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Bonded Page 14

by Jessie Rose Case

  There then followed several attacks on our properties and people. We stamped back hard. Killing many. If you brought an army with you as they suggested, you will find most are gone. We found pockets of highly skilled and trained soldiers with assassination orders for myself and Regin, again supposedly working under you. Sarah thought she saw you ripping into a young girl at your compound on the day we delivered our reply to your challenge. Day walkers then followed her and tried to take her. It was close but they were unsuccessful. You know only too well how glad I am about that. It wasn’t until we hit the compound we knew as yours and our IT specialist looked at the vid feed, that it triggered questions for her, it appeared to her to be ‘staged’’. That it looked like it was a ‘show’ not an actual event. This set in motion our need to find you and the team that picked you up. We need answers. Does any of that ring true to you?” Regin had re-joined them.

  Alex watched as Regin stared at Marcus. “He is shocked and saddened by what you have told him. He was not giving those orders Arturo.” Regin told him. Marcus looked up. “You can read me?” He asked her. Regin nodded. “It’s not quite reading, but I can feel layers of your emotions. If I tried I could find the depth of your despair you once held and define the moment it changed and the ensuing years of how you lived your life. I can read emotions and feelings. It tells you quite a lot about someone.” She told him.

  Marcus was quiet for a moment. “Serenity told me she gave you a brief outline of our life. It is all true. We have, had, a good life. I had become at piece with my life. It took many many years. Not only to curb the beast in me and withdraw from blood lust and sickness but to recognise just how much of a monster I had become and be able to live with it.” Marcus looked directly at him. “While I was dying I kept thinking this was justice. After all the pain I had caused others, I deserved it. But Serenity wouldn’t have that, said that was the easy way out and I was stronger than that. I am sorry for the child Alex. More than I can say. I allowed the blood lust to rule me and I know she meant something to you and yes, I took her because I could. It is unforgiveable I know that but I have to accept that was who I was.”

  Marcus turned to Arturo. “I could sit here all day and list off the wrongs I have done and to who. Thousands Arturo. And Sarah,” Marcus leaned back in his chair and paused. “I held her brutally for a very long time. Again, because I could. And sickeningly I know I enjoyed hurting her. There are no words to deal with that but if I get the chance before she kills me, I will try to tell her and ask her forgiveness.” Marcus blew out a breath. “I am reminded of the lives I took day after day. And that is how it should be. I should never forget but I learned to live with it. And Serenity, gave me the final piece missing from my life that allowed me to move forward. I never dreamed that my life would be so rewarded.” To Alex who had reason to hate this vampire with a vengeance he appeared a broken man.

  “As Serenity said, they came offering me a territory I did not want. They said it had to be me, as you Arturo had given it to me on your death bed. That, I could not believe. You would not have known me from anything but the monster I was when you left. Why would you give me a territory it made no sense and although, I do not play Court politics, I am not naive enough to be gullible. I simply told them no. And kept telling them no. Until they took Angelique. I have never experienced such pain and fear. They knew I would come after her. That I’d have to. I brought 200 of my men with me. I expect they will all be gone now. Good men. Some had families and mates. Who may have died believing they were doing my bidding. It is another burden I must carry. We fought them as best we could. They did not take us easily. My females are good warriors. Even little Ang knows how to protect herself. And Eve, is ….. a beautiful woman and deadly when roused.” He told them sadly.

  “My daughters are both Dhampir’s. They can live on blood and human food, in fact enjoy both. Eve, has greater speed than I and instinctively knows how to attack for the best outcome be it death or injury. She excels at all weapons. She is also able to sense intent in others and has saved many a day. Ang is yet to come into her full power but she is likely to be the same. And my wife insisted that they be brought up human with the benefit of vampire. Not the other way around. I agreed with her. The advantage that gives them is obvious. They walk, talk and act human and are often thought of as human and that can be a deadly mistake if they are threatened. I was betrayed by my first. He gave me the tainted blood while Eve, was not around.

