Play Dirty: Brooklyn Dawn Book 1

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Play Dirty: Brooklyn Dawn Book 1 Page 32

by Quinn, Cari

  Donovan nodded. “They had an unfortunate situation, which is how we came to create our protocols. Roth Defense is well versed in dealing with multiple levels of personal security and on a larger level. Mr. Jordan will build a security team you can live with. He’s a high-end agent at Roth, so it will be a temporary situation. He’ll make sure things are well in hand.”

  “We’re not exactly in an emergency situation, Donovan.”

  “The fuck they’re not.” Nash spoke up.

  I turned to him. “Alex.”

  He didn’t spare me a look. “She’s underselling just how scared she was. I saw her. I even got a verbal assault from her bandmate.”

  I sighed. “Jamie is…Jamie.”

  Donovan gave me a half smile. “I’m well aware of Miss DuCaine’s predilections. But I’ll have to agree with Nash on this. Have there been other instances beyond the one getting by security?”

  I paused. The more ammunition I gave them, the more locks I’d have to deal with.


  I gave Nash a hard look.

  Donovan straightened. “So, that’s the way of it?”

  Nash gently put his hands on my shoulders.

  I shook him off and stood. “Nash means well, but it isn’t his call. It’s mine.”

  “I’m afraid you misunderstand, Miss York. It’s very much my call. Until this incident, I was willing to wait you out on this. But now it’s about keeping the band and the crew safe. It’s not just about the talent. As with many people that are unbalanced, it’s often the people on the fringes who can be hurt most. Because they have one target. One focus. And we’ve seen plenty of instances where it really didn’t matter who was hurt. Lest we forget a stage full of people who were injured during the show where we lost Randy Pruitt.”

  I shoved my hands into my pockets. “No, I didn’t forget.”

  “Do you know how many crew were hurt that day?”

  I tightened my mouth, but didn’t answer.

  “I know all their names. Would you care for a list?”

  Shame was thick and sour in my mouth. “I’m here to deal with it, aren’t I?”

  Donovan unrolled his sleeves, taking a cufflink out of his pocket to fasten the cuff at each wrist. “I’m glad we could come to an agreement. Now I have to ready myself for another meeting. Mr. Jordan will be waiting for you in Richmond when you return to the tour.”

  “I’m not trying to be unreasonable.”

  “I know you’re not. But I’ve been reading people for a very long time. And as good as you are, I can see the fear in your eyes. That’s not the first incident. Obviously, they’re escalating. And I’ll be sure to mention that to Noah. Make sure all details are given to him.”

  I’m sure there would be a full report on Donovan’s damn desk before I went on stage.


  “Good. As for things between the two of you, that’s not my business. You’re adults.”

  “Most of the time,” I muttered.

  Nash grunted behind me.

  I stepped forward and touched Donovan’s arm. “I do really understand. And I’m not going to make things difficult for anyone. I can’t control the band of course, but I’ll let it be known that I’m fully cooperating.”

  “I appreciate that. They look to you. You may not have started as the leader of the band, but you’ve become their voice. All I ask is that you don’t abuse it.”

  “Thanks for seeing me on short notice.” I stepped back and Nash’s hand went to my hip, his grip a little more proprietary than I liked. Especially in front of Donovan. But I understood that everyone was worried about me.

  “I always have time for my musicians.” He opened the door for us. “Be safe, Lindsey.”

  The trip downstairs was a quiet one. When we got out to the street, I turned to Nash, curling my arms around his shoulders. He immediately clasped me tighter to him.

  “Can we just be us for the rest of my time off?” I drew back, not caring that people were pissed that we were blocking half the sidewalk. I went on my toes and kissed him as night started to creep in on the city, then I linked our fingers. “This new us, where we’re actually figuring out who we are to each other?”

  “Sounds like a plan, duchess.”


  Our time together contained many firsts.

  I’d taken the subway with Lindsey yesterday for the first time in more years than I could count. I found it to be dank and infernally hot in the tunnels, so I didn’t make a point of venturing down there often.

