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Bonded Page 11

by Jessie Rose Case

  “You should kill me.” Marcus stained to tell him. Luce watched the whole thing. It was heart breaking. They had used this male’s family, made them killers to defend themselves and tried to kill the male when they no longer needed him. She felt sick and watched as Alex turned to Steven, “call the choppers to come to the compound, we’re going back.” He turned away and spoke to her, “Luce baby, get me Arturo on coms.” Luce patched in Arturo to her com’s, “Arturo I have Alex for you.” She patched him through. “Alex.” She heard Arturo say. “Arturo, I have found Marcus, he is here with his family, it seems we have another enemy, Marcus was a ruse. They tried to use his family and tried to kill him. He needs assistance.” Arturo swore. “Alex get everyone back here as soon as possible.” Arturo told him. “On our way.” Alex told him and cut coms. “Luce did you get that?” “Yes Alex. I will see you soon.” She told him and cut off.

  Alex turned back to address Marcus and his family. “The grave outside. Can you explain that?” Eve stepped forward. “It took us days to get here, Dad was weak, I could carry him a lot of the way and could only move when well enough, and mother is human and can only move at that pace, unless we helped her. Dad fed as we killed day walkers who were stupid enough to follow us thinking we were vulnerable, on the journey it helped but didn’t fix the problem and once we got here and they followed us, I had no choice but to kill them all. They thought we’d be easy targets without Dad protecting us, they had ….. plans for us. I would not allow that to happen, Dad was too ill to defend us again. It was vital they did not report our position.” She told him. He turned to his people. “We’re all leaving. Four of you make up a stretcher and get Marcus out ready for pick up. We’re done here.” “You will not hurt him.” Serenity told him taking a step towards him, the two girls moving to her side. “No.” He told her. “We won’t but we might just save his life.”


  “Luce?” “Yes Arturo.” “Have them land in the back lawn and have Marcus and his family brought in.” “On it.” Luce punched in the com’s ID for Alex. “Alex, Arturo is asking that you bring the choppers in to the grounds and land in the back lawn and bring Marcus and his family into the house as quickly as possible.” Alex double tapped. She watched his face while the story had unfolded. He had been disturbed by what Lady Serenity had told him. It was a reminder that vampires were ruthless and killers and not above using and abusing humans if they wanted to. Alex had been right. She needed help in defending herself. These women had done it and so could she. She would take the help being offered and make sure her group did too. They would be as good as they could be and not be a burden if it came to a fight.

  She busied herself with supporting her group with the others in the field. She provided direct support to Arturo and Regin to all the others. Kept them updated and put them through to speak when needed. They checked the camera’s and watched groups sweep through areas, checking and re checking, taking no chances. Luce watched from her overlord position as Charlee, John, Sarah, Pierre and many others got the job done. The twelve screens stood on a support wall, providing multi visuals to the five of them in the room. This worked well. It might be good to bring the old security into this room too thought Luce. It would all be in one hub then. She’d talk to Arturo about that. The noise of the choppers arriving brought her attention back to Alex. Luce unhooked her com’s. “Back in a while guys.” She told her people and headed out the door and down to the corridor that provided access to the back lawns. Luce watched as the choppers landed and people started jumping out and heading off. Luce moved to the edge of the lawn. She hadn’t realised she had company until Chris put a hand on her arm to stop her moving forward as she spotted Alex. “Blades.” He simply told her. Luce turned back to look at Alex and stayed where she was.

  Alex made sure that everyone was out the craft first and Marcus secured and being carried towards the house before he moved. He stayed with Marcus and his family and spotted Luce on the lawn with Chris. He was dam happy to see her waiting for him. It feed his need to have her with him, waiting for him. Leaving Marcus he moved to her. Without thinking moved at vamp speed and on instinct, grabbed her up into his arms and held her. His relief to find her safe and in his arms was significant and swamped him fast.

