Super Daddies

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Super Daddies Page 20

by Maren Smith

  Awash with sensations, Lizzie felt like she was unraveling. Daddy’s cock was huge inside of her, going so deep, stretching her pussy so wide. His fingers rubbed over her clit, lubricated by all the cream her arousal had produced, driving her relentlessly toward a third orgasm that she wasn’t sure she could handle.

  His thrusts slapped his body against her welted bottom, reigniting the heat and the pain but somehow it was getting all mixed up in her head and she couldn’t tell if it hurt or if it felt good. Her sore nipples rubbed against the bed as Daddy fucked her, adding to the intense stimulation, the mix of sensations that was threatening to drown her.

  “Daddy... Please... Daddy...” She didn’t know if she was begging him to stop or fuck her harder.

  She wasn’t sure she could handle another orgasm, but she wasn’t sure she could handle him stopping now either. The two previous orgasms felt like they’d been building to this last one, looming like a thunderstorm, ready to wipe her out completely.

  “If you don’t come again for me, princess, Daddy’s going to shove his cock in this sweet little ass.” The hand not on her clit, which had been gripping her hip, moved over the cheek of her ass, gripping the abused flesh, and his thumb pressed down on her anus. The little ring of muscle stretched to receive the thick digit and Lizzie screamed as the threat and the little added bit of sensation finally flung her into the maelstrom of sensations that had been churning inside of her.

  She was barely aware of the way she bucked, her pussy spasming as Daddy kept thrusting inside of her. Wave after wave of climax rocked her to her core, the throbbing heat of his own orgasm adding to the fiery mix of explosions she was experiencing.

  It was a breathtaking, soul shattering finale, leaving her feeling utterly, limply satiated and completely bound to her new Daddy.

  Eventually she felt him sliding out of her, gently wiping her between her legs to clean away the messy aftermath, and then she was being cuddled in strong arms, knowing that she was safe, cherished, and claimed.

  Chapter 18

  Two months later

  Crouched in the shadows, Derrick shook his head at this newest pretender to the throne that Big Daddy had left empty.

  So far none of them had even come close to being able to pull of any of the heists Big Daddy had. Big Daddy himself was cooling his heels in prison, safely locked up in maximum security and on his way to a lifelong sentence thanks to the long list of his crimes. The DA had been thrilled to finally put the man behind bars.

  The proof that had shown up on the DA’s doorstep, thanks to Lizzie, definitely hadn’t hurt either. They’d spent some time gathering it, to make sure Big Daddy wasn’t going to be released any time soon, and then delivered it to the DA with a note about where it came from. There was still a warrant out for Chaotica, but no one seemed to be looking very hard. Especially since she’d ‘disappeared’ at the same time Big Daddy had. Everyone seemed to assume she’d either left the city or given up her criminal activities.

  She wasn’t perfectly reformed, but Derrick wasn’t sure he’d want her to be. Having a good reason to spank her was too much fun. Actually, he was fairly certain that some of the time she was angling for a spanking, which was when he would get more creative with his punishments. She was more of an imp than a brat, but she couldn’t seem to keep herself from testing boundaries.

  Fortunately, he was there to keep her on the straight and narrow. Well, other than the occasional bout of vigilantism, but since he was by her side for that, he could hardly punish her for it. Still, he kept his eye on her. There were times that she took risks he didn’t feel were necessary, or that she tried to be sneaky while they were out on a mission.

  Right now, he couldn’t actually see her, but the shadows let him know where she was. They could feel her, even when she was using her powers to hide herself.

  Word had already spread through the city that Pluto had a new sidekick. Thankfully, no one seemed to connect Chaotica’s disappearance with the arrival of Pluto’s new sidekick. Someone had dubbed her Kore—Pluto was the name of a Roman God and Kore was his wife—and the name had stuck. Lizzie was a little put out at not being able to choose her own name, but she’d come around when she’d started doing some reading into the mythology and decided that Kore was a badass.

