Devious Kisses: A Bully Enemies -To-Lovers Romance (It's Just High School Book 1)

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Devious Kisses: A Bully Enemies -To-Lovers Romance (It's Just High School Book 1) Page 32

by Thandiwe Mpofu

  I was resenting all of them. And I didn’t even know it.

  But one fact still remained, I had to make Julian.

  I wait for John to come back home, watching silently as he interacts with my aunt. I watch the way they interact with each other. The way my aunt laughs at his lame jokes and I also notice the way she looks at him.

  I’m not sure if it’s true love between them, but whatever. Roxy was right, love is vain.

  When John makes his way to his office, I follow after him, a plan in my head. Knocking on the large, double oak doors pf his office, I hear his baritone voice beckoning me to enter.

  “Mia,” he starts, looking surprised to see me.

  “I’m sorry to bother you like this, but I didn’t know where else to go.” I start, looking uncertain and lost. I make sure to keep my voice low with a slight tremble, my eyes wide, oozing faux innocence.

  He stands up from his chair, rounding his desk.

  “No, it’s okay,” he says with a small smile. “Please, come on in.”

  “Thank you,” I murmur, discreetly looking around his office. There are dark bookshelves stacked to the brim with books upon books. The bibliophile in me almost sighs in appreciation, though I think these hardbacks aren’t steamy romance novels. “You read a lot?”

  He watches me, silently nodding. I want him to think I’m nervous, this will go over much smoother if he thinks that.

  “Wow, I’d never have thought that of you,” I say and he chuckles.

  “Well, I’ve been known to be a bit of a scholar,” he says with a charming smile that I’m sure did it for my aunt and every other woman he ever paraded around his sons when they needed him the most.

  “Wow,” I say with awe. “So, you’ve read all these volumes of books?”

  He chuckles, shaking his head. “Not all of them, though I think my son Julian has read every single one of these, let alone the ones in the library.”

  Julian reads?

  Holy shit, my heart just did a dance and I swear my core is throbbing. There’s nothing sexier than a complete athlete who has a body as cut and defined as his, and he likes to read? WHO MADE HIM?

  “You have library in this house?” I croak, then clear my throat. “I didn’t know that.”

  “That’s my fault, I should’ve given you a tour of the house, though I thought your aunt would do that for you.”

  Yeah, she tried to get me interested in that, but I did all the discovering I needed to do with the secret staircase.

  “Mr. Fitzgerald…” I start but he cuts me off.

  “Please Mia, we’ve been over this. Call me John.”

  “John,” I smile, looking up at him. “I need your help with something.”

  He sits at the edge of his desk, watching me seriously.


  “I…” I stutter, “This was a bad idea. I don’t think you can help me with this.”

  “Mia, I’m sure whatever it is, I can definitely help.”

  I’m sure you can.

  “Oh, I don’t know, see this is something I thought my dad would help me with but he…” I trail off, closing my eyes. A lone tear falls down my left cheek and when I look up, I see concern on John’s face. He straightens up then, watching me with a tight expression on his face.


  “Mia, I assure you I will move Heaven and earth to fix whatever’s broken or break whoever or whatever hurt you.”

  Music to my ears…

  “My aunt will kill me if she finds out I’m here right now, asking you for this…”

  “She doesn’t have to know,” he smiles. “I know how to keep a few secrets from her.”

  I’m sure you’re good at it too.

  “Are you sure?” I question, keeping that meek expression on my face. Fuck, I could go to Hollywood with this shit.

  “Yes of course,” he says. “Now, what can I help you with?”


  It’s as simple as that. He tilts his head to the side, watching me.

  “Did my son hurt you in any way?” he questions, his voice suddenly low and clipped.

  Yes, he did. But you’ll never understand how.

  “Well, not really,” I start, looking down at my shoes. “It’s just, he…”

  “What happened?”

  “Well, the whole thing is silly, really,” I start, chancing a glance at him. “See, we got in a heated argument.”