  He turned to watch Marcus being carried passed him with his own family. Alex released Luce and turned to face Lady Serenity. She stopped before him and Luce and bowed. She straightened and spoke to them both. “My Lady, thank you for aiding us this day.” She told her. Alex was unsure how Luce would take this. She was being dragged into his world and he still did not know if she understood what that meant and the Lady Serenity mistaking Luce for the Lady of this house was another push he wasn’t sure she needed. His beast liked it. Alex could feel it purr with delight. He wanted Luce to be Lady of his house. So did he, but didn’t think that Luce was ready for that kind of domination and devotion. He knew himself only too well. If she came to him, he would be who he is and that would bring all his sexual need to the fore. He watched as Luce held out her hand to Lady Serenity who took it. “You are most welcome here. I am sure we will have time to talk and I am sure Regin, Arturo’s wife and the Lady of this house, will wish to speak with you.” Luce let go of her hand. “Thank you.” Serenity told her. “Rooms have been assigned my Lady.” Chris told her. “This way.” Serenity gave a sad smile and followed him. Clearly she was unsure of what awaited them. Alex couldn’t blame her.

  Luce looked up at Alex as Lady Serenity and her party moved off. “You’re ok?” She couldn’t help but ask. He slipped his hand round the back of her neck and pulled her face to him. Bending down to meet her he kissed her lightly on the lips and pulled back. He was so close to devouring her right here. He lifted her and she laughed, wrapping her legs round his waist at the unexpected movement. “I am feeling better now.” He told her holding her to him. He held her high enough to look into her eyes. “Miss me prickly?” He asked her needing to know she did. “I did, I haven’t had my annoyance fix yet.” She told him grinning. Alex felt something tug on Luce and they both looked down. The child was standing there.

  “Do you love your vampire?” The child asked curiously at Luce. Alex held his breath. Luce smiled at the child. “He drives me crazy.” Luce appeared to tell her honesty. The child smiled back. “My papa told me that a vampire needs love to remain human.” Luce dropped her legs and he put her back on the floor. He watched as she held out her hand. “Your papa is a wise man.” Luce told her as the child took it. The child bounced her head. “Sometimes I think he is but he says mama is the wise one.” Luce squeezes her hand. “Then I think we should go find them don’t you?” Alex watched as Luce led the child into the house. He turned to face the lawn. Did she love him? He’d like to know that as well.

  Luce walked the child, Ang into the rooms given over to Marcus and his family. It was a suite of rooms much like the ones she and Alex had but on the other side of the house. Ang let go of her hand and ran to her mother who hugged her, Luce watched as the child climbed up onto the bed and kissed her father. It was hard to relate the monster with the frail male in that bed but Luce knew only too well, that evil didn’t always look it. She took a seat against the wall staying out the way. The older girl she had seen on the screen came over and sat beside her. “Hi I’m Eve.” “Hay I’m Luce.” “Thank you for being kind to Ang. She hasn’t had much to smile about lately.” Eve told her. The sadness in the young woman was tearing at her.

  “No one and especially not child should have to go through that. That behaviour is not tolerated here. Your safe here.” Luce told her instinctively. “That, is yet to be seen.” Eve told her. Luce frowned. What did that mean. No one abused anyone in this house. She knew that for a fact. Arturo walked in with Alex and John. Alex introduced Serenity and Ang and turned to indicate Eve. Luce noticed that John appeared to be a little shocked at seeing Eve. Arturo and Alex turned back to Marcus. John seemed to have more difficulty in doing so. Luce noticed Eve h
eld the arms of her chair tightly. “You will not harm him.” The voice carried a heavy layer of compulsion. Luce had the over whelming feeling of protection towards Marcus. She knew it wasn’t real but it felt like she needed to do it.