  She’d been training daily with Derrick, adding to her fighting skills instead of relying so heavily on her powers—although they’d been training and strengthening those as well. Now she could move almost normally while camouflaged, although she still had to be careful because the moment she threw a punch or a kick, the cover shattered.

  Now they were hunting Zeus, who had was obviously setting himself up to be the next big bad of Haden City. He was tall, blond, and could shoot bolts of electricity that Derrick supposed were somewhat lightning like. Although he suspected that part of the reason the man had chosen the name was deliberately to provoke Haden City’s vigilante.

  The name didn’t provoke Derrick nearly as much as the fact that Lizzie thought Zeus was hot.

  After the news had shown footage of a recent bank robbery—Zeus directing everything with only a white mask covering the upper half of his face—Derrick’s sisters and Lizzie had talked for the next hour about how attractive the man was. Later, Derrick had turned her over his knee for a blistering spanking, all the while she protested that she’d just been trying to fit in with his sisters. Ignoring her protests, Derrick had turned her bottom bright red and then given her five orgasms in a row. He’d had to use the Hitachi for the last one, but he’d made his point.

  No more gushing over ‘sexy’ criminals.

  She could gush about the latest Hollywood heartthrob if she needed to gush about another man.

  Derrick’s eyes narrowed as he watched Zeus strutting around, ordering his henchmen to empty the jewelry cases. Preening peacock. He was going to enjoy taking this guy down, even more than the regular run-of-the-mill criminal.

  Lizzie didn’t care what Daddy said, Zeus was hot.

  Of course, he was also an egotistical, arrogant, overly confident twit, but hey, when he wasn’t opening his mouth, he was nice eye candy. Give him a gag and a woman might be able to enjoy herself.

  Not that she wanted him. Lizzie much preferred being the gagged one. Plus, Daddy was everything she’d ever wanted and more. And he was much sexier than Zeus. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t aesthetically appreciate him. And just maybe there was a small part of her that had enjoyed how jealous Daddy had gotten.

  She really wasn’t used to someone getting jealous over her.

  She hadn’t meant to make him jealous, at first, but maybe she’d realized when he was, she’d gushed a little harder than necessary. His sisters were fun to gossip with though. And they enjoyed teasing their brother as much as she did.

  Too bad she couldn’t truss Zeus up and deliver him to one of Daddy’s sisters. She thought either of them would enjoy having a gift-wrapped super villain to do naughty things to.

  Zeus’ crew was small—just him and four other men. Of course, they outnumbered her and Daddy, but they had the element of surprise on their side.

  The overconfident villain hadn’t even posted a lookout. Lizzie shook her head.

  Hot, but stupid.

  Whereas her Daddy was hot and smart and kind and stern and everything a baby girl could ever want.

  She looked over at the corner where the shadows were getting darker and spreading, a sure sign that Daddy was about to come through them. Lizzie grinned. Jewelry shop... growing shadows... it reminded her a lot of the night he’d kidnapped her.

  He called it the night he rescued her, but she liked her way better.

  What? Couldn’t a girl have a little kidnapping fantasy?

  Moving stealthily along the wall—her powers didn’t keep anyone from hearing her if she stumbled or feeling her if she bumped into them—Lizzie got closer to two of the henchmen. Daddy wanted her focused on the lackeys for now, especially since Zeus was practically twice h
er size in person. Her two targets were bigger than her as well, but not nearly as big or threatening as their boss. They were chuckling, comparing pieces of jewelry before bagging them, and basically taking their time. Overconfident buffoons.

  Because they’d gone unchallenged before, they’d gotten lax with security. Even Zeus was playing with a necklace, examining it rather than hurrying to get the loot and get out. Granted, it was a really sparkly necklace with a lot of big jewels but come on!

  “Boss! Shadows!”

  Oh hey, one of the baddies had just noticed Daddy’s calling card. Finally. So, they weren’t all totally inept.