  Make that at all.

  But this morning, I’d been the ass who suggested we have a touristy day of fun before she went to Richmond for tonight’s show and the band meeting before it. Granted, I’d been fresh off orgasm number two to start the day, and that was after a full evening of them yesterday when we’d lounged around in various states of undress eating Chinese takeout and watching a slew of movies from Goodfellas to Bridesmaids.

  Bridesmaids had earned me a blowjob good enough to make my head explode. Both of them. Which had been an entirely fair trade, because Jesus Christ, a man could only tolerate so many chick flicks.

  For her, I would try. Just as I would try to enjoy this day with a minimum of teeth grinding and veiled insults.

  So far, I’d made it for forty-five minutes. I was on a streak.

  “Are you sure about this?”

  Outside the stone arches of Saks Fifth Avenue, Lindsey turned back to me, her big blue eyes earnest. She wore one of my caps pulled low with her sunny hair tucked up underneath it. Big shades had covered her face until a moment ago when she removed them to peer up at me. She wore another of my old concert shirts knotted at her hip and frayed jeans she’d snagged at home on the trip we’d made back to her house last night. Although she’d packed a bag of her own clothes to take on the road with her for tonight’s show, she’d still chosen to wear my shirts.

  I couldn’t say I minded. Her gorgeous tits pressing against my ancient The Cure T-shirt was a memory I’d take with me for all my days. As long as she didn’t wear that other shirt.

  It was a daily fight for me to try to forget it even existed.

  Blowing out a breath, I fixed the glasses back on her face and leaned down to give her a quick kiss. “We’re playing proper tourists today, remember? That means shopping. And if you picked up a few scanty pieces for the bedroom…” I trailed off and rubbed her pouty lower lip with my thumb. “I don’t suppose I’d mind.”

  “Is that right? Does that mean you intend to actually come see me on this leg?”

  “I could come back with you tonight.” I hadn’t planned on saying it. Hadn’t let myself think about it overmuch.

  I didn’t want to remember she was leaving me.

  Things were so good between us right now. Being with her didn’t require thought. We were already easy with each other in a way I’d never hoped to find with another person.

  “Gee, that almost seems boyfriend-ly. I wonder why you’d pick now to suddenly want to shadow me?”

  “Fuck shadow. Fuck boyfriend shit too.” I pulled her against me and pressed my mouth to hers, reminding her that I wasn’t some little boy she could slot into a usual role.

  She remembered fast, rising on her toes to wind her arms around my neck, cleaving her body to mine from breasts to thighs.

  But the moment in heaven didn’t last.

  All too soon, she was nipping my lower lip and pulling away. “Cameras,” she said as if I ever forgot.

  Except today, I had. Our moment together was far more important than those who might be recording it.

  Fucking let them.

  “You know I’d love to have you.” She rolled her tongue over her lips, nice and slow. My cock stirred as if she’d used it on that part of me. “In all possible ways. In fact…” She tugged her phone out of her purse.

  “What are you doing?” I knew what I was doing, and it involved discreetly shifting myself so that I wasn’t leading
with my dick.

  “Texting Darcy to put you on the safe list for the shows and all private areas.” She finished typing and cocked her head. “You’re okay with an all-access pass, right?”


  I couldn’t help hauling her to me again so she could feel the damage she’d wrought. Her throaty laughter didn’t help the situation.

  Leaning down, I pressed my mouth to her ear. “Be careful, duchess. I always get my own back.”

  “Please do.” She turned her phone to show me her text to her team.

  Make sure Alexander Nash has priority all-access at all shows. Including stage side tix.

  I swallowed hard. The words in black and white seemed so important somehow.

  And I needed to come to a show. Soon.

  “Thank you.” I grazed my fingertips along the curve of her cheek. “I know you think I only asked to come because I’m worried about you.”

  She tipped down her glasses and arched a brow.

  “It’s part of it,” I admitted. “I don’t want you out of my sight.”

