Needing You Close (Tyler & Gemma duet Book 2)

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Needing You Close (Tyler & Gemma duet Book 2) Page 21

by Kennedy Fox

  When the paperwork is stamped, the woman hands it over to me, and I feel like I won the damn lottery. We thank her, and I hold it tightly in my hand as if it will disintegrate. Though I never wanted to stand up in front of a crowd of people, wearing the same dress his mother wore while saying I Do, having this deed makes that torturous ceremony all worth it. Before we leave, Robert makes sure to pull me into his arms and kiss me for anyone who’s looking our way to witness.

  After I’m in my car, I wipe the taste of him from my lips and pop a piece of gum in my mouth. I can still smell the faint hint of his cologne on my shirt from where he got too close and rubbed against me. Just the thought of him touching me makes me want to soak in bleach. At the beginning of our relationship, I wondered why he was single because he’s good looking, has a ton of money, and seemed to want to make me happy. Now, I realize he’s crazy as hell and probably pushed every single woman away. What a disaster.

  The first place I go is to the courthouse to file the paperwork. There’s no way I’m going to allow anything to get in my way. Considering it’s Monday morning, the line is long, but I don’t mind waiting. Hell, I’d wait the rest of the week right here as long as it meant this was finalized and recorded in the deed book. When I get to the window, I’m relieved to see a woman I don’t know because I really don’t want anyone in my business right now. I happily pay the filing fee to get everything transferred over to my name. For the first time in a couple of weeks, I feel as if I can breathe again.

  Afterward, I go to the bank and pay for a lockbox so I can keep all of my important documents in one place. I don’t trust Robert, and I have no place safe to keep things. I sign the paperwork, and eventually see Katie who’s with a customer. She waves and gives me a curious look. The papers in my hand are worth their weight in gold, and I need them to stay safe. The ladies here won’t break the rules for Robert, especially with Katie watching everything like a hawk.

  Before leaving, I go over to her area and say hello.

  “Whatcha up to?” She smiles.

  “Not much. Just had to take care of some business,” I explain.

  “Awesome. You doing okay?” she asks, just as her phone rings.

  “Doing good. And it’s fine, answer it. I gotta go anyway,” I tell her, waving goodbye and leaving. The weight on my shoulders isn’t as heavy as it was before, but the fact that I’ll have to appease Robert and make sure I keep my word makes me feel ill. I head to work and try to hold back the sliver of happiness I have. It’s been a while since I’ve smiled, but as I replay what’s happened over the past few weeks and all the threats Robert spewed, I know I made the right choice. There isn’t a single doubt in my body.

  As soon as I walk in, Dad comes and greets me. “Hey sweetie, take care of everything?”

  He grabs a cup of coffee and pours a mountain of sugar in it. Just so Dad doesn’t worry, I put on the act.

  “Yep, got it all sorted out. Thanks for letting me come in late,” I say just as Tyler walks in.

  He glances at me, then turns his head. It’s awkward as hell, but I keep up the act for Dad’s sake.

  “Don’t forget about dinner Thursday night before you leave,” Dad reminds me, not paying any attention to how uncomfortable Tyler is.

  “I haven’t. I’ll be there come hell or high water,” I promise. This seems to make Dad happy, but Tyler leaves halfway through the conversation.

  Somehow, I keep the smile on my face, and Dad gives me a sad expression. “I wish you wouldn’t have done this, Gemma. It’s destroying me.”

  “I know, Daddy.” I offer him a smile. “But it’s all gonna work out in the end, I promise. I got the deed to the property today. The house and cottage are safe now.” I lean forward and give him a tight squeeze, wishing he’d understand that I did it all for him, and he’s worth it.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Each day I wake up to an empty house, I’m relieved. The last person I want to see first thing in the morning is Robert, but lately I haven’t been so lucky. While Robert lives in a beautiful house, the stark white walls makes it feel like a prison. I can’t believe I never noticed how much of a robot he is. There’s nothing personal inside this four-thousand-square-foot home. It’s a cookie-cutter version of all the others he’s built down to the interior design. While it’s a nice place, it looks like came from a magazine, and I hate it more than anything.

