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Bonded Page 17

by Jessie Rose Case

  Regin led Clavius into the main reception area. It was filled with leading members of his house. Arturo took over and started introductions. Alex noted that staff were providing refreshments. Marcus arrived shortly thereafter with his wife and children. Alex was unsure how the younger children would take Clavius. He looked like the vamps of old and acted it in many ways. Alex watched Arturo work the room. He was indeed a master at it. They came around to Marcus and Serenity. Arturo introduced them. Serenity was all grace and held out her hand and curtsied low. Clavius made a mention to taming the beast. Serenity laughed and spoke about the love of her life. Clavius looked at the older child. “You are most beautiful.” He told her and curiously asked her, “how deadly are you?” In a flash a stiletto blade stood before him. “Deadly enough My Lord.” She told him as several of Clavius vamps came in close. Clavius chuckled. “Well done.” He told her. Pierre caught Alex’s attention as he moved in Eve’s direction. “Quite amazing, both beautiful and deadly. That my dear, is a quality most prised in vamp society. I predict you will be much pursued. You may call me Uncle and I will get rid of them for you.”

  Clavius then turned and looked down at the smaller child. And knelt. “Well, you are as beautiful as your sister.” He told Ang. “Thank you My Lord. I am not as deadly as Eve. She is the best sister in the world, she keeps us safe.” Clavius appeared to look at the child for sometime, no words being exchanged but there flowed some form of communication as Ang passed Clavius her toy, he used it and gave it back to her. He reached out and stroked her hair. “Your father and I will keep you safe now child.” Clavius rose. “You have a beautiful family Marcus, you have been truly blessed.” Clavius turned away to meet others when Ang’s voice rose up. No longer the child presented but something more. “You would leave me without acknowledging who I am?” The child asked. The room hushed. Clavius turned back and looked at Marcus. “She has the gift of sight.” He told him. Clavius nodded. He knelt back down to face Ang. “When the time comes, I will.” He told her. Ang gazed at Clavius for a moment and gave a nod. Then turned and asked her mama for a drink. The moment of sight gone.

  Marcus looked about to fight or flight. Clavius raised his hand. “I have no intension of taking the child Marcus. Her place is here with her family. Anything else, time will tell.” Marcus nodded. “Thank you My Lord.” Clavius reached out for Marcus’ shoulder. “I wouldn’t take a cat into that den right now, much less a child. Fear not. She will grow without the influence of Court. And when the time is right she will tell you and bring new life to that dreary place. And before that, I will clear house.” Marcus took a step back and joined his family.

  “A mate My Lord?” Arturo asked curious. He had never known Clavius to take any one woman. “Possibly, if she lives.” Clavius told him quietly. “When the Court hears this and they will, they will come after her. Marcus knows this. It will be a trial for the child. There is only so much protection I can provide.” Arturo nodded. “We will help.” He told him. Acknowledging it would be many many years before that time came and much could happen.

  Arturo escorted Clavius to introduce several of his people. Sarah moved forward at Arturo’s beckoning. “Sarah my child. How do you fair under Arturo’s tutelage?” Clavius asked her. Sarah inclined her head at her introduction before answering and glanced warily in Marcus’ direction. “My Lord it is good to see you so well. It has been many years since you sent me to him. I have been well cared for here, although at times I do not think they understand me.” She told him honestly. Clavius frowned. “You still do not access your emotions?” Sarah shook her head. “No Sire. It was encouraged but, I did not have the courage. But I have a charge of my own now, who may wish to turn and I know I must fight my own demons to be able to help him. I am seeing a human specialist and although the details of my problem we cannot discuss, I have enough background to have them understand that my memories are difficult and that I prefer to block them, however I need the ability to cope with them should they come forward.”

  Alex listened as Sarah spoke. He knew she had been badly treated at the time of her turn and just prior to that. It had been a time of darkness for all of them and many many years ago. When she had got out of Marcus’ camp she had been picked up by another vamp. His treatment of her was worse. Arturo had caught him and brought him before Clavius. Clavius had made Sarah watch as he inflected every harm the vamp had caused her on himself. It had taken days for the vampire to die and in the end, he had begged for it.

