, and soon, it’s followed by Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj. But instead of complaining, I deal with it because it’s much better than talking about Gemma.

  We eventually make it to the airport, and soon, we see Eric exiting with a duffel bag swung over his shoulder. I honk, and he waves, then gets inside.

  “Thanks, man, appreciate you letting me stay with you for a little while.”

  I look over my shoulder at him, and he doesn’t look any better than the last time I saw him. “No problem. This is my sister, Everleigh.”

  Everleigh shifts her body and turns and gives him a grin. “Nice to meet you,” she offers. On the way home, we stop and eat at a diner because we’re starving. He doesn’t bring up Victoria, which I’m grateful for because Everleigh would ask too many questions.

  Once we walk inside the condo, Everleigh showers and packs a bag.

  “Leavin’ already?” I grab a beer from the fridge and hand one over to Eric.

  “Yeah, Ruby and I have a date with The Challenge on MTV, and it starts at eight, so I don’t wanna be late. Be back on Saturday, or maybe I’ll see you when I come see Sassy after work each day,” she explains, giving me a quick squeeze, then leaves.

  Eric and I sit on the couch, and I flick on the TV for background noise.

  “Glad you’re here,” I offer with a smile.

  “Yeah, me too. Sorry to bring this up, but I’m just gonna come out and ask. Have you run into Victoria lately?”

  I turn to him. “No, is she here still?”

  “Yes. I hired a few trackers in Nevada, and no one has seen her since Sunday. She returned here a few days ago. My source told me her private jet is currently sitting in a hangar in Birmingham, which means she’s close. I don’t know what she’s planning, Tyler, but I can guarantee nothing good will come out of it. So, I’m doubly glad I’m here.”

  He gives me a serious look, and I take a swig of my beer, processing the information he shared. She might be in town, but she better keep her ass far away from Gemma and me.

  “It’s not surprising. She’s already meddled with people who are in my life. I figured she was still scheming, working out her next move to take me down. I wonder where she’s staying.” I trail off, allowing my thoughts to get the best of me. “Do you know why the case was thrown out?”

  Eric huffs, and he looks like he’s chewing on rocks. “They told me it was because of a technicality, but my lawyer got with me off the record and said her alibi was sealed airtight, and no weapon was found. It’s essentially my word against hers. Victoria claimed I blamed her as revenge for firing me. I couldn’t believe how she was able to twist the fucking truth and how people took her word as the Holy Grail. She’s a goddamn murderer who’s freely walking the streets because she’s rich.”

  “Money makes people turn a blind eye on unethical things, even those who are supposed to protect and honor the law. All of it is bullshit, and I’m sorry you have to go through this,” I say, putting myself in his shoes and thinking about what he’s lost. Though I spent time in prison, the woman I love is still alive, even if she’s not with me right now.

  “It does. And that’s exactly why I need to end this. Because if I don’t, she’ll continue this destructive path of ruining other people’s lives. I can’t allow her to get away with what she did, Tyler. I won’t.” He’s tense as hell as he tightly holds his beer bottle.

  I suck in a deep breath and nod. “I know there’s nothing I can say that will stop you from going down this road. I’ll help you however I can, Eric, but I can’t get locked up again because of her. I lost too much already.”

  “This is my fight. You already did what you could, and allowing me to stay with you is enough. I appreciate you, man. Glad to have someone who’s sane in my corner for once and happy to help you and return the favor.”

  A chuckle escapes me. “So what’s your plan?”

  He shakes his head. “The less you know, the better. I just need to find her first, and then I’ll figure out the rest.”

  His words cause a chill to run up my spine. I hate that he’s going to these lengths, but there’s no changing his mind. If Victoria would’ve done to Gemma what she did to Amara, I’d hunt her like the animal she is, consequences be damned.

  Eric finishes his drink and stands. “I think I’m gonna get some sleep. Gotta get the rental car early in the morning.”