  “It was about family legacies, you see.”

  He visibly exhales, his facial features ease and I realize he was holding his breath. Hmm…

  “Okay, what about it?”

  “You know how my mother is loved world over for her dance skills, the way she interpreted ballet, bringing a whole lot of magic on stage with the dance?” I start, pain slicing me seven ways to hell in my chest. “I want to do that.”

  John is silent for a moment, waiting for me to collect myself.

  “I want to keep my mother’s legacy alive, especially with how everything is right now.”

  “That’s admirable, Mia,” he starts, his voice deep and cultured. “Your mother would be proud.”

  “Yes but, Julian said legacy is nothing but shackles to one’s dreams,” I say, watching him carefully. He sighs, running a hand through his hair.


  “I guess my question here is, why?”


  “Yes, why does he say that?” I watch him. “I thought the Fitzgerald house has always been passed down from one generation to the next since the empire started. Julian is your oldest son, isn’t he going to inherit the legacy one day?”

  A moment of silence passes between us and for a second, I fear that I might have overstepped, but I keep a straight face, eyes wide, the perfect face of innocent inquiry.

  I have this nagging feeling that whatever Julian’s secret that he’s keeping from Liam has everything to do with this man and the deal they made and buried. Time to dig it out.

  “That’s true, you’re up to date with this aren’t you?”

  “Well, I’ve been known to be a scholar myself,” I smile sweetly. “But you haven’t answered my question.”

  “Well, Mia, I apologize for my son’s rudeness. He, well, let’s just say Julian has strong feelings toward doing anything I tell him to.”

  I wonder why.

  “He has authority issue?” I question instead, with a small smile on my face. Authority issues are the least of Julian’s problems.

  “You could say that.”

  Hmm, he’s a bit tongue-tied. Let’s press the bloody, gushing wound a bit more.

  “I also heard that the Fitzgerald House can’t be led or run by anyone who isn’t of the bloodline,” I start, and he frowns. “Is that true?”

  “You’ve done your research, huh?” he says, his gaze narrowed on me.

  “Unfortunately, your family affairs are more public than the average household’s dirty laundry”

  “Unfortunately, Mia, you’re right about that. About everything in fact.” John sighs, dropping into his leather chair. “See, in the interest of security of a legacy that has thrived generation from generation, the Fitzgerald House, including the corporations, all the businesses, have to be run by a Fitzgerald. But Julian passed that by.”

  I can’t say I’m surprised by that. Julian is nothing if not rebellious when it comes to his father.

  “Is that possible?” I question.

  “Well, not usually, but because I have another son…” he trails off the meaning of his words.

  “But?” I step closer, tasting the juicy secrets about to be spilled.

  “But the Fitzgerald legacy has always been complicated Mia,” he says. “See, Julian had to strike a deal with me.”

  Here we go!

  “A deal?” I press, with a frown on my face.

  “Yes,” he nods. “The boy wants to play professional football. I agreed, only if he’ll make sure that Liam will ha
ve no choice but to run the company when the times comes.”

  I freeze, my jaw slack as I look at him.

  “What?” I demand.

  “Since Julian refused, everything’s now up to Liam who can’t refuse at all.”

  Oh my God. I can’t believe Julian would do that to Liam. Hell, I’ve talked to Liam, he wants absolutely nothing to do with his family’s legacy. If anything, he was actually relived that Julian would take over all that responsibility. My heart’s pounding as I hold John’s stare.

  “How can you both be sure that Liam would agree to that? He still has a choice, doesn’t he?”

  “Actually, with Julian forfeiting, Liam literally doesn’t have a choice. Unless of course, he wants out.”

  “Out?” I gasp, dread making me tremble in my shoes. I feel so protective of Liam, this is seriously upsetting me.

  “Well, if Liam refuses to execute the duties this family demands he does, he will be cut off completely. From everything. Money, the power of the family name, everything.”

  “You can’t do that. This isn’t the middle ages, John.” Or a mafia, unless it is?

