Ruined by Blood (The Vampires' Fae Book 3)

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Ruined by Blood (The Vampires' Fae Book 3) Page 8

by Sadie Moss

  The Finder closed his eyes. “Now, think of the object. Think hard.”

  Willow mimicked his action, dropping her eyelids closed and biting her lower lip. Silence fell in the small hut, broken only by the low, soft hiss of the snakes. Eustice murmured a noise of approval. The snakes began to writhe faster, and Eustice’s shaggy hair stood on end, making it look like he’d been hit with a thousand volts of electricity. Willow’s hair followed suit, waving above her head as if it too were made of snakes.

  Eustice’s eyelids twitched, and he muttered softly to himself in his sibilant voice. After a few moments, the charge of almost electric energy around them faded. Their hair settled back down, and the snakes retreated up Eustice’s body.

  He cracked one eye open. “I’m not sssure I should tell you where they are. They’re dangerousssss.”

  “Yeah. That part, we already know. We’re looking for them so we can stop someone else from using them.” At Eustice’s frown, I added, “Would it help soothe your conscience if we pay you double?”

  His yellow eyes lit up. Ha. Thought so.

  The Finder’s hesitance wasn’t so much from any kind of moral code; it was just a tactic to jack up the price. We’d done this song and dance before too, and while on any other night I might’ve spent twenty minutes haggling animatedly with him, we didn’t have time for that shit right now.

  “Fine. Double.”

  Eustice’s thin lips stretched into a smile. He released Will’s hands, and she stepped back into Malcolm’s steadying grip.

  “I couldn’t find the object she touched.” He jerked his head at Willow, and the snake winding around his neck hissed in protest at the sudden movement. “It issss hidden from my view, along with two othersss.”

  “Shit,” Sol muttered. “Those must be the three the sisters already have. They hid them somehow.”

  Eustice brushed that aside, uninterested in the details of our hunt. His yellow eyes shone with triumph. “But I did find the other two.”

  “Where?” Willow asked quickly.

  “One isss in Scotland. One in Wales.”



  My mind buzzed as we stepped out of the Tin Cat bar back onto the busy streets of New York. Every time I thought I found my footing in this strange new world, something else came along and knocked me off balance again.

  The brothers had told me early on that other kinds of supernaturals existed in the world. I’d seen goblins, both adults and children, up close and personal. And I knew Yuliya was a witch. But it was still hard to keep my cool in the Underground Bazaar as we’d passed by creatures of all shapes, sizes, and colors. The whole place had seemed to pulse with a kind of energy that was more than just the chatter and excitement of the patrons. It was as if a haze of magic had filled the large space, prickling against my skin.

  And Eustice. What the hell was that guy? Did all Finders look like him?

  When he’d taken my hands and let the snakes protruding from his body wind around our arms, I had felt them leeching thoughts and memories out of me. If the brothers hadn’t seemed so sure we needed his help, I would’ve shaken off Eustice’s grip and run screaming from the small room. As it was, it’d taken every ounce of mental strength I possessed not to slam down barriers in my mind to keep the Finder’s probing magic out.

  But it worked. It’d been worth it. We now knew where both of the remaining Stones of Power were hidden. Before we left Eustice’s hut, he’d listed off several coordinates in his sibilant voice, and Jerrett had typed them into his phone.

  “Scotland and Wales.” I shook my head in amazement. Then a sudden thought brought me up short on the brightly lit sidewalk. “Oh shit! I still don’t have a passport!”

  Jerrett tugged on my elbow to get me moving again. “It’s okay, Will. We’ve got ways around that.”

  “Oh.” Relief flooded me. There was no way in hell I was going to be left behind on this hunt because of something as mundane as a missing travel document. “Then we should look for tickets soon. Maybe if we can book a flight that leaves before dawn, we won’t…”

  I trailed off, realizing Malcolm and Sol had turned around to look at me. Jerrett was watching me too, his lip ring gleaming as he grinned.


  “We don’t need to book tickets. We’ll just take our plane,” Jerrett said.


  Sol reached for my hand, tucking it into the crook of his arm as we continued down the street. The late-night revelers gave us a wide berth, although I noticed several women gawping at the three men who accompanied me.

