Falling for the Movie Star

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Falling for the Movie Star Page 11

by Jean Oram

  He sighed. Hailey didn’t need the world on her because her hair wasn’t perfect, because she was perfect. The world wouldn’t understand. The world wanted fake perfect. You could be anyone as long as you were glossy on the outside.

  Finn needed to find Austin. He needed to tell him to back off, because Hailey wasn’t equipped for Finn’s world and he wanted to spend more time with her--out of the limelight.

  He flicked to the next shot. It was one of him holding hands with Hailey’s niece. Tigger’s face was so bright and open and trusting. Not knowing he was a man ripping down the tracks of self-destruction and that he’d just ripped away her anonymity, thrusting her into the mean old eyes of the public gossip circles.

  What had he done to Hailey and Tigger?

  Finn continued to stare at the photo of him with Tigger. He looked like any guy his age out in the world, finding his place, as well as happiness, family, and friends.

  Not the image he’d been working toward, but somehow it still felt right. This tightness in his chest left him when he was with Hailey and her family. The tightness he hadn’t even known he’d been carrying.

  “Last time we talked, you said you had things under control, Finn.”

  “I do.”

  “This is not under control.”

  “Give me more time.”

  He banged through the rest of the photos. What about images of him in the alley looking for a joyride? Him on stage at The Kee? Outshining the band everyone had paid to see? Why weren’t they here?

  “How much more time?”

  “I’ve got a plan. I just need a little time with the Canadian paparazzi.”

  Derek laughed. “There is no Canadian paparazzi. I’ll send someone in.”

  “I’ve got this, Derek.” An edge was slipping into his voice. “These pictures are barely anywhere, and this is just a ripple of intrigue. I know the world isn’t ready for this kind of turnaround in my personality and way of living, but this is…this is a setup, okay? Trust me. The world will be waiting for me to mess this up.”

  “And you will.”

  Finn nodded, head bent low enough that his chin grazed his chest. He would.

  But this time it was going to hurt.

  Finn wiped the sweat from his brow, leaping from rock to rock, the reeds slapping at him as he went down his now-familiar path through the marsh. He was already faster than he’d been earlier in the week. More nimble, too. A few more days of this and he’d get the starring role for Ninja Fighter. Then he’d make it. Just one more movie. That’s all he needed to set him up where he wanted to be. Then everything would be easy. Everything would fall into place.

  Taking a wild leap, he soared through the air, landing on both feet. Forced to bend low to keep his balance, he hovered over the rocks, pumping his arms. He could sense the power in his muscles and knew the exercise would make him feel great for the rest of the day. Well, until he caught up with Hailey and tried to convince her to be his. His personal paparazzo. Not his, his.

  Because her as his paparazzo--even though she seemed peeved at him--was the only way to go without either pairing up with Austin or leaving Canada. And Finn wanted more downtime.

  But what would she do when he showed up again? Accuse him of stalking her? Slap him? Kiss him?

  He stumbled and recovered, moving on through the cattails from rock to rock, disturbing birds whose sudden flight no longer fazed him. Great training for his reflexes. He was ready, ready, ready.

  Nothing could faze him. Nothing could throw him off. He could have ten ninjas jump out of the reeds and he’d stay strong, not wavering in his straight line to the docks and boardwalk, which were approaching in less than twenty strides.



  Finn skipped a rock, moving fast, arms pumping. He glanced up to judge the distance he still had to cover.

  And there she was. Hailey.

  He missed the third last rock and splashed into the marsh, his momentum throwing him into the water, where he sank to his elbows in the muck.

  “Finian?” Hailey’s voice drifted over to him, curious.

  Embarrassed, he pulled his hands out of the muddy ooze, surprised they didn’t make a sucking sound.

  “Hey,” he said lightly, rolling onto his back in the shallow water, letting its coolness wash away his heat.

  “You weren’t disturbing the turtles, were you?” She stood on the edge of the wooden boardwalk that connected to the docks, hands on her hips.

  “Just taking a nice morning swim.”

  “In your running gear?”