  I’m tense as I wait for his response. John tilts his head to the left, studying me.

  “Mia, it’s all up to them. Julian made his choice.”

  He sold his brother for selfish reasons.

  “Soon, Liam will have to make his.”

  “But, isn’t there a way for…”

  “Mia, I know you’re a smart, sweet girl, but this is for my sons to bear,” he says. “I do admire you for wanting to keep your own family’s legacy alive. Your father should be proud.”

  My father, huh?

  I’m starting to hate fathers. Mine and the man before me.

  “I bet he is, wherever he is,” I say, then turn on my heel and leave, unable to believe that Julian could hurt Liam like that.


  “So, how’s it going with our new house guests? They moved in already, huh?” Liam questions, a smirk on his face. We’re in the car. I just picked his ass up from the hospital, and I feel like sending him right back.

  “That’s what I just said, mofo,” I growl, my eyes covered by shades. A week has passed since our new housemates moved in with all their shit and so far, a war had erupted, shit got burned and truths were realized. No big deal.

  “Well, why the fuck didn’t you tell me? I thought it was going to take a while. I mean, that’s what Dad said.”

  “Yeah, and he’s a fucking honest man, isn’t he?” I snort, looking out the window as we drive home.

  “He isn’t, yeah, but I wasn’t expecting you to pick up on that trait,” Liam accuses, burning a hole in my head as he stares at me. “When were you going to tell me?”

  “I’m telling you now.”

  My jaw clenches, the fact that he fucking cares about this aggravates me, and it’s not because of Dad’s soon-to-be wife. I’m giving it six months, they’ll be divorced by then. No, this is about Mia.

  “You’re punishing me, aren’t you?” he demands, his arm in a cast, a little beard going on and anger blazing in his eyes.

  “Punishing you would imply that you did something wrong, Liam,” I grit out. “Did you do something wrong?”

  “I should be asking you that,” he counters. “She shows up and you just shut me out like that?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Seriously, dude?” Liam exclaims. “You could at least lie better if you’re going to play that card.”

  “This has nothing to do with her,” I deny, glancing briefly at him. Liam chuckles looking out the window.

  “This, whatever it is that’s going on with you, has everything to do with Mia!” he seethes. “Dare I even mention that it also includes the fact that I believe her.”

  I grunt. I know she wasn’t lying about fucking Matthews, it’s just the rest of her angers me.

  “You can believe her for all I care.”

  “That skeptical shitty response tells me one thing, you know she did nothing wrong.” Liam stares at me still. “Which means this wounded, macho attitude has to do with something else.”

  I ignore him, thinking of last night, or rather, early this morning. What is it about that girl that makes me feel shit I have no business feeling? I should be focused on spending as much time with my brother, graduating, and working out with Cole for football, but instead here I am, cancelling shit, trying to find Matthew’s connection to my car and when he might have gotten to it.

  “I did tell you that’s she’s my girlfriend now, right?” the shithead starts, a wide grin on his face as he watches me.

  “That’s nice, kid,” I mutter, tightening the grip on the steering wheel.

  He throws his head back to the headrest and starts laughing, knowing exactly what he’s doing.

  “Thanks, bro.” He sighs. “I mean, she was really worried about how we were going to break the news to you, shit, I told you this days ago.”

  “Yup,” I mutter. “Hope you’re ready to face your harem of broken-hearted girls.”

  “Yo, I don’t break hearts.” Liam chuckles. “I’m a mender of fragile hearts.”

  I wonder if he’s still high and if it would be a crime to just ditch his high-as-a-kite ass on the side of the road.

  “Has someone mended your shit humor yet?”

  I eye him from the corner of my eye. He looks battered up but otherwise, he looks better than he did this entire week. Whenever I try to close my eyes and catch some shut eye, I see him in that car.

  I see that last smile my brother gave me through that window.

