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Bonded Page 2

by Jessie Rose Case

  Arturo brought the meeting back together. “Right. I want everyone to work together on ousting our visitor groups. I want them all gone in the next couple of days. We have the main event next Saturday and I don’t want to find we have a force on our doorstep pretending to be idiots fucking about that turns out to be more soldiers for Marcus. So let’s work the problem. Several lieutenants working together with their teams, a co-ordinated attack, let’s go for pockets in the same area at the same time. Pierre interrogate where we can I want info. Pete, I’d like your boys doing day light checks on what could be the nests. They’ll have day walkers so watch yourselves. If it’s possible you’ll have my permission to take um out. But bring back the info first for John to go over with you just in case ok. I want everyone on the streets clearing them. Brandan your boys want in?” Brandan looked up and nodded. “Thought you’d never ask mate.” Arturo smiled. He turned to Alex. “Alex?” Alex struggled to pull his eyes from the girl on the lap top. His instincts had flared when Pete had called her ‘babe’. He didn’t like it. “My people will be here tomorrow. I’m in.” Arturo nodded. “Pierre work with Alex on accommodation for his people. The house in the French quarter might be good.” He told him. Pierre agreed with him. “Right starting now. I want a strategy on getting it done then move out.”

  Luce waited till people started moving out. “I’m sorry but where will I be working.” She asked Pete then turned her gaze to the leader Arturo who was approaching her. “You’ll be working in the house, I’ll set you up an office. Day light or night?” He asked her. Luce thought about that. She kinda liked working the nights. “Night.” She told him smiling. “Maybe we should reconsider having a child in the middle of this Arturo.” Mr intense asked standing right next to her. Personal space much thought Luce. She turned her head coolly and looked about her seeing no child, then she got it and looked back at him really pissed off. Not again. “I don’t know who the fuck your talking about Mr Moody but I’m no child and haven’t been for 6 years so back the fuck off so I can do my dam job. Or I’ll fry your arse.”

  Alex looked at her. So much fire in someone so tiny. “My mistake.” He told her bowing and left the room. Luce turned annoyed with herself. Having watched him leave the room. She looked up at the others still present. “Sorry, I get fed up of people assuming things. I should apologise.” She told them closing her lap top, sighing and rising from her seat. “If you can find him I’m sure he would appreciate it.” Arturo told her. Luce nodded. “Thanks for the job. You won’t regret it. I’m good at what I do. I’ll wait outside Pete.” She told him. Shit. She’d done it again, she seriously needed a muzzle.


  Luce found Mr Intense leaning against the portico by the front door of the mansion. Swallowing some pride, she he walked up to him. Wow he had great hair and loads of it. “Hi look I’m sorry for the outburst in there ok. I get tired of people seeing me and thinking I’m a kid. You look my age but your, not are you? Even so, I was rude. I’m sorry ok. But I can handle myself and do a good job.” Mr Intense stood and looked down at her. Dam he was tall. She knew he was seeing a tiny slip of a thing, who was nothing remarkable apart from her green eyes. He was head and shoulders above her.

  “Do you know what we are?” He asked her bluntly. Luce frowned. “Yes. Pete told me.” “And you still believe that you can look after yourself?” He asked her earnestly. Luce shrugged. “Yes.” Luce couldn’t believe how fast he moved. One minute he was standing there, the next he had grabbed her hair and yanked her head to one side, pulling her body into his, it was sexual and demanding and dam if Luce didn’t cream herself. He pulled her hair just tight enough to edge pain. She wasn’t frightened. It was intense, anticipating what came next. Luce grabbed in her pocket as he grabbed her. Her fight reflect honed from years on her own in dodgy situations and having to fight her corner.

  She waited as he moved in slowly and breathed in deeply along on her neck line up to her ear and pulled back slightly, sending chills down Luce’s body. Shit, her nipples burst into life. “Do you still think you are safe Luce?” He asked her trailing his lips along her jaw line, whisperingly seductive. This male liked being in control. Dam thought Luce. Fucking male was killing her. She was soaked. He didn’t scare her not in a frightening way anyway. But boy was her juices going crazy. Luce was glad to hear her voice come out clear and strong. “Look at my hand.” She told him.

