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Bonded Page 19

by Jessie Rose Case

  “Marcus My Lord, he wants this territory and is willing to work under my supervision to do so.” Clarise preened again. Clavius leaned back in his chair. Regin leaned forward and did not disguise her voice. “In order My Lord,” She told Clavius. “The female lied, lied, is fed by determination, deceit, treachery, she covets those with positions above her, lies, is delusional and deceitful believing she can oust whomever she wishes and more lies.” Regin told him standing back up. Clarise screamed. “Who are you to call me, a liar?” It was clear she was struggling with control. Clarise tried to take a calming breath and stilled when she caught Regins scent and eerily turned in her direction. “You, are mine.” She screamed out.

  Regin raised her hand and shot lightning into her. At the same time, Clavius’ men came rushing forward including Rubin to take her but Regin had her. “Do not touch her.” Regin called out. She shot her through again and strung her out arms wide. Clarise was lit up and suspended in the air, twisting in the lines of pain. “You dare to attack the daughter of a god?” Regin spoke slowly and carefully with every bit of force she processed. “You dare stain the House of Clavius with your spit and venom. You will tell us everything you know. You are ash and do not know it.” Clarise started to beg. She was burning. “Please My Lord Clavius, I only wish to serve you. Let me help you in this endeavour.” She cried out.

  “And how can you do that?” Clavius gave her a dismissive hand. “I can bring my people here as witness and the challenger and his people here for tonight. You will see I have not lied. I can prove my worth.” Clavius gave a nod to Regin who dropped the lightning and Clarise to the floor in a hard thud. She then returned to her position beside him. “You will not touch what is mine.” Clavius told Clarise taking Regin’s hand and kissing it. “I grow tired of your games Clarise. You will prove your worth or you will be ash.” He told Clarise staring her down. Then looked up at Rubin. “Make sure she is worthy of our attention or report she is not.” He told him coldly. Clarise got to her knees. “I will not let you down My Lord.” Rubin approached and dragged her to her feet. “We will see.” He told her pulling her from the room. “But I am innocent, I have done nothing but serve.” Alex heard as she was led away. “Not an ounce of truth in that either.” Regin told them. None were surprised.

  Clavius indicated that Marcus and Alex should come forward. “If the challenger is meant to be you Marcus and they have nothing to co-op you into doing it any longer, it begs the question who do they have?” He asked them. “It is the same question we have been asking.” Arturo answered. “I have never been to the European Court My Lord. It is possible that had Arturo and Alex also been gone or not remembered me clearly that no one would realise someone who looks like me, isn’t actually me.” Clavius gave a rueful look. “A puppet indeed. The question for me, is how many on the European Court would know that.”


  Luce walked into her security room and made her way over to the screens. She watched them for a while. Checked out the screens and the goings on in the banqueting room. Regin kicked ass. Luce watched it play out. It looked like a Court with the King at the centre. She hoped it had gone the way they hoped. There was a lot riding on it. Luce turned from the screens and headed over to her desk. She fired up her laptop and started the diagnostics checking and re-checking the systems. Picking up the phone she called down to the kitchens. As it was picked up she heard Alice’s voice. “Hi Alice, could I have a sandwich and milkshake please.” “Yes, Luce how are you?” Alice asked. “I’m good Alice thank you. No more problems with security down there?” Luce asked. “No no we are all good here. Jenson is on it.” Luce smiled. “I’m glad to hear it.” “Be right up with that lunch.” Alice told her and put the phone down.

  Luce was munching through her sandwich and greedily drinking her milkshake when Alex came around the corner of her door. He smiled when she moved her milkshake and put it behind her back. “Somethings are Not for sharing.” She told him pointedly. Alex grinned back at her. “Are you making that a challenge?” He asked her coming towards her. “No. Stating a fact.” “Umm, I do like milkshake, nearly as much as I like drinking your come.” He told her. Luce got hot and her nipples pearled. She ran her tongue across her lips. “Is that right?” She asked him quietly. Alex rounded her desk and knelt before her. He grinned devilishly and looked into her eyes. “You’re wearing a skirt. I like it. Better access to what’s mine.” He told her running his hands up either side of her legs. “Really? I didn’t think of that.” She told him lying.