  I see the car go up in flames. And no matter what I do, I can’t stop thinking that the girl who now lives in my house almost kissed an asshole to make that happen.

  “Hmm, give it a day,” Liam starts, pulling me back to the present. “I’m sure my new housemate will kiss me to get better. Can’t wait.”

  “You’re not going to touch her,” I growl, but as soon as I realize what I just said and how I said it, I tense up.

  “Whoa!” Liam watches me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “I’ve known you my whole life, dude, and I swear, drugged up or not, I have never, not once, heard you say that about any girl before.”

  Well, she isn’t just anyone.

  “You don’t have to emphasize that.”

  “Or maybe we should talk about that,” he starts, a wide smirk on his face like he just discovered something interesting. I shift in my seat, majorly uncomfortable by this entire conversation.

  “No thanks, Dr. Phil.” I shake my head. My brother was, among other things that weren’t worth mentioning, quite nosy. He was a shameless gossip and knew every piece of information about everyone.

  Probably because of all the beds he rolls out of every Saturday morning.

  “I told you a long time ago, I don’t get my genius, heartfelt humanity skills from the good, reality drama Dr. Phil.” He starts, good humor and all. “I get them from…”

  “Oprah and her guests,” I finish, rolling my eyes. “You really need to let that one rest. It’s run its course.”

  And needs a quick, sudden death.

  “And miss out on girls thinking I actually care about their daddy issues? Hell no, bro. That’s easy pussy.”

  “You were practically on your death bed, asshole, and you still have got ass on your mind.”

  “What can I say? I’m a red-blooded male with a working libido,” he jokes but his voice drops the cheery tone. I glance at my brother and notice him look out the window.

  “You good?” I’m always worried about my brother, sure. But there’s something different about him.

  “Yeah,” he starts. “A libido that my girlfriend will find as a gift from the gods.”

  Of course, he’ll play it off. “Seriously, what was that?”

  “It’s just, when the silence closes in on me, I swear, I can still hear the faint ticking of a timer in the back of the car. Like it was counting down each b
reath I took,” he says, his voice sounding far way.

  I don’t have to ask what he’s talking about. I already know. Unconsciously, my grip on the steering wheel tightens, as does my jaw and the rest of me.

  “Oh, by the way, the police came by yesterday.” I glance at him so fast, I almost swerve off the road.


  “Yeah, it was right after Mia left, but I never talked to them, not after they came by on Tuesday. I played it off like I was asleep.” Liam goes on, a dark note in his voice. “Of course, I know what their questions are going to be but, J…”

  “I know.”

  My brother’s not stupid. Year after year he’s always at the top of the honor roll at school. Of course, he knows a bomb was set on my car and I was the target.

  “What made you jump out?” I question after a while. There’s so much I want to ask him, but I know a lot of that is pointless shit that’ll just trouble him. Despite how he has shaped his identity over the past three years as a hardened, careless ‘heart throb’, Liam is by far the most sensitive kid I’ve ever known.

  “I don’t know.” He glances at me. “Intuition, maybe?”

  Silence falls over us in the car. We sit there, being haunted by ghosts of the dead—

  “Or maybe it was Aiden.”

  —or maybe being saved by them.

  “Yeah,” I start, but my voice is hoarse. “Big bro would definitely do that for you, anytime.”

  We don’t talk about Aiden much, actually, we don’t talk about him at all. Each of us choosing to grieve our brother in our own way. His death is still so fresh, I bet his body isn’t even cold in the ground and yet, our father has moved on. Engaged and shit, like we didn’t just lose someone in our family.

  “Anyway, did you look into what I told you?”

  “Yeah, so far all roads lead to Mia.”

  “He set her up real good.”

  Yeah, fucking Matthews knew what he was doing but my question is, why her? Why would he target Mia, of all people? And this was before the girl even knew she was going to be living with us.

  “Fuck!” Liam shakes his head but with his arm in a cast, and his ribs hurting like hell, it’s hard to move much. “I knew that snake was acting up that night.”


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