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Whom Shall I Marry... An Earl or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels Book 2)

Page 4

by Laura A. Barnes

  Chapter Three

  Sophia stood next to Sidney as she delivered her vows of devotion to Wildeburg. Her experiment ended with her falling in love. Sidney had set out to expose to London the gentlemen of the ton with examples of their unsavory behavior. However, she became involved in her own scandal. Oh, for a scandal to end so promising. The couple was hopelessly in love, and Sophia had helped guide them to this stage in their life.

  Her glance slid from them having their first kiss as a married couple to the best man standing next to Wildeburg. Sheffield stood with a frown as he watched the bride and groom, his lips twisting in disapproval. Wilde confused Sophia when he asked Sheffield to stand up with him. Why would any man rejected by the bride be the best man for the groom who stole his fiancée away? Best friend or not, it only drew the throngs to the ceremony. The overcrowded church expected a scene but held disappointment, because all they witnessed was the love of Sidney and Noah.

  Sophia's thought changed into more of a sensual nature. As she watched his mouth, all she could imagine was coaxing the frown into a smile. Her tongue tracing his full lips open so she could explore him. Would he taste like whiskey again? She licked her lips as her gaze rose to lock with his. Her eyes widened, but she couldn’t look away. His dark stare froze her in place. His eyes narrowed in confusion and he tilted his head in his condescending way, cocking his eyebrow at her glance. She was as bad as Sidney. Sidney explained how she looked at the gentlemen with the same perusal they did to her. Sophia felt the heat of a blush spreading across her face.

  What on earth was she staring at? Sophia Turlington was a strange chit. He pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket and made a swipe across his mouth. Did Grimes leave a spot of shaving cream on his lips? As she continued to stare, he waited for her gaze to meet his. He wanted to give her a look that anybody else would glance away from. But she didn’t. When her eyes met his, she continued to stare. He also noticed the blush spreading across her cheeks. Well, at least she was embarrassed that he caught her gawking. When her glance still didn’t waver, he shook his head and looked away. It would appear his day would be a long one.

  When Wilde approached him with the question to be his best man, Alex had conceded his loss and agreed. He didn't want to lose his friendship with Wilde over a matter of little importance to him. Sidney Hartridge was only a piece to a puzzle in his life. A piece in the end that didn’t fit. He was frustrated that Wilde once again had beaten him. Even though he never held a chance to begin with. Now he was saddled with Lady Sophia for the day. Since they stood with Wilde and Sidney at the altar, they were now the honorary guests at the wedding reception. They would be seated together at the bridal table and offer toasts to the happily wedded couple. It was their role to mingle with the other guests. Also, he had that ridiculous apology to make. Belle would hear if he didn’t.

  Lady Sophia was to ride in his carriage to the reception. There he would offer his apology and agree to a pleasant afternoon for appearance’s sake. That should appease Belle enough into making his proposition to Violet.

  The church echoed with applause at the married couple. As the pews emptied to proceed to the reception Sheffield offered his arm to Lady Sophia. He noticed her reluctance as she slid her hand onto his forearm. Her touch was light and not clingy. Most women, when granted his arm, stated their presence by clinging and pressing their body to his side in a most unbearable situation. However, she was a lady personified, with her soft touch and her skirts only brushing across his trousers occasionally as they walked along the aisle. She didn't try to press her breasts to his arm or smother him with perfume. Actually, she smelled sweet. It was a fragrance he couldn’t quite recall, and he racked his mind for the memory. He couldn’t remember where he caught a whiff of it before. Oh, well it did not matter. For after today, his time spent with Lady Sophia would only be at a minimum. Just because they were both friends with the bride and groom didn't mean they would engage much.

  Sophia tried to stay calm as her hand rested on his arm. She wanted to press tighter to feel his strength. However, she resisted. His scent was as intoxicating today as it was on the other occasions she was in his presence. As he escorted her out of the church and handed her into his carriage, she waited for his grandmother to join them. Except he closed the door and tapped on the roof, ordering the driver to take them to the Hartridge’s.

  “Shouldn’t we wait for your grandmother?”