  Alex grinned wider and rolled her skirt up the outside of her thighs and around to the back of her ass. He pulled her forward and sat between her open legs in front of her chair. “I’ve come for my lunch.” He told her and skimmed his fingers across her panties. “Lunch?” She repeated breathless. “You’re not having my milkshake.” She told him again. “O but I am.” He told her ripping her panties away and shoving his shoulders between her legs and throwing them over his shoulders pulling her towards him. Grabbing her arse, he face planted into her pussy and lapped at her. Luce held onto the arm of her chair her milkshake still in the other. Reaching out she tried to put it on the desk and missed. Tried again and just got it on as Alex bit her, sending her into her orgasm losing all control. Luce had nowhere to go but lay back in her chair and ride it out. She opened her legs further on his shoulders and thrust up into his face. “Eat me. I want to feel you.” She told him.

  Alex pulled her neither lips apart and fucked her with his tongue. He rubbed at her clit at the same time. Luce rode his face. She was close to coming again. His attentions and the risk of being caught in the open with Alex orally fucking her with her legs around his face was so hot. Her body was on fire. He hit her g spot and Luce came again trying not to scream out. Alex was lapping her, drinking all her juices and exchanged his mouth with his fingers. He rammed two into her, while he blew on her clit. Luce shuddered and tried to ride his hand. “So close Alex.” She told him. Alex nibbled and sucked her clit while he fucked her with his fingers. “Yes, O yes. Just there, I need more.” She told him riding him out. Her legs now open with abandon. It was reckless, but she didn’t care, the door was closed, her boys were outside, she didn’t care who saw her like this. She just needed her male buried deep inside her. Luce reached down and felt his hard cock through his trousers. “Need this Alex.” She told him stroking him. Alex bit lightly on her bud, Luce arched and cried out again and continued to stoke him. “More”.

  Alex pulled open his trousers and leaned back, Luce whimpered. He positioned himself at her entrance as he removed his fingers from her. He pushed in. “Yesss,” Luce cried. “Need you so much, come with me.” She told him grabbing his head. “Now, come with me.” Alex piston fucked her, sending her chair flying with them both on it, her internal muscles telling him as her wave came close to cresting, he rubbed her clit hard with his thumb and slammed home as she came crying out. He managed three more thrusts and exploded himself. “The best fucking lunch ever.” He told her leaning over and biting her shoulder and drinking her. Luce came again. Taking a deep breath, she held onto him as she fed him. It was such an erotic feeling. She would never get enough of this male.

  Alex lapped at her shoulder, careful not to take too much and closed the marks he’d made. He kissed gently all along the sensitive area. Luce pearled under him. “I have to go.” He told her. “And your people will be here soon. They will smell our sex in the air.” He told her nuzzling her. Luce moved and lifted her hands to caress his face pulling it round so she could see him. She kissed him deeply, then pulled away to look into his eyes. “That was the best lunch I have ever had.” She told him sincerely. He turned his head and kissed her hand holding it to his face. “Like this buried deep inside you, feeling all your internal muscles sucking on my cock and pulling me in, feeling the emotions my cock brings you, I do not want to ever be anywhere else. I am alive when I am with you.” He told her with raw emotion.

  Luce squeezed h
er muscles. Alex hissed. “I love you too.” She told him equally raw. He planted a chase kiss on her nose and started to withdraw from her body. He did it slow, savouring the feeling of her body surrounding his penetration and felt her muscles try to hold onto him, try to suck him back in. How he wanted to stay buried in there. But, he withdrew and grabbed the napkins on her desk and wiped her up and straightened her clothing.

  Alex walked over to the windows and opened them, a cool breeze came in. It was lucky the surrounding porch allowed for no sun to enter the room. He needed that breeze to help calm him.

