Until Easton

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Until Easton Page 10

by Sandy Alvarez

  "I've told her as much." I punch in the door code.

  "I don't think she's gotten the memo." Becca follows me inside my apartment. I stop and grab her in my arms, lifting her feet off the ground.

  "I'm pretty sure you set her straight when you kissed me."

  "I didn't care for the way she was undressing you with her eyes," Becca remarks, and I do my best to hide my amusement. Instead, I kiss her forehead, then the tip of her nose, then her lips.

  "You can claim me anytime you want."

  Becca smiles. "Good."

  * * *

  We don't stay long. I grab some extra clothes and some of Gizmo's cat toys before we are again on the road, heading to Miles' place. Just like I told him this morning, we arrive at his doorstep before noon. "Come on in. You guys are welcome to stay for lunch."

  "Thanks, but we need to get back home," I tell him.

  "Home, huh?" He pours himself a small drink. "You plan on a change of address?"

  I look at Becca, who has Gizmo in her arms. "I hope so."

  "I'm happy for you, Easton," Miles says. "So, anything I should know about before you leave? Does Wilkerson have any news to pass along?"

  "They have nothing that points them in any direction."

  Miles sips his whiskey. "I kick myself in the ass for not reporting this shit sooner." He sits in his favorite chair in front of the TV, where he watches hours of ESPN. "If you don't plan on visiting for a bit, then I'm going to relax and watch some sports talk."

  "Thanks for keeping my cat the past couple of weeks." I take Gizmo from Becca and place him in his pet carrier.

  "Hell, it isn't any bother. It gets a bit lonely around here when we aren't on the road. The fat furball keeps me company." Miles kicks his feet up, and I feel a little horrible for taking Gizmo back with me. "If I can give you two love-struck fools one piece of advice: Always have a full house. Make plenty of babies, and if you can't have kids, adopt. The quietness makes the loneliness hard to handle at times." Miles lost his wife, Claire, two years ago to cancer, and they never had children.

  "Let me know how the meeting in L.A. goes."

  "You bet," Miles replies before we walk out the front door.

  Quinn is sitting on the back of his bike smoking a cigarette out in the driveway, talking on the phone as we approach him. "Are we good to hit the road?"

  "Yeah," I tell him, and Becca climbs in the truck while I'm loading the carrier into the back seat. "I know someone who raises dachshunds. One of her females just had a litter not long ago. Do you think Miles would be interested?"

  I get in and start the truck. "Maybe."

  "He's lonely."

  "His wife died a couple of years ago," I tell her as we pull away from the house.

  "All the more reason he should have a companion." Becca's concern for someone she hardly knows shows the kindness she has in her heart.

  "I think we need to go look at some puppies tomorrow." I turn my head and glance her way to see her lips turn up in a smile.

  "I'll call my friend first thing in the morning." She looks in the back seat where Gizmo is hanging out, then reaches for my hand to hold.

  * * *

  We arrived back at the ranch nearly three hours ago, and the time has come for my family to say goodbye to Tennessee. "You're more than welcome to stay another night," Becca offers one last time. "It will be dark soon."

  "The further south we travel, the more oppressive the heat gets. Riding at night isn't always ideal, but when the sun goes down during the middle of summer, so do the temps. It's less taxing on the body," Jake tells her. "We appreciate the hospitality. If you ever find yourselves in Montana, give us a shout."

  I hug my sister one last time before she climbs on the back of Quinn's bike. "Love ya, Em."

  "Love you, too, East. Promise me you'll call if this stalker shit gets out of control."

  "You have my word," I assure her, then hold my hand out to Quinn. "Thanks for having my back today."

  "We're family, brother. Anytime."

  Becca stands at my side while the Kings take off down the long road. Even when the Harleys are no longer visible, you can still hear the rumble of the motors in the distance. There's always an empty feeling left behind when Emerson is gone. I suppose it's the whole twin thing. I wipe the sweat from my brow.

  "Want to cool off in the lake?" Becca fans herself.

  I grin. "Are clothes optional?"

  "The first one there gets to decide." She takes off running, and like I'm sure to be doing for the rest of my life, I chase after her.