  I want color on the walls, and my mother's paintings splashed around my house. There needs to be character and for it to look lived in. Right now, I feel out of place as if I might break something, and that’s no way to live. It’s obvious I’m just another item in Robert’s collection placed inside his pristine house.

  After I get dressed, I walk into the kitchen where I find Robert drinking coffee at the table. The morning after the wedding he was up early to have breakfast with a client and was gone most of the day. Not surprising, considering he doesn’t know how to stop working. When I glance in his direction, he’s wearing a grin as though he’s happy to see me, and I want to tell him to go straight to hell. But I’m trying to control my anger. The last thing I need is an argument before my coffee.

  “Good morning, dear,” he sing-songs, indicating he wants to chat about something. This is typical of him, and I swear at this point, I can predict his next moves.

  I grunt, grab a mug from the cabinet, and pour some cream before filling it to the top with liquid caffeine. I sit down with my eyes barely open because I’ve slept like shit since I’ve been here.

  “I wanted to explain my plans for the rest of the week so we’re on the same schedule.”

  I take a big sip, thankful the creamer cooled it down enough to drink immediately. Impatiently, Robert waits for my reply, and I just glare at him. I never agreed to pretend to want to be with him, just that I would, so this is as good as it’s going to get. When I don’t speak up, he continues.

  “I have a new client that I’m meeting in Cedar Pines today. Considering it’s five hours away and we have a lot of properties to view, I’ll be there for a couple of days. I’ll be leaving this afternoon and won’t return until Thursday evening. I’ll have no time to prepare for the honeymoon since our flight is early Friday, so you need to pack both of our bags.”

  He’s not asking, but rather he’s demanding it.

  “Make sure to clean the house and do the laundry too. Just because your mother died when you were young and you weren’t taught the proper way to keep a household, that’s no excuse. I need to know you’re at least trying here, Gemma.”

  “I’m sorry?” I finally ask, not ready to write down all the tasks he has for me. It’s absolutely bullshit that he keeps bringing up my mother, and it infuriates me to the point of no return each time he does. If my mother were here, I’m sure she would’ve warned me away from him. Instead of answering, Robert goes back to his newspaper.

  I’ve stayed here for less than a week, and he’s already treating me like a damn child. He gives me zero credit and doesn’t respect the fact I’m still working full-time at the garage. Maybe he should hire a maid since he has so much money. Being his housewife who cooks and cleans up after him is time-consuming and disgusting. Somehow, I’m supposed to magically make it all happen with a smile on my face. I’m no Disney princess.

  “It’s a part of your duties.” He finishes reading an article, then looks at me. “Speaking of, when do you plan on quitting your job? I need specifics, no more being vague. We’ve already discussed this several times, and if you weren’t up there all day, you’d have more time to be here.”

  “You’re such a sexist pig,” I mutter, tired of listening to this rhetoric.

  “I didn’t hear your answer,” he snaps. “You know how I feel about you working there with Tyler. He’s a criminal. And he basically forced you to be with him publicly,” he says, repeating the story he told people because Tyler and I were seen together at the Harvest festival. Robert still hasn’t gotten over it and hates that I�
��d rather be with an ex-convict than him.

  “That’s a lie you made up, remember? Please tell me you don’t actually believe that because it’s not true.” I want to tell him to go fuck himself too, but I don’t.

  “Doesn’t matter because he’s still a loser.” He scowls.

  Somehow, I’m able to play it cool, though it’s too damn early for his games. Maybe I’ve learned a thing or two from him manipulating me so much over the years. Knowing I need to change my tone, I decide to answer him. Or rather, give him the answer he needs to hear. Not because I want to please him, but because I want to stop talking about this and enjoy my morning in silence.

  “I’m planning to hire someone so I can train them after the honeymoon. Then I can leave without putting my father in a bind. I know you don’t care about any of that, but it’s important to me. So there’s the timeline you want so badly.”