  “I was hot.”

  Hailey rolled her eyes and turned away. She was a vision today. It was as though she’d received a memo from his agent about her hair. This morning it was smooth, silky--even better than it had been at The Kee. All that fine hair hanging low on her back, a slight wave to it that shimmered in the sun. Her legs looked longer and sexier from his water-level vantage point, too. He was going to have to stay in here for a while to hide his growing erection if he didn’t distract himself.

  He scrambled onto the dock, focusing on her hair. As amazing as it looked cascading down her back, he kind of missed the wildness of her berserk curls. He scraped muck off his watch face, hoping it was not only water resistant, but also marsh bottom resistant.

  Beyond Hailey, a man who had to be a reporter was talking to Daphne and Tigger. Finn’s heart lifted, as did the corner of his mouth. Perfect. He liked reporters. And male reporters were almost always ruthless about revealing dark secrets and bad behavior. Female reporters only sometimes--but he usually had to have a one-night stand with them first. Finn’s attention drifted back to Hailey. She’d made it pretty clear she wasn’t interested in that type of thing. Which meant if he did take it that far…well, then maybe she’d blast him in the tabloids. But probably not. And anyway, he had other things in mind first.

  He studied the local reporter, all crisp in his ironed shirt and neat haircut. Eager for something bigger than this small town.

  Finn jiggled up and down to shake some of the water off himself. He still had lots of mud stuck to him--hardly a great look--but maybe he could pick a lover’s spat with Hailey and get the reporter to catch her slapping him or something. Finn could line it up so she’d have her back to the camera and could stay anonymous, but he’d be in the news and she’d have her privacy.

  He sidled up to Hailey, assessing the situation. She didn’t move away.

  Would she forgive him for picking a fight?

  Man, he was losing his edge. That was the last thing he should be worried about. Or even care about. They were both playing a game for money and fame. Surely she knew the stakes. She wasn’t just some girl who appeared around him all the time with a camera. She couldn’t be. She had to be waiting for her moment. In other words, she was stalking him as much as he was now stalking her.

  He turned to her, wanting to touch her hair.

  “Over your snit?” he asked.

  She frowned and moved two steps away.

  “What were you mad about, anyway?”

  “Just…” She let out a sigh and looked the other way. “You wouldn’t understand.”

  Suddenly, he was hit in the midsection and squeezed so tight he had trouble breathing right. “Whoa there, Tigger!” he gasped.

  The girl pulled away, her face wrinkled in disgust. “You smell, Finian. And you’re all wet.”

  “True and true. Did you know my friends call me Finn?”

  “Fin? As in what fish use to swim?” She gave him a doubting look as if to say Why on earth would you let people call you that? “People call me Tigger, but my real name is Kim.”

  “And why do they call you Tigger?”

  “You gave me sugar, you figure it out.”

  She flashed him a sly smile, and he laughed and gave her that one.

  He pointed toward Daphne, who was still talking to the reporter, but was starting to come their way. “What’s your mom doing?”

p; “She’s talking to Rick. Did you and Auntie Hailey have a fight?”

  He glanced up at Hailey from his crouch. She was ignoring him, her arms crossed as she stood outside the circle Daphne and Rick the reporter had created near the water’s edge. “That’s a good question.”

  “I ask good questions. Why’d she leave the picnic yesterday?”

  “I think she was ready to go home.”

  Tigger shook her head. “She always says goodbye to me.”

  “Oh. Sorry, kiddo.”

  They both turned to study Hailey, who looked pretty, but had smudges under her eyes.

  “She looks like she needs a friend, Finian Alexander.” The five-year-old wrapped her arms around his neck, apparently no longer caring that he was wet.

  “She does.” He sighed to himself. There went his plan to get her mad at him for the reporter. It seemed that was the last thing she needed. “What’s the interview about?”

  “About the turtle you and Auntie Hailey saw.”

  “Are they going to try and save it or something?”

  “Public awareness is the first step,” Tigger said seriously.