  I'm standing at the bathroom sink in Easton's room, applying moisturizer while he strips out of his jeans. It's been over a week since his sister's visit, and in that week, I couldn't help but think about the kind of life Easton has been living. Then I started to worry how long it would be before he grew restless before he began to miss the road, the stage, his bandmates, and all that comes with being who he is. My life and Easton's life are like day and night. It's not that I would ever want him to give up his old life, but I'm scared that when he does return to that life, I won't fit in.

  "What are you thinking about, baby?" Easton murmurs against my ear and wraps his arms around my middle as he comes to stand behind me.

  Looking at him through the reflection in the mirror, I smile. "Nothing."

  "Liar." He kisses my neck. "Tell me." The arms around my waist squeeze me tighter.

  I sigh. "It's just, I've been thinking."


  "About what happens next."

  "I need a little more than that, Red." Easton chuckles.

  "What happens after the person who's stalking you is found."

  Easton's body goes tight. "You still don't get it, do you?"

  I move to face him. "Get what?"

  "That I'm not letting you go. That's what this is about, right? You're worried about what will happen with us."

  Casting my eyes down, I don't answer.

  "Look at me," Easton demands, and I give him my eyes.

  "I know what we have is real, Easton. It's not your feelings for me that I'm questioning." I sigh. "My life is here, on this ranch: my grandfather, this Inn, my memories. And your life is out there, touring, playing your music, and living your dream. I don't want to come between that."

  "Baby." Easton cups my face between the palms of his hands. "You're right, I have been living my dream, but I have a new dream now."

  I suck in a sharp breath, and he continues.

  "There are no rules to how we live our life, Becca. Who says I have to give up one dream to have another? And the same goes for you. I would never ask you to give this place up for me."

  "Then what do we do?" I ask.

  "We blend, baby. We live both dreams and have the time of our lives doing it."

  My eyes grow wet, and I fight like hell to keep my tears at bay.

  "What do you say, Red? Are you going to take that ride with me?"

  "Yes," I breathe. "I'm going to take that ride with you, Easton."

  "Good." He kisses me. "Now, are we ready for bed?"

  The space between my legs clenches at the way his voice drops. "Yes."

  Then Easton takes me to bed, where he shows me just how well we blend, and I fall asleep in his arms where I have nothing but sweet dreams about our future, whatever that may be.

  I'm startled awake by a noise. Sitting up in bed, I rub the sleep from my eyes and note the time. The clock on the table beside the bed says it is two fifty-two in the morning. The noise sounds again, and it's then I realize it's the dogs barking in the distance from outside. Then suddenly, my grandfather's voice booms from outside the bedroom door.


  Suddenly, Easton is up and on high alert. Both of us jump from the bed at the same time. Easton makes it to the door first and flings it open. "What is it, Arthur?" he asks my grandfather, who is charging toward us.

  "The barn is on fire! I've already call
ed nine-one-one."

  I stand rooted in place for all of two seconds before only one thought comes to mind. "Oh god! The horses!"

  Easton goes to reach for me, but I am too quick. Within seconds I am flying down the stairs and dash out of the house. Easton is hot on my heels, booming my name.

  "Becca, wait!"

  I don't listen, though. The only thing on my mind is getting to my horses. Ignoring the rocks digging into the bottom of my feet as I run across the gravel driveway toward the field. All the air leaves my body once the barn is within sight. Red and yellow flames shoot out from the roof, and the horse's cries are all I hear. Picking up my pace, I run as fast as my legs will carry me. Then, movement out of the corner of my eye catches my attention. It's a dark figure moving off in the distance, heading toward the woods. I don't give whoever it is a second thought because all I can think about is saving my horses.

  "Becca!" Easton calls for me again the moment I breach the barn doors. The heat from the flames is almost unbearable, but I push forward. Debris and embers fall from above my head and nip at my skin. Ignoring the pain, I make it to the first stall.

  "Goddamnit, Becca! Get the fuck out of here." Easton clamps his hand down around my wrist.

  "No! Not until the horses are out."

  "Fuck," he hisses. "I'll get the others. Hurry."

