Double Desire

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Double Desire Page 10

by Cassandra Dee

  I expected Karla to toss off some answer from the top of her head, but she surprised me again with her thoughtfulness.

  “Honey, no one can tell you what’s wrong and what’s right in this case. You have to let your heart guide you, and let it tell you where to go next. The twins? Well, they’re waiting. They told their dad that they want you to matriculate at State next year with them. But don’t let that sway you from your own deep thinking. It’s the only way to find contentment, sweetheart. It has to come from within.”

  And I realized that despite her reputation as a floozy, my mom was actually deeply perceptive, with a lot of insight into the world. Because it was true. I could only find happiness if I settled the score with myself first.

  “Thanks Mom, I appreciate it,” I said gratefully, reaching out for a hug. It’d been so long since I’d touched her at all that it was almost foreign, but it felt good. A mother’s arms can be strangely soothing, especially when you’re hurting.

  “No problem, sweetheart,” Karla said. “Now,” she encouraged with a wink, “go and fill out some college applications. No matter what happens between you and your brothers, you should still go to school.”

  I knew she was right. I wanted to invest in myself, and that began with an education.



  Three months later …

  I thought back to the day I’d decided to finally chat with my brothers. It’s not that I’d ignored them. I’d sent them some emails briefing them on classes, my new roommates, and that kind of thing. They’d replied with polite but short emails, probably hesitant to overstep the invisible boundaries I’d set.

  Because I’d matriculated at State. After applying to a couple schools, I’d found out that I’d been accepted at three: Berklee, Tisch and State had welcomed me with open arms. Tisch even awarded me an arts scholarship based on my photography portfolio.

  But by the time the acceptance letters arrived, I already knew where I was headed next. I was going to State with my stepbrothers, although I wasn’t sure if I’d be seeing them right away.

  It’s been a long process. I’d started emerging from my room slowly, sometimes just for a ten minute swim in the pool, and some relaxation in the peaceful waters. Slowly I’d stepped back into the sunshine inch by inch, until I was back to my old self, just in time to move into the dorms on campus.

  But once there, I hadn’t approached my brothers. Instead, I’d watched from afar, literally up in the stands as they clinched victory after victory on the football field, the blue and gold of their uniforms gleaming in the warm afternoon sun.

  But the time had come, and I was ready once again. Gulping, I’d written an email to my steps asking to get together for coffee, with my heart in my throat. I wasn’t even sure they’d respond, truth be told, and it was with a surprise that I saw a reply pop into my inbox not two minutes later. Colt was inviting me to their private suite. Evidently as star athletes, they had a suite with separate living and sleeping spaces. By contrast, I was sharing a triple with two other girls, which was a little cramped to put it mildly.

  So with shaking hands, I’d knocked. It was a sunny day and I looked around, hoping no one saw me on their doorstep. My thoughts soon flew out of my head because Colt opened the door, his massive form dwarfing the frame.

  “Karlie,” he said greeting me, stepping aside to let me in.

  I trembled a bit, wobbling slightly in my high heels as I walked into the plush suite. The furnishings were luxurious with huge bay windows overlooking the verdant campus. Cain was already seated, waiting for me with watchful eyes, his massive frame still but filled with silent power.

  “Hello,” I’d said slowly, seating myself on the divan, and nervously smoothing my skirt before clasping my hands protectively over my stomach. But my brothers gave no sign of noticing. Instead, they lounged on the opposite couch, their massive forms making even the king-size piece of furniture seem small.

  “It’s good to see you, Karlie,” drawled Cain, stretching his long legs out before him. His pose was deceptively calm, but I could see the intensity in his eyes, matched by the latent energy in his brother’s still form.

  I took a deep breath.

  “Colton, Cain,” I said slowly, “I’m ready to move forward.”

  Both my steps remained motionless although a shockwave of electricity ran through the air. I could feel the tremors in the space, sparks already running down my arms to sizzle in my fingertips.

  “What does that mean?” asked Colt slowly. He gave me a searching glance. “Does that mean you’re talking to us again? Or are we still communicating through email?”

  I flushed.

  “I know it wasn’t easy for you either,” I said, taking a deep breath. “Beating Jimmy wasn’t your top choice, but with so much on the line, it was necessary. He wasn’t going to be amenable and for someone like that, I’m not sure there was any other way,” I said slowly.

  “But Karlie,” said Cain, “What’s made you come around now? I mean, are you going to be bringing up Jimmy,” and here he spat the name, “twenty years from now? Is this something we’re going to be hearing about forever?”

  “Absolutely not,” I said, shaking my head. “I’m over and done with the situation because I needed to make peace with myself.”

  Here, my brothers’ brows furrowed.

  “What do you mean?” growled Cain. “You did nothing wrong.”

  I shook my head, slow but determined.

  “I wasn’t okay with what happened because I wasn’t fair to you or myself.”

  Colt shot me a puzzled look, so I went on.

  “You accepted my dancing, no questions asked, so long as I wasn’t doing blue light specials. It’s not exactly something that every girl does,” I said, flushing, “and I took your acceptance for granted. It’s a part of me that I have to let out, in order to escape the confines of being everyday Karlie, photographer and good girl.”

