Mirror Bound

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Mirror Bound Page 42

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  I looked Lukas in the eye, and of course he saw exactly what I was thinking.

  'So you're stuck on a fight.

  You really are an aggressive species, my kind has always given in to him, we cannot, I just cannot imagine not obeying him. I don't think I can fight him, Melissa.'

  I continued to stroke him, and said: 'You don't have to, dear, we will do it for

  you, if he indeed turns up. You have done enough for us, healing all those children, teaching us about love. I think your dad could do with one of your lessons in love. Should he indeed make an appearance, you just try your utmost not to obey him, and we'll take care of the rest, not just Paul and me, but all the others whose lives you have touched as well.

  I don't think George wants you to be forced to go back, nor Ilsa, nor Frances, Jonathan, Tristan. We will all help you defy him, and we will face the consequences.'

  As I was caressing him softly, holding on to him for fear of losing him, I saw a dark shape moving towards us.

  The shape was clearly looking for something, most likely the two of us, for I recognized him clearly by his determined way of moving. I didn't call out or wave, I knew he'd find us anyway, and indeed he came straight at us.

  'So much grief I feel from you both on a party-night, that cannot be a good thing,' Paul said, as he kneeled in front of us, laying his hands on our cheeks and kissing first Lukas, then me.

  'Won't you tell me what the problem is, Lukas, you're so upset you're projecting it. Please tell me.' Lukas now took his hand and pulled Paul into our embrace, blurting out: 'When my father comes to get me, I don't want you to fight him and get killed, I'd rather go with him and know you're safe and happy together.'

  'But Lukas, how could we ever be happy without you? Together but knowing we'd let you down?' Paul shook his head and rested his head against Lukas':

  'That is not how it works, we cannot blindly obey authority if it goes against everything we stand for.

  But seriously Lukas, I don't think your father will break those seals, they were made by two adepts and a master mage, in three different traditions, on top of a near-limitless supply of power.

  They cannot even be accessed from the inside, they can only be broken from the outside. I'm afraid for you, how will you ever find the will to be really happy if you're always in fear of your father?'

  He offered us both a hand, and said: 'Please come with me, both of you, do trust George and Tristan and me, now hold me,' and he held out his arms to both of us for a tight three-way hug, 'and when you're a bit more composed, we'll find George and Tristan, and then they'll tell you what we have done to

  keep that portal closed, and what is needed to open it up again. '

  I guess we must have looked quite a bit ashamed to have so little faith in Paul, because he laughed warmly and continued: 'And then I want to see the two of you dance together, the two people I love most in this life.

  And Lukas, tomorrow, on our own private party, I want to dance with you myself.'

  Well, there was no way Lukas could resist so much love. It built him up again, with us standing together until both him and me could face a crowd again, and then we moved back to our table, where Paul begged George and Tristan to explain to Lukas how their seal was unbreakable from the inside.

  And when they were done, Paul stayed at our table to watch Lukas and me dance. It was as thrilling as the last time, ever faster and faster, spinning and turning, Lukas really seemed to be flying, and he took me with him.

  So many excellent dancers in our little group, and all different. After two rounds with Lukas, I had to sit down again for a moment, and saw Jonathan coming towards us.

  He had had a good time too, I could clearly see that. He sat down with his drink, and said: 'There are some really weird things going on here.

  I was dancing with a girl who wanted to skip a round, and go to those bushes over there. I guessed what she wanted to do there, so I thanked her politely and danced with Ilsa and Julia instead.

  You could have warned me.

  And Tristan, he hadn't a clue either, and he was positively shocked. Though flattered as well I guess, I'd never have guessed he's such a good dancer as to attract that kind of girl.'

  We excused ourselves as well as we could, which was not very, we should have thought of it.

  He finished his drink and observed: 'Oh well, no harm done. I'm off again, that girl there is waiting for me, just to dance. Bye!'

