Mirror Bound

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Mirror Bound Page 40

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  They shook hands, and my dad looked at him appraisingly, then said:

  'Welcome to my house, Lukas, you have a great talent indeed, which I'll gladly help you hide from the witch-hunters. Is your father really the illustrious messenger of the gods?'

  I was getting used to my father surprising me, good practice for tonight probably. Lukas bowed and replied: 'He is, Mr Thorn.'

  My father said: 'Please call me Jakob, both of you, we're an informal lot in our circle.' He put on a coat and kissed my mother goodbye.

  We left immediately, walking criss-cross through the streets and alleys, until we came upon a once-beautiful but now derelict building covered in ivy, surrounded by a crumbling brick wall and with a weed-choked garden between them.

  We entered the site through a sagging metal gate at the back, and followed a little path through the weeds until we saw the back door, once painted blue but bladdering to the green underneath now.

  My dad knocked three times, and two more times, and the door opened, letting us in. As soon as the door was closed behind us my dad told us: 'We meet in a different place each time, we have countless possible locations like this, and ways to communicate with one another spiritually.

  We never leave a trace, either physically or spiritually, and we always post several guards as well as wards. We have to, for we have been persecuted for ages.

  I had hoped to spare you this, Melissa, which I why I arranged patronage for you to study, but I guess I underestimated your potential.'

  Here, Paul stepped in and said: 'Mr Thorn, I mean, Jakob, I have been practising magic for years and so have my parents, but we have never been harassed by anyone. How come?'

  Starting to take off his coat, my dad replied: 'Partly because of the influence of their name, and the seclusion of their manor, but guardian magic is not as high on the agenda of the witch hunters either.

  As long as people pretend to be Christians they tend to be left alone unless they really stir the populace with open magic-use. It's the faith that makes the difference.

  Also, your parents can fry any witch hunter's hide, that sort tends to persecute those who have only a little magic, earth mages, midwives, healers in the poor quarters.'

  Paul nodded, and we were introduced to about ten other people, men and women of all ages. Six of the formed a circle, the rest were clearly guards.

  Incense and herbs were quickly distributed and the circle was closed by everyone taking the neighbour's hands. We were spread among them.

  My father spoke: 'We are accompanied today by my daughter and two of her

  talented friends, all three of whom use their innate magic for good and in concurrence with nature.

  I ask of you to help these friends to mask their talent from sight, as to make them a bit safer in this city, where they move openly among the people to perform their daily duties.

  Please let us begin the rite.'

  And to us he said: 'We will chant and make a thick smoke of herbs, please keep your position until the circle is dismissed. You will not have to say anything or do anything, just allow us to modify your personal shields so they will cause sight to pass right around you.'

  We nodded, and stood hand in hand with the other members of the circle.

  Now a thick smoke smelling of pungent herbs slowly filled the room, and the assembly started to chant. The chant was not in a language I recognized, and it was kind of soothing, making me bit sleepy.

  Suddenly it rose in volume and intensity, and power started to gather around us, glowing blue.

  My hair stood on end, all of it, and it was almost as if I felt the power crackle, like a bright fire.

  The chant changed once again, and the blue of the power surrounded the three of us, and shrank until it covered our bodies like a shield, only closer fitting.

  The chant slowed down and got lower and lower in tone, then it died away.

  Then it was silent.

  Looking at Paul I checked him with sight and he did indeed look like normal person now, no inner glow whatsoever.

  No-one here had that glow, of course they all had this special shield. The other witches now broke the circle and started chatting with each other, and my dad gathered us around himself and said: 'This will only guard against prying eyes, if you need arcane protection you will still have to shield yourself as usual. If you are using magic your power will shine through. It is entirely passive, it needs no upkeep, if it starts to unravel you'll see quickly enough, just come to me to have it renewed. Any other questions?'

  Paul now told my dad: 'Yes Jakob, I have several, but they just need answers, no magic, so we might retreat to another place to discuss them, where there is less danger of being found out.'