  Her throat moved. “Well, now, that’s nice. Concern is a lovely, wide step to land on. Just don’t stay there too long.” She reached down to lace her fingers through mine. “Besides, you heard Donovan. I’ll be guarded like a priceless diamond.”

  “I hate the thought of you up on that stage right now.”

  Her hand went cool in mine. She didn’t pull away, but she could. She would.

  Hating that part of her life would only lead to this ending that much sooner. She’d be better for it.

  I would not.

  I took a deep, cleansing breath. “I won’t put my fears on you. That’s not fair. You’ve a gift, and you have every right to share it. You’re a light in this world, Lindsey, and there are so few right now.”

  She curled her fingers into my palm. Nestling them tight.

  “I just wish I could stand between you and anything that might harm you. I want you to be safe. Happy. You deserve nothing less.”

  “You make me happy.” She leaned her head on my chest, right over my heart. I knew its fast, staccato beat was all too audible for her ears.

  Then she glanced up at the stone arch above us. “Shopping makes me happy.”

  I laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, guiding her toward the doors. “Then let’s shop.”

  The afternoon passed in a blur of stores, some vast with endless floors, some small and kitschy in Soho. She didn’t buy like a rockstar. I’d fully expected to be laden down like a moving clothing rack within an hour, but she barely bought anything.

  Other than lingerie.

  She bought that by the truckload. Some she even modeled for me where I lingered in dressing room doorways, glaring down any foolish salesclerks who dared to question my presence. After a look from me and a flash of the platinum card Lindsey wouldn’t let me use, they scurried back where they’d come from.

  I’d never guessed lingerie came in so many styles and colors. So many barely there fabrics. I soon realized there was a reason each thing she tried on became more and more scanty.

  She was trying to lure me into one of those narrow dressing rooms surrounded by mirrors. Trying to see just how far she could push me.

  Never a smart bet.

  We were in a high-end boutique when she tried on an innocuous sundress. It was pale blue with a swishy skirt with tiny daisies.


  “Do you like it?” She flipped the skirt and turned to face the mirror in the little hall outside her dressing room.

  In response, I flipped off the light switch and let the door slam shut behind me. A flick of my finger and the tiny lock in the doorknob turned.

  She whirled, panic flaring in her eyes for an instant before it smoothed into lust.

  We didn’t speak as I gripped her by the throat and pushed her against the mirror. She reached up with both hands to cup my face, pulling my mouth to hers.

  “Finally,” she gasped.

  It made no sense to be this hungry for each other mere hours after being together. Nothing was ever enough.

  Her mouth bruised mine as she fought to keep up with the pace I couldn’t have slowed if I tried. Knowing this would be the last—had to be the last—time before her show tonight made me crazed.

  I tugged up her little dress, pushed aside her thong, and found her pussy. After a quick swipe of my fingers, I sucked on them, watching her all the while. Slowly, I pushed them into her, only to discover she hadn’t needed the extra help.

  We were on the same fucking page.

  She yanked on my hair, knocking off my cap. Not touching the sunglasses I hadn’t removed even inside. Our noses bumped and teeth clashed as I streaked my thumb over her clit, circling endlessly while she rocked into my strokes.

  “Not enough. Not enough.” She bit my lip and I tasted the fresh bloom of blood. It only made me more insane. “No time for that.”

  I drew my hand away and hoisted her up onto my hips, backing her into the mirror. Even in the dim glow of the small security light left on above the door, she was so goddamn beautiful I could barely breathe.

  I shoved my damp thumb between her teeth when she threw her head back on an impatient cry as I fumbled with my zipper and somehow managed to free my cock. Desperate times.

  So goddamn desperate.

  Tugging her thong out of the way, I filled her in one deep thrust, letting out a groan of my own as I sank home.

  Somehow she’d become it so quickly that my head reeled.

  I removed my thumb and sucked on her tongue in time with my long, deep strokes, my fingers punishing her hip where I held her still. She couldn’t be tamed. Her legs were shaking, her tits bouncing, straining against the sweet vee of her sundress. Making it into something obscene as her nipples threatened to skewer right through the fabric.