  “Sure thing,” I tell him, showing him around the house just in case he needs anything. Everleigh offered to stay at Ruby’s for a few days so I could have her room and Eric could have mine. “Sheets are clean.”

  “Thanks again,” he tells me. I grab some clothes from my drawers before I walk away and give him his space. Sassy jumps off Everleigh’s bed when I pass to go into the living room, and I decide to take her for a walk. It gives me a little time to blow off some steam, but now that I have confirmation that Victoria is in town, I watch out for anything out of the ordinary. Sassy stops every ten seconds, but I don’t rush her, especially with how nice it feels out.

  Once we’re back inside, I feed her some treats, then she runs back to my room and hops on the bed. “You’re so lazy,” I say with a grin as she puts her head down.

  Considering I didn’t take a shower after work, I go to the bathroom. I step under the hot stream and can’t stop thinking about the last time Gemma was in here with me. The pain of her going through with the wedding nearly destroys me. She’ll stand in front of a room full of people, and they’ll witness her exchanging vows with that asshole. The whole thing makes me so goddamn sick to my stomach, and I feel like I’m suffocating. I turn off the water and get out of the shower and dry off. My thoughts over this whole situation are fucking with me, but above all, I just want her to be safe. My stress levels are through the roof, so I promise myself I’ll get up in the morning and hit the gym regardless of how shitty I’ve been sleeping lately.

  After I get dressed, I go to Everleigh’s room and climb into her bed. As I close my eyes, I think about a letter Gemma wrote to me. It squeezes at my heartstrings, and as I recall each word she said, it nearly guts me.

  * * *

  Dear Tyler,

  Your last letter nearly broke my heart. When you get home, I’m going to kick your ass for that. I don’t know why you think you’re not good enough to have a real relationship. You’re caring. Honest. You’ve got all the qualities that a woman looks for in a man…or at least from what I’ve watched on TV and read online. Everleigh has shared with me all the things you used to do for her when she was younger. I’m aware that you didn’t have a good example, but she turned out just fine, though a little crazy, but I don’t think that’s your fault. :) Your grandparents love you, and they love each other, and I’m also happy they were in your life. Honestly, without your grandma pulling the reins back on Everleigh, I think she may have gone wild. Also, one last thing. Just because your mom wasn’t a good role model doesn’t mean you’re destined to follow in her footsteps when you decide to get married and start a family. And you will have all of that—a wife, kids, and an amazing job. I don’t doubt that. Your heart is huge and whoever you end up with in life, I know you’ll do whatever you can to make her really happy. She’ll be the luckiest woman alive…and I’m kinda jealous thinking about it.

  I’m not giving up on you yet, so don’t give up on yourself either.

  With Love,


  PS. I’m still kicking your ass.

  * * *

  Though time passed and I ended up hurting he
r, I’m relieved that Gemma never changed her stance. Right now, going through with this wedding is the best decision. The bottom line is, I’m not giving up on her, either, and in the end, we’ll be stronger for it.

  I can’t believe it’s already Friday, but then again, every day since Gemma told me she was marrying Robert has been exactly the same. Gym, work, gym, home, sleep—rinse and repeat. Today, Gemma wore that miniskirt I love so much with an orange fuzzy sweater. Roses were delivered promptly at lunchtime, and Robert made sure to order so many that the smell nearly knocked me down when I entered the lobby.

  Gemma pretended they weren’t a big deal, but I wonder if she despises them and if she wants to trash them the same way she did the others he sent. While drinking my coffee, a customer enters, complimenting her on the roses, and Gemma gushes. It takes everything I have to keep my expression neutral.

  “So the wedding is happening soon. Are you excited to get married?”

  “Oh, yes ma’am,” Gemma says with a saccharine sweet smile. “Can’t wait to start my life with my husband. I love him so much.”

