The Bleeding Vow

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The Bleeding Vow Page 7

by Emma Vikes

  We stayed like that for a while when his softened cock slipped out of me, and I straightened up.

  "I was getting the worst cramp. It is totally worth it though just for the record," I said, breaking the silence and breathing fast.

  He smiled and bent down to pick up my dress off the floor, smiling at me. "You're totally worth anything," he said softly, pulling up his trousers.

  "Thank you," I replied, reaching up to kiss him on the lips. "Now get out, let me freshen up," I said, smiling.

  He chuckled and moved to open the door. He turned back to look at me like he wanted to say something and changed his mind. Then he turned around again and left.

  I released the breath I had been holding and sighed. He had called me “love” in the throes of passion. I knew not to take it to heart, but my heart still pounded hard at the sound of it. This was getting serious, and it was definitely more than sex. We were both in denial, obviously. I turned back to the situation at hand and dressed quickly, walking out of the bathroom to see my purse kicked underneath the table.

  Whew! I hoped Mike hadn’t seen that or he would definitely have known I had been there for sure. I took out the camera I had brought with me just in case and looked around for where to install it. Then I found the perfect place. Our wedding picture was hanging on the wall of his office. I had been the one to request that size and asked him to place it in his office. I smiled, remembering all the good times before I realized time was not on my side and quickly stuck the camera to one corner. It was a live feed.

  I moved back to study my handiwork and saw that it was perfect. This way, any slut he brought to the office could be recorded and used against him in court to help me get divorced from him, with the blame resting comfortably on his shoulders. I smiled at my work and whirled around, making sure everything was in place before I slipped out. Seeing Jason at his desk, I blew him a kiss and hurried towards the elevator, giggling as I went.

  I left the building hurriedly in a thoroughly fucked state, making sure no one who knew who I was saw me on my way out. I was starting to get sore down there with the way Jason and I were both going at it. But I considered my trip successful as I was able to install the camera in Mike's office and also get to have Jason's cock inside of me.

  I whistled as I got into the house, which seemed empty and lacking life now that I rarely spent my time there. I went straight to my computer and checked the camera worked. I scanned through the footage and was satisfied to see that it showed everything clearly, just like I wanted it to. I grinned wickedly. Mike wouldn't know what had hit him by the time I was done with him.

  Chapter 13


  Things had not been going smoothly for me anymore, and I couldn't quite understand it. For one, Flora had been giving me the cold shoulder for months now. I knew we both agreed on not contacting each other but then I'm only human, and I had gotten quite attached to her. I made sure to be careful though, removing my wedding band anytime I traveled down to Amsterdam.

  So, it couldn't have been because she knew I was married, which brought my thoughts back to my wife, and my lips curled back in distaste. I was a bit harsh on Alexa, I knew that. But I didn't regret it one bit. I knew she would run her little behind to her father and that would have caused a huge disaster for the ongoing project in Amsterdam. Therefore, I had had to come up with a lie, well, not exactly a lie, but a lie nonetheless, as her father had been truly in trouble. However, he had been able to resolve it being the wise businessman that he was.

  That only made me respect Ricco Spencer all the more. But I didn't want to get on his bad side. At least, not now. After trying my best for so many months to keep Alexa in the dark, she had finally caught up with me. I knew I could not continue pretending that I cared for her and showed my true self to her. So, if asked whether I regretted talking to her that way: hell no. But I regretted her finding out, because that meant a shorter time for me to complete the project I had embarked on.

  I knew Alexa was no complete fool, and it was only a matter of time before she found a way out of the mess of a marriage she had been roped into, but until then I still had time. Now, the things weighing on my mind were Flora and my company here in New York.

  I had noticed some accounts missing but was finding it hard to see any loopholes. That was just a sign that I was seriously slacking on my job. Two years back, I would have been able to spot one immediately. It took me a month to discover it, and it was taking me even more time to get to the root of the matter. I preferred doing things like this myself, but at this point, I knew I had to hire a private detective. Someone was messing with my accounts, and the person had to pay.

  I rang for my PA to put my buddy, Jake, on the line. He was good at that sort of thing and owed me a favor from a long time ago.

  "Hey Jake, how you doing?" I said when the line came through. That PA of mine was quite efficient although there was something odd about him. Like how he always smirked at me, like he knew something I didn't. I had gotten used to it though, as it seemed like that was his normal look.

  "Yeah, man. What's up?" Jake replied from the other end.

  "I've been good and you? Still chasing all those skirts around?" I teased. Jake and I had been best buddies at one time in college but then life happened and we only call once in a while to check on one another.

  "You know me, bro." He laughed. "I've been great too. How is that beautiful wife of yours?" he asked.

  I smiled. "She's beautiful as ever," I replied. "Uh, see bro. I might need something," I said, changing the topic as I didn't want him asking further questions about Alexa.

  "Shoot, I'm all ears."

  So, I gave him the short version of what I had noticed, promising him to send whatever information he needed via mail. Being the good friend that he was, he agreed to the job, and I ended the call.

  I breathed out a sigh of relief and turned around on my chair. Now that that was out of the way, I could focus on the other matter, Flora.