  “Grab what you can and run!” Zeus ordered, tossing the necklace at one of his goons. He was already in motion even as the jewelry flew through the air, heading for the backdoor and escape.

  Oh no you don’t!

  Abruptly changing directions, Lizzie sprang for him.

  Chapter 19

  Derrick came out of the shadows with an enraged roar as he saw his little Lizzie falling back from Zeus—whom she’d been told not to engage under any circumstances—having just received a large electrical shock to her system. Dammit! She’d gotten very good at judging the shadows, she knew exactly how fast he could emerge from them without overloading himself, and she’d known he was almost there.

  Yes, there had been a small chance that Zeus might have been able to get out the back door before Derrick could get to him—especially since both he and Lizzie would have to fight the four men under Zeus’ command first—but that was better than her being electrocuted, dammit!

  At least his loud entrance distracted all of the men from Lizzie.

  “He’s here!” One of goons yelled, obviously panicked. So panicked that he actually ran out the front door, breaking open the lock and setting off the alarm as he went. Derrick almost laughed.

  One down, three and Zeus to go.

  The three that hadn’t fled immediately converged on him, but unlike Zeus, they didn’t have superpowers. They weren’t bad fighters, but they were no match for him, and they obviously hadn’t trained to fight as a unit. With all three of them converging on him at once, they actually got in each other’s way enough to hinder their attack.

  Derrick ducked Goon #1’s punch, shoving the man and using his own momentum against him to send him barreling into Goon #2. Goon #3 managed to sidestep both of them, but in doing so left his right side open, and Derrick gave him a hearty kick that sent him flying back. By that time, the first two had untangled themselves.

  Goon #2 actually managed to get a good hit in, but accidentally ended up being the recipient of Goon #1’s kick, which he hadn’t been able to pull back from in time when Goon #2 had lunged in front of him. The punch to Derrick’s jaw hurt, but he almost had to laugh at how completely inept they were. He barely even needed the shadows to help warn him about their movements.

  They’d actually have been better off lining up to try and fight him one at a time, taking turns—it would have worn him down and they wouldn’t have gotten in each other’s way.

  Not that he was complaining about his enemy’s ineptitude.

  The alarms were still blaring a minute later when all three of them were laid out on the floor around him, unconscious.

  Which left him facing Zeus, who, rather than running, had hauled up Lizzie in front of him.

  Her black leather outfit contrasted sharply against Zeus’ white spandex, but her dark eyes were spitting fury even more than his blue ones. The man had one muscular arm wrapped around Lizzie’s neck, the other around her body, pinning down her arms.

  Derrick narrowed his eyes at the other man.

  “Let her go,” he growled. “Now.”

  Ooooo, she was in so much trouble and she knew it. Lizzie wanted to kick herself. She’d seen Zeus about to escape and she’d reacted instead of thinking things through.

  She knew he had electricity powers. Sure, she hadn’t given him the space to shoot a bolt at her, but apparently, he hadn’t needed it. A moment after she’d gotten her hands on him, the current had actually traveled through his body to hers, with a sharp, biting pain that had shocked her back. She’d never been tased before, but she had a feeling it probably felt a lot like that.


  Her body still hurt a little in the aftermath.

  Not that she was down for the count. As soon as Zeus had realized what was happening, he’d hauled her up in front of him, and Lizzie had let him. She wasn’t about to let him get away again, and that meant she needed Daddy ready and available for backup. If Zeus was holding her like a shield, then he wasn’t fleeing.

  Of course, now that Daddy had dealt with Zeus’ goons, and she could see how royally pissed he was, she really hoped that he didn’t ruin her plan by acting as impulsively as she had.

  “The police are going to be here soon,” Zeus said, his deep voice rumbling past her ear. “They can catch both of us or neither of us. Swear to let me go and I’ll give her back to you, unharmed.”

  Daddy’s head cocked to the side, like he was actually considering Zeus’ offer.