  Now, Paul was invited to dance by the same girl as before, and I saw Lukas unattended, so I walked towards him for another dance. Soon, I was flying about the dance-floor again, head spinning, other couples rushing past, and when that song ended I was totally giddy.

  Paul's partner went for Lukas, probably looking for the fastest spin ever, and I stumbled into a pair of arms I expected to be Paul's, spinning away again.

  But the man holding me didn't feel familiar at all, so I took the time to look

  up at him, shocked to recognize the man who had assaulted me on my final inspection of the building site.

  He didn't look as angry as I expected, and I wasn't scared in such a public space, but it wasn't exactly comfortable, though he was a very adequate dancer for his size.

  He said: 'So you're getting married, are you?' Instead of the: What's it to you?

  I felt on the tip of my tongue, I replied: 'I am indeed, tomorrow actually.'

  'Congratulations. You got me fired,' he added, and I replied: 'Thank you.

  Actually, you got yourself fired, by trying to molest me. I could have gone to the watch, there was a witness.'

  He digested this and said: 'You mightn't liked it, still might. What'd you say we skip a dance and then you talk to Mr Jones to help me get my job back?'

  'Mr Jones was the witness, I don't think he'll have you back,' I said, 'and I'd rather finish this dance and go back to my companions.'

  I guess he heard the total lack of fear in my voice, and maybe he remembered being stunned by a slap from my hand, for he spoke no more, we danced the round in silence, and when the music stopped, Paul was there, asking: 'Will you please permit me this dance, Miss Thorn?'

  I replied: 'Why yes, Mr Kenwick, I'd love to dance with you as Miss Thorn one last evening. As Mrs Kenwick it'll somehow be different.'

  The large molester watched this scene unfold with something like horror. He said: 'K.K.Kenwick..that your husband?'

  'I will be tomorrow, Paul Kenwick, how do you do?' he didn't expect Paul to answer, and replied almost shocked: 'Shane Peters, sir, I didn't mean...'

  Then the music started again, and Paul spun me around and around, until I was very giddy as well as very happy.

  Soon after that we were tired and dizzy, and decided to go home.

  Tomorrow would be a busy day, and I wanted to make an early start, spend some time with Lukas before we went to church. I had no idea whether it would be hard on him to see Paul and me get married, I didn't think so, but I wanted to show him my love before we started any ceremony just in case.

  We had our balance back by the time we got home, and managed the stairs easily. The statues kept their silence this night, and we were soon asleep.

  The next morning I remembered a dream, but a normal one, where we were trying to get married but everything went wrong, arriving late, forgetting the

  rings, stuttering during the vows, and so on. I supposed that was normal when one was getting married the next day.

  Paul was still fast asleep, as usual, and Lukas was too. That was kind of weird, for he usually woke up before me, but it was fun to watch him sleep for once.

  He looked as boyish as Paul did asleep, but then he always did somehow. I wondered how old he was, he looked twenty, but we had never asked him.

  Chapter 48

  I was hoping for some rough lovemaking this morning, so I meant to scratch Lukas' horns a little, which usually warmed him up quickly.

  And today was no exception, I had not even touched his horns, just his hair
covering it, when he grabbed me and kissed me intensely, pulling me over himself.

  We kissed and groped, and I suggested: 'Let's go upstairs,' and we did, quickly and quietly. Once there, I imagined being taken roughly by my indefatigable lover, but he had different plans, wooing me more tenderly than he ever had, showing me the same adoration Paul sometimes did.

  I still got the feeling he was saying goodbye, did he know something we didn't?

  Or was it just that he couldn't free himself from his biggest fear? I decided to let him lead the way, this was clearly something he needed to do, and to be honest, he was the true master of making love.

  This was his true art, and today was his masterpiece.

  Once he had activated every inch of my skin by stroking it, kissing it, tasting it until my whole body tingled in anticipation, he spread my legs and explored every tiny crease and fold with his tongue, until he found the place that stimulated me the most.

  Then he used that knowledge to send flashes of pure bliss through my whole body, reaching nerve-endings I didn't know I had. In that state, even a caress of my leg, or my belly was incredibly titillating, and it didn't take long before I was rushed into a climax.