  Arturo turned in their direction. “Do you feel that Alex, John?” “Yes My Lord.” Spoke John. His voice just above a whisper in awe. “I do. She’s strong. Close to master.” Alex told him. “Interesting.” Spoke Arturo and turned back to Marcus. “Why should I save you?” Arturo asked him with distain. In the blink of an eye, Luce felt the air move and stared at Eve now standing at the head of her father with a blade held out against Arturo’s neck. Arturo’s men moved forward and he raised his arm for calm. “Put the blade down Eve. Arturo knows me as I know him. You cannot fight this for me child.” Without looking at her father she answered him. “I can try father.” “No. You have done enough and I thank you but now, it is time for me to do what I must.” Eve moved to withdraw the blade. “I apologise Arturo for my daughter. She has seen much of late to give rise to her fear for her family. Much has changed since we last met. My wife Serenity, gifted me with two children. I was a blessed male Arturo. Me. The monster. Given a chance at redemption. I never thought it possible until the fates providing me with the light but that is no reason to save me. If Alex has told you all, you know I did not intend to do this.”

  Alex watched the two old adversaries. Marcus propped up on pillows, Arturo standing by his side. Marcus’s family surrounding them both. “He will not ask you to save him.” Serenity spoke quietly. “But I will beg you to if I have to on my knees.” She told Arturo earnestly. “I cannot live without him.” “You will.” Marcus cut in. “Our children need you.” He whispered to her. Serenity gripped her husband’s hand tightly. “Where you go, we go.” She told him the message clear. Such devotion thought Alex. He hoped to be so blessed one day and looked across the room at Luce.

  Alex knew that if Arturo had not believed Alex implicitly or his own eyes, he would never have believed this possible. And yet, his own life had changed so dramatically with meeting Regin, that level of understanding was possible. Arturo addressed them again. “My Lady Serenity, my wife Regin would be honoured if you would meet with her with your children. Would you allow Luce to take you to meet with her while I discuss with Marcus how best we can help him. I promise, we will not cause him any harm but I need to speak privately with him.” “Forgive me My Lord, but he is without his protection. I would take your word.” Serenity told him standing proudly and looking ready to fight along with her two children.

  Alex thought Arturo looked stunned for a moment. In vamp society that was not done. He admired her courage. “You have it My Lady. Luce please escort our guests to Regin in the reception room, I believe she has tea waiting for you all.” Alex watched Luce rise from her chair and come forward. “This way please.” She indicated with her hand. As Serenity moved off with the young one, Eve looked at Luce. She gave a nod of assurance. It was enough. Eve moved to stand with her and with a glance at her father and his nod of agreement, Alex watcher her walk out the door.

  “I apologise for my wife Arturo. I do not know the how or why but she loves me very much. And I thank the gods for it daily.” Marcus chocked out as a coughing fit hit him. “And that is why I will be saving your life. That, and I want answers. Alex, I will require your assistance. Are you in agreement?” “I gave the lady my word Arturo, so yes.” Arturo removed his jacket. Alex did the same and both rolled up their sleeves. “I will give you blood Marcus, you will have to fight the bond I cannot help you with that. Alex you will feed me your blood at the same time. It will strengthen my own and should be enough to allow Marcus to push the poison out and not be dependent on me. It’s the best we can do. John ensure we have enough blood brought up, we are all going to need it.”

  Luce entered the reception room with Marcus’ family. Regin rose from her seat and held out her hand. “Welcome, I’m Regin please come and sit and rest. I understand you have had a difficult journey. Luce join us, I’ve ordered some refreshments.” Luce took a seat. “You’re not human.” Ang spoke aloud in an inquisitive voice to Regin. “But you are not vampire either, what are you? Are you a hybrid like us? Your signature is different.” She asked innocently. “Ang, that is not polite and we have spoken about this.” Her mother scolded. “I’m sorry mama, but it feels tingly I like it.” She told her mother moving into the circle of her arms and resting her head on her shoulder. Regin laughed. “Yes, I expect it does. Eve, you are not a blood drinker?” Regin asked her. “I have only ever taken from my mother who is linked to my father.” She told her. “Do you feel a pull towards me?” Regin asked. Eve nodded. “It is there but more inquisitive than demanding.” Regin smiled. “Good. If you can turn off your sense of smell it will help you until you take a glass of our Port.”