  I should have waited but the thirst was so great, I feared I would turn on them, so drank as they expected me to do. I was weak and this is the result. I left my second in command back in the old Country. I am unsure how deeply the betrayal goes. I may have nothing left to go back to and I fear for my family. But, I need vengeance. I know we do not live by those rules any longer but this was orchestrated to ruin our lives, yours and mine own at any cost and I will have the person responsible begging for his life before me.” The shaking conviction in the male’s voice was undeniable.

  “Truth.” Spoke Regin to the room. Alex had never seen Arturo so angry. “Right, so we now know. The Council are responsible for this. So, at least one person in the European Council is till after this territory they have not given up after all, just trying another tactic or someone is.” There were several nods round the table. “We have an advantage now.” Alex told him. “They will not know we have Marcus. We can use that.” Arturo nodded. “And we will.” “I will not have my family in harm’s way anymore Arturo. I could not bear it. I fear my beast is close to the surface even now.” Marcus told him. “I understand Marcus. All our beasts are close to the surface. We will do what we must.” Arturo was interrupted by Jenson coming back into the room. He walked to Arturo and bent down to give him a message. “Allow him up.” Arturo told him and turned to the table. “Seems you got here just in time Marcus, your first has arrived to discuss details for the challenge tomorrow.”

  Marcus jumped to his feet. “My family?” He asked. “They are being well cared for and in no danger.” Regin told him. Alex thought Marcus’ concern for his family misplaced and made him weak. He should be focused on his own revenge and take on the fight. Putting his family first made him human. But he was dealing with vampires, they would not care who got in the way, didn’t he just learn that lesson? He would not allow that to happen to him he reflected. “Then I will kill him.” Marcus told Regin coldly. “You have every right Marcus but think there is much we do not know. If you would vacate to the room through those doors.” Arturo indicated the door, “you will be able to hear everything that is said and we can get as much information out of him as possible without giving away our hand.” Marcus appeared to weigh up his options, then nodded and left the room. Regin walked to the house phone and dialled the parlour the phone was picked up by security. “We have a visitor coming it is vital that they do not know about our guests while in the house.” She told them then put down the phone.

  Regin retook her seat as Jenson knocked and came in with a vampire. Alex assumed it was Marcus’ first, he had never met him and immediately did not like him. He entered the room as if he owned it. So much pride thought Alex. That was a mistake. Alex watched as the stopped short of Jenson and waited for his introduction. “My Lord, your guest, Firstin of the House Marcus, Henry.” Jenson gave a nod to Arturo and exited the room. Arturo security took his place. Alex was none surprised when ‘Henry’ did not wait for Arturo to acknowledge is status before he started in with his dialogue. That was another mistake.

  “My Lord Arturo, I am here to discuss terms.” Henry told them haughtily. Everyone around the table sat stony faced. To come into another vamps house and demand ‘terms’ was a direct insult. Arturo turned to Regin. “He believes what he’s saying.” She told him. Arturo turned back to his visitor. “And why should I give you terms Henry?” He asked him. Henry looked confused for a moment. “You are passing your leadership to my master Marcus.” He told him. “Truth, as he believes it.” Regin told the room. “
I have no intension of passing leadership to anyone Henry, so that begs the question as to why you would believe that I would?” Henry looked more confused both at Arturo and Regin. He was now uncertain. “You have asked the Council to provide you with an appropriate leader and Marcus has come forward.” He told him.

  “For verification Henry, who did I contact in the Council to request my replacement?” Henry frowned. “The Senate guardian as is required.” Henry told him. “Do you have the paperwork?” Arturo asked him. “Yes.” Henry opened his jacket and both Arturo’s security moved to intercede. Henry slowly pulled out a scroll and handed it to the one nearest to him. Who took it and walked over to Arturo. Arturo opened it and read the contents. “Have you read this Henry?” “No. My Lord, it was sealed with the Council seal.” “So you have no idea what it says?” “No. I do not.” “Truth.” Regin told them.