  I glance at her, grab my cup, and walk into the garage, busying myself with tasks. Jerry gives me sad eyes but doesn’t say anything. He’s aware of how Gemma felt about Robert and was just as frustrated as everyone else to hear the wedding was happening. Though neither of us have brought it up, we feel the same. Robert’s threats are total shit, but Gemma has to do this to protect her dad’s property. It’s the only way.

  After work, I go to the gym. Luke and I throw punches for an hour, and I don’t go easy on him. Over the past few months of training him, he’s grown much stronger and has started using his head more. I’m like a proud big brother when he swings and punches me right in the chin. Fighting on the mats helps me work out my aggression just as much as it helps him.

  Once the session is over, Ruby asks me if I want to get a drink with her. Everleigh is still staying at her house, but she’s been walking Sassy each day after work and spending time with her. Though I’m sweaty, it’s not like I’m trying to impress anyone, so I agree. We walk down to the pub, and she gives me shit about my demeanor.

  “You gotta quit moping around like this, Tyler. Move on. Date again. Find you a side piece.” She elbows me as we sit at the bar and our beers are placed in front of us. She doesn’t know all the details about Robert and Gemma’s arrangement. I didn’t feel as if it was my place to even mention it.

  I give her a look. “I’m good. Honestly. The wedding will be over soon, and I’ll eventually get back to the life I had before it.”

  “The one where you did nothing but work and had no social life?”

  I shrug. “Maybe.”

  She sips her beer and watches parts of the football game playing on the TV. “I just worry about you. I know how much Gemma meant to you, and I hate to see you like this. That’s all.”

  “Hey, I’m gonna be just fine. I just need a month or so to process it all. Things will go back to normal, I promise.”

  She lifts her glass and grins. “Good. I’m gonna hold you to it. Everleigh is worried shitless about you too.”

  I scoff. “She needs to make up her mind. She was lonely when I was spending time with Gemma every night, and now, she’s annoyed that I’m home. The girl needs to date.”

  Ruby smirks. “If only she’d give me a real chance.”

  I narrow my eyes at her. “She denied you?”

  “Well, not exactly. There was a night when I thought—”

  Shaking my head, I tell the bartender to bring me a shot. “I don’t wanna hear about you making moves on my sister.”

  “She’s a great kisser.” Ruby winks.

  “Ruby,” I warn, not knowing if she’s joking or not. All she does is laugh her ass off.

  We decide to order food, and after we finish eating, we say our goodbyes.

  “If you’re bored, my schedule is free until the end of time,” she tells me, then adds, “unless your sister changes her mind.”

  Considering Everleigh is staying with Ruby until tomorrow, I don’t know what to think about any of this. Instead, I huff and turn on my heels. I’m two seconds from pulling my phone from my pocket and asking Everleigh if Ruby was fucking with me, but then I decide I don’t want to open that can of worms. The thought has me chuckling. My phone vibrates, and I answer when I see it’s Eric calling.

  “Where are you?” he says breathlessly.

  “Outside of the pub. Everything okay?”

  “I’m close. I’ll be right there,” he rushes out before hanging up.

  I notice headlights in the distance. The vehicle looks like it’s going at a high rate of speed when it turns the corner, coming toward me. My adrenaline spikes, and I look at my surroundings, hoping to hell it’s Eric. When the car comes closer, I recognize his rental and breathe a little easier. I’m thankful it’s not Victoria because his voice sounded strained. He rolls down the window and demands I get in the car. By the expression on his face, there’s no time to argue.

  “What the fuck is going on?” I ask I buckle, and he picks up his speed. He’s driving erratically, but I know he’s been trained for this.

  “I found Victoria, and she’s looking for you. You’re not safe,” he warns, making a turn.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “To beat this bitch at her own game. I got some news from one of her bodyguards who used to be an old friend. Victoria crossed him, and he just happened to reach out to me,” he explains. I haven’t ever seen him this happy.

  “Are you serious?”

  He nods. “I also learned she’s been watching you, Tyler. And Gemma. Neither of you are safe.”

  I open my mouth, but he interrupts me before I can continue.