  “Fantastic,” he quips. “Oh, and my mother wants to have lunch with you tomorrow to discuss the thank-you notes that need to be written and mailed out. She’s very concerned about things being done in a timely manner, and considering we got so many gifts, it’s gonna take a while. They should be sent before we leave on Friday.”

  I haven’t even opened any of the cards or presents, and they’re all still in the living room. When he treats me this way, it puts me in a bad mood for the rest of the day, which isn’t fair to any of the customers who come into the shop.

  “What time tomorrow?”

  “I believe she said eleven sharp at the cafe downtown,” he tells me.

  I wouldn’t be surprised if Robert planned this because his parents adore me so much. The deli is always busy during the week, so I’m sure he wants people to physically see me and his mother together. I half wonder if they know how much of a monster their son is or he got those qualities from them. Now that I think about it, it’s probably the latter.

  “Okay,” I say. “Oh, also, don’t forget we’re supposed to have dinner at my dad’s house on Thursday at seven. He wants to wish us well before we leave for the honeymoon because I’ll be gone for ten days.”

  Robert huffs. “Shit. I forgot about that.”

  Of course he did. He’s only concerned about his plans, never the ones I had.

  “It’s important to my father and me, so it’d be in your best interest to be there,” I say.

  “Absolutely. I agree.” He grins, not realizing my dad knows the full story. “I’ll make sure to leave by two on Thursday so I can make it on time. If I’m gonna be a little late, I’ll text you. Never know how traffic will be.” Robert looks at the clock on the wall. “I gotta go.”

  He stalks to me and places a wet kiss on my forehead. I don’t react until he’s out of sight, but then I wipe it away as if it’s poison.

  I’m actually grateful the next two days crawl by because it gives me time to make plans. It’s been nice not having Robert around, but I miss being home, in my bed, and seeing my mother’s paintings on the wall.

  Thursday at work is uneventful and we’re slow, which gives me too much time to think about dinner tonight. I won’t be happy until the food is cooked and Robert is sitting at the table. When it comes to socializing with my friends or family, Robert tends to find a last-minute excuse to bail. If I were to do that, he’d lose his shit, but if he does it, I’m supposed to accept it and move on.

  The only reason I don’t think he’ll ditch tonight is because he wants to please my father and prove how perfect he is for me. Too bad Dad already knows the truth. Regardless, my adrenaline spikes thinking about us all being in the same room in a matter of hours.

  After work, I think about how much I miss Tyler. We haven’t talked about even the most trivial things like the weather, donuts, or coffee. It’s been radio silence at the garage.

  Before I go to my dad’s house, I stop by the grocery store and pick up a few steaks and ingredients for loaded baked potatoes. It’s one of Dad’s favorite meals, so I thought I’d surprise him with it. I even spent some time watching a few YouTube videos so I can prepare his ribeye just the way he loves it. I’m not sure the last time Dad has had a proper sit-down dinner at home. We eat breakfast together a few Saturdays a month, but nothing fancy.

  As soon as I knock on the front door, Dad opens it wearing a big cheesy grin. I noticed he had enough time to shower after work and even changed clothes for the occasion.

  “You’re wearing a polo?” I ask, not used to seeing him in a shirt with a collar. It’s bright blue and looks good on him, but it’s different, considering I see him in his uniform ninety percent of the time.

  “You know how judgey Robert is.” He releases a sigh. My heart begins to race when he mentions his name. He’s on both of our shit lists right now. I bite my tongue and continue inside, trying to gather my courage. As soon as Robert arrives, I’ll be forced to put on a show of a lifetime.

  Dad helps me unload everything, then I pull out a skillet, the butter, and the seasoning. I even grabbed a loaf of garlic bread too. As I turn on the flame, I take a deep breath and follow the directions I found online. Once the potatoes are wrapped in foil and roasting in the oven, I place the steaks in the skillet. The kitchen quickly fills with the delicious smells of spices, and my stomach grumbles even though I have no appetite. My nerves have replaced my need to eat.