  Mr Intense looked down first to her lap top under her arm then to the other side. Luce held an advanced Taser against his body. One she’d up graded. She twisted it. “It’s strong enough to take down a vamp. Wanna test it?” She asked him pulling her face inches away from his and smiling up at him. Mr Intense removed his hands in surrender and took a step back. Luce wasn’t sure she liked that. He nodded at her. “Ok you need Regin’s vranks and I will teach you to use a gun. And call me Alex.” He told her. Blimey, this guy was throwing her thought Luce. “Emm Alex that’s nice of you and all but Pete was going to teach me to use a gun.” She told him. Alex shook his head at her. “No. He is human and spoken for, you need a vamp.” Luce looked confused. “Err thanks but why do I need a vamp exactly?” Alex looked at her with such intensity her body creamed. “Your human.” He told her and walked away. Luce was seriously confused. What the hell did that mean and who made him lord and master.

  Pete walked out behind her followed by Val. “Ready?” He asked her. “Yeah. Umm Pete, Alex said he was going to teach me to use a gun but I’d rather you did. Is that going to be a problem?” Still confused by the conversation. “I don’t see why. Why do you think it will?” Luce looked uncomfortable. “He said I needed a vamp and that you were human and taken. I didn’t really understand what he was saying but then he just walked off.” Pete looked at Val. Val seemed to hold his gaze for a bit then he turned and smiled at her. “I’ll talk to Arturo and clear it up for tomorrow night ok.” Luce felt better hearing that. “Great thanks. I’m starving let’s go.”

  Alex watched the girl leave with Pete. She was …. He didn’t know what. He’d over heard the conversation. It amused him. He scared her on some level. She was running from him. That was good. He should scare her. They all should. They were monsters. She wouldn’t survive in his world. He should make her go. Let her run from him. He watched her grasp her lap top tighter and walk into the darkness. Her smell, her arousal. So intense, he’d struggled for control. She liked him touching her. Her body had responded when he’d exposed her neck and licked her. That wasn’t unexpected, the pull of vampire was to entice. She liked the idea of him dominating her and taking her that was different and arousing to him. There were hidden depths to that female. She … touched him and if he allowed it, he would get her killed. He couldn’t face that again he argued with himself.

  Maybe she was different. Maybe she could protect herself …a bit and maybe he could show her more. She’d have the chance to survive this. She wasn’t a naive child. He sensed she had been through a lot. Marcus wouldn’t be able to overtake her will. Her mind was strong. He’d tried just a little with his own power and it had had no affect at all. That was good. She would need that. It would help her survive. Now he needed to make sure she understood what she needed to do to protect herself. What she needed to kill. Those like him. And if she wouldn’t stay away, then he’d have to make sure she could fight. Alex watched her leave the grounds. He’s fear for her heightened. She was with Val, she was protected for now he told himself and headed to meet with his people.

  Last night …

  Lucie Elizabeth Jane Ambrose, known as Luce to her friends found herself corralled into a small reception room next to Arturo’s office. “Err Charlee, I’m not a secretary you know.” She told him, he looked amused at her. “I know, Arturo thought this would be the best place as its near to his office if you need him and the main server. If anyone talks to you like one tell Jenson ok.” Luce frowned. “Doesn’t Arturo have a secretary?” Luce’s attention was grabbed by Arturo’s wife who she now knew a
s Regin. “No Luce, I hope you don’t mind me calling you that. He doesn’t but does need one. Actually Charlee, why doesn’t Arturo have a secretary? We need to look into that.” She told them both. “I’m not a secretary.” Luce repeated feeling a bit edgy. She was here as a professional. Not to be dumped on. She’d had that shit.