  “Perhaps you should read it.” Arturo pushed the paper towards him. James and Pierre moved out of the way to give him room at the table. Alex watched as Henry read the document. He took a step back. “I …. I do not understand. That is the document I was given along with my instructions. The council representative gave it to me himself.” “But what it says has nothing to do with the challenge, does it?” Arturo told him. “Where is Marcus now?” Arturo asked him. Henry looked uncomfortable. “He is resting with his family.” Henry told him. “Cleaver.” Spoke Regin. They knew what that meant, Henry had answered but not directly lied.

  “Henry let me introduce my wife Regin. As you may have guessed she can sense when someone is being truthful. Maybe you would like to try that last one again.” Arturo told him. “Marcus was with his family the last time I saw him.” “Truth.” Said Regin. “And how long ago was that?” Arturo asked him. “It was four days ago, my Lord.” Some grudging respect coming into his voice, as his situation became clear to him. “Truth.” Spoke Regin. “Why, so long ago since you have seen your Lord. In your position, do you not see him daily. To take your orders?” Arturo asked him. Henry looked more uncomfortable. “I was told I was not required and to ensure that I delivered that message to you today.” “Truth.” Spoke Regin. “And you told you to do that Henry? Clearly it wasn’t Marcus.”

  Henry suddenly stood taller as if remembering he had a position to hold here. “The Council’s representative. Senator Clarise.” “I see.” Said Arturo with a smile. “And who was the male that told you about the challenge from the Council?” Henry did not look well. “Ataya came and spoke directly to me.” “Truth.” Regin told them. “Clarise was always determined. Atayus his own agenda. Are they both still here Henry?” “No my Lord I was told they left the area after giving me their instructions to do Council business but on reading your missive I am unsure where they may be now.” “Truth.” Spoke Regin.

  “Well, clearly there is some misunderstanding here.” Arturo told the room. “I am not abdicating my position or house and there is no challenge in that paperwork from the Council as you have read. But, we are to have a visit which is a joyous occasion. So, if you will excuse us, we have a visit to prepare for.” Arturo went to turn away to speak with Regin and Henry stood for a moment and turned clearly unsure of what was going on thought Alex. “O and Henry,” Arturo had turned back to him. “Have Lord Marcus contact me immediately on your return. I wish to speak and invite my old friend to join us and the Council when they arrive.” Henry looked sick. “That appears to be a problem for you Henry.” Regin told him. “Is there any reason why, you cannot contact your Master Henry?” Arturo asked him.

  Henry tried to bolt. Arturo’s men came forward and were re-enforced by James and Pierre. “Why are you trying to run Henry?” Asked Regin. The realisation that his position was lost filtered across Henry’s face. “They told me to do it. Said Marcus was too weak, that he wouldn’t be able to hold this territory, that our families back home would be at risk if I didn’t get rid of him, that I had to do it.” The entire room was very quiet. “And what exactly did you do?” Arturo asked him coldly. Equally as cold Henry answered him. “I did what we vampire do, I killed the weaker man.” He spat at them. “Truth.” Regin looked on sadly. “Gentlemen please see our guest to his new quarters. You will not be leaving here Henry, make peace with that. Take him.” Arturo told his security.

  After Henry was dragged out. They all sat quietly around the table. Marcus came back into the room and re-took his seat. Regin turned to Jenson. “Please let the ladies know all is well and that I will be re-joining them soon.” “Yes mam.” Jenson told her and left the room. Alex watched on as Arturo turned to Marcus. “It seems that Clarise is up to her old tricks and Ataya is showing his hand too. Henry appears to be a puppet in their latest game. Clarise has no love for Clavius and Ataya has ambition and holds a grudge against me. He despises me as does Clavius Clarise. Maybe this is a power play after all. Clearly they have both enticed Henry to betray you and he was stupid and weak and had his own ambition to drive him.” “I will take Henry apart piece by piece and then kill them both.” Marcus told him.