  This caused my father to smile, and he said: 'Good, you understand the

  danger of gathering with so many.

  My friends will continue their work of magic without me, and we will go to my home to talk a little more.'

  We shook lots of hands again and thanked everyone, and then we were on our way back, crossing alleys again and traversing streets in what seemed to be quite a detour. Still, we didn't want to lead anyone to my parents' home, so we walked on and stayed quiet.

  My dad used a key and let us in, we removed our coats and sat down with a cup of coffee and some of my mom's cookies.

  'All right, let's have it,' my dad said, and Paul started with his first question:

  'Can you find someone's relatives with magic? There is a girl who was taken from her parents years ago and we want to find them, but they lived in the slum and their names are Smith, so not much chance.'

  My dad nodded, and said: 'We have a member who can do that, he needs some hair or blood and then he can feel if there is a relative nearby within a few blocks.

  But it is dangerous to do openly, for working magic makes the caster vulnerable and visible, so if you want us to do something of the sort, you'll have to provide protection.'

  'Like a carriage to work from?' Paul asked. 'If you can get hold of a carriage, that would be perfect,' dad said, I'll let you know when he has his next days off.'

  'Thank you,' Paul said, 'and I wondered if it is possible to send dreams beyond a portal sealed with magic.

  Lukas here came to us through a portal, and his father seems to have followed him at least once. Now he's back to where he came from and we've carefully sealed the portal and moved it, but we keep having weird dreams, dreams that seem to be coming from him.'

  I blurted out: 'So you have been dreaming too!'

  Paul now looked at my father and asked: 'Do you have shields on this place?'

  My dad looked proud and said: 'Enough to stop a comet. And what is more important in this case: not just magical ones, but mundane ones as well, herbal and metal ones, that not even the strongest mage can pass by.'

  Relieved, Paul came towards me and took the chair next to mine, taking my hands in his larger ones, and he kissed me tenderly.

  'I'm sorry love, I knew you were suffering from them, but I didn't dare talk to

  you under shields that were unable to stop them night after night. I don't know what yours were like, but I can guess at them, and it seemed to us you were trying to play along.

  I know it was hard on you, I tried to give you as much encouragement as I could without being too obvious, but I didn't want to spoil your game. In fact, we both tried to play along, but you've been so unhappy the last few days I just can't stand it anymore. Come..'

  He held out his arms and I climbed on his lap in relief, swallowing tears, letting him hold me tightly until I was back in control and could speak again.

  Lukas looked at me intently as well, and he said: 'I really admire you, Melissa, sticking to it when it was clearly an enormous burden. I couldn't handle it, I had to confide in Paul immediately.'

  Now I could speak again, and I told them: 'I dreamt of an increasing intimacy between a man who I guessed was your father, and me.

  I felt he was trying to seduce me, pr
ime me to betray you both, and I wanted him to believe his ploy worked, but it felt like adultery, allowing his attentions, and it started to hurt me more and more.

  I'm glad it's out in the open now.'

  'The beautiful thing is, dearest, it is probably not in the open, for your father's shields are most likely alien to him and therefore we can at least try to keep up the façade until he gives up,' Paul said.

  Lukas looked at both of us uncomprehendingly and observed: 'I know what you're trying to accomplish, but what's adultery?'

  Of course that left us helpless with laughter, and with the tense atmosphere broken, we could explain in two sentences, and listen to what my dad had to say.

  'Being a dad myself it seems rather harsh to keep him away from his son,' he observed.

  Now Lukas spoke up: 'That is certainly true, but I suspect my father of having put me through abduction and abuse to free my blocked gift.

  It worked, and I fear he's coming to get me now, to use me as his pawn. He's a god, so he could do with me what he liked.'

  My dad nodded, and said: 'I see, so you think this was all a set-up, and you don't want to see him again.'

