Until Easton

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Until Easton Page 8

by Sandy Alvarez

  Later that evening, Easton and I lie in bed with me between his legs and my back against his front. Aside from the unfortunate run-in with Lana, I had the best time at the fair.

  "You have a good time today, baby?" he rumbles against my ear, his scruff tickling my skin.

  "The best. Some of my fondest memories of my parents are of us at the fair. After they passed, Grandma and Grandpa would take me every summer, but Grandpa and I haven't been in a couple years."

  "What were they like?" Easton asks.

  I tip my head back. "My parents?"

  He nods.

  I face forward and close my eyes. A smile takes over my face when visions of their faces enter my brain. "I look like my mom. Same height, same wild, curly, red hair. My eyes I get from my dad." I swallow past the lump in my throat at my memories. "Dad said Mom was his soulmate and that he knew it the second he laid eyes on her. He said it took her longer to realize it." Easton squeezes me, and I chuckle. "I remember them being so happy. I'd never even seen them fight." I tell Easton about how my father ended up at the ranch after he lost both of his parents. "The ranch was Moms' life. She lived and breathed everything about this place, and my dad lived and breathed my mother." I go quiet for a moment. Thankfully, Easton doesn't interrupt my reflection. "It might sound, I don't know, crazy…but in a way, I think it's best that they passed away together. I know what happened was tragic, especially because they left behind a young daughter, but I mean it when I say my parents were soul mates. I honestly don't think either of them would be able to live without each other." Twisting in Easton's arm, I face him. "Does that sound messed up?" I ask. "I've never said that out loud to anyone before."

  "No, baby. That doesn't sound messed up at all." He cups my face. "Those are your feelings. You're allowed to feel and think any way you want about your mom and dad. What matters is you loved them, and they loved you. They also left you with some beautiful memories. What I think is you find solace in knowing they are still together in the afterlife."

  A tear slips down my cheek. "I do. It comforts me knowing they still have each other."

  Easton uses the pad of his thumb to wipe away my tears.

  "How do you do that?" I ask.

  "Do what?"

  "Get me? You just…get me?"

  "Because, Becca, you're my soulmate, and even though you may not be ready to admit it, I'm yours."

  "I think you're right," I breathe.

  "I know I'm right," he declares vehemently. Then Easton kisses me. We're soon interrupted when his cell rings. With a growl, he breaks away. Snatching his phone from the bedside table, he sighs. "It's my sister."

  "Okay." I scoot to the edge of the bed and stand. "I'm going to go wash my face while you take your call."

  Once I'm finished in the bathroom, I walk back into Easton's room. "Hey, I'm going down to the kitchen for a beer. Do you want one?"

  "Was that Becca?" A woman's voice rings out, and I suddenly realize Easton is on Facetime.

  Easton tips his head back and stares up at the ceiling for a beat before answering. "It is."

  "Who are ya talkin' to there, Sunshine?" This comes from another voice, a much deeper one. "Oh, hey, brother."

  Easton grins. "How's it going, Quinn?"

  "Can't complain."

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're good, I'm good, he's good. Now let's get back to Becca."

  "Em." Easton's sister ignores what he just said and repeats her previous statement. "I want to meet her."

  "Sunshine, leave your brother alone."

  "Put a sock in it, Quinn."

  "I'll put somethin' in it, baby. But it won't be my sock."

  "For Christ's sake. I don't want to hear this shit," Easton groans. "That shit is not cool."

  "Sorry, brother," this Quinn says and I can't help but giggle.

  "Look, I'm going to call you tomorrow, Em," Easton tells his sister.

  "No! I want to know more about Becca."

  "I'll talk to you later."


  "Love you, Em. Later."

  "Easton, don't you dare…" Emerson is cut off when Easton taps the screen of his phone.

  "Did you seriously just hang up on your sister?" I ask.

  Easton Smiles. "Yep."


  "Cause that's our thing. We give each other shit. It will drive her crazy until I answer her call tomorrow."

  "Why is she so interested in me? I'm sure she hears about all the women you've dated. So this can't be anything new to her."