  “You have to remember, we’ve been around for a long time, Willow tree. I’ve only had a hundred and fifty years, but Malcolm’s had four hundred, and Jerrett’s had two thousand. We invested wisely, and time has done the rest.”

  I remembered thinking something along those lines when I first arrived at their house, but I’d never actually confirmed it with them. “So, you’re… you have…?”

  “More money than we know what to do with?” Jerrett laughed from behind me. “Yep. That.”

  “We’ll do the same for you,” Malcolm added. “We can help you set up investments that will gain value over time. But in the meantime, what’s ours is yours. We’ve all pooled our assets, and you’re welcome to anything and everything you need.”

  Warmth filled my chest. I didn’t really care about the money, although the private plane was pretty impressive. But the gesture itself nearly bowled me over. It was one more way they told me without words that I was theirs, and they were mine.

  “Thank you, Malcolm. Thank all of you.”

  Chocolate-brown eyes gazed down at me warmly. “Of course, wildcat.”

  “Told you, Will. There are some benefits to being a vampire. Give it a couple centuries and you’ll be rolling around in piles of money like Scrooge McDuck.” Jerrett gave a lopsided grin before his forehead creased. “Of course, that’s assuming we can stop those witch sisters before they unleash hell on earth.”

  Goose bumps prickled over my skin.

  Right. That.

  The benefit of the brothers owning a jet became readily apparent. Because we weren’t subject to the timetables of commercial airlines, we didn’t have to worry about booking tickets to avoid the sunlight. After returning to the house in Washington Heights—where Yuliya alternated between beating Malcolm with a potholder and hugging him tightly—we changed clothes and ate. Then the guys gathered together some gear, and we left again just as the sun began to rise.

  When we reached a private airstrip outside of the city, Malcolm pulled the car inside a massive hangar. The door shut behind us, blocking out the sunlight, and we boarded the plane via a set of stairs leading up to the front. Malcolm stopped to talk to the pilot, a human with sandy brown hair, a neatly trimmed beard, and a serious face.

  I’d only been on an airplane once before in my life, but I tried to play it cool—at least, until I saw the inside of the plane. Then any attempts at coolness evaporated in a cloud of awe.

  “Holy shit.”

  The interior was large and luxurious. Instead of the cramped, uncomfortable blue seats I’d been expecting, large, plush chairs were arranged around the front of the plane. A couch and table sat farther toward the back, and behind them, a door led to the closed-off tail of the plane.

  “Goddamn, you’re fun to impress. It’s so easy,” Jerrett teased.

  “Well, stop being so impressive, and maybe I’ll stop being so easy,” I shot back, leaning into his body as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

  “Never.” He nipped my ear with his teeth, and a jolt of pleasure raced through me. “Go explore, Will. I know you’re dying to.”

  He was so right.

  Jerrett released me, and I wandered around the large space, running my fingers over the soft leather of the seats. The windows were similar to the ones I’d seen on my previous flight—but they were pretty much the only reminder that we were actually on a plane.
  Malcolm rejoined us a moment later. “This should work well. With the time change, we’ll land in Scotland just after sundown. A car will be waiting. We can sleep on the way and be ready to go once we touch down.”

  “Perfect.” I plopped into one of the large seats, letting the soft upholstery cradle me.

  “What are you doing, sweetheart?” Jerrett cocked his head at me.

  “Oh. Is this your seat?” I glanced around at the other chairs. They all looked the same to me, but maybe the brothers had all claimed their favorites long before I arrived on the scene. It was their plane after all.

  He laughed. “Fuck no. But if you’re after a good day’s sleep, there are better options than that. C’mere.”

  Curious, I followed the brothers down the aisle, and when Malcolm pulled open the door to the back of the plane, my jaw dropped. It was a fully furnished bedroom, with blackout curtains on the windows and silky, cream-colored sheets on the large bed. Abandoning all pretense of playing it cool, I skipped over and threw myself on the mattress, rolling around on the luxurious bedding.

  “Okay, I admit it. I’m easily impressed.” I smiled, running my fingers over the soft silk. “Because this is amazing. My second time on an airplane, and I’m flying overseas in a jet that’s fancier than my old apartment.”

  None of the men responded, and I lifted my head, surprised at their silence.

