Don't Stop Believing

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Don't Stop Believing Page 3

by Eve Langlais


  As statements went, that caught my attention.

  “Excuse me? I think you must be mistaken.” Because I was pretty sure whores had sex. Lots of it. And I didn’t think masturbation counted.

  “I hope I’m mistaken. He usually has better taste.” Her lips curved into a cruel smirk.

  Ouch. The insult stung. Especially after everything I’d done to lose weight and regain my sense of self. “I think you should leave. You are obviously in the wrong place.”

  “I was told this is where the slut works.”

  Uh-oh. I suddenly had a sinking feeling. Was this about Winnie and her new friend? “That is really harsh language to use.” Please don’t tell me I’d ever been this nasty.

  “Only if it were false. I’m here to put a stop to it.”

  “Or maybe you shouldn’t interfere? When kids reach a certain age, we have to let them make their own choices.”

  “He was told to stay away.”

  “What can I say? Young love.” I shrugged.

  She snorted. “He’s old enough to know better. But since he’s incapable of breaking it off, I’ll handle it for him.”

  From the sounds of it, Winnie was better off not getting involved with this family. Mommy was whack-a-doodle. “I’ll pass on the message.”

  “I’ll do it myself. Where is Naomi Rousseau? I hear she’s the owner of this store.”

  I blinked. It only briefly occurred to me to lie. “I’m Naomi.”

  “The whore?”

  “Doubtful. I haven’t had sex in… Doesn’t matter how long. Let’s just say if your son claimed he was sleeping with me, then he was lying.”

  “I know you’re involved with him, whore.”

  I cleared my throat. “Would you mind not calling me that? I wasn’t kidding when I said I’ve been celibate for years. Unless battery operated counts.” I said it, and I couldn’t take it back.

  The lady in front of me only got meaner. “Are you going to deny you’ve been distracting my son? Plying your wiles on him. Making him forget his familial obligations.”

  It couldn’t be Darryl she was talking about. His parents weren’t around. Who did that leave? “Who the hell are you talking about?”

  “Don’t play stupid. My son Kane.”

  “You think Kane and I are fooling around?” I blurted out then laughed. “Hell no.” Not because the guy was ugly or gross. I’d had a one-night make-out session with Kane. I was drunk. Desperate. We made out. It was hot. Very hot. Also all kinds of wrong since Kane was more interested in my property than me. Good thing my bestie saved me from making a mistake.

  A mistake that wanted to repeat itself. Kane kept coming around. Not because I asked him too. He just appeared at random moments, mostly to drive me wild, but the last time I’d seen him, he saved my life, and since then he’d avoided me.

  Totally for the best because I was serious about Darryl. I liked him a lot and wouldn’t do anything to wreck my chances with him.

  “Don’t deny you’ve done something to my son,” exclaimed Kane’s mom. “You cast a spell. Ensnared him with your wiles.”

  It was so ludicrous I couldn’t stop laughing. “Oh my God. You are seriously crazy. Talk to Kane. He’ll tell you there’s nothing going on between us.”

  “But that would be a lie, sweetheart,” the devil himself said as he walked into the store, interjecting himself into the conversation as if he’d been listening. Then again, he probably had been.

  I scanned Kane for injury, because the last time I’d seen him, he was confronting a pack of wolves, injured and alone with only a sword. Defending me. The only thing that would have made it hotter was if he’d taken off his shirt.

  Then I remembered I was annoyed with him, mostly because he’d not contacted me once to let me know he was okay. I’d even caved and sent him a message to which he never replied, which hurt. Then made me mad because I cared, and I didn’t want to.

  “What do you want?” I snapped. “Can’t you see I’m having a lovely chat with your mother?” I was heavy on the sarcasm. Maybe they’d get the hint and both leave.

  “A chat about me, I assume. Surely you don’t mind if I join in.”

  “Actually, I do mind,” I huffed, my indignation only partially authentic. Kane might be a tad older than Darryl, the lines in his face more severe, rigid, but there was something about him. A masculinity. A presence. Danger that thrilled.