  Regin laughed. “No I get that. Like Charlee said, anyone who acts like you are tell them you’re not and to speak with Jenson until the positon is filled ok?” Luce nodded to Regin as she spoke. “Good enough. Where do I set up?” Charlee pointed to a highly polished ornate desk and modern leather desk chair. It came with its own phone and table blotter. “You want me to use that?” She asked them turning to Regin. “Yes, is that ok?” Luce nodded with a really worried expression on her face. “Aren’t you worried I might damage it. It’s an antique.” Regin laughed again and shook her head. “Everything in this house is an antique including Arturo.”

  Blimey thought Luce, and looked surprised and a little scared. “Err I won’t be telling him that.” Regin linked her arm and pulled her towards the desk. “Come on. It’s all yours so make the most of it. If your thirsty or hungry, dial 7 on the phone and it will be the kitchens and I know, Alice would be very happy to make you anything you want.” “Wow really. Anything?” She asked her. Luce had her happy bug on. O yeah. “Anything. If we don’t have it, we will get it ok.” Regin told her. “That would be great thank you.” Luce walked around the table and ran her hand along the surface. It was like silk. Beautiful. The workmanship a wonder. Taking her seat and laying her lap top down on the blotting paper she heard Regin tell Charlee to make sure she ate. Just loving this job thought Luce as she opened her lap top and plugged herself in.

  As soon as Charlee and Regin left her Luce looked round the room. It was hardly private with one door to the hallway and one to Arturo’s office. It did make a perfect secretary’s office though, with two desks, another identical to hers and several chairs dotted about in groups and an ornate fireplace. The full-length windows were a surprise. She’d have thought that vamps would avoid windows, but looking again she would see a film on them. Interesting she thought. UV protection. Smart. That didn’t help with her feeling of being ‘on show’. Then she remembered seeing a screen of some kind in the room before this on the other side of the hallway.

  Luce got up and walked round her desk to the doorway and poked her head out. No one around. Tip toeing along the corridor she came to the open doorway and peeked round it. Another sitting room of some kind. Luce grinned as she saw the screen. Perfect. Walking quickly over to it, she gently folded it closed and lifted it. Dam it was heavy. She managed half a dozen steps then had to put it down. Jeepers, that’s heavy she thought. Taking several deep breaths, she hosted it again and walked on. Another stop near the doorway. Peeking out she looked to check it was still all clear while rubbing her arms. They were killing her. She needed to get to a gym. Steeling herself she had to cross that hallway into her office space. She took several deep breaths. Braced her arms on the sides of the screen and lifted heading straight out into the hall and down the corridor to the open doorway of her space.

  OMG her arms were screaming as she put it down inside the doorway. Shaking her arms out and breathing deep she walked around the space. She was going to need a drink after this. Coming back to the screen she prepared for one more lift. Taking a deep breath and holding it she braced her arms and lifted. It came with her smoothly and she almost ran across the room with it and stopped just about where she wanted it. Her arms tight from the exertion, she shook out her arms again and opened and closed her hands rubbing them to get some feeling back into them. Breathing hard she bounced on the plush carpet stretching out. Gaining some feeling back she opened the screen to the left and blocked the view of her desk from the doorway. She opened the right and blocked Arturo’s office door. Luce stood back. Satisfied if exhausted that would do nicely.

  She was in need of that drink. She had created an entry way to her desk along the windows and the two chairs in front of the desk were still in place if someone came to see her. Perfect. She was not a secretary. Lifting the phone she pressed 7. A female answered. “How may I help you?” “Hi I’m working in the room beside Arturo’s and I’d appreciate a chocolate milkshake or any milkshake and something to eat. Any sandwich as long as it’s not fish if possible.” She asked a little unsure. “Of course,. Milkshake with ice cream and cream?” “Ooo yes please.” Luce replied already salivating. “Turkey salad and mayo in the sandwich?” Luce couldn’t hold back her joy. “O yes that sounds great.” “Maybe a cake too?” “Lady, I just died and went to heaven. Thank you I would like that very much.” Luce heard chuckling on the other end of the phone. “Your welcome. Carol will bring it up shortly.” “Thank you.” Luce told the phone as it went dead. Luce sat back in her chair. Wow this was just amazballs.