  Easton climbs off the bed and prowls toward me. My breath hitches when he snags me around the waist, and I brace my palms against his chest. "First, my sister is most definitely interested, because I don't date. I haven't since high school. Have I had women? Yes. But that's not a subject I talk to Emerson about."

  "Oh," is all I say.

  "Until you. And I may have mentioned us to her the other night."

  "Oh," I repeat myself as Easton dips his face down close to mine, his smell invading my senses.

  "Are you starting to get that what we have here is serious? That you are mine?"

  Licking my lips, I peer up at Easton's handsome face. "I…I think I'm starting to get it."

  "Good," he says before closing the distance between us, taking my mouth in a searing kiss.

  Three days after mine and Easton's fair date, I'm standing in the kitchen making fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans for dinner when my grandfather comes walking in from outside.

  "Smells good, baby girl."

  "Thanks, Daideò. Dinner will be ready in about an hour. Have you seen Easton?"

  "He's helping Steve round-up Hank. The bastard got out again."

  I let out a heavy sigh. "I don't know what I'm going to do about him. At this point, I'm convinced a ten-foot concrete wall couldn't keep him contained."

  Daideò chuckles. "You might be right." Moving around the kitchen, he goes about fixing himself a glass of cold sweet tea then sits down at the table. "You got a minute for an old man?"

  I pause from chopping potatoes to peer over my shoulder at my grandfather. "Sure." Setting the knife down, I wipe my hands on a dishtowel and sit down at the table across from him. "What's up?"

  "You've been spending a lot of time with Easton."

  "I have." I nod.

  "I don't have to ask if what's going on between you is serious because from the way that young man looks at you, I know it is. I just wanted to see where your head was at. What are your feelings toward him?"

  I chew on my bottom lip while contemplating how I want to answer. Finally, I decide to go with the truth. "I think it's serious. I've never felt this way about anyone before, Daideò. I can't explain it, but something tells me Easton is the one. I know it sounds crazy."

  My grandfather cuts me off by placing his hand over the top of mine. "It's not crazy, baby girl. I knew your grandmother was the one for me the second she walked into my life. And you already know how it was for your mom and dad. Some people wait a lifetime for that special someone, so when you are lucky enough to have found yours, you grab hold of them and don't let go."

  "Are you saying you're okay with Easton and I being together? Even though it happened so fast?"

  "Becca, I married your grandmother three weeks after we met. What do you think? And your parents were married within two months of meeting. So what can I say? It's the Connelly way." We both laugh at his statement. "Go with your heart, baby girl. The rest will fall into place."

  About an hour later, I'm getting ready to set the table when I spot Easton through the window as he climbs the steps where he stops to talk to my grandfather, who is sitting on the porch. Turning the gravy down on low, I make my way out to them. "Hey," I say when I open the screen door. "Supper is done, and I'm just about to set the table.

  "Hey, baby." Easton kisses me. "Mind if I jump in the shower first?"

  It's then I notice Easton is covered in dirt. "I…" I go to say, but I'm cut off when the rumble of
rolling thunder sounds in the distance. And it sounds like it's getting closer. "What in the world is that?" I ask.

  "Fuck," Easton growls.

  I look over at him to see he has his head hung while shaking it. It can't be too bad of a thing because he's also smiling.

  "I should have known."

  "Should have known what?"

  My question goes unanswered by Easton but is answered when I follow his gaze. Coming up the long dirt road leading to the house are nine motorcycles. And I swear I can feel the ground beneath my feet vibrate as they approach.

  Grandpa comes to stand beside Easton. "I'm assuming you know who these people are, son."

  Easton nods. "Yes, sir." He then turns to me. "Well, Red, time to meet my family."

  Easton grabs my hand, forcing me to follow him down the steps. "Wait! What are you talking about?"

  "My family, baby."

  Holy crap. This is the MC family he was telling me about.

  Easton and I stop at the edge of the yard in front of the house, and I watch as all nine bikes park in front of us. I pay close attention to Easton and notice how his face lights up when he spots one person in particular. A woman climbs off the back of one of the motorcycles, removes her helmet, and the moment she turns toward us, I know she is Easton's sister. Though she has blonde hair, the features are similar. The woman doesn't waste a second before she's throwing herself at Easton. Refusing to let go of my hand, Easton embraces her with the other. "I should have known your nosy ass would show up like this."