  “No, she has joined Lord and Lady Hartridge in their carriage. I wanted a few moments alone with you before the reception.”

  “This is highly improper. If you escort me into the reception alone, there will be talk,” Sophia declared as she settled into the seat.

  “There will be no gossip. Nobody would dare to whisper a word regarding my behavior. Also relax, I have no plans to maul you.”

  “Mmm, your past behavior speaks otherwise. You are a conceited arse, aren’t you?”

  “Arse? What language coming from a lady such as yourself. But then again, you are no lady are you, Sophia?”

  Sophia stilled in suspicion. Did he discover it was her at Madame Belle’s?

  “What are you implying, Your Grace?”

  Sheffield sighed. This wasn't what he'd intended. Instead of apologizing, he'd insulted her. He ran his hand through his hair, frustrated at the position he put himself in.

  “Nothing,” he mumbled.

  Now she was more confused than ever. Did he know? Impossible. If he knew her to be the lady in the mask, he would have exposed her. It was in his nature. Sophia sighed as she relaxed against the carriage cushions. Her secret was safe. For now, anyway. He must be referring to all the times she called him on his rude behavior. She waited for him to speak as she stared out the window. The passing scenery was homes filled with beautiful landscapes. One day, Sophia hoped to have a house of her own where she could make a home with a loving husband. Where their children would run the grounds playing their silly games. Sidney had embarked on that journey today.

  Her sigh echoed loudly around the silent carriage. Her glance swept to Sheffield to see he paid no attention to her and was deep in thought. If he only knew that he consumed hers. For the image of the loving husband that kept floating in her mind was of him. Which was preposterous. There was not a loving bone in his body. Sexual yes, but loving, no. Plus, if he discovered Sophia was his mystery lady, the sexual would be replaced with disgust. Her gaze once again returned to the window, because it was a much safer view. She would embarrass herself again if she continued with her fascination of him. He'd already regarded her haughtily when he caught her staring inside the chapel.

  “I wanted a private word with you before we reached the reception. It seems I owe you an apology for my past behavior in your company. It was ungentlemanly of me to kiss you in the garden. Lady Sidney injured my pride, and in my frustration I took advantage of your innocence. For that I humble myself for your forgiveness.”

  Sophia didn’t know how to react. She sat dumbfounded until a reply flew out of her mouth.

  “The great Duke of Sheffield sinks to bestow someone as lowly as a mere mortal of my standings an apology. Will wonders never cease? I feel the world should shake at such a declaration.”

  “You’re an ungrateful shrew. I knew you wouldn’t accept my kind gesture with your own kind acceptance. I don’t understand why I bothered.”

  “Yes, why did you bother, Sheffield?”

  “For reasons I would not normally burn your ears with. However, if you must know, I asked a favor from a friend and in return for said favor, I was to apologize to you.”

  “So, I am only a means to an end.”

  “Something like that.”

  “Wait, if your friend knows of our kiss in the garden, then so do other people. You ruined me. I will not be burdened with you for a husband.”

  “I was not aware I offered.”

  “Well ...” Sophia stuttered.

  “Your virtue is safe and so is your reputation. At leas
t from me, anyway.”

  “That wasn’t the case the evening of the Havelock Ball.”

  “I already explained my reasons. You were available. Any other woman would have satisfied me. Probably more so,” he laughed. “Your innocence hardly has the desired effect on a man such as myself.”

  Sophia didn’t have to reply. The carriage had arrived at its destination and the door opened. Sheffield alighted and reached for her hand. He asked if she accepted his apology and Sophia nodded in agreement as he helped her down the stairs. All she could think of was how misleading he was. Her very innocence enticed him to a passion she wanted to explore.

  They entered the Hartridge residence with no regard mentioned to their time alone. Everybody only paid attention to the newly wedded couple. Thoughts of Alexander Langley moved to the back of her mind as she decided to enjoy the day rejoicing in her friend’s happiness. She would endure his company when needed, other than that he would have to become a forgotten memory. Their personalities did not mesh, and they never would.