  'Not as his plaything,' Lukas replied, 'I want to lead my own life, make my own choices.'

  My father spent some time in deep thought, in which Lukas claimed some of my attention as well.

  I had missed him too, I hadn't felt like an adulteress towards him as much, but it was his father I was leading on, so that hadn't been easy either.

  'I cannot believe anyone projecting thought to an unknown house through a magical shield,' sounded my father's voice, ' I'd say only a god could do that, but that would not be al all funny in this matter. And I don't even believe a god could do it, not outside his own territory.

  Are you sure he didn't leave some part of himself in your house, a sort of beacon to guide his thoughts inside your house?'

  I could see in both Lukas' and Paul's faces that our house was soon going to be turned upside down, especially the cellar.

  We agreed to stick to our roles for two more days, expecting him to give up or change tactics when the dreams had reached their climax. Mine sure was close to it.

  Then the guys told me their dreams.

  'I've been dreaming of sinking further and further into depression, left all alone in this house reminding me of the two of you, happy together, with me burying myself in my work again, but to no avail.

  I think he wants me to run you off my property, or even attack you, Lukas, driving you out in the street on your own, unable to go anywhere but back to him. Or maybe he wants me too depressed to act when the time comes,' was Paul's story.

  And Lukas said: 'Mine started with being thrown out and run off by Paul in a rage, then returning home to become a celebrated healer with women falling at my feet in some very graphic scenes. Sometimes you are among them, Melissa, sometimes he forgets to add you, I think he means to keep you for himself.

  And I have my horns again.'

  So to keep up the show we decided we'd stay apart a little until the dreams stopped.

  After this, we let my dad know the time and place of the wedding, and I gave the direction to the church and the manor house

  I also got my sisters' addresses to send them an invitation. Then we thanked him once again, said goodbye to him and my mum, and left.

  Chapter 46

  Back home there was still time for a big search, but nothing turned up.

  We went to bed a bit subdued, despite the interesting evening we'd had with my dad's circle, apprehensive about what was going to happen that night, at least in my case.

  I was really glad to have my dear friends close, feeling loved once again, no longer keeping myself apart with a guilty conscience.

  I had forgotten all about those elven statues until I heard the voice in my head again: 'I say, what happened to you guys, where did all your magic go?'

  'You don't see it anymore?' Paul asked them. 'Not a thing, you look totally mundane to sight.'

  'And now?' I could see Paul gathering power. 'Now it's back, say, that's a neat trick! And it is a solid shield, apparently you still hear us when we project at you, but we cannot catch thoughts anymore, of either of you.'

  So we knew it actually worked above what my dad had promised, though using magic would cancel the effect, our thoughts were as safe as our true nature as long as we didn't work magic.

  Maybe Lukas' father, if he ever broke through the seal, would think Lukas was still without talent, and leave him be. With the comforting thought I fell asleep.

  The next morning I realized I hadn't dreamed at all that night, and certainly not an erotically tinged dream.

  Suddenly I felt really happy, hoping Hermes had given up on his son, unable to break the seal. And the realization that I was going to be married to the man of my dreams tomorrow finally got the thrill it deserved.

  I was going to marry Paul! Checking the space beside me I saw him still asleep, looking like a young adult again instead of thirtyish.

  A face appeared behind him, it was Lukas, kneeling beside the bed laughing broadly, whispering: 'Isn't he cute asleep? I want to cuddle him but then he'll turn into an adult instantly, better adore him from a safe distance. Any titillating dreams last night?'

  I shook my head, and replied: 'No, I didn't dream at all. Does that mean he's given up?'

  'We can certainly hope so, he wouldn't stop sending unless he really got fed up with it, my dad's like a badger, never lets go.

  I'm off for a run and a magic lesson from George. I'll be back for some forging and hammering. And this afternoon: the last healing, and I don't expect trouble, if that little boy has as few memories left as Felicity had. See you!'