  The woman laughs.

  The two break apart, and when they do, I'm suddenly the focus of her attention. "From the way my brother refuses to let you go, I'm going to assume you're Becca."

  "You would be right. And you're Emerson." I give her a warm smile.

  "It's nice to meet you, Becca." But then, Emerson does something that shocks the hell out of me; she hugs me.

  "Nice to meet you, too."

  When Emerson steps away, my eyes land on the people lingering behind her, and I'm pretty sure I don't do an excellent job at hiding my reaction because the only way to describe the men in front of me is scary hot. Damn!

  The first man to speak is someone who exudes authority and confidence. He looks intimidating and a tad scary with his height, large frame, and bushy beard, but his blue eyes hold kindness.

  "Jake," Easton greets him.

  "Good to see ya, brother." Jake steps forward and gives Easton a handshake. Standing beside him is a woman with bright red hair and a warm motherly smile.

  Easton then goes about introducing me to everyone.

  "Baby, this is Jake and his wife, Grace. Behind him is Logan and his wife, Bella." Both Grace and Bella smile and wave.

  Easton continues by pointing to the dark-haired man standing beside Logan with his arm around a blonde woman. "That's Gabriel and his wife, Alba. Then, standing to his left, is Reid and his woman Mila."

  Reid is just as good-looking as the rest of the men, and I totally dig the shaved head and tattoos on his skull.

  "Behind Reid are Austin and his wife, Lelani. And over there," he nods to his left, saying, "are Sam and Sofia. Then the other two are Blake and Grey." Easton pauses with his introduction then starts looking around. "Where is Quinn?"

  "Fuckin' hell," Jake grumbles, and we all follow his line of sight. That's when I see Quinn, Emerson's husband, step out the front door of the house with a drumstick in one hand and a biscuit in the other.

  "Quinn!" Emerson hisses.

  "What?" Quinn says around a mouth full of food.

  "You can't just go into someone else's house and eat their food."

  "I'm starving, Sunshine. We've been on the road for hours."

  "We ate an hour ago, dipshit," Logan barks.

  Emerson sighs. "That's like ten hours in Quinn land." She then looks at me. "I'm so sorry. I can't take him anywhere."

  I throw my head back and laugh. "It's okay."

  "You see there, baby." Quinn steps off the porch and makes his way toward our group. "Becca doesn't mind." He peers over at me and grins. "Nice to meet ya, darlin'."



  Sitting here, surrounded by my family and having Becca at my side, gives me an inner peace I've never felt before. I've never felt as grounded. Turning my head, I stare at Becca and watch her laugh at something Quinn says and feel my lips lift in a smile because of the sound of her happiness.

  "Hold up. There's more where that came from," Quinn grins. "What goes in hard and dry but comes out soft and wet?" he looks at Becca, waiting for her to guess.

  Becca's eyes dart around. "Oh, um…" her cheeks turn a light shade of blush.

  "Come on." Quinn searches everyone's faces. "No one?" He waits another couple of seconds before blurting, "Gum!" He laughs hard at his own joke. "You thought I was about to say a cock, right? You guys are some dirty-minded fuckers." He shakes his head.

  "I got one for ya." Becca's grandad stretches his legs out, propping them on a large log in front of him. "What does a bullfrog say when it's horny?" he grins. I've heard this joke before, as I suspect a few others have as well, but we don't dare steal his thunder. "Rub it." No sound is heard when he chuckles, but Arthur's shoulders shake.

  "Daideò!" Becca gasps with a mix of shock and amusement in her voice.

  "What, child? I may be getting old, but my funny bone is still intact."

  Silence falls around us.

  I lose myself in the flames of the bonfire, mesmerized by the flickering lights. The dry, withered wood smells of deep, rich oak and pine as the logs burn. Within the flames, where the fire burns hottest, bright flickers of blue glow. The sounds of hissing, cracking, and sizzling mix with the croaking tree frogs and chirping crickets.