  Nodding, I pull open the latch on the stall, revealing a very spooked Nelly. It doesn't take much encouragement for her to flee. Once I have Nelly out, I move on to the next stall just as Fancy gallops past me. "Come on, Tucker, time to go." I tug on Tucker's halter, and he too takes off out of the barn. Just as I exit Tucker's stall, Blue flies past me, followed by Easton. He's drenched in sweat and soot. Easton doesn't say anything. He just grabs my hand. "Let's go! The roof is about to give!" he hollers. No sooner do we make it out of the barn when the entire roof gives way and caves in.

  "Becca?" My grandfather's trembling voice calls out to me.

  "I'm okay," I say, trying to catch my breath. Sirens blare in the distance, letting us know the fire department is close. A minute later, the fire truck is in front of us and the firemen work fast at extinguishing the flames. I don't know how much time passes, but I stay rooted in place. My grandfather is standing to my left and Easton to my right. Finally, the three of us have no choice but to watch the destruction in front of us.

  Three hours later, the fire has been put out, and the fire trucks are gone. I finally was able to convince my grandfather to get some rest.

  I'm standing in the shower with the hot water beating down over me, and I watch in a daze as the soot that once covered my skin disappears down the drain. Then, when the water starts to run cold, I'm knocked from my trance. Cutting the water off, I step out of the tub and wrap a towel around my body. I find Easton sitting on the edge of the bed when I walk out of the bathroom. His eyes land on me, and they don't waver. The expression on his face gives nothing away, and I'm desperate to know what he's thinking. Easton hasn't said a word since he helped me free the horses from the fire, but he also hasn't stopped looking at me the way he's looking at me now. "Easton…" I go to say when he cuts me off.

  "Don't ever, and I mean ever, do something like what you did tonight," he hisses in a tone I've never heard before.

  "Easton, I…"

  "No," he growls, climbing to his feet and in an instant is in my face. "I could have lost you tonight. You ran into that fire with no regard to your own life."

  "The horses, Easton."

  "I don't give a shit, Becca," he barks. "You could have died. I almost watched the woman I love die right in front of my eyes."

  "The woman you what?" I breathe.

  Easton cups my face. "The woman I love."

  "You…you love me?"

  "Just said it twice, baby."

  "Yeah, but I thought maybe I heard things."

  Easton shakes his head. "I don't know what I would do if I lost you. I know we just found each other, but now, I can't imagine a life without you in it."

  Looking into Easton's grey eyes, I see nothing but the truth, and behind that, pain. I see the pain he's feeling at the thought of losing me. And it's that glimpse of anguish that has me unable to hold back my tears. "I love you too, Easton."

  Easton buries his face in my neck and releases a heavy breath. "Fucking BOOM."

  Pulling my truck into a parking spot in front of the bank the following day, I cut the engine and stare out the windshield while mentally preparing myself for the meeting I am about to have. I called John Dixon, the man who has been handling the loan on the ranch, and asked if we could have a sit-down today. I'm going to ask for a second loan so that grandpa and I can have a new barn built to replace the one we lost to the fire. Getting approved will be a long shot, but I have to at least try. Jax had shown up at the house early this morning. Miles had phoned Easton just before I left, and the two were in deep conversation when I left.

  "Quit procrastinating, Becca, and get this over with," I mutter to myself. Then, grabbing my purse from the passenger seat, I sling it over my shoulder and hop down from the truck.

  As I make my way inside the bank, I'm immediately greeted by Mr. Dixon. "Hi, Miss Connelly. How are you?" Mr. Dixon is a sixty-something-year-old man and has been doing business with my grandfather for years and is one of the kindest people I know.

  "Hi, Mr. Dixon. Thanks for agreeing to meet with me."

  "Of course, of course. How is your grandfather doing? I heard about the fire. Such a shame, but I am happy nobody was hurt." Mr. Dixon leads me into his office, and I take a seat in a chair across from his desk.

  "Thanks. And that's actually what I came to talk to you about. I know we still owe quite a bit on the loan we already have, but I was hoping you'd be able to help me out with another."