  Oh hell, no. While part of her was thrilled at this proof that Daddy cared more about her than he did about catching a criminal, Lizzie hadn’t gotten her ass shocked just to have the bad guy get away. And Daddy had a strict sense of honor that could be used against him—if he said he would let Zeus go, in exchange for her, he would.

  Well, her arms might be pinned, but she wasn’t trying to get away, and getting shocked again would definitely be worth this.

  She twisted her wrist around and grabbed.

  Soft and extremely squish-able, Zeus’ cock and balls felt like firm jelly against her fingers as she crushed them. He let out a high-pitched, piercing scream, completely at odds with the low rumble of his voice. The muscular bands around her body disappeared.

  Lizzie let go and turned around as the big man crumpled behind her. Oh hey, look at that. Squeeze his man parts and he totally forgot he had superpowers. Or maybe he couldn’t send electricity shooting through his dick? Although she didn’t see why that would be the case—

  Strong arms caught her up from behind again, but this time in an embrace that she welcomed. She immediately felt completely safe and secure, leaning back against the bulwark of strength that was her Daddy.

  “You are in so much trouble, naughty girl,” he whispered in her ear, his voice a low growl, and a shiver went down her spine. “But good job taking him down.”

  Even as part of her quaked, wondering just what punishment her Daddy would give her for disobeying his original order to leave Zeus alone, she felt a burst of pride and warmth at his compliment. She had the best Daddy. She might be in trouble, but he didn’t let that stop him from praising her if she’d done something well.

  “Go take care of the henchmen,” Daddy directed her, releasing her from his arms and gently pushing her in their direction.

  While she got the goons quickly hogtied together, Daddy got Zeus secured with the special rubber ankle and wrist cuffs that he’d had made once he’d heard about the new Haden City villain. He’d only had time to get one pair of each made so far, which was another part of the reason why she had been supposed to leave Zeus to him.


  Lizzie’s bottom tingled in anticipation of the spanking she was sure to receive when they got home. She couldn’t be totally sorry though. After all, they had caught Zeus thanks to her.

  She and Daddy slipped out of the shop, using their powers to cover their exit, just as the police arrived to find the thieves all wrapped up like a present for them. There was still a lot of controversy about whether or not Daddy—and now her—vigilante work was really a good thing, but these cops seemed appreciative.

  After all, there was plenty of crime to go around.

  Chapter 20

  Safely home, John’s car returned, and Lizzie undressed, Derrick checked his little girl over thoroughly. He treated the small burn that had been left on her arm where Zeus had gr
ipped her when he shocked her and then started a barrage of questions, using the internet as his guide. She kept insisting she was fine and had talked him out of taking her to the hospital for the moment, but he wanted to be sure.

  “Any abdominal pain?”


  “Chest pain? Shortness of breath?”

  She sighed heavily. “No and no.”

  Sitting on her bed wearing nothing but her panties, she had an expression of exaggerated patience on her face, like she thought he was being unreasonably worrisome. Derrick hoped that she was right. Of course, if she was, she was probably going to regret it, because as soon as he was done reassuring himself that she was fine, he had some discipline to mete out. Something that she seemed to have forgotten.

  Or maybe she thought that he’d forgotten in his worry over her possible injuries.

  Electric shock could be serious though and he was taking it seriously until he knew she was definitely unharmed.

  “Any numbness? Move your fingers and toes for me,” he demanded, watching her carefully. He ignored her rolled eyes. For now.

  He’d already pressed his fingers all along her neck and spine, making sure that she hadn’t pulled any muscles or hurt her back when she’d fallen.

  Wiggling her fingers in the air, Lizzie gave him jazz hands. “All fine. No tingling, no numbness.”

  “You got lucky, little girl.” The one time a security guard had caught Zeus, he’d taken a bolt to the chest that had put him in the hospital. Maybe Zeus had pulled his punch when he’d realized he was being attacked by a female—or maybe the current running through his body wasn’t as high as when he threw a bolt. There could be any number of explanations, but all that mattered to Derrick was that his little Lizzie hadn’t been hurt.


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