  "Easton." Emerson jolts me from my hypnotic state, and I give her my attention. "You bring your guitar?"

  I nod. "Never leave home without it."

  "Play something for us?"

  I go to stand, but Becca leaps to her feet. "I'll get it. You stay with your family." She turns to walk away, and I grab her by the hand, pulling her back to me.

  "Come here," I tell her, tugging her down until we are face to face, her lips hovering above mine. I'm hyper aware of the sets of eyes on us, but I couldn't care less. Becca is mine. "Give me those lips," I tell her, and she presses them softly against mine.

  "Another one bites the dust," Quinn quips as my eyes fixate on Becca's retreating backside on her way toward the house.

  A few short minutes later, Becca returns with my guitar in hand. "Any requests?" I ask my biggest fans.

  "Got anything new you've been working on?" Reid inquires, and one song comes to mind. It's unfinished, rough, and raw, but no other words float to the surface as the lyrics fill my headspace.

  "It's not finished, but…" I strum the guitar strings feeling the chords vibrate through my fingertips. The music I play becomes the sound of my heart beating, and the lyrics my confession. My words fill the air effortlessly while my eyes never leave Becca's. This is me, unfiltered and exposed.

  I was drowning in loneliness.

  In nights of bitter cold.

  Something in my life was missing…but I didn’t know what I was searching for.

  Then you came along and shined your light on me.

  My red-haired woman, you set me free. (You set me free)

  From the moment I met you.

  Since that very first kiss.

  Your taste still lingers…upon my lips.

  You chased away the sadness.

  You brought me back to life.

  Now I see my future reflecting in your eyes.

  My red-haired woman, you set me free. (You set me free)

  The last lyric drifts away with the fading of the last strum of the guitar strings. Then, it's once again silent. The air I breathe feels heavy with the emotions poured out in the song, and I meant every word. "It's a work in progress," I shrug. Tears are streaming down Becca's cheeks. Leaning into her, I
wipe them all away with my kisses.

  "Well said, brother." Jake breaks the silence. "A man's strength and weakness both lay in the hands of the woman he loves." I catch the nods of the other men, including Becca's grandad.

  "My Irene, God rest her soul, could bring me to my knees with just one look and give me the strength of an ox with a single touch." His eyes get a faraway look in them as he recalls memories of his wife.

  I sit my guitar to the side and pull Becca onto my lap. "That was—" She doesn't finish her statement. Instead, Becca grabs my face in her hands and kisses me, and our family makes a show of our affection with cheers, and she smiles against my lips.

  "Well, I'd say this is a beautiful ending to a perfect night with family and friends," Arthur says.

  Logan raises his beer in the air, and the rest of us follow. "To the women who bring us to our knees and the love we'll risk it all for."

  * * *

  It's near midnight after everyone turns in. I make a final sweep of the house with Becca as she checks the locks on all the doors. We walk into the large living room. She pulls the curtains closed on one window then moves to the next. "I really like them." She stares out into the night. In the distance, lightning streaks across dark gray clouds forming, followed by a distant rumble as the storm rolls in. "I should check on the horses one more time. They can get a little worked up when bad weather is near."

  A whiff of earthy dampness engulfs us the moment we step outside. The trees rustle as the wind whistles through the branches on our walk across the property to the stables. I pull open the barn doors and follow Becca inside. One by one, she checks the stall doors, making sure they are latched. Finally, Becca looks to the ceiling. "Shoot. The loft door is open." She crosses to the other end of the stables and begins climbing the ladder to the top.

  "I'll get it," I offer, but she's already halfway up the ladder's steps.

  "I'll be down in a minute." She states as I stare up at her ass. Fuck. My cock swells. A throat clears, and I tear my gaze from her pale pink panties. "You say something?"

  "Did I?" I question if I spoke my thoughts out loud. Becca climbs the last two runs, then disappears. Like a moth to a flame, I'm drawn to her and ascend the ladder into the loft. When I get to her, she's quietly standing in the opening of the loft door, looking into the night. The warm breeze swirls around her, whipping her red hair and fluttering her summer dress. Her beauty captivates me.


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