  On that high he went on, his tongue continuing its electrifying exploration, and a few fingers now entering me to stimulate from the inside.

  I felt the world start to spin, and surrendered myself to it, letting my lust take over completely, shuddering with pleasure at this ever rising bliss.

  It rose, and still rose, and then, when it felt as if it couldn't go any higher, there was an nearly explosive release.

  And that was the moment that I felt Lukas fill me up in an instant, his warm

  muscled body with its musky scent on top of me, his sensuous mouth with the dented lip on mine, his movement exactly right to ride wave after wave of pure delight, his mouth now on my breast, sending a strong thrill through my whole body, his thrusting speeding up, faster and faster, until I spasmed with the force of my climax, and he arched high, and crashed in release.

  I held his heaving, sweating chest against me, kissing him on his mouth, tasting myself on his tongue. He managed to lie still until his breathing was back to normal, and then he started to stir, restless but not clear in what he wanted.

  'Can we go back down now?' he asked, 'I want to continue this, but not without Paul. Do you agree?'

  Did I agree? The whole idea made me thrill with excitement all over again, and I nodded frantically. He gave me his sweetest smile, got up and offered me his hand, which I took.

  We were down the stairs in a minute, and back in bed, where Paul was still asleep, smiling at a secret thought in his dream, clearly a pleasant one.

  'Will you wake him?' I asked in a whisper. 'He's dreaming something pleasant, better not,' Lukas said. But he couldn't resist touching Paul's hair very gently, stroking the loose brown curls with an expression so loving it was almost painful to see.

  If it hadn't been Paul he was looking at like that, I swear I would have felt a stab of jealousy right there and then, but as it was, I had the same feelings towards the man his love was aimed at, so I understood completely.

  'Do you think he'll really dance with me tonight?' Lukas asked, looking at me with hope written all over his face.

  'You know he will, he promised,' I replied, 'Lukas, you love him more than anything, don't you, even more than you love me?'

  'I can't measure love like you Victorians do, Melissa, but I love him way more than he will ever be able to return, whilst you love me as much as I love you, as much as I can love anyone.

  Not being able to show it all the time kind of saves it up for the moments I can let it out, like a dammed river let loose. Does that make sense?'

  It did, and I felt for him so much that I just had to hold him close to me, sitting together on the bed, watching Paul sleep, our love for him binding us nearly as much as our love for each other

  Lukas continued to very tenderly stroke Paul's hair, I could see he wanted to

  kiss him, but he controlled himself, forcing himself to wait until Paul showed signs of waking up.

  I thought he could just wake Paul up with a nice kiss, but Lukas was always very careful with intimacies towards Paul, still afraid of rejection, even after having been very intimate already several times.

  Paul clearly showed his love for Lukas, but still Lukas was shy around him, which he never was around anyone else. I secretly wondered if Lukas might even have become an exclusive lover if Paul had been able to return all of it.

  Fortunately we'd never know, I didn't even want to think about living without either of them anymore. With incredible courage, Lukas had now progressed to stroking Paul's stubbled cheek, and he even dared kiss him lightly on the lips.

  This caused a stir in Paul, he became a little restless, and Lukas shied back instantly. But it seemed that Paul was less asleep than we both thought, for his hand reached out and caught Lukas by the back of his head, pulling him in to finish that kiss.

  'Why so shy, my love,' he said when they both had to breathe again, 'you're so anxious when it comes to touching me, it makes me feel like an ogre, I really won't bite you, come to me.'

  Those had always been the magic words for Lukas, and he quickly laid down on top of Paul.

  Paul sniffed at him and observed: 'Hmm, you smell nice, the two of you been busy? Do I get my share as well?'

  Lukas became shy again, and Paul said in a very low voice, as if not to scare the creature behind the hearth: 'You can touch me, Lukas, really. I want you to. I give myself up to you.'

  And he held his hands behind his head as if they were bound, puzzling Lukas and causing him some visible disturbance.