  Her hat—my hat—tumbled off her head and her yards of blond hair flew free, unspooling like silk ribbons. Framing the needy blue of her eyes and the blush in her cheeks as she grabbed my hand again and sucked her own taste off my thumb.

  Then I dipped down for more wetness from the source, driving into her with enough force that the mirror jostled against the wall. She sawed her teeth through her lower lip, but it wasn’t enough to stifle her cries. I gave her back my newly dampened thumb, swallowing a groan at the ferocious scrape of her teeth.

  I couldn’t do anything but fill her. Bury myself inside her until the beast inside me had taken its due.

  My mouth latched onto her throat near her pulse. That manic beat spurred me on, making me speed up. I was hurting her. Had to be. But instead of forcing me away, she tightened her legs around my ass and rhythmically squeezed me as her orgasm rolled over both of us. Storming through not just her, but me too. Dragging me along into her endless undertow.

  She shook around me. Stared into my eyes as that good girl dress fluttered down her body and hid my cock, still so deep inside her.

  Where I wanted to stay forever.

  Wordlessly, I set her down. Her boot heels hit the floor just as a knock rattled the door I’d locked.

  “This door can’t be locked. Hello? Hello? Open this door this instant.”

  I pulled Lindsey’s thong and then her dress into place before running my fingers over the disordered ends of her hair. Slowly, taking my time, I slipped my fingertips along the lacy vee of her dress, watching every quaking breath she took as I neared her nipple. I bent my head to give it a quick kiss through the thin material and she shuddered, flattening her hands against the mirror we’d just desecrated. Then I laid my mouth on hers, giving her a tender kiss that belied our furious fuck.

  She responded in kind, fisting her fingers in my hair as if no one was waiting for us.

  As if neither of us gave a shit.

  “We’ll be right out.” Leisurely, I tucked myself back into my pants and drew up my zipper.

  Turning away, I stepped to the door and unlocked it. “Sorry.” I gave the young, harried sales
clerk a wide smile. She stepped back and gripped her throat.

  Good to know I still had it. God knows I hadn’t used those particular wiles in a lifetime.

  “Her zipper got stuck,” I said apologetically as Lindsey approached. I drew her past me and nudged her through the door.

  “Oh. Oh. That’s okay, sir. Ma’am.” The young girl stared up at me as if she’d barely heard a word I’d said.

  “Excuse me, where’s your ladies’ room?” Lindsey asked all too sweetly. “I think that…zipper left a mark. I’d better just check.”

  The salesclerk’s face flamed bright pink. “Oh, um, it’s right over there.”

  “Thanks.” Lindsey grabbed my arm and towed me along with her.

  “You forgot to change out of your dress, ma’am.”

  “We’re buying it,” I said over my shoulder. “Possibly bronzing it,” I added as Lindsey glanced back with a little growl.

  “You’re enjoying this too much.”

  “Maybe.” Once we reached the bathroom, I reached under her dress and palmed her ass. I so appreciated when she wore thongs. “Pretty sure you did too.”

  “That’s not what I mean and you know it. You liked her starry eyes in your direction.”

  “Not particularly, but I can’t say I mind the tinge of green in your color. It looks lovely on you. As all colors do, duchess.”

  Her lips twitched before she shoved my chest and disappeared down the short hall that led to the ladies’ room.

  When she emerged, I’d already gathered our caps, and her purse, leather jacket, and clothes from the changing room. And because Lindsey had taken a couple of extra moments, I’d paid for her sundress and three more in different colors. And a scarf to boot.

  She sorted through the pile with a practiced eye. “Really? Chartreuse? Not sure it flatters me.”

  “I like it.”

  “Maybe you should take it then?”

  “Is that your kink, duchess?”

  She grinned and leaned up to kiss my chin. “You’re my kink,” she said none too softly, probably so our suddenly very occupied salesclerk could hear.

  “And a scarf too. How very New York fall of you.” She tugged on the jacket I held out for her, then whipped the scarf out of the bag and wrapped it around her throat. “How did you know purple was my favorite color?”


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