  Chapter Four

  With Sidney away on her honeymoon, Sophia found too much free time on her hands. It was too quiet. She read all the new novels at the bookstore, even reread her hidden treasures. Something she should have resisted, but she couldn’t forget, was the memory of Sheffield’s kisses. Thoughts of him consumed her day and night. The nights were the worst. Her passionate dreams would awaken her, and she would lay frustrated that her desires would go unsatisfied. It didn't help that every ball or musical she attended, he was present. Gossip spread among the ton about his search for a bride. Whenever their paths crossed, he offered a courteous acknowledgment. They shared no conversations, no dances, and were never alone. Which only made Sophia yearn for him more. At least, when they were arguing, it gave her a reason to hate him. Since he displayed a polite indifference, it must mean he never thought of her the same way she did him.

  As Sophia sat surrounded by a circle of friends, their gossip floating over her head, she noticed him. He was being introduced to Lady Dallis MacPherson. After he secured a dance with the new beauty, he joined a group of gentlemen where he shared a drink as they talked. When the musicians began to play, he approached Lady Dallis to escort her onto the dance floor. Sophia watched as they glided through the set.

  As her friends’ gossip turned into whispers, she heard Sheffield’s name mentioned. Her ears perked to the conversation as her eyes traced their steps. The discussion revealed Sheffield’s plans on pursuing Lady Dallis’s hand. He wanted her to be his duchess. But there were other rumors floating around with his infatuation of a miss named Violet. Nobody knew Violet’s identity, and they were curious as to what kind of beauty drew the duke’s attention enough to announce his interest. Whoever this woman was, every available lady in the ton was jealous. Sophia's heart sunk even deeper. Not only was he courting Dallis with a waltz, he was enamored of another beauty. It was hopeless. Sophia rose from her chair. She could no longer watch or listen to whispers of Sheffield. She took her leave and wandered to the balcony.

  As she leaned over the railing gazing at the stars, she felt a gentle nudge against her ribs. When she glanced to her side, it was to see her friend Lord Rory Beckwith. He smiled at her, wagging his eyebrows to bring a smile to her face. She gifted him with a small one as she turned back to the stars. Soon one shot across the sky.

  “Make a wish,” Rory said.

  Phee closed her eyes. The wish she made would never come true, but that was what wishes were for. Dreams of the deepest possibilities mixed with magic.


  “You are not supposed to utter your wishes, or they won’t come true.”

  “Why so sad, Phee?”

  “I am not sad, Rory.”

  “I know I am not Sidney, but we have been friends long enough for me to realize when you are troubled.”

  “’Tis nothing.”

  “Nothing as in, you will not confide in me?”

  “Nothing as in I’m not quite sure. I feel lost. Does that make any sense?”

  “A little. It’s different without Sid, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, I suppose that must be what it is.”

  “Shall we take a ride in the park tomorrow? We can even feed the ducks, if you wish.”

  “I would like that very much, Rory. An outing is just the thing I need.”

  “Excellent. Now, shall we dance?”

  Sophia laughed. She could always count on Rory to pull her out of her doldrums. Next to Sidney he was another great friend. With him she could be herself and never worry. Not only a friend, he was also like a brother to her and Sidney. He protected them and looked out for their safety.

  “Yes. Thank you, my lord.”

  “My pleasure, my lady.”

  Before they could enter the ballroom Sheffield and Lady Dallis were coming their way. The duke maneuvered the redhead beauty off the dance floor and onto the balcony. Rory tugged Sophia aside and drew her behind a potted plant, hiding them. They stared as Dallis pulled herself out of Sheffield’s grasp and slapped him across the face. However, she wasn’t finished as she continued with a rather long lecture of his boorish behavior and threatened him with unsavory actions. Her Scottish brogue emphasizing how she would hang him by his bollocks if he ever so much as spoke to her again. Sophia tried not to laugh at the exchange. But the devil in her gave into a fit of giggles revealing their hiding place. She was not the only one, for Rory held onto his side with laughter.

  Rory said, “I better rescue the lass, before the crowd inside notices this scene. I will return for our dance shortly.”

  Phee couldn’t stop giggling as she nodded. By now tears flowed from her eyes at her enjoyment.