  Luce was on her second milkshake and piece of cake. Both were delicious. She’d printed off a sign, not wanting to overhear anything she shouldn’t, having found a wifi printer in Arturo’s office. It read, Do Not Disturbed Working, on it alerting people to her presence. Not wanting to stick it to the screen, god knows what that cost, she had folded it over the top so it could be seen should anyone bother to look. Good enough thought Luce. She was here to work. She loved her work. It took over her life, drew her in and held her attention like nothing else. It became her refuge when life sucked and she became so absorbed in it, that often she’d been accused of not listening or of even being there when someone was talking. That was normal for her, it was all encompassing and her passion. Things just clicked in this world. There was no second guessing, no trying to understand it and it rewarded her time and time again reinforcing that her life wasn’t wasted, she was worthy. And dam good at it.

  Even she was surprise at just how good her new networking system worked. A prototype that used existing laser light technology on a networking grid that scanned a 3D image of the grounds and house into the network. It rotated continuously, over lapped and rolling over, when set up with location points, it would do the same from those locations. It would pick up anything they set it to. An unusual noise registered by her desk, she turned in its direction. Annoyed that it had disturbed her. Leaning against the window Mr Intense appeared to be drinking a milkshake. It took her a minute to realise it was her milkshake. O hell no. “What the hell are you doing that’s mine.” She called out jumping up from her desk.

  She watched seriously pissed as he took a deliberate long pull of the liquid deliciousness. Luce squinted her eyes at him. Payback’s a bitch she thought and she’s called Luce. She watched him as he let the straw go and pointed the glass in her direction. “Want it back?” Ewww. Thought Luce. “Not now no.” She told him and sat back down again. Dam she was saving that bit. Alex put the glass back on the counter. He’d even left some. Sacrilege. The bastard. Cos she was gazing annoyed at the glass she missed that he’d picked up her cake and started stuffing it. Luce’s mouth opened. “That’s taking the piss. Get out.” She told him seriously fucked off.

  She was struggling to remember why she’d bothered to apologise last night and watched as he stuffed the last bit in his face. “Thank you for sharing your tea.” He told her as he turned and walked away. “Who the hell was sharing. You stole that. Don’t delude yourself.” She shouted after him. Bloody hell. She couldn’t ring down and ask for a third. Luce slumped in her chair. Next time she’d hide it. Luce smiled. Pulling up the list of phone contacts she found Alex’s. Luce smiled again. O yeah. He wanted milkshake did he. Kelis. Here it comes. She said to herself laughing out loud to no one. Sending an email to Arturo that everyone in the meeting tonight should ring and check each other’s phones that they were working correctly.

  Alex half listened as Arturo co-ordinated move they were going to make that night on the unauthorised vamps in his area. He felt…. bad. He’d needled Luce for no reason other than he could. But he couldn’t help himself, she was so engrossed in her work that s
he had ignored him. He beast didn’t like that, nor did he. He wanted her attention and got it. She was so engaging when riled. He could almost taste her combative streak. And she didn’t let him get away with shit. He smiled. He liked that. Tuning back in he heard Pete and Charlee’s information from the day walkers, it was invaluable in targeting areas they had not known about, that had come from informants and bribes. Alex noted that all Arturo’s senior staff were present as were his lieutenants.

  Brandan and his staff were also here. They threw options round the table to keep things as quiet as possible away from the public. A few places were heavy in human population so caution needed to be taken. Others, numbers were a factor. It was not clear how many were there. Arturo had told John and Pierre he wanted a backup plan for each place they were hitting and a precautionary measure for any humans. Both avoidance and casualties. They didn’t know what they might find going in. His people knew what they were doing. They were good at this and he had every confidence in them. “That’s it boss.” John told him. “Right, it’s early and I want to catch them as their getting up. I want everyone to check their new on-board camera’s, I will be monitoring as will Luce. And check your ear communications are working, with the new system.” Each person turned and checked both.


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