  “Not before we throw a few surprises their way.” Arturo told him. “We do not know how involved the rest of the Council is. This missive, informs of Clavius visit and his people attending him. They could be here under that guise and using it to their advantage or the Councils. If they were charged with delivering this and have used it to their own advantage, Clavius will want to know. It is a dangerous game they are playing if they do not have his consent to act. What it means to us, is that they could bring the Council army into play and that, leaves us at a disadvantage. Their forces are greater than ours. According to that paper Clavius will be with us tomorrow, so we will have some answers then. In the meantime, I want Clarise and Ataya. Find them.”

  Luce was working on her diagnostics when Pete came in. “Gun range in 10. “ He told her and her group. As he turned to leave Luce ran to catch up with him in the hall. “Hay Pete, could you find me somewhere to stay until another place is secure enough for me to live in? I’ll also need that security we spoke about.” She told him pacing down the hall with him. Pete stopped and stared at her for a moment. A slight look of confusion cross his face. Valentina came down the hall and joined them. “Are you not with Alex?” He asked her. “Yeah sure but that doesn’t mean we have to live in each other’s pockets day and night. I want my space and privacy.” Way too pent up to be nice about it.

  “You carry his mark Luce.” Val told her kindly. “What?” Shocked she took a step back, instinctively slapping a hand to her neck then remembering that there was nothing to see, not to a human anyway and dropped it. “You cannot see it Luce.” Val reminded her. “It’s a vampire mark. We all can. It tells us who you belong to and keeps others away.” Stiffening, that was the last straw. She held her breath. No one owns her. He’d marked her like a branded cow? No. No. No. ‘I don’t think so’ she stood eyes flaring. She started to hyper ventilate, she’d kill him. He marked her without asking. What the hell was he thinking. But that was the point, thought Luce, that dam male wasn’t thinking at all. He’s brain had left the arena; his cock was doing the talking. Well no more. Where was her Taser?

  Luce started patting her trousers looking for it. “What are you doing?” Pete asked looking perplexed at her behavour. “I’m looking for my Taser.” She told him. Pete started to laugh and must have realised she was serious, he got quiet real quick. Alex came around the corner of the corridor. “You arsehole.” She shouted pointing at him as he came towards her. “You marked me without asking me? Like I’m your personal branded cow? What they hell were you thinking?” She asked him still looking for her Taser and finally finding it but she was in full flow now. “But we both know you weren’t thinking at all were you. O no. You were taking control. Throwing that domination shit at me. Well not with me buddy.” She told him pointing her Taser at him. “No one takes away my choices. No one.” She stormed at him. “Luce you need to calm down.” He told her. Reg flag, bull.

  “What the fuck did you just say?
” She demanded and let rip. Pressing down on the Taser. “You want to fuck with me Alex. Then let’s go.” She pressed the button. Taser wires fired but Alex moved too quickly to get anything but a passing electrical shot. Pete tried to calm things down. “Luce you went with him, your mated its done.” He told her quietly. Luce turned on him. “No one said anything about permanent marks that everyone can see and what the hell does mating mean? Full disclosure I asked for, does no one listen to us in this mausoleum? I believe I asked for that.” She said through gritted teeth staring at Alex. Condemning his actions. She knew she was over reacting but couldn’t seem to stop or pull it back. “When exactly did you expect me to stop and have that conversation Luce? While my cock was balls deep imbedded in you fucking your brains out, giving you multiply organisms while you were begging me to fuck you harder? I was kinda busy.” He told her angrily back. Luce flared again and stared at him again open mouthed. Tears came to her eyes.

  “O my god.” She told him shakily. “You did not just say that aloud. Hello. Does fucking privacy mean nothing to you people?” She called out to Alex, then turning to Pete she told him. “Find me accommodations and security ASAP, I want out now.” Pete looked uncomfortable. “He can’t.” Alex told her coldly. “Why the fuck not.” She spat back. “We’re married and you are my responsibility.” Alex told her. Fucking Married? Married? No one said anything about marriage. “The hell I am. I saw no white dress, no preacher and there was no good dam church.” She raged. “Nevertheless,” he told her calmly, “we are married.” And walked away from her. Walked a fucking way….


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