  “And I found out even more information.” He’s so damn giddy I want to slap the smile off his face because these are serious allegations.

  “Go on,” I demand.

  “She’s been cheating on Mickey. With the same bodyguard who snitched her out to me yesterday.”

  My mouth falls open in shock. Mickey Landry is the father to Victoria’s children and is also the man who Liam was forced to fight. He’s the reason Victoria murdered her brother in cold blood too. The family feud between them ran deep, but Victoria doesn’t follow anyone’s rules but her own. So she hooked up with Mickey and used Liam as a decoy husband. One thing is certain, Mickey is crazier than her. I knew that the moment I laid eyes on him in the ring. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “I made a few phone calls.” Eric looks at the clock.

  I glare at him as he pulls into a neighborhood with million-dollar mansions. Somehow, he was able to get a gun and put the clip in the bottom, then loads a bullet in the chamber. I notice the silencer on the end and that he’s wearing gloves and tactical gear.

  “Eric,” I warn.

  “Don’t worry. I’m not gonna do anything stupid. This is for our protection. Come on.” He opens the car door, and I hesitate.

  “What about the not getting me involved thing that you said on Wednesday?” I ask, following him as we nonchalantly walk down the sidewalk. We look suspicious as hell.

  “Considering you’re her current target, I think it’s best we make sure the situation is properly handled.” He checks the time on his phone. “Any minute now.”

  He studies a large house with gigantic windows and a circle driveway. The lights flicker in the distance, and he pulls me behind some tall bushes, and we walk the property line. Eventually, he squats, and I follow his lead.

  “What are we waiting for?” Curiosity is getting the best of me as my heart races.

  “You’ll see,” he whispers.

  A few minutes later, Victoria leaves the house with the boy toy following behind her.

  “Fuck!” Eric hisses and begins texting someone. She climbs into the passenger side as her bodyguard drives. Eric and I jog back to his car and try to find her. Victoria may look like a princess, but she’s actually the fucking devil, and I can
only imagine what she’s doing.

  Eventually, we catch up to her, and my heart hammers in my chest when she drives into my neighborhood and sits outside of Everleigh’s. By the flicker inside, I know the television inside is on, and my sister is inside playing dog mom before going to Ruby’s. If Victoria gets out of that damn car, I swear I’ll take her down myself.

  “What’s your exact address?” Eric asks, typing it into a text as I tell him.

  Ten minutes pass, and I can smell the sweat on my skin from the gym. Eric pulls out a pair of binoculars. “Are you fucking kidding me?” he hisses.

  “What?” I ask.

  “She’s going down on him right now. This is gonna be messy.”

  I keep my focus on the street and notice a black van driving at a snail’s pace. Eric ducks down slightly and so do I. The seconds feel like minutes when I see Mickey Landry, looking hopped up on drugs, exiting the vehicle. He’s holding something in his hand. I can’t make out what it is as he stalks toward the Mercedes with fogged windows.

  There’s commotion in the car, then Mickey slams the metal into the passenger side, shattering glass on the street. He reaches inside and pulls Victoria out by her hair.

  “Holy fuck,” I whisper as Eric watches with a satisfied grin on his face.

  I hear screaming and notice Everleigh’s porch light flicker on. “No, Ev. Stay inside.”

  “Shit.” Eric panics, as Victoria’s guttural cries echo through the neighborhood. “They’re being too loud, and they’ll wake everyone up at this rate.”

  The bodyguard gets out of the car and tries to run away, but Mickey pulls a gun from his waistband and caps him. The guy falls to the ground, but I can’t see him any longer. Everleigh opens the front door, and I want to scream for her to go inside and pretend she didn’t see anything. But I can’t because she can’t know Eric and I are here. The less she knows the better.

  “Help me! Help!” Victoria screams as Mickey drags her toward the van. She trips in the high heels as she tries to fight him.

  Shock washes over Everleigh’s face as she pulls her cell phone out and slams the door shut.


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