  Regin turned back to Ang. “To answer your question beauty, I was born of lightning, blood and death. I was born human but, it seems that the goddess provided me with her gifts and my Lord gave me his. Combined I am something else. And as it is based in lightning,” Regin raised her hands and danced the lightning cross her fingers. “It can be an advantage.” She winked at the child. Ang laughed and clapped her hands. “Can I learn to do it?” She asked. “I do not think so Ang, it is something born within me.” Ang became sad and clearly thought about that for a moment. Luce could see the cogs moving and not at all surprised at her next question. “If I drink from you will I get it?” She asked without malice, a simple question to understand. “There have been those that thought so, however, it was soon proven not to be the case and the cost to that person was permanent.” Regin told the child.

  Luce wasn’t sure that all this talk of death and destruction was good for a child. But then, she didn’t know anything about Vampire kids, maybe that was normal for them. No wonder you couldn’t expect them to understand humans if they were brought up so cold and harshly. “You killed them you mean?” The child asked questioningly. “I did indeed. No person should have another invade their personal space uninvited. Do you not agree?” Regin asked the child. Luce watched Ang’s face become sad again. “Yes but they do not always listen.” She told her. Luce got angry and so did Regin. “In that case, Ang, we make them listen and we will all here, ensure you have the ability to do that, even at your age. Do you understand, we will help you be able to protect yourself?” Ang stood straighter. “I would like that.”

  A knock at the door provided the arrival of Carol and Alice. Luce smiled at two of her favourite people. “Are you ready for refreshments my Lady?” Asked Alice. “Yes Alice thank you I think we could all do with some.” Both came in with loaded trays. “We have provided Tea, coffee, squash and milkshake in case Luce here needs it, there is also some for your guests, if they wish. We have ham sandwiches and turkey mayo and a selection of small cakes and pastries. If you need anything more please let us know.” Ang bounced on her feet. “Thank you very much, I would like some milkshake.” Luce laughed, “A girl after my own heart.” She told her. “Thank you Alice, Carol that was perfect.” Regin told them as they started to leave.

  “Please help yourselves. Make sure you have enough, you have been through enough. We will have dinner at 7pm. You will be staying with us for a while, I’m sure the men will have business to discuss and I can assure you, you and your husband are in no danger from us, knowing now what we do.” Regin told them. Serenity held out her hand and grasped Regins. “Thank you my Lady. This very much reminds me of our home. It was welcome to all and a place of refuge, I feel it here too.” Luce couldn’t miss how close the Lady was to crying. “Mama don’t. We have their word father will be looked after.” Serenity patted her daughter Eve’s hand who had come to stand next to her. “Your right, I am being silly. If I could have some Tea and something to eat, I’ll be right as rain in no time.” She told her. “Well, let’s all dig in. Alice will be most upset if anything is left.” Regin told them all reaching for the pot of coffee. Luce followed su
it and poured out two milkshakes and gave one to Ang. “It’s made with ice-cream you’re going to love it.” She told her. The pure joy on the child’s face was a most welcome sight thought Luce. Children should be children. This was world was hard enough.

  Luce piled up the plates of Eve and Ang. She had a feeling they hadn’t eaten properly in a long time and watched them sit down and start to tuck in. Luce was glad to see them eat. “If I may ask,” Regin spoke to Serenity, “Your name is unusual and that of both your beautiful daughters.” Serenity had been drinking her tea and put her cup down into its saucer. Serenity smiled and gazed off as if remembering something. She eventually turned back to Regin. “My Lord Marcus has sustained my life for over 200 years. Eve has remained as she looks now since coming into her adult life but in human terms she is 147 years old.” Luce looked at her new friend with her mouth open. “Really?” She asked her. Eve nodded. “Bloody hell.” Mused Luce. The elixir of life, vamp blood. Kinda made sense. If they mated humans they wouldn’t want them to die of old age in the normal way, it would be too soon.


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