  Finn gave her a light hug. She felt good. Warm. Full of life. And it made him want to have a whole houseful of kids. And of course, a wife who loved him. Really loved him.

  “You’re a smart cookie, you know that?” he asked.

  The reporter moved closer, his pace increasing as he recognized Finn.

  Finn lightly pulled Tigger’s arms from around his neck and stood, preparing himself.

  “Finian Alexander! Rick Steinfeld.” The reporter pumped his hand enthusiastically, then snapped a few shots of Finn at close range. “I heard you were in our neck of the woods. Let’s get some of you together.” He pushed Hailey into the shot. She was frowning at Rick as if he’d just placed her in someone else’s family Christmas photo.

  Finn slung an arm around her, drawing her close to his wet body. This girl really needed to lighten up. She’d probably never gone photobombing--incredibly cool when you were as famous as sin.

  Oh wait, they were the ones who’d discovered the turtle. No photobombing required here.

  He grinned at the camera and noted Hailey was shooting him a peeved look while trying to lean away.

  “So, you told him about us, huh?” he said through a smile he kept aimed at Rick.

  Hailey tried to shrug out of his hold. “There is no us, Finian.”

  “Us finding the turtle together. But if you want another kind of us, I can probably oblige you. I think you’d enjoy being the girlfriend of a famous man once you got a taste of it.”

  Her cheeks flushed and he pulled her closer.

  “You’re so full of yourself.”

  “You could be full of me, too, if you play your cards right.” He shot her an over-the-top seductive wink and waited for her to get physical. To his surprise she broke out laughing. So much for the reporter catching her shoving him into the water or slapping him.

  She bit her bottom lip, her mouth stretched into a large grin. “Does anyone ever stay mad at you?”

  “You were mad at me?”

  “You’re all wet.” She pushed away, looking at her now-damp outfit.

  “I’m worth getting wet for.” He shot her a lewd smile.

  She laughed and gave him a massive shove that caught him off guard. Some ninja-ready actor he was.

  “Where do you store all that confidence?”

  He put on his best Austin Powers voice, thrusting his hips towards her. “Do I make you randy, baby? Do movie stars make you horny?”

  Her smile faltered and she sighed, stepping away.

  “Oh, come on. Where’s playful Hailey? Why so serious? Life is fun and easy.”

  Her eyes flashed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  Now they were getting somewhere. That spark in her eyes. Kill him, but it made him want to push all her buttons.

  Naked. In bed.

  He cozied up to her, ready to take their beef to the next level. The one where they fell on each other and caused fireworks with their heat and passion. Oh, yeah, mark his words, she’d be a wild thing in bed.

  “I heard you found the turtles?” interrupted Rick.

  “What?” Finn struggled to pull his focus from Hailey. He gave her a last look as if to say, We’re not done here, sexy woman. Oh, yes. You will be mine.

  “Daphne said you found the spotted turtle.”

  “Yeah.” Finn sized up the man. He looked about the same age as Hailey, and he hoped Rick wasn’t another ex-boyfriend. Finn didn’t need another man around that he wanted to kill on principle.

  “You found it with your girlfriend, Hailey?” Rick looked from one to the other, pen on his notepad, lips ready to smile. He flicked a lock of hair out of his eyes and flashed a thumbs-up at Hailey, who seemed about ready to slap him. Oh, man. Maybe not an ex if he didn’t know to clear out when that look came down the pipe.

  “Yeah, my girlfriend.” Finn put an arm around her shoulders.

  “We’re not dating.” Hailey’s eyes flashed as she flicked his arm off her.

  “You don’t want to be associated with me now?” he joked, his voice low and sultry.

  “You’re not my type and I’m looking for more than a fling.”

  “You think I’m not capable of something other than a fling? I just came out of a year-long relationship, I’ll have you know.”

  “On the rebound. Even more not my type.”

  Finn faced Hailey. “What is your problem with me?”

  Hailey brushed him off and addressed Rick, “I have photos of the turtle and Finian simply--”

  “We’ll pay you the usual rate for those, Hailey,” the reporter said. “Make sure they’re suitable for the paper. None of that artistic crap.” Rick waved her away and Finn could see the man had stepped on her pride. He was so getting slapped. If not by Hailey, then by Finn.