  Luce picked up her panties and slipped them into her pocket and re-took her seat at the desk. She grabbed the air freshener and gave it a spray around. She wondered for a moment why she was bothering, the vamps would have heard them. But as Alex had pointed out, her people hadn’t. She put it back in her drawer and closed it. Grabbing her milkshake she drained it. Alex turned back to her. “I must go.” He told her again as he held out his hand to her. Luce took it and nodded. “Be careful tonight. I do not want to lose you or anyone else.” She told him. “Thank you for lunch. I will see you later.” She watched him walk away to whatever was so pressing that he had to leave her.

  Alex walked the hallway. His need for Luce was getting out of control. That just now was reckless, irresponsible and careless. He let his need for her take over any consideration for how it would look if some of her friends found them like that. He would not do it again. Maybe they did need space. Perhaps Luce was right. The more he had her the more he wanted her. His need to possess growing within him. He could feel it. He needed to talk to Arturo. This couldn’t go on. It placed her at risk and that, was not acceptable. He was an honourable male. He had been brought up so. To respect women. Cherish them. What he was doing now with Luce was base and bordered on depravity at times. It made no difference that Luce embraced it. Something was wrong and he needed to get it under control. Focusing on the prospect of the fight later he stopped. Was it he’s own anxiety at possibly losing her that was driving him overboard. He’s need to claim her, ensure her position in the house to protect her?

  He walked into his temporary office and found Steven and Chris waiting for him. “We have a job to do. Let’s work it.” He told them taking his seat. “Are we ready in support of Arturo tonight?” Steven leaned forward. “We are. We are going to have a small contingent here in the banqueting room to support you as would be expected. We are also supporting with security at the main gate and providing an additional layer of protection in the house. Our main forces will be behind the garden buildings, if needed they will arrive with Arturo’s directed to where they’re needed by overlord. We have everything covered.” He told Alex who nodded.

  “Luce’s security?” Chris grinned. “Bill and Ben will be with her all night. Pierre is staying close to Bits so will also be in the house and Chris here is staying with Liv who will be in Arturo’s study/PA office. She will move to the banqueting room to support Arturo with PA things at the reception and Chris will go with her.” Alex rose his eyes at Chris. “You under control?” Alex asked him. Chris looked resigned. Like man who had accepted his fate. Know the feeling thought Alex. “It is borderline madness at times but I do not want to be anywhere else. Even now, knowing she is sleeping and being protected by someone else is killing me not going to her.” He blew out a deep breath. “I know she’s safe and that’s keeping me here. Well that and the sun being up.” He grinned. They all knew there were ways around the sun.

  “Brandan’s people?” Alex asked. “Coming in just before 8. Keeping a low profile, using a back entrance for the support guys. Brandan and his aides are coming in the door just like everyone else around 9.” Alex grinned. That was going to be interesting. “Pete and his people?” He asked. “Going to be stationed with security dealing with the humans mainly. Pete will be coming with Valentina as expected. He was told to leave Betsie behind.” Alex grinned. “How’d he take not being able to bring his rocket launcher to the party?” Chris grinned. “He sulked then said, she could wait in the car!” Alex chuckled. All three men grinned. He liked that human. He blew out a breath and nodded. “We’re ready then. I need to discuss My Lady. No matter what happens this night, she will hold the position of Lady of this house and you will protect her with your lives. Now, tell me how this can go south and blow up in our faces and how we prevent that from happening.” The next two hours were spent going around in those circles.

  At 7.30 they left to get changed. Alex was back down in his tux by 8 and headed to the banqueting room. Steven fell in beside him. They entered the room and saw Arturo and Marcus. Alex walked over. “We have a few ideas about tonight we wanted to pass by you.” Arturo nodded. “So do we. Let’s get a drink and thrash it out.” Alex noted John and James working the room as people arrived. Valentina and Pete were also already here. Prominent people from the local community started to walk in. They presented their card, Jenson gave out their names and position in society and told them to keep the card with them at all times. Both guests had the small ID cards Luce had made up for them showing on their clothes. It seemed to be working. Liv was doing her PA thing with Chris close behind. She was dealing with the new introductions and pointing out where to find things and moving them on, making introductions to similar persons they might know. It seemed to be going smoothly.