  That sounded a bit blunt coming from Lukas, but he was clearly in high spirits, and he had restored the memory of nine kids so far, and treated their trauma at great personal cost, so I guessed he was entitled to some impudence.

  Starting to get used to working in my own time, I decided I could stay in bed with my soon-to-be-husband a little longer, risking waking him up by moving against his sleeping shape, enjoying the feel of his warm body immensely.

  He grunted approvingly, turned around to face me and kissed me lustily, wrapping me in his strong arms, but his face never changed, apparently he was still very much asleep.

  And indeed, after a minute or so he went back to sleeping quietly, arms still wrapped around me, boyish face buried in my neck.

  I was planning to go to sleep again as well, but instead I just lay there, savouring the moment, watching Paul sleep.

  One effect of not having had a dream with unwelcome intimacies was a distinct feeling of heat, which was very welcome to me, I usually felt a bit horny in the mornings, but the dreams had spoiled that.

  I was a bit sorry that Lukas had left so quickly, we often sneaked away to my apartment for some rough love-play, and I certainly felt like some of that now. I remembered the way he used to wake me with a stimulating surprise when we were still living in my apartment, and the remembrance of one time when I dreamt of riding a wave of pleasure did nothing to dispel my excitement.

  It was weird, thinking of loving another man when looking forward to my wedding, but this did not feel adulterous, Lukas had been part of our relationship from the first, and I hoped Paul wasn't jealous of him any longer.

  Of course he might enjoy a waking-up surprise as well, though it might be

  harder to do since he wasn't as easily stimulated as Lukas.

  Or was he? He was holding me quite tightly, and removing myself from his arms might wake him, so I decided to see if I could excite him a little without waking him, stroking the inside of his thighs very gently, tickling the soft skin of his testicles, looking at his face for the reaction.

  And indeed, I felt his penis get the idea and rise, but his face stayed boyish and very much asleep. It was all I could do not to kiss him on his sweet mouth, he was so adorable in his innocence, but that would spoil the joke
, so I controlled myself.

  Now I slowly and very carefully moved a tiny bit, to get him from his side to his back, glad he could lie on it again, the bullet-wound healed by now. There was no reaction except a tiny sleepy smile, heartbreakingly sweet, testing my willpower not to put a kiss on it.

  But I managed to control myself, imagining the look on his face when he awoke slowly from a passionate dream.

  Would he look those extra years instantly, or might I see him awake and his real age for a second, free of his usual seriousness?

  Still held tightly in his arms, I kept my upper body where it was, half on his, half beside him, my one hand still caressing his thighs lightly to keep his heat up, and I moved my one leg over him to straddle him, then very slowly moved my entire body over him, keeping the weight on arms and knees not to wake him.

  It worked, and now I sat down on his erect penis, feeling it slide into me with intense pleasure. Moving slowly, I saw what I had hoped to on his face, still asleep it was stirring, bliss playing his features, that small smile broadening, the arms tightening their hold on me.

  By now I couldn't tell anymore whether he was asleep or awake, probably somewhere in between, he still looked very young, and I could no longer control myself, my heat was rising quickly and he looked so incredibly appealing, I just had to kiss his beloved mouth, so I did and was received with intense passion.

  His body started to move under me, following my rhythm, and his husky voice said: 'I suppose it was my turn to have a stirring dream?'

  Then he kissed me again, and for another half hour we were pleasantly engaged, catching up on all the intimacy we had missed.

  Paul hadn't had any dreams either last night, and he was also convinced that

  Lukas' dad had given up, looking forward to resuming our normal life of working, teaching, and having some fun.

  It seemed like a normal day, though I did send messages to my sisters, inviting them to our wedding in the Nomes' garden.

  We were going to get wed for the authorities as quickly as possible by the parish priest, with just my father and Lukas present, then have another ceremony in the Nomes' garden, the real one, conducted by George and followed by a little party with our best friends.


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