  “So, what’s the scoop between the two of you?” Rick looked from Finn to Hailey again.

  Finn opened his mouth, but Daphne pushed her way between them. “We’re having a rally for the turtles on Saturday. We want to stop the Oakview Estates planning meeting. We can’t let them go ahead.”

  “Right.” The reporter made notes. “So, Hailey, what was that photo in the tabloids about?”

  “What photo?” She stared at him with a blank expression.

  “The one of you and Finian kissing?”

  Finn met her eyes. Uh-oh. His get-Hailey-ticked-off-so-she-reveals-you-in-the-tabloids plan might take off earlier than expected.

  Hailey strode away from Rick and Finian, resisting the need to break into a run. Daphne blocked her on the boardwalk, hands on her hips.

  “I’m sorry,” Hailey blurted, realizing she’d inadvertently stolen the limelight from Daphne’s cause--the whole reason they were here in the first place. She’d called Rick this morning to interview Daphne as a favor, and as a peace offering to her sister for the way she’d taken off from the picnic--even raising her voice when Daph wouldn’t let her flee to go let the Walkers into Trixie Hollow.

  “What’s up with you? Your moods are all over the place.”

  “Sorry. Just stress.”

  “And him?” Her sister pointed to Finian, palm raised. “One second you’re looking like you want to drag him to bed, and the next punch him.”

  Yeah, that about summed it up.

  “He gets under my skin, that’s all.” And gets me in the tabloids, evidently.

  “I’ll say.”

  Hailey turned away from Daphne and dug her fingers into her waist, hunching forward. Why was everything so difficult? This was supposed to be easy. How was she going to blow up Hollywood and take that cocky life-serves-me expression off Finian’s face if Austin was going to pop up and scoop her every time? How was she going to catch Finian doing wild and crazy bad-boy things if she was always hanging off his lips?

  She wasn’t cut out for this. She hadn’t even snagged a photo of him on stage at
The Kee.

  She strode over to the men, determined to set Finian straight and get things back on level ground.

  “Rick, you came here to talk to Daphne about the turtles, so, Finian, you should kindly go finish your jog or swim or whatever you were doing.”

  The reporter opened his mouth and Hailey shot him a look.

  “And Finian, I’m not your girlfriend.”


  “You can’t call me your girlfriend to reporters.” When she turned to Rick, shooting him another look, he smiled and tipped his head, then headed off to catch up with Daphne.

  “Can I still kiss you?” Finian asked. He took a step closer, and panic pierced Hailey’s muscles, making her want to flee. Was he going to kiss her right here? Right now?

  He was near enough that she could smell the muck on him. Damp and earthy.

  “You’re wet and you stink.”

  “You did something new with your hair.” The way his voice was soft and kind, it was easy to forgive him way too quickly. In fact, she couldn’t quite figure out why she’d been so peeved a few seconds ago.

  Hailey smoothed a hand over her hair, bothered and flattered that he’d noticed the extra effort she’d put into it. Oh, who was she kidding? She’d driven all the way to Bracebridge to get new hair product last night, when she should’ve been prepping her photo show.

  “You’re just too likable, you know that?”

  “I try.”

  “That’s so bad boy.”

  “Yeah.” He swallowed and looked away.

  She rubbed the bags under her eyes and sighed. She needed an injection of caffeine. Or an injection of life, at the very least.

  “Known him a long time?” Finian asked.

  “Who? Rick? Yeah. Since high school.”

  “Another ex-boyfriend?”

  “No. I worked with him on the school paper. Austin, too. After graduation Austin fled to Hollywood to make it big, Rick went to McGill, and I…I stayed around.”

  Hailey hugged herself, wishing she could have gone somewhere exciting and wonderful instead of sticking close to home and backfilling the holes in her photography knowledge with online courses, books from the library, and tips from other photographers kind enough to help her out while she struggled to get her family through their days.


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