  The band was set up in the corner of the room, playing modern classics. The banqueting room was lit with crystal chandeliers and 7ft ornate cathedral candle holders with bold large candles burning in them. The mirrored walls reflecting the light of every surface and back onto the UV screening on the windows back into the room. It was breath taking. A medieval twist in this modern era. It suited them. The vamps would love it. Multiple banqueting tables seating 12 filled the space. Table cloths, flower centre pieces, dressed chairs and silverware and crystal glasses completed the look. It was light and perfect for getting to know people. Arturo brought Alex’s attention back to him. “Yes, we considered that.” He was saying to one of the points Steven had made.

  “We’ve put in another layer of hunters that will be able to push into one area if it goes pear shaped.” Arturo told them. “We can’t bring more men on to the grounds. It would flood the area in guns and someone will get hurt. I’ve stationed several wagons round the perimeter wall. If all hell breaks loose, Luce will call the code word and those vehicles will empty and our men will race in. If someone is here who shouldn’t be, they will get caught in the middle. It’s a good plan. Now relax while we can. Clavius is joining us early about 8.45. He wants to be in position just in case.” Arturo turned to Marcus, “you should re-join your family. I can’t wait to see what happens when Clavius calls you in.” Marcus smiled for the first time. “I kill someone is what happens.” He told them coldly. “Not in the house.” Arturo told him dryly. “Regin would kill me.”

  Luce watched the screens. Her boys were on point, checking and re-checking that the security had not been compromised. Bits was doing facial recognition, it had been coded into the software, Luce wanted a record of everyone who came onto the premises. They had CCTV face pictures of everyone who had been on site since she joined and those had been loaded in. Now, anyone new was also loaded and traced for their ID. It had to match their invite and then the pass she had created that everyone had to wear tonight. Luce brought out the data chip she’d been working on. It wasn’t strictly legal and she still wasn’t sure how it would pan out. She turned it over in her hands. If she used it, it would be breaking a few laws and if anyone found out, she could face jail time. Turning it over again and watching the screens, Luce debated with herself. Listing the pro’s and con’s she raced through the possibilities. All the while, taking in the arriving guests.

  They were blind outside the compound and that was the problem. She had used every available aspect of the property and house and grounds to get as much visibility pulled into the system, but in the end, it was just that. The house and grounds. What was coming from outsi
de, away from their own people stationed at intervals in case they were needed, was all they had and it wasn’t anywhere near enough. Pete had given her the idea. The military used satellite information to gage battles and reinforce ground troops with specialised equipment. They couldn’t tap into satellites, well they could, or she could, but that was a federal offence. And she really didn’t want to go there. She turned over the chip again. She had targeted local intel and the tag on she had created to work within her own system would be a last hail mary. This was as good as it was going to get with what they had. She hadn’t asked Arturo, she hadn’t discussed it with Alex. She didn’t what to compromise them and if she were honest, she was afraid they would say no and she had no other way to prevent them from getting killed. If she needed to use it, their lives would be in danger, it would be worth it. If everyone did as they were told it would work perfect. Trouble was, people didn’t always do as they were told and mistakes happened. She rubbed the chip, in this case, that, would be deadly.

  “Bits, send out a blanket security message on a loop, pass ID’s must be displayed at all times or guest will be escorted out of the grounds.” Bits looked over at her. “Seriously?” She asked worried. “Yeah, can’t take the chance that an innocent gets hit.” Luce told her. Bits knew about her new software. “Right.” She told her and turned back to the screens. Punched a message in and an automated voice could be heard in the house and across the grounds. It would also go straight to the security office. She hoped, Arturo would be ok with that. There was nothing low profile about that but if they were here, the guests didn’t need low profile, they needed to stay alive. “Brian call down to the staff quarters and make sure each and every one of them has their ID on at all times, no mistakes ok.” “Right on it.” He called out.


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