  “I understand you’re angry. It’s been a few days without contact. You must have missed me.”

  He did this all the time. Spoke as if we had something between us. Disturbing and sexy at the same time. Why couldn’t I just hate him? How could I be attracted? I was involved with Darryl.

  “I hadn’t even noticed.” A lie. I’d checked my phone more than a few times to see if he’d called or texted a reply. A perverse part of me wanted to see if he’d try and reach out so I could smack him down.

  His mother launched into some speech in a language I couldn’t hope to follow, and Kane replied, “Say it in English so Naomi can understand.”

  “You agreed you’d stay away from her,” hissed his mommy.

  “Wouldn’t be the first time I went back on my word.”

  His own statement proved he was bad, so why did I tingle?

  “There is too much at stake for you to be doing this,” his mother insisted.

  “And you are overstepping,” was his reply.

  “I will when you are making such a grave mistake.” Mommy dearest wasn’t letting up.

  Kane only got more amused, and I finely understood the term supercilious smile. “I will see Naomi if I choose, and you will mind your business about it.”

  My turn to have a say. “No, you will not see me. I am not interested in anything involving you.” A lie that ignored my racing pulse.

  “Are you sure about that? As I recall, at our last meeting, there remained unresolved issues.”

  Way to remind me. I didn’t just have questions about why Kane walked around with a sword. He knew about magic and monsters, like the one that attacked us in the woods. He had answers. I just didn’t know if I could trust him—or myself. My feelings for Kane kept surprising me, mostly because I had some.

  “If I wanted your help I would ask.” Left unsaid? I thought about it a few times. I hung up before the phone rang each time. Deleted every text after the first one I sent. I didn’t want to appear desperate.

  “It’s not as if he could have answered, given his injuries.” It was his mother who exposed him.

  “How badly were you hurt?” I couldn’t help the blurted concern.

  “I’m fine,” he said tightly.

  “You’re not fine. You shouldn’t even be out of bed.” His mother again spilled more than he wanted to reveal, judging by his expression.

  “Would you keep your mouth shut,” he growled. “I wouldn’t have had to leave bed if you’d not taken it upon yourself to meddle in affairs that are none of your business.” His anger vibrated in his tone and posture.

  “She’s blinding you to your duty.”

  “My duty? You are not in the position to lecture me about duty,” he snarled right back.

  Her lips pinched. “You will regret your actions. Mark my words. They won’t be forgotten.” With that, she swept out of my store.

  And my smart-ass mouth said, “Wow, I bet family dinners are just a blast at your place.”


  “Why don’t you join me at the next family dinner to find out?” Kane always had a smooth reply.

  “I’m good, thanks. Although you have my condolences. Growing up must have been tons of fun.” With Kane’s mother gone, it left us alone. Me and Kane with only a few feet between us. I already knew he wasn’t the type who believed in social distancing, despite the fact it trended for years after the pandemic. I’d need to get rid of him quick.

  “While you might not have seen it, I assure you my mother has my best interests at heart. Mostly because it serves her agenda

  “What kind of agenda says it’s okay to visit a stranger and call her…” I couldn’t say it and settled for, “A bad name?”

  “I’m sorry she confronted you. It’s why I followed her the moment I heard.”

  And his mother gave him shit for that, too. I eyed him. “How badly are you still hurt?” And why did I feel guilty I’d not checked in on him? The man saved my life. He didn’t answer one text and I’d assumed he’d been ignoring me instead of considering the possibility he couldn’t respond.

  “I’ll live.”

  “That’s not an answer. Where were you hurt?”

  “Is this your less-than-subtle attempt to remove my clothing? You know, all you have to do is ask.” He practically purred the words.

  I was tempted. Curious. What did he look like under those layers? Today he wore a dark bomber jacket over an open-necked button shirt tucked into jeans. It was the most casual I’d seen him. His hair wasn’t as perfect as usual. The lines on his face spoke of fatigue.