  “But I didn’t do the same for you,” I said slowly. “When you decided to teach Jimmy a lesson, I was judgmental. I didn’t accept that physical force is a part of who you are, both on the field and off. I struggled with it, applying my values and my mores to you with a terrible result.”

  “Once I realized what I’d done, I knew the problem was internal. I needed to let go of my inhibitions and accept you for who you were and more importantly, for who you are,” I said on a great breath of air, getting my feelings off my chest.

  Unfortunately, my brothers weren’t letting me off so easy.

  “But Karlie,” said Cain, “How do we know that you won’t be mentioning the name ‘Jimmy Long’,” and here he spat the words again, “twenty years from now? Because you know that’s our timeline. We want you for keeps, and it can’t keep coming up.”

  My heart leapt. They wanted me for twenty years or more? To keep? This was the first I’d heard of it and the air lodged in my throat, making it difficult to breathe. But they deserved an answer.

  “I won’t keep bringing it up,” I promised. “I don’t know how I can convince you, but we have something together that’s difficult to find sometimes. Some people are never so lucky,” I stated gently.

  “That’s right,” growled Colt. “We have love,” he added, his eyes boring into me. “It’s the real thing, Karlie, and I don’t want to take it for granted.”

  “We have love,” I agreed with an incandescent smile, my emotions tumbling, and my spirits joyous. A rush of happiness descended over me, lifting me so that I was almost flying on the tips of my toes. “And we have something else as well. I’m pregnant.”

  That stopped them. The shock was palpable in the air, but it wasn’t entirely unexpected. We’d slept together for months, never once using protection, their seed mixing in me night after night. And I was nineteen now, at peak fertility. Was it really that surprising that I was pregnant with their child?

  “Karlie,” said Colt. “If you have our baby …”

l be ours forever,” finished Cain.

  I couldn’t answer, my smile my only reply, holding out my arms to the two handsome men.

  They descended on me then, their forms massive and hungry, like lions who hadn’t fed for a year. My steps were all over me, too ravenous to hold back, touching my pussy, swiping left and right, drenching themselves in my juices.

  “Karlie,” they rasped, their voices hoarse. “Don’t ever leave us again.”

  “I won’t,” I promised, “Never.”

  Colt and Cain kissed me all over, tearing my clothes off in their haste, eager for the sweet release that only I could grant. As for me, I almost cried when I saw those huge cocks again, the twin poles pulsing with unquenchable power. There was cum dripping from the heads, ready to seed me once again, and to plow those fertile fields with the juice of life.

  “Please,” I gasped as they bent me over. “Now, now, now.”

  The warriors answered. Colt pushed into me from behind, his cock literally lifting me up in the air with his huge size. My cunt squeezed him desperately, clenching with pleasure.

  “Yes,” was my ravenous cry, but then I was cut off as Cain pushed into my mouth. That hot length was so tasty, so needed, and so delicious that I moaned my ecstasy, stretched tight both ways. I loved it all. I loved the double-stuff, and realized that I needed it, always and forever. These men completed me, and made me a whole woman.

  With cries of release, the three of us orgasmed, man cream spilling everywhere as I pulsed on them, my mouth and pussy like motorized pumps, squeezing them of everything they had and taking DNA like it was ambrosia of the gods.

  And that’s how we came to be where we are today. Maddy was born with both daddies in the hospital room when she gave her first cry. Her thatch of black hair and blue eyes were just like Colt and Cain.

  Remarkably, things fell into place after that. It was almost like magic. We live together now, the three of us with our daughter, in off-campus housing. It’s a cute cottage with a garden and a white picket fence. Maddy’s in university daycare as I speed through my degree. State’s got an awesome fine arts program and I’m thoroughly enjoying being a full-time student in addition to my duties as mom.

  But best of all, everything worked out because our little family is going strong, despite everything that’s happened. The hubbub was horrendous at first when news of our relationship came to light. My brothers wouldn’t say much, their faces tight each night after practice, but I knew that coaches, trainers, and basically everyone was telling them how wrong our relationship was. They wanted to convince Colt and Cain to ditch me by the wayside.

  But my stepbrothers wouldn’t because we were in love and expecting a baby. And after a while, the hullaballoo died down, with most people forgetting that we were related to begin with. So we spend our days together now in an idyllic reverie of studying, practice, lovemaking, homework, classes and more lovemaking.

  Plus, Colt and Cain have promised to sign with the same team, no matter how high the offers are, and no matter how many zeroes are on the contracts. We’ll be together as they pursue pro football careers and more.

  “Karlie, always,” said Cain, his eyes direct, taking my hand in his. I still remember the roller-coaster feeling, the dizzying love I felt as my brothers spoke their commitment.

  “Forever,” pledged Colt, taking my other hand. Then, he slid a giant diamond onto my finger, which was a sign of their utter commitment. Both men stared at me, their blue eyes filled with passion.

  What can a girl do? I nodded happily with tears in my eyes, accepting their proposal. After all, we would be wedded forevermore, and this ring was a symbol of our commitment. Together, we had already experienced good and bad times, including blackmail, physical beatings, not to mention my past as a dancer at the Tigress. But in a way the Tigress gave me everything because now I have Colt and Cain, my two double desires.