  Clavius placed his hand on Sarah’s arm and bent for her ears only. Alex wasn’t sure what Clavius said but he straightened moments later and Sarah nodded, lifted his hand and kissed it in the old way, then took a step back into the gathering. Arturo continued on around the room. Introducing many mated couples and his senior staff that came in in intervals and went back out on the hunt. Arturo led Clavius to a high chair in the centre of the large panoramic windows that gave a clear view of the entire room. Alex new that Clavius would wish his back to a wall of some kind. Not that he feared treachery from Arturo but that is was instinctive in vampires. He had the same need, as did the others in the room.

  There was a flurry of activity by the door to the reception room and Jenson came in and bowed to both Clavius and Arturo. Alex stood to one side of Arturo. “My Lords, Firstin Rubin has arrived and requests entrance.” Jenson used the old title. Clavius answered as the highest Lord present. “Have him come in.” Jenson walked back and nodded at the doorway. Rubin, who Alex had met with the others of Arturo’s people a couple of weeks previously, walked in and bowed to Clavius. “My Lord, you arrived well?” He asked him. “Yes indeed. Any new on that bitch Clarise and her dog?” Rubin smiled. “Not yet My Lord but we are close. We do not think they know you are hear yet, so that will come as a surprise when we find them.” “Good, I feel the need to have a nice talk with our Councillors.” Rubin nodded. It was clear what kind of talk that was going to be. Bloody.

  “She won’t be alone Sire. We know she has several Councillors with her.” Rubin told Clavius who huffed. “No surprise there now is it Rubin, that Bitch wouldn’t do shit without sucking up to or sucking off someone else. But,” Clavius looked contemplative. “Maybe this gives us an opportunity don’t you think? Those that have come out of hiding thinking this to be their big move against us will be in the open. An opportunity indeed.” He told him. “I agree My Lord. Will we be cleaning house?” Clavius took on a calculating look. “We will be washing it in their blood. Tell the men, I want our troops here immediately, no one survives this.”

  Rubin turned and headed for the door. Arturo stopped him. “Rubin, if you do not already have one, please check with Luce in our security room for your ID log and camera.” Rubin looked surprised. “All our people have them and now so do Clavius while here.” He told him. Rubin looked to Clavius who gave him a nod of agreement. “If someone would show me.” He asked. “This way My Lord.” One of Arturo’s security pointed the way. Alex watched him leave torn between going to her or staying put.

  Luce was networking with her boys making sure the new vamps ID’s were working in sinc with the rest of Arturo’s people but also on a separate network so they could be isolated and monitored. They might be allies now but that could change in a blink of an eye and Luce wanted to catch that moment if it happened. “My Lady.” Luce looked up and Bill and Ben were standing inside the door way. “My Lord Clavius’ First requires networking.” Bill told her. Luce looked over to the new vamp. “My Lord, if you would be so good as to step this way, I can hook you up.” Luce waited for Rubin to decide to do just that. “What exactly is ‘hook me up?” He asked with curiosity. Luce smiled. “I will process your DNA into my system, attach an ID link to it, provide you with a camera to go on your clothing so we can support in the field and provide you with a communication device so we can speak to you at any time. Should you wish to speak with us, or pass a message on, you only need to double click the device I give you and it will notify us, who you are a
nd where you are and turn on your camera should it not already be active. We will aid you from there.”

  Rubin looked confused. “I was unaware this was possible. We have state of the art surveillance and it does not do this.” He told her. Luce grinned. “That’s because it’s not mine.” She told him proudly. “You created this?” He asked her. “That and the viral sweep within our security system that picks up unauthorised persons within our perimeter and actively seeks out unauthorised vamp activity. Both of which, will create a shutdown of the outa perimeter, ensuring we are safe inside.” Rubin stared at her. Luce felt a bit uncomfortable. “I would like to see this working.” He told her.

  “Stay for any length of time and you will.” She answered. Rubin nodded looking around the room at the multi screens and the displays of people both in the house and out in the field. “You have our people in your system already?” “I do, would you like to see?” “I would indeed.” He told her. “Cade, pull up Lord Clavius’ people display across screens 4,5, and 6. Connect with three and do a coms check.” Cade turned back to his system and punched in. The screens came up and Clavius’ people. They were clearly hunting. Rubin watched for a while. “Coms check.” Luce called out. All three of her boys picked an ID at random, that person came up on a screen and they connected asking for a relay com check. All three stopped and double checked. “Give the all clear.” Luce told them and turned back to Rubin. As his people continued on their way.

  “My Lord Clavius will want this.” He told her. Luce gave him her best business like stare. “This,” Luce indicated behind her. “Belongs to me. It is my work and my people. Should Lord Clavius request for a similar service, I am sure that Lord Arturo and Lord Alex, will be open to the suggestion. However, the final decision would be mine.” She told him as Alex entered the room. He came over to her, picked up her hand and kissed it. “I am playing nice My Lord.” She told him. Alex raised his eyes at her. “You did well Prickles. I see no fires to put out.” He told her looking around the room and staying on Rubin.

  “I came to aid Rubin. You are too scary.” Alex told her. Luce tried not to smile and failed. She patted his stomach. “He’s fine.” She turned back to Rubin. “Shall we do this?” “Your mate?” Rubin asked Alex. “The love of my life Rubin. Her’s before mine.” He told him in the old way. “Awww. True mates then. Congratulations. You are a lucky man.” Alex seemed to grow bigger Luce thought. “I am and when I need reminding, Luce tells me. Come let’s get you kitted out.” Alex led him over to the desk where Bits were sitting. “This is Bits. Luce tells me she is a software genius and will set you up.” Rubin appeared to stare at Bits. “You are a beautiful woman.” Rubin told her. Bits looked over to Luce and rolled her eyes. “If that’s the best you got, its poor. Over here please.” Bits told him. Rubin looked shocked. “Did that human female just dismiss me?” He asked Alex. “Yes, I believe she did. They have a habit of reminding us we are not gods. It is deliciously refreshing is it not?” Alex asked him. Rubin grinned. “I do so enjoy a challenge.” He told him walking over to Bits.

  “There will be no challenge.” Bits told him. Taking his DNA and sorting out the camera and coms unit. “Besides, in our world you couldn’t cut it.” She told him nonplussed. “We speak a whole different language and are a different species.” She told him handing him his com unit. “There is no language that I cannot learn and no species that I do not know.” He told her. Bits looked up at Rubin. “That’s because, you do not know us.” She told him and turned away back to her work.


  It was getting late thought Luce glancing at the screens. They still had people out there but they were starting to come back in. “We still on for poker day?” she asked. “Yes” Cade answered. “We’re set up in the gym.” He told her. Luce smiled. She loved Poker night, well now day she guessed. Another hour and they were all on their way back or already in. Luce handed over to Arturo’s security team and logged out.

  They picked up Liv on their way down the hall. Heading into the reception room, Luce left the others to make their way down to the gym and walked over to the Lords. They were all present including Alex and the wives. Luce dipped her head. “My Lord, your security is now in control, all resources are either in or on their way back.” Arturo smiled at her. “Thank you Luce. Good night.” Luce gave her own and turned back to her friends in the hallway.

  Luce ran and caught up with them. The atmosphere light and excited. The guys bouncing off each other. Pushing through the Gym doors, the card table had been set up to one side. No one was using it at this time of night or early morning. They had it all to themselves. Drinks and snacks were laid out to one side. Luce poured herself a coffee. She needed the caffeine to stay sharp. Grabbing some snacks she took a seat at the table as the other’s did the same. Bits’ had the cards. She broke open a new pack. They did that every time they played. As dealer she called the game. “Stud.” She told them. Luce smiled. “Game on.” She called.

  It didn’t take long for the vamps to find them. Less than an hour. Bill and Ben had followed them as had Chris. Luce guessed they must have called it in. Alex, Eve, Pierre soon joined them taking seats at the table. Clavius entered the room shortly after. Several of the vamps stood at his entrance. “Room for one more?” He asked. “Yes.” Called Luce. “No politics here though.” She told him. In other words, he might be king of his castle, literally, but here, he played on his own merits. “Agreed.” Clavius walked to the table taking the tenth chair at what was a banqueting table they had commissioned. “What’s the game?” He asked. “Stud. The bet is only what’s on the table.” Called Bits. “Good, deal me in.”

  Luce played for a good couple of hours more before feeling the need for sleep. Clavius was a good player. Bits was better. The rest of them, held their own. Bits raised again. It was too steep for the cards she held, Luce folded and leaned back in her chair watching the others play. Luce watched Alex. He wasn’t a by the seat of your pants player. He was cautious. He watched and waited. Pierre was more reckless. All in or all out. Once the intimidation of having Clavius at the table wore off, it became a good game. Bits used the skills she had. She was a numbers girl. She looked at trends, found patterns and used them to good effect. Even at cards. She was clearing house.

  The boys were out too. Alex folded next, followed by Liv. Eve fought on for a while longer, you could see she hated to give in even when the card turned gave her nothing. She folded. That left Clavius, Pierre and Bits. This could take a while thought Luce. She rose and stretched and walked over to grab a coffee. The machine was out, she walked into the office and washed the jug out and refilled it with clean water, grabbed some more grains and a filter and walked back in and set it up. She turned while waiting to see Clavius cave. “Dam it, I thought I had this.” He told the table leaning back in his chair. “Have you met Bits?” Called Luce with chagrin and some pride in her voice. “The queen of cards.” She told him. Bits snorted, “We’re not at collage any more Luce.” Luce laughed. “We sure aren’t but you still kill at cards.” She told her. Bits grinned. “Bad habits die hard.”

  “Your call.” Bits said looking at Pierre. Pierre sat and contemplated his cards and looked up at Bits. He looked down again. “I wish to up the bet.” He told her raising his eyes and looking her in the eyes. Bits shrugged. “Your bet your choice.” She told him. “I win we date.” He told her. Bits had just lifted her glass for a drink and chocked on it. Liv patted her back. “What?” She asked him strained. “I win we date.” He told her again. Bits frowned. “That isn’t on the table.” She told him. “It is now.” He told her calmly. Bits looked uncomfortable for the first time….. ever when playing cards thought Luce. The table held their breath. Bits seemed not sure. That was a first too. “Dinner, no vamping smoochieness.” She told him.

  Several at the table sniggered, others raised their eyes trying not to laugh out loud. Pierre looked like he’d just been gifted. “Done.” He told her. Bits looked like she didn’
t want to call him. Bits studied her cards for a moment. Luce wondered if she knew she’s lost. “Call. Full House, Kings high.” She told the table laying the cards down. That was a really good hand. Everyone looked over at Pierre. “Cherie, you are going to love dinner. Straight Flush.” Pierre put his cards down. It was a low one but it still beat Bits. “Shit.” Bits called out slumping back in her seat, flaming bright red.

  The table erupted with several claps and slaps on the back and much laughter. Even Bits gave in with a grin and laughed. Pouring two coffees and doctoring them, she walked over to the table and put one in front of her friend. “Thought you might need that.” She told her squeezing her shoulder. “Thanks, yeah I do.” “You knew.” Luce told her. Bits nodded resignedly. “Yeah. The odds were not in my favour; not enough cards out.”

  “Well ladies and gentleman, as entertaining as this is, I need my bed. Bill your up, don’t let mama down.” She told her security. “Mama?” Asked Clavius curiously. “My boys.” She told him with a shrug. Clavius nodded with a grin. “Indulging my wife, ‘Ben’ if you would be good enough to take my seat, I’d like to spend the rest of the evening with her.” Alex told him rising from his own. “Good evening,” he told the table heading over towards Luce. Taking her hand, he walked her out and back to their apartments.


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