  "I see." Mr. Dixon leans forward, bracing his elbows on the desk.

  "I understand it's a lot to ask considering, but without a loan, we won't be able to have another barn built," I plead. "And I know we are a couple weeks behind on our current loan, but I promise to have that payment to you by the end of the week."

  "Miss Connelly, I'm a little confused. You're not late on any payment. In fact, that loan has been paid off in full."

  Not understanding what I'm hearing, I ask, "What?"

  "The loan has been paid." Now Mr. Dixon looks confused. "I'm sorry, I thought you were aware."

  "No, my grandfather didn't tell me. I wasn't even aware he had the money to pay it off."

  "Oh, it wasn't your grandfather who paid for it. Instead, I got a call from a man representing…" Mr. Dixon pauses then taps on the keyboard to his computer. "Here it is. It was paid off by Mr. Evans."

  Stunned, I ask, "Did you say, Evans? Easton Evans?"

  Mr. Dixon nods. "Yes, that was his name. Is there a problem, Miss Connelly?"

  In a trance, I unglue myself from the chair. "Thanks for seeing me, Mr. Dixon, but I have to go."

  "Yes, of course, Miss Connelly. Anytime."

  On the drive home, I go from being shocked to angry. How dare he insert himself into my financial business? I mean, the last thing I need is to be accused of being a gold digger. And I specifically said I wasn't interested in his money. Then, he turns around and pulls this stunt. So I will not be attached to that label. And to prove my point, I fully intend to pay Easton back. It might take me a few years, because one hundred and seventy thousand dollars is a lot of money, but I'll make it work.

  A ringing drags me from my thoughts, and I reach into my purse to retrieve my phone. Carter's name lights up the screen. "Hey," I answer.

  "Becca, shit. Is everything alright? I just got a call from my mom. She told me what happened."

  "Yeah, Carter, everything is fine. Unfortunately, we lost the barn but were able to save the horses."

  "Damn. Is there anything I can do?"

  I smile. "No, I'm figuring it out. Thanks for asking, though. What about you? You make it back home?"

  Carter left two weeks ago, but we t
alk at least twice a week. Easton is not crazy about it, but he deals.

  "Yeah, training starts next week. I'm still holding you to your word that you'll come to one of my games."

  I laugh. "I promised I would."

  Carter's following words are drowned out by a loud popping noise coming from under the truck's hood, followed by a jerking movement before the engine goes dead. "Shit." I maneuver the vehicle to the side of the road.

  "What happened?" Carter asks, his voice filled with concern.

  "Oh, nothing. Just my truck decided to die on me." I sigh. "I'm going to let you go so I can see what's up. I might have to call someone to come get me."

  "Yeah, yeah. You do what you got to do and be careful."

  "I will. I'll talk to you later."

  "Definitely. Later, Becca."

  "Bye, Carter." I hang up with Carter, then hop out of the truck and round the front end. When I pop the hood, a billow of black smoke pours out. "Damnit." Throwing my hand in the air, I look up at the sky. "Really? You couldn't cut me some slack for even one day!" With a frustrated growl, I pull my phone from my back pocket, intending to call either Easton or my grandfather, when a beige sedan slows and pulls off to the side of the road right behind my truck. Lifting my hand, I shield my eyes from the blinding sun to see a figure step out of the car and make its way toward me.

  "Car trouble?" a somewhat familiar voice calls out.

  "Yeah, the darn thing just gave out on me. Thanks for…" My words die on my tongue when the figure stops in front of me, blocking out the sun, and I get a good look at who it is. "What are you doing here?"

  My question goes unanswered because something hard comes down on the side of my head in the next second, and everything goes dark.



  I'm stretched out on the bed, with a notebook lying beside me and the guitar on my lap. I've been staring at a blank page and haven't strummed a single chord in over an hour. All I can do is look at the phone. I sigh. Setting the guitar on the bed, I stand and walk across the room with the phone in my hand and stare out the window. Once again, I dial Becca's number. It rings several times then goes to voicemail. "I don't like this." I hang up. Something isn't right. My girl is a creature of habit. You can set your clock by her routine, and she is never late getting home from work.


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