  Before the food is ready, the doorbell rings, and Dad quickly answers it. Hearing Robert’s voice makes me anxious, and I try to push down all of my thoughts, not giving them the opportunity to swallow me whole. I refuse to wear that stupid look I used to have when I’d see him. I’m sure Robert had hoped I’d stay under his spell much longer.

  Robert comes in and kisses me on my cheek. He makes sure to tell me how lovely I look and how great the food looks and smells before he sits next to my father at the table. Dad gives me a look, but Robert doesn’t notice. They shoot the shit, talking about the garage, and Robert mentions his new client. I make our drinks and set them down on the table. He vocalizes how much he appreciates and loves me. Actor Robert is great. The real-life one is a nightmare.

  I place the steaks, potatoes with all the fixings, and garlic bread on the table, then serve everyone. The conversation is light and pleasant, even if it’s fake and awkward as hell.

  “So how did the meeting go?” I ask, wanting to fill the time with something other than silence.

  “I have a verbal agreement on a contract for an eight-figure deal,” he nearly screams with excitement. I haven’t seen him this giddy…ever.

  “Really?” I ask, trying to hold back my laughter.

  “Yes.” He looks at me, then my father as he cuts his steak, then pops a huge bite in his mouth. “It’s even bigger than the job I was gonna do for Victoria, so I’m thrilled.” He glares at me, then turns his smile right back on.

  The asshole is still throwing jabs at me, but I keep grinning, listening to how worked up he is over this.

  “Once we return from the honeymoon, he’s going to come to the office and sign all of the paperwork. He wants to build a damn outlet mall on the outskirts! Can you believe this, Gemma?” Robert’s smile is so wide, I think I see his teeth sparkle.

  “Wow,” I reply, faking amusement.

  He grabs my fingers and kisses them, and I see how uncomfortable my dad is, so I pull my hand away.

  “It seems everything is finally working out just perfectly. We’re officially married, and now we’ll go on the honeymoon of a lifetime. Make a baby, expand our family, and we’ll have everything we both ever wanted in life. Everything, sweetie.”

  I try not to throw up in my mouth.

  “Wow, that’s impressive,” my dad says, glancing at me.

  “It’s very impressive.” I temporarily stroke his ego, and I swear I see his chest puff larger. My heart beats rapidly, but I’m ready for this. Clearing my throat, I add, “Too bad it isn’t real.” Tilting my head, I shrug, then fill my mouth with potato.

  “What’re you talking about?” Robert asks.

sp; Dad looks between us, confused.

  “It’s fake, all of it, all of...this.” I wave my fork around before setting it down.

  “Please explain, Gemma,” Dad interrupts.

  I giggle, really enjoying this. Grabbing my glass, I take a sip. “What was your client's name, Robert?”

  “Excuse me?” he snaps, his brows furrowing.

  “His name. The multi-billionaire you met.” I speak slowly as if he doesn’t comprehend my words.

  “Eric,” Robert barks. “Why?”

  I’m full-on laughing now, and tears stream down my face at how Eric performed the role perfectly. He was more than willing to act like a wealthy businessman and fool Robert. I’m bent over, gasping for air at this point. Dad narrows his eyes at me as though I’ve officially lost my mind. The doorbell rings, and I grab my napkin and wipe my cheeks, then stand.

  When I open the door, I see Tyler. I flash him a wink to let him know it’s all going as planned. We both smile as we walk into the dining room holding hands. Dad turns and sees him just as Robert slams down his silverware, completely infuriated.

  “What’s he doing here?” he hisses.

  Tyler wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close before kissing and stealing my breath away. I melt into him, finally tasting him again, and I’m happy to have an audience to witness it all.

  Dad’s lost, and Robert looks as if he’s going to blow a damn gasket. Before either of them can speak up, Tyler pulls a piece of paper from his back pocket. He takes his time unfolding it and holds it for Robert and my dad to see.

  “What the fuck is this?” Robert says between gritted teeth after he studies it. “Is this a damn joke?”


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