  I packed up the necessary documents I needed for my trip and walked out of the office. "Book a flight going to Amsterdam in the next two hours," I ordered, without glancing at my PA. I headed for the elevator.

  I needed to make things right with Flora and doing that meant traveling over there and getting her an expensive gift. Women loved that shit. And it worked all the time.

  I headed straight for the house to pack some of my things and was surprised to see Alexa home. She was meant to be at her boutique by that time. I was not ready for any bitching that afternoon.

  So, it came as a surprise when she did not do as I expected but rather the opposite.

  "You're home early, darling. Hope all is well?" she asked sweetly.

  I narrowed my eyes at her, trying to decipher the look in her eyes. "I'm going for a business trip," I replied curtly.

  She clapped her hands in excitement. "Really? Can I come with?"

  Now, I was confused. We had barely seen each other for the past two months, and suddenly she wanted to follow me on my supposed business trip. Something was certainly going on. "What are you up to?" I asked her.

  She raised an eyebrow and laughed. "Oh, come on. I was just pulling your leg. You know I don't like traveling," she said.

  I looked at her for a while and shook my head, then walked away. It was a waste of time trying to understand Alexa. She was a bundle of a mess at times, like now.

  I packed the necessary things and walked out of the house.

  "The airport," I said to the driver curtly as I entered my posh car.

  Chapter 14


  I hummed to myself as I painted the last toenail left. I had decided to go for a cool pink. It had been such a long time that I'd taken a day to myself. Just for myself. So, I decided to stay back from work and pamper myself silly.

  I was about to put my favorite song on when Mike walked in, so I decided to tease him. The expression on his face was priceless and had made me laugh again and again anytime
I remembered it. I laughed so much that I had cried. And couldn't stop crying.

  The last time I had cried that hard was when he admitted to cheating on me. I cried for all the effort I had put into our marriage, I cried for being so blind in love, I cried for always believing every word the bastard told me. I cried so much that I could not cry anymore.

  The change in Mike was drastic and I sometimes still found it hard to believe he was never what I thought him to be. I had even been avoiding talking to my father recently because of him. I knew I would break down just from hearing his voice and I didn't want to add to his troubles. Besides, I had added enough to my plate.

  That being Jason. Jason was sudden and unexpected. He was everything a girl should have: handsome, cool, loving and even understanding. Just from the crazy amount of time I spent thinking about him, I knew how deeply infatuated I was with him. Though, I was not sure he reciprocated my feelings. And even if he did, I was not sure I wanted to go down that path again. I liked the way we were. Scratching the itch whenever it itched. And it was itching really bad almost all the time, which explained why we were always going at it, and not getting tired in the least.

  I sighed as I felt my core twitch in response to my thoughts. Even my subconscious knew and recognized the Jason treats I always received on a daily basis now. I smiled and pushed myself to my feet, admiring my freshly painted toenails.

  I inspected them for some seconds, making sure I was satisfied with what I had done, and then I walked straight to my computer to check the feed. I didn't want to check it all the time, so by the time I did, I'd have a lot to go through. And I did have a lot.

  My ass sank into the chair opposite my computer as I began to dig through the footage for dirt. And I got the greatest shock of my life. I watched till the end and blinked a couple of times, trying to make sense of what I had just seen.

  Mike, unfortunately, did not fall into the trap I had set for him. What had shocked me was seeing Jason on the feed instead. He had come in to drop off some files, which was totally normal until he began looking around as if to check for Mike and make sure no one was coming into the office. Then he went and stuck a flash drive into Mike’s computer and looked to be copying some documents. Why in the hell would he do that? What was really happening here?

  I sat dazed and pondered the issue for a while, the computer going into hibernation by itself. I thought hard and wondered what was going on. Why did Jason look like he was just stealing from Mike? And what could Jason, a PA, want with Mike's files?

  Something was certainly up. I stood and put on my special detective cap. I think it was time for some investigation. I had been too quiet and accepting of things lately. So, the first thing I did was to start from the very beginning. Who dropped in the envelope with the pictures?

  I had been so preoccupied with a lot of dramas lately that I had not even stopped to ask myself that question, which was so unlike me. Max, the security guy downstairs, had claimed it was a friend of mine. And I was certain I had no male friends who knew me well enough to go to the trouble of helping me find out what a loser my husband was.

  I knew that attraction had a great part to play in my relationship with Jason, but now I had cause to second-guess myself. He approached me - okay the wrong choice of words since I was the one to bump into him - but the point was he came onto me, minutes after I came out crying about my husband's infidelity. Being the gentleman that he was, it was quite strange that he acted that way - and now this.

  I was going to confront him about this. Something was certainly up with him. Next, I decided to call my dad and check up on him. I picked up my cell phone and dialed his number, and soon it was ringing.

  "How's my favorite girl doing?" he boomed through the speaker, causing me to smile widely.

  "Dad, I'm your only girl," I replied grinning. Hearing his voice made me realize just how much I had missed him. I should have kept in touch more.

  "How are you so sure about that?" he said teasingly. Or wait, was he teasing?

  I paused for a second there. "You now have a girlfriend?" I asked

  His voice boomed in my ears with laughter, and I could almost see his eyes squeeze at the corners as he wiped off tears. "Unfortunately for them, no, I've not gotten one yet. Their resumes are not looking promising, so I'm still searching," he said.

  I smiled fondly into my phone and shook my head even if he couldn't see me doing it. "When will you change, dad? Always approaching life like a businessman." I teased back. "How is business by the way?" I asked.

  "As perfect as ever. Are you fine, baby girl?" he asked.

  I knew it. I just fucking knew it. Nothing passed his attention. "Yes, why?"

  "Nothing. It's been a long time since we chatted like this, and I know something is bothering you. So, spit it out."

  "Dad," I paused, thinking on what to say. "It's normal to have marriage troubles, right?" I asked softly, deciding to go for a sliver of truth.

  "Yes, it is. It helps brings couples closer at times or drives them apart. Is there something I need to know, baby girl?"

  "I- I'll tell you when the time is right dad. I promise," I said, dropping it at that. "But I hope things are going smoothly just as you said?" I prodded, wanting to get a whiff of what was going on in his company.

  "Yes, baby, everything is fine over here at the moment. I had a few issues some months back, but it's all resolved now."

  That piqued my interest. "Issues, you say? What sort of issues?"

  He chuckled lightly. "You have never been curious about my business this much, what's changed?" he asked teasingly before continuing. "Some group of fraudsters gathered together and was trying to root me out of my own company, and they provided some convincing evidence. But you know your father, I was able to beat them at their game and take the reins back into my control," he said boastingly.

  Today was a day of shocking news. I gave a vague reply, laughing awkwardly and ended the call afterwards.

  I had been held down in a loveless marriage because I was too weak. Just like the gullible person I was, I had believed Mike hook, line, and sinker. He must have known that my dad was my weak point and had used it to trap me in the marriage. And here I was having an affair when I was not supposed to, making my life more complicated than it already was.

  I had enough dramas to last a year, and I was sure I would make serious money if I sold my story to a filmmaker. Could this day get any better? Here I was hoping for a drama-less, stress-free day and look what I got instead.

  Chapter 15

  My plan was to call Jason and confront him about what I had seen. And if my hunch was right, then he was the one who had anonymously dropped the envelope, and he had a lot of questions to answer. I decided I'd tackle Mike when he got back from his mistress. In the meantime, I had to go for my appointment with the house dealers that morning. It was high time I started taking action. That old saying about grabbing the bull by its horn. Well, I was going to do that - ASAP.

  I got dressed and didn't bother with make-up. I was not in the mood to plaster some mud on my face today. I had the intention of going to Jason's condo after I was done looking for an apartment. I needed answers, and I needed them now.

  I grabbed my keys and met the house dealer, who was a young woman like myself. She was all bubbly as she showed me different places. By the time we were done, I was fucking tired. And I still didn't find any that I had liked. Tomorrow was another day though, I tried to comfort myself.

  I sat in my car and pulled out my phone to call Jason. The phone rang for a while before entering voicemail. I decided to try it again, and this time, he picked up.

  "Hey baby, I was just thinking about you. Missing me already?" he said.

  I couldn't help but smile at the excitement in his voice. "Yeah, you could say that. I would like us to talk though. You home?" I asked.

  He paused for a beat. “Not at the moment but you can come around, I'll be almost home. Say like fifteen minutes away," he said. "
Is everything alright?" he asked softly.

  I closed my eyes and tried to block out the tone of concern in his voice, telling myself not to allow it get to me but failing miserably. "Yeah, everything is perfect. Or it will be when I see you," I replied.

  "Alright, I can't wait to see you too," he said before hanging up.

  I dropped my head on the steering wheel and shut my eyes tight. This was getting fucking complicated. I didn't sign up for this. I didn't sign up for these damn feelings Jason was triggering in me. It was obvious. I was falling hard and fast even when I knew I had to keep my head in the game.

  I sighed and raised my head, turning the key in the ignition to start the car. I drove out of the parking lot toward Jason's. In no time, I was at his place, standing in front of his building. I was about to accuse him of something big, and it could go wrong, and I was scared I would lose him, but at the same time, I needed answers.

  So, there I was, waiting for the elevator. It was taking longer than usual today, and I wondered what was happening. I tucked my hands and felt for the flash drive that I had put in my purse. It was safely lying there. I was even more nervous than the first time I came here. One way or the other, I knew shit was about to go down. I shifted on my feet as the elevator was taking forever to come. Then I felt a presence behind me.

  "If it isn't my favorite girl," a voice said.

  What was it with everyone calling me their favorite girl? I smiled and turned to look at the owner of the voice. It was Jason. "Jason," I said, moving in to hug him.

  I pulled back almost immediately. "I thought you'd be home by now," I said.

  "Yes, that's true. But I got delayed when I ran into an old friend," he said. "Have you been here for a long time?"

  "I just got here actually, and these darn elevators are taking forever," I replied, and turned back when I heard a sound indicating the door of the elevator was sliding open.


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