  I should send him home, and yet, I had questions. “What’s going on in this town?”

  “I would have said tons of development. The place is busy since I last popped in.”

  “Because of the mill. But that’s not the only thing. There’s something else going on. I know it.”

  “Whatever do you mean?”

  I glared. “Don’t pull that bullshit with me.” Look at me, getting all tough. “I don’t know if it’s the lake, the town, or some ancient burial ground, but there is weird shit happening. And you’re right in the middle of it. You and that mill.” I still remembered my first visit to it and seeing the mechanical monster that mined the bottom of the lake. The odd mining machine made a plausible explanation for monster sightings. That night, I had my first Maddy dream. More like a nightmare.

  At first, I feared Maddy because she would always devour me. But as the dreams evolved, the swallowing me whole stopped, and I got to see a monster in great pain. A creature suffering. A prisoner slowly dying.

  “Funny you should ask about the mill. Operations there are wrapping up.”

  “So quickly?” It didn’t make sense. The launch was for the new year. Now, I didn’t know much about business, but shouldn’t the production be ongoing?

  “Doesn’t feel quick to me. Once upon a time it took forever to reach this point. Now? We are almost at the end.”

  “The end of what?”

  I expected another bullshit answer, but he offered a bleak reply. “The end of a long effort. An era. A life.”

  He spoke of life, and on an impulse, I asked, “Did Maddy die? Is that why you can’t keep the mill open?”

  His brows rose. “What makes you think she died?”

  “I saw it in a dream.” I admitted it to the only person I could.

  His chin dropped. “Have you seen other things?” He didn’t mock me.

  I shook my head. “Nothing I really remember or understand other than Maddy, and in my last one, she wasn’t there. Just the lake and beach.”

  “She’s gone.” He confirmed it and wavered on his feet. He didn’t look well.

  “You should sit down. Or better yet, go home. To bed.” My questions could wait until he recovered.

  “Will you join me?”

  I ignored the tingles. This insane attraction was just more proof I needed to get laid. Maybe then everything with a penis wouldn’t make me horny. “Why do you keep pretending we have a thing? I’m not interested.”

  “So you keep saying.”

  “If you hear me, then why are you ignoring me?”

  “Because it amuses me to make you angry.” He smirked.

  “And does it amuse you to piss off your mom, too? Why make her believe that we are involved?”

  “Because we are, if not perhaps in the way I’d like or that you expect.”

  “That is a load of baloney.”

  “Are you claiming you feel nothing?” He stepped closer to the counter, and my heart raced so fast I worried he’d notice.

  “I’m seeing someone.”

  “You may want to rethink your interest in Darryl. He’s using you.”

  “That’s ridiculous. I have nothing he wants.”

  “Don’t you? He needs you.”

  “And how is that a bad thing?” I could think of worse things than having a man want and need me. I ignored the little voice that had naughty suggestions as to what Darryl really wanted.

  “Because he—”

  Ding a ling. The door to my shop rang, and Darryl walked in.

  Hot guilt and giddy relief filled me as I exclaimed, “Darryl! I was just about to close shop and go find you.” I held up a sign.

  “Were you really?” There was suspicion in his tone as he glanced at Kane standing close to me.

  “Kane was just leaving,” I announced.

  “Is he?” Darryl drawled. “I’m surprised to see you here, Kane.” He put an odd inflection on the name. “I heard you suffered a mishap.”

  How come Darryl knew of Kane’s injuries but I didn’t?

  Kane shrugged. “Grossly exaggerated. Feeling fine and thought I’d get out.”

  “Glad to hear it,” Darryl said as he stepped close enough to slap Kane on the back.

  The wince came and went quick enough that I wondered if I’d imagined it.

  “Go back to bed,” I said. “I don’t think you’re well enough to be out and about.”

  Kane didn’t argue. “You know how to reach me if you need me.”

  “She won’t need you. She has me,” was Darryl’s caveman assertion. Sexy, with a hint of violence. I’d never seen Darryl other than affable. Could he be jealous?