  They stood just inside the door, and the expressions they wore wiped the smile from my face, even as my blood run so hot I thought I might spontaneously burst into flames.

  “I’m glad you like it.” Malcolm’s voice was a low, sexy rumble that made my core clench.

  “Goddamn, that bed has never looked better.” Jerrett ran his hand through the long lock of dark hair that fell over his eyes.

  But it was Sol who acted first, walking over to the bed, which dominated the room, and crawling up beside me. Nerves and excitement ricocheted through me as I realized this was the first time the men and I had been really alone together since Malcolm had come back to us.

  Since everything had shifted between us.

  Sol moved up the bed slowly, his eyes unseeing, but every ounce of his attention focused on me. One large hand moved to my face, smoothing my dark hair back.

  “I didn’t think I was jaded after living a hundred and fifty years, but having you join us… experiencing the world through your eyes? It makes me appreciate things I’ve taken for granted too long. You light up every room you walk into, Willow tree. You make the world a magical place.”

  “The world is a magical place,” I whispered, getting lost in his mesmerizing green eyes. “I just didn’t realize it until I met you three.”

  He smiled radiantly, his golden skin almost seeming to glow. Then he dipped his head, kissing me with warm, firm lips. As he moved his mouth against mine, my eyes fell shut, and I melted under his touch. He dipped his tongue into my mouth, sliding it along mine, tasting and exploring me.

  Hands ran up my calves, and with a start, I realized they weren’t Sol’s. I wanted to pull away from the kiss and look, but I was enjoying Sol’s expert lips too much. Besides, I was afraid if I opened my eyes, the little remnants of my past self would pipe up and make me chicken out of what was about to happen.

  And I really, really wanted this to happen.

  The hands on my calves moved upward, massaging my legs through the fabric of my pants. Hot breath penetrated the fabric too, letting me know how close another mouth was to my skin. It was Jerrett, I was pretty sure, but I still didn’t peek.

  Fingers threaded through mine, lifting my hand away from Sol’s back, where it had moved seemingly of its own accord. A kiss was pressed to my palm, then hot lips began to work their way over my skin, sucking, licking, and biting the sensitive skin of my wrist and arm.

  My pulse picked up. I gasped into Sol’s mouth, needing oxygen but unwilling to tear myself away from the kiss long enough to draw a full breath. Jerrett’s hands on my legs moved farther up my body, sliding underneath my shirt to caress my sides and stomach. But his face stopped right over my pelvis, and the pulses of heat against my clit as he exhaled were driving me to distraction. I whimpered, wriggling desperately, needing more.


  Jerrett’s voice rose to my ears, soft but demanding. I moaned again, the sound ending in a frustrated whine as Sol pulled away from our kiss. Even Malcolm’s teasing nips to my arm and shoulder stopped.

  “Look at me, sweetheart.”

  The tenderness mixed with dominance in his voice sent a shiver down my spine, and my eyelids flew open at his command. I looked down my body to see him hovering over me, his mouth poised an inch from my pelvis. A wicked smile curved his lips, but his eyes blazed with heat.

  “You need to tell us, Will. Is this what you want?”

  My throat worked as I swallowed. My gaze shifted to Sol, laid out beside me, and then to Malcolm, who kneeled on my other side.

  I was soaked. I was so wet for these men already that I could smell my arousal, mixing with the heady scent of theirs. My skin felt electric, every slight touch zipping through my body and flowing straight to my core.

  Drawing in a deep breath, I nodded. Then, because I wanted them to know how sure I was, I forced my brain to focus and spoke in a low, rough voice.


  As if a dam had been broken by that one word, the three men descended on me, plunging my body into a sea of sensation. This time it was Malcolm who took my lips in a fierce, demanding kiss. Sol lowered his head to my breast, teasing my nipple with his tongue and teeth as his hand lifted the hem of my shirt. And Jerrett’s fingers worked the button of my jeans, a low growl rising in his throat.

  I cried out, the sound immediately swallowed up by Malcolm’s kiss. So many hands and mouths were on me, my brain was overdosing on sensations. The combined scents of smoke, leather, and spice surrounded me, enveloping me in the essence of these three powerful, sexy men.

  The plane rumbled beneath us, barreling down the runway, as the delicious onslaught of feelings continued. My hands moved restlessly, running over taut biceