Deadly Bounty: SCVC Taskforce Romantic Suspense Series, Book 11

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Deadly Bounty: SCVC Taskforce Romantic Suspense Series, Book 11 Page 15

by Misty Evans

  Dr. Walsh leaned forward, tapping a file in front of him. “Since you’ve been cleared of all charges, and with your field experience, the Domestic Terrorism Taskforce would like to make an official job offer.”

  And that was a possibility down the road, if she could handle sitting behind a computer. “I’ll keep that in mind,” she told him. “Thank you for considering me.”

  Frank, Alison, and Sorscha were in custody. The women were both throwing Frank under the bus, claiming he was the mastermind behind everything and trying to cut a deal with the Justice Department. So far, her former boss had said nothing. He’d lawyered up, and in Sam’s eyes, seemed to be taking the fall for those he loved.

  She glanced at Joe, wondering how far he’d go because of his love for her. She wasn’t sure of her future career, but was one hundred percent ready for a life with the man next to her.

  “I definitely plan to continue helping my country.” She’d never had any doubt she’d carry on in her parents’ footsteps when it came to such. “But you’ll understand why I have a bad taste in my mouth at the moment over all this.”

  Everyone but Harris looked slightly sheepish. He winked at her from the other end.

  She and Joe had been invited to his home next weekend for another dinner. In the hospital, Celina had visited and told her about her own encounter with a traitor several years ago. Sam felt an instant bond with the woman, and was looking forward to a potential friendship.

  Discussion about closing out the case resumed, the testimony she would provide to the judge, and another job offer, this one from Cooper.

  “The taskforce could use someone with your background and skills to help Bobby Dyer.” Dyer, his computer guru, i.e., hacker, and good friend. Bobby had been an outstanding agent at one time himself. “We could use intel on the psychology and sociology of terrorists in the field.”

  Ronni and Thomas often went undercover with gangs and drug cartels, but Sam’s experience was a niche, focused on homegrown terrorists. It was an area their group was expanding into, and Cooper and Dupé both wanted an expert such as her to help.

  She was definitely interested in that position.

  But right now? The only thing she wanted to do was go home and sleep for a week, with Joe on one side, and Jack-Jack on the other. Oh, and to eat. And have sex. And…so many things.

  Ronni seemed to understand Sam itched to get done with their meeting. “One more item. I wanted to update you on the social media fundraiser Celina and I put together for your friends. We cracked thirty thousand in donations this morning. The hospital bills will be covered, I promise.”

  Dec was doing fine after suffering a mild concussion, and Thomas had found a place for him to stay while recuperating. Someone, probably Cooper, had pulled strings at the hospital to keep Dec there the past few days, drying him out and getting him in touch with a therapist. The plan was to help him get back to some type of normal life off the streets.

  Hetty was still in serious condition, but she’d pulled through her surgery and the outlook was positive, according to the doctors. It was one day at a time for now, but Sam knew her gritty attitude would help. After her recovery, Sam planned to get her into a special home as well.

  “I can’t thank you and Celina enough for what you’re doing for them,” she told Ronni.

  Ronni nodded, and Cooper said, “That’s what teams do for each other. The taskforce is a family, and I hope one of these days you might join ours, Samantha.”

  A warm feeling invaded her chest. “I think I’d like that. I just need a little time to feel normal again.”

  “Take all the time you need,” Dupé offered with a smile. “And don’t forget to call Olivia. She’s been really worried about you.”

  “I will.”

  When everything was wrapped up, Joe helped her stand and handed her the crutches. Hating the fact she needed them, Sam hobbled into the bright sunlight of the summer day, welcoming the heat on her face.

  Joe had assigned himself as her chauffer, and as he assisted her to his car, Sam saw Caleb and Malachi waiting for them.

  Joe’s older brothers were twins, all muscles and dark looks, just like him. They’d always given her grief about being too good for Joe, and she’d enjoyed the verbal sparring.

  She and Joe stopped in front of them, and Sam said, “Thank you for the other night.”

  They’d shown up on the heels of an ambulance, and helped get Hetty and Dec headed to the hospital. They’d also kept Joe from making good on his word to kill Alison and Frank, which he’d threatened to do when he’d discovered the extent of her injuries.

  Caleb grinned. “Heard you’re looking for a new job.”

  “We’ve got an opening,” Malachi added.

  She’d never had so many offers in her life. She’d been contacted by a book publisher and a screenwriter, wanting to tell her story. It was good to have options after her time on the streets with none. “You want me to become a bounty hunter?”

  “Fugitive apprehension agent,” Joe corrected.

  “You’ve got firsthand experience being a fugitive now,” Caleb said with a wink. “You should be able to hunt them down with ease.”

  Malachi pointed at her leg. “You can answer phones and make coffee until you’re on your feet again.”

  Sam laughed out loud. “In your dreams, boys.”

  Joe opened the door and guided her in. The Bureau had raised hell, but cleared him of any charges for aiding her, since she was actually not a fugitive, and had brought down the terrorists within their ranks. “Let’s go home,” he said.

  Home for now was the safe house. Since Sam was the hottest topic in the news, reporters had camped out at her place, as well as Joe’s.

  The drive was long, and Sam fell asleep in the sun coming through her window. When they arrived, Joe once more assisted her and got her up the steps to the door. Inside Jack-Jack greeted her spastically and she found her mom in the kitchen.

  They hugged awkwardly around the crutches, and her mom said, “Lunch is ready.”

  She pointed at the table with two plates of sandwiches and chips.

  “Thank you, Mom.” Not only had Sam told the taskforce, the feds, and the Justice Department about everything, she’d had to explain all of it to her mother, too. She hoped to never repeat the story again.

  Her mother and Joe greeted each other, then Sam received another hug. “The ring is in the suitcase upstairs with some clothes,” she whispered in her ear. “Maybe you should put it back on. Your dad would be so proud.”

  After she left, Sam sat and devoured the food, Joe smiling as he ate his own and watched. His eyes seemed to eat her up, as well. Jack-Jack begged for scraps, and Joe—the big softie—got the dog a treat from the pantry.

  Tired but happy, Sam wondered how she was ever going to thank him for what he’d done. Luckily, she had an idea.

  “Can you bring my suitcase down?” she asked.

  “Right now?”

  She gave him her pretty please look. He wiped his hands on a napkin, stood, and kissed the top of her head. “Sure. Be right back.”

  When he returned, he plopped the bag at her feet and asked, “Is there something inside I can get for you?”

  “Nope, I got it.” Shuffling through the clothes, she rummaged for the ring. Jack-Jack stuck his nose in to help. Surprisingly—or not—the dog was the one who found the small blue velvet box.

  Retrieving it, she slowly opened the lid. Joe smiled expectantly as she took out the ring and held it up between them. “I want to make a deal,” she said.

  “Okay.” He sat back in his chair, amused. “Let’s hear it.”

  “In order to say thank you for risking your career, and your life, for me, I thought I’d make you an offer you can’t refuse.”

  The smile on his face grew. “Is that right?”

  She slipped the ring on. “I’ll marry you, if we can keep this house and the dog.”

  He looked as if he were waiting for more. “
That’s the best you got?”

  She nearly threw her plate at him. “It’s a damn good deal!”

  Joe rose, scratching his chin and looking as though he needed to think it over. He came to her side of the table, hauled her up, and held her there as he gazed down into her eyes. “This was the house I planned to give you,” he said, his voice ragged with emotion. “Your mom and I kept it a secret so you wouldn’t know anything about it until our wedding night. It was a safe house for her and your dad if they ever needed it. She sold it to me.”

  Her heart tapped danced in her chest. “You mean we can stay here? This is ours?”

  He leaned down and touched her nose with his. “Only if you marry me.”

  “What about the dog?” She already knew the answer.

  Joe glanced at Jack-Jack, at their feet, tail wagging enthusiastically. Sam suspected he was in on this somehow. “I suppose I can be bribed into allowing him to stay.”

  Sam couldn’t help it, she made a little squealing noise, threw her arms around Joe’s neck, and kissed him.

  It was long and deep, and then Joe broke away, steadying her as he reached for her crutches. “Let’s go.”

  “Where?” Sam shifted her weight to accept them and Jack-Jack barked, dancing at her feet.

  “You can’t possibly think I’m going to wait,” Joe grinned cunningly. “I’m taking you to the courthouse and getting this finalized today.”

  She laughed. “We don’t have a marriage license.”

  He went to a kitchen drawer and extracted something, sticking it in front of her of face so she could read it. “I pulled strings. Dupé owed me…us.”

  She looked at him in exasperation and shook her head. “What about Mom? We have to have her there. She’ll kill me if we don’t. And I’m on crutches. I shouldn’t get married when I can’t even stand on my own two feet.”

  He snuck in a quick kiss, and hustled her to the front door. “Val can meet us there. Crutches or no, I’m marrying you today.”

  Out into the sunny day they went, Jack-Jack bounding down the stairs and into the car. Sam couldn’t keep the crazy smile off her face. How her life had turned around.

  As Joe leaned down to buckle her seatbelt, she grabbed the front of his shirt and drew his face to hers. “I love you, Cahill. I always will.”

  Jack-Jack jumped in her lap and started licking both their faces.

  Joe touched her chin, smiling as though he’d just won the lottery. “I love you, Rosenthal, soon to be Cahill. I always will.”

  The three of them drove to San Diego and the courthouse, ready to begin their new life together as a family.


  This book was inspired by a couple of things - one, my interest in bounty hunting after watching Dog, The Bounty Hunter, and his wife and family on their TV show. Beth Chapman, this is in loving memory of your patience and guidance to so many you encountered.

  Secondly, I was stewing one night when I couldn’t sleep about what it must be like to be a good guy (or gal) who’s been falsely accused of terrorism. I had read an article about Quiet Skies, a real software program that targets air travelers, and my muse, who often enjoys working at 3 am, took over. The next morning when I sat down at my computer, I knew I had a story.

  To those who helped bring this story to life, I’m forever grateful, and although I can’t name you, I couldn’t have written this as accurately without your input. Thank you!

  As always, I’m grateful for my village of help - my hubby, kids, Princess Zoey and Princess Athena, as well as the real-life Thunder, who is always the inspiration for the Thunder in the SCVC Taskforce books.

  Also to my street team, my editors, my betas, and my fellow authors and friends who always lend an ear and inspiration when we’re brainstorming.

  A special thank you and a wink to JB Lynn, who told me to go with Deadly Bounty for the title when I was thinking of calling it Deadly Hunt instead. Nothing like confirmation from the Universe about a book title when you’re standing in the paper towel aisle at the grocery store!

  Finally, my undying love to all the fans of the taskforce series. Cooper, Celina, and the gang only exist because of YOU.

  Romantic Suspense & Mysteries by Misty Evans

  SEALS of Shadow Force Series: Spy Division

  Man Hunt

  Man Killer

  Man Down

  SEALs of Shadow Force Series

  Fatal Truth

  Fatal Honor

  Fatal Courage

  Fatal Love

  Fatal Vision

  Fatal Thrill


  The SCVC Taskforce Series

  Deadly Pursuit

  Deadly Deception

  Deadly Force

  Deadly Intent

  Deadly Affair, A SCVC Taskforce novella

  Deadly Attraction

  Deadly Secrets

  Deadly Holiday, A SCVC Taskforce novella

  Deadly Target

  Deadly Rescue

  Deadly Bounty

  The Super Agent Series

  Operation Sheba

  Operation Paris

  Operation Proof of Life

  Operation: Lost Pricess

  The Justice Team Series (with Adrienne Giordano)

  Stealing Justice

  Cheating Justice

  Holiday Justice

  Exposing Justice

  Undercover Justice

  Protecting Justice

  Missing Justice

  Defending Justice


  1st Shock

  2nd Strike

  3rd Tango

  The Secret Ingredient Culinary Mystery Series

  The Secret Ingredient, A Culinary Romantic Mystery with Bonus Recipes

  The Secret Life of Cranberry Sauce, A Secret Ingredient Holiday Novella

  PNR & UF by Misty/Nyx

  Paranormal Romance

  Witches Anonymous Step 1

  Jingle Hells, Witches Anonymous Step 2

  Wicked Souls, Witches Anonymous Step 3

  Dark Moon Lilith, Witches Anonymous Step 4

  Dancing With the Devil, Witches Anonymous Step 5

  Devil’s Due, Witches Anonymous Step 6

  Dirty Deeds, Witches Anonymous Step 7

  Wicked Wedding, Witches Anonymous Step 8

  Urban Fantasy

  Revenge Is Sweet, Kali Sweet Urban Fantasy Series, Book 1

  Sweet Chaos, Kali Sweet Urban Fantasy Series, Book 2

  Sweet Soldier, Kali Sweet Urban Fantasy Series, Book 3

  Sweet Curse, Kali Sweet Urban Fantasy Series, Book 4

  Paranormal Romantic Suspense

  Soul Survivor, Moon Water Series, Book 1

  Soul Protector, Moon Water Series, Book 2

  Cozy Mysteries (writing as Nyx Halliwell)

  Sister Witches Of Raven Falls Mystery Series

  Of Potions and Portents

  Of Curses and Charms

  Of Stars and Spells

  Of Spirits and Superstition

  Confessions of a Closet Medium Cozy Mystery Series

  (Coming 2020)

  Pumpkins & Poltergeists

  Once Upon a Witch Cozy Mystery Series

  (Coming 2020)

  Psychic Sisters Cozy Mystery Series

  (Coming 2021)

  About the Author

  USA TODAY Bestselling Author Misty Evans has published fifty novels and writes romantic suspense, urban fantasy, and paranormal romance. She got her start writing in 4th grade when she won second place in a school writing contest with an essay about her dad. Since then, she’s written nonfiction magazine articles, started her own coaching business, become a yoga teacher, and raised twin boys on top of enjoying her fiction career.

  When not reading or writing, she enjoys music, movies, and hanging out with her husband, twin sons, and two spoiled puppies. A registered yoga teacher and Master Reiki Practitioner, she shares her love of chakra yoga and ene
rgy healing, but still hasn’t mastered levitating.

  Get free reads, all the latest news, and alerts about sales when you sign up for her newsletter at To find out more about her holistic healing practice, please visit

  Letter from Misty

  Hello Beautiful Reader!

  Thank you for reading this book! It is an honor and a privilege to write stories for you.

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  I also have a holistic business, Crystals With Misty, and invite you to check out my website for information on my services.

  Last but not least, if you enjoy clean, cozy mysteries, visit my pen name to see those books!

  Thank you and happy reading!



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