  Of moi? A girly thrill ran through me. It turned into pure pleasure as Darryl got close enough to slide his arm loosely around my waist.

  I’d just been claimed. And my panties weren’t wet because I peed myself.

  With a rigid expression, Kane left, and I quashed my irrational guilt. I had nothing to feel bad about. On the contrary…

  “I’m so happy to see you,” I said, pivoting to smile up at Darryl.

  “Are you?”

  Oh, my sweet baby Jeezus, he was jealous. I gave him a quick peck. “Very.”

  Still he scowled. “I don’t like him coming around.”

  “It’s not like I had a choice. He just showed up.” Was it wrong to be thrilled at his macho demands?

  “I’ll deal with him.”

  A frown pulled my brow. “What’s that mean? You’re not going to fight him, are you?”

  “Worried about him?”

  “More like I don’t want to see you get in trouble. I’m not interested in Kane.” I cupped Darryl’s face. “Why would I when I have you?”

  The statement pleased him. He smiled. “Were you really coming to find me?”

  I nodded. “I thought we could do lunch.”

  “Wish I could, but I’m going to be busy today. I’ve got family stuff to deal with again.”

  “Is everything okay?” He’d been handling a few emergencies of late. Made me wonder what kind of crisis kept cropping up and why he had to deal with it. After all, his parents and grandparents weren’t around. I’d not heard of any siblings. Who did that leave, and why were they so important to him?

  “It will be soon. Until then, I might not be around too much.”

  “Oh.” Yeah, that was a bit of a sad sound.

  “That doesn’t mean you won’t see me.” He gave me a squeeze.

  “I’m glad.” Then before I lost the courage, said, “What are you doing New Year’s?”

  “Spending it with you, of course.”

  The unexpected answer flustered me, and he took that opportunity to kiss me. Softly. A gentle sliding of his mouth over mine. His hands squeezed my ass.

  The fire between my legs throbbed. Needed.

  So I was more than disappointed when he pulled away. “Wish I had time to finish this, but I have to go.”

  Being desperate, I almost aske
d him for two more minutes. I was pretty sure I could get what I needed that quick. However, I’d used up my bravery quotient with my half-assed New Year’s Eve demand.

  With one last kiss, Darryl left. After a few minutes of staring into space, I put the sign in the window and went into the back. I didn’t need batteries, not with knowing fingers. I came quick. After washing my hands, I popped out to grab a salad from the new healthy-option bistro two shops down from me.

  It almost felt disrespectful to Orville, who, in the past, had made me all kinds of special treats. However, I wasn’t ready to be around my friends right after an orgasm. I just wanted to eat my avocado chicken salad in peace and bask in my happiness.

  The afternoon went quickly, with no visits from anyone I knew. At five-ish I got a text from Trish saying, We still on?

  Hell yeah. Good food and girl gab? I’d gone almost twenty years without having a close friend. I wasn’t letting my bestie go for anything.

  Despite it being busy, we met at Maddy’s Family Diner. Marjorie kept a booth reserved for us. She hustled up to it, slapping the menus on the table before turning to Trish. “I might not have time to join you.”

  “Thanks for keeping us a spot,” Trish said to Marjorie as she dropped a kiss on her lips. They’d finally decided to stop hiding they were a couple. I could only hope no one was a jerk about it. I’d hex them if they said anything.

  “The place is packed,” I remarked.

  “Hasn’t stopped all day. I had to come in at noon instead of three to help out.”

  “You working until what time?” Trish asked.

  “Orville says we’re to close the kitchen at eight, everyone out by nine.”

  Orville being the burly owner. Super nice man. If I weren’t dating Darryl, I might have been interested.

  “Is Orville working tonight? I don’t see him.” I glanced over in the direction of the kitchen.

  “The man is actually taking the evenings off. He hired two cooks to handle the dinner shift.”

  “Wow.” I was surprised given the diner was his baby. Then again, given the brisk business, a break was well deserved.


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