  'Oh come on you sweetheart, what have I done to you to make you so anxious?' Paul sounded so sweet now, so enticing, it just pierced my heart.

  And finally Lukas started to believe he had a right to touch Paul, as Paul had touched him before, and he did it as totally as he touched me just now.

  I got to watch, and as always, seeing my two men loving one another was just the most thrilling experience. And Lukas proved again that this was his real expertise, he explored every bit of Paul as thoroughly as he had touched me, only he had never dared touch him often so everything was special, and he

  took his time.

  The curls he had so longingly stroked were first, running his hands through them, feeling the face, first with his hands and then with his mouth, kissing it, tasting it. He admired the stubbled cheeks, the squared jaw, the strong neck, even his ears were touched and nibbled. I could see Paul shiver with feeling, and when he took my hand I could feel his emotions and his passion stirring.

  Lukas was not really aware anymore, he was totally focussed on Paul, and except for that one hand I held, Paul on him.

  The rough hands that could do so many different things, they were felt and kissed, and the muscular arms, shoulders and chest. Lukas clearly enjoyed Paul's scent as much as I did, for he spent some time taking it in, not stopping his caressing of the man he finally dared to touch all over.

  The chest had to be felt in an embrace as well, and Paul needed his hand to return it with feeling. The sight of those to men embracing tightly was nectar to my eyes, and caused a tightening in my still tingling loins. It remembered our love-play, and hoped for some more.

  On Lukas went, leaving every inch of Paul's body as stimulated as he did mine, I was sure of that. I soon got the hand back, keeping in touch with me, and I felt it communicate all the excitement running through the rest of Paul's body.

  The blanket was moved out of the way, and uncovered a nice, firm erection.

  It got a little taste of what was to come, and that caused another shudder through Paul's entire body, including the hand I was holding. But just as Paul had done, Lukas wasn't ready yet for that very sensitive part, there were more nerve-endings to awaken first. Not as heavily developed as Lukas', Paul still had respectable leg muscles, and he was slightly ticklish to the

  That was too much, so Lukas moved on quickly to the strong feet, and turning him on his stomach, to his very attractive, well-fleshed bottom. That got quite a lot of attention, I knew how good it felt from my own experience.

  Of course Lukas couldn't help letting his hand follow the cleft between the two cheeks, ending up at that very sensitive spot just behind his testicles, and rubbing that caused Paul to moan a little in delight.

  Now Lukas moved on to Paul's back, following the muscle and ending up at the livid scar where the bullet had struck him. Lukas felt it expertly, then kissed it with feeling, no doubt remembering the time when it had been inflicted, less than two weeks ago.

  After that there were just the shoulders left, and turning Paul again he kissed him deeply, every

  touch of his hands causing a thrill through the totally activated body.

  And now Lukas deemed the time ripe for the ultimate touch, taking Paul's penis in his full hand, and then in his mouth. He moved over it expertly, causing Paul's excitement to rise even more quickly than usual.

  But Lukas was the real master here, and he let it go for a few moments, stroking Paul's testicles and inner legs, until the excitement had fallen off a little, then back in his mouth, but a little less fervently now, to keep the passion down, making Paul last as long as he could.

  Which was not very long, but seeing Lukas finally able to touch Paul was worth gold. When Paul had come in the same explosive way as I had an hour ago, Lukas knew he would have to unleash his own worked up heat on me.

  This was as far as he could go with the man he loved so passionately, and he accepted that. And when I saw that hungry look in his eyes, my lust sprang to life with a rush of physical heat, grabbing hold of Paul's hands and virtually demanding him to kiss me, as Lukas' body landed on mine and his magnificent erection plunged into me once more.

  It felt like lightning striking me, Lukas was pumping away all his pent up energy and all his anxiety, and the effect was ecstatic.

  Paul was lying against me nearly asleep again, he was clearly feeling the results of his explosive release just now, but I held him close and just let wave after wave of pleasure come over me.


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