  Rory approached Lady Dallis. “Excuse me. May I escort you to your grandmother, miss?”

  She gave him a thin smile. “Mmm, look, a gentleman in London. Observe and learn, Your Grace, on how a gentleman should treat a lady. Yes, you may kind sir.”

  Rory held in his pleasure as the mere girl handed Sheffield a critique on his manners. He took hold of the young lady’s hand and re-entered the ballroom. Sophia was forgotten as Rory became entranced by the beauty’s spell. Lady Dallis's voice soaked inside him and made Rory feel as if he had finally come home.

  “Oh, your charm knows no bounds, Sheffield.” Sophia continued to giggle.

  Sheffield’s temper hung by a thin thread. To be slapped, yelled, and now giggled at, set him in a fine mood. For two weeks he'd displayed common courtesy toward Sophia Turlington. While avoiding her at social functions, he was able to keep his irritation toward her in check. He even treated her with a polite manner when they came into contact. Now, as she stood before him laughing at his expense, he wanted to hurt her.

  Later, after he had a few drinks, he would realize she was not at fault for his foul mood. He was frustrated in the search for the perfect duchess and Belle’s avoidance on the subject of Violet. His two-week threat ended this evening. His one chance with Lady Dallis resulted in disaster and there would be no Violet—an infatuation that had become an obsession over those past few weeks. An obsession he needed to part with.

  For now, Lady Sophia would pay the price for his temper.

  He grabbed and pushed her into the dark shadows. He should have stopped when her giggles turned into a gasp. But her lips tempted him as she licked them. It was more than he could bear.

  “I see time has not curbed your tongue any. Let me see if I can help,” he whispered.

  He hungrily kissed his annoyance on her lips. Instead of fighting him off and yelling to bring attention their way, she opened her mouth beneath his. When she slid her hands around his neck and returned his kiss in full, he forgot any good intentions. His abstinence from sex for the last couple of months aggravated him, and for some unknown reason Sophia Turlington was becoming another distraction. His anger toward her always sent Sheffield to this edge. An edge to jump off and take her with him. What further confused him was how he felt the same conne
ction toward Lady Sophia that he did with Violet. Maybe it was the innocence Sophia held that reminded him of his violet-eyed temptress? They had many similarities, which only fueled his desires.

  Finally, he was kissing her. Sophia knew it was wrong and should protest. She thought it would never happen again. She no longer cared if they were caught. Her lips opened under his, begging for more. Their tongues performed a dangerous dance as their passion grew higher. When his hands raised her skirt and brushed across her core, she moaned into his mouth and pressed herself into his hand, whimpering. She needed his touch. Her body ached for anything from him. When his finger slid inside and stroked, her knees buckled. He caught her as he continued the pleasure on her body. He stroked faster as his kiss went beyond frustration to need.

  My god, she felt like heaven. His finger found a rhythm inside her wet mound, his thumb flicking across her clit. He captured her moans inside his mouth as he ravaged her lips. Each kiss hungry for more. She was fulfilling a need in him that he didn't realize he craved. When he sent her flying over the edge, Sheffield felt complete. She satisfied his ache for the moment. He knew he needed more, but not with her. While he sampled her delights, he would not trap himself with Lady Sophia. He pulled away from her as she sagged against the brick wall. Her eyes huge as she gasped for air. He lowered her skirt and stepped back. He slid his finger inside his mouth licking off the taste of her, still hungry. Her eyes grew larger, displaying her innocence toward his act. Then he laughed at her.

  “Mmm. Yes, I seemed to have silenced you into submission.” With those parting words, he strolled away.

  Sophia couldn’t recall how she made it through the rest of the evening. Somehow, she repaired her dress and hair in the darkness. Then she found her mother and pleaded a headache. As she lay in bed replaying their time in the shadows, she couldn't even begin to understand Sheffield. When he kissed and caressed her, she felt a sense of them as one. But when he spoke, he was a brute. Her feelings were a conflicted mess. The longer she replayed his final words, the more anger took hold. Silenced into submission? We shall see about that, Alexander Langley.


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