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  A Sneak Peek: Falling for My Beautiful Ward

  ~A Taboo Romance~

  © 2018

  By Cassandra Dee

  Want to hear about our newest illicit romance? Addicted to virgins and alpha males? Join our mailing lists at and get a FREE book just for joining!


  Falling for My Beautiful Ward: A Forbidden Romance

  She’s too beautiful for her own good.

  After Daisy’s mom died, she left me as her daughter’s legal guardian. A single guy who knew nothing about parenting was suddenly saddled with a little girl. So I packed the kid off to boarding school, and we didn’t cross paths for years.

  But now Daisy’s back.

  She’s in my mansion, eating my food. Dancing to music in her head while humming like a butterfly.

  I can’t stop myself from looking because the girl’s so young and innocent.

  But that’s the problem. Daisy’s my ward for crying out loud, and no man should feel this way about a girl living under his roof.

  So what do I do now?

  I can’t stop.

  I don’t want to stop.

  And to my surprise, she doesn’t want to stop either.

  We’re screwed, because I’m her legal guardian.

  I shouldn’t be touching her.

  I should keep my hands to myself.

  But it’s too late because the beautiful girl’s pregnant with my baby!

  Hey Readers – This book was originally released as Temptation. It’s been revised and expanded for your reading pleasure. As always, there’s a guaranteed HEA with no cheating and cliffhangers. Enjoy! Love, Cassie



  I wasn’t wrong when I said Daisy had plans. It all came out at dinner one night, over some medium rare steak. Chef had done well, the beef juicy, red, and so tasty it melted in your mouth. I could feel Daisy watching my every move, those brown eyes warm and luscious.

  But I kept cool, eating like nothing was wrong.

  “How was school?” I asked casually through a forkful of the good stuff, chewing thoughtfully. Before she answered, I glanced over at Daisy’s plate, steak untouched, growing cold. I raised an eyebrow.

  “Something wrong with your food?”

  The girl bit her lip slightly, that pout pillowy and soft. How I’d love to take them between mine and taste the sweetness, run my tongue along the seam before thrusting inside, sampling the hot heat within. But I shook myself. How fucked-up was that? I was twenty years her senior, and it was so damn wrong.

  Daisy’s shake of her head was silent, her eyes nervous.

  “No, the food’s good,” she said softly, looking down at her folded hands. “How was work today?” she asked.

  I kept eating.

  “Fine, I got out early and decided to come home instead of heading out to a client dinner. You can’t eat every meal out, it’ll kill you,” I said smoothly, forking up some mashed potatoes. It was rare that I indulged in any type of carbs because carbs aren’t great for maintaining muscle mass, but hey, every guy’s gotta have weaknesses, right? And the brunette smiled.

  “You’re right,” she said. “I’ve been showing Mrs. Potter how to cook healthy, even those mashed potatoes you’re eating are better for you than you think,” she said with a playful smile. “They’re not made with butter, they’re made with extra virgin olive oil instead, it cuts out a lot of the saturated fat. Can you tell?”

  And I groaned, closing my eyes for an instant. I hate health crazes, I hate cutting out butter, sugar, all the good stuff. Everything in moderation is my motto, and there’s no need to go wacko eliminating out this and that entirely, it’s so fucking extreme. Can’t a man just enjoy a hearty meal?

  So I shot Daisy a sharp look.

  “You fucked with my mashed potatoes?” I growled.
/>   But Daisy wasn’t intimidated at all.

  “I did,” she laughed, “And you couldn’t tell either, you wouldn’t have known unless I mentioned it. Besides, the EVOO is imported from a special place in Italy known for the creaminess of its olives, that’s why the potatoes taste exactly the same. It cost a pretty penny, but I know you can afford it,” she said cheekily.

  And I let out a big breath. Seeing that dessert was a decadent flourless chocolate cake, I was almost dreading hearing what it was made with, how Daisy and Mrs. Potter had tampered with the recipe. So I changed the subject abruptly. Better than having my taste buds shrivel off from despair.

  “Tell me about school,” I ground out.

  Daisy looked up at me surprised. I don’t think I’d ever expressed interest in her studies or any part of her life for that matter. But since she’d come onto my radar, I’d found myself drawn to her, thinking about what she was up to, what she did with her time, and who she hung out with, although I’d never voiced any of it.

  So Daisy began slowly.

  “Well, I’m taking a couple great classes,” she said tentatively. “English, Algebra, Biology, and History, among others,” she said, licking her lips nervously.

  My attention was distracted by the flicker of that pink tongue but I forced myself to focus.

  “And which is your favorite?” I said calmly, turning back to my steak.

  Here, the girl flushed again, still not touching her plate.

  “It’s English,” she murmured, looking down. That was certainly an odd reaction to being asked your best subject in school. Most times I’d expect a person to go crazy, babbling on and on about themselves, using the invitation to spew. But Daisy was different, quiet and contained.

  So I pressed forward, intrigued.

  “And why is English your favorite?” I asked casually, leaning back in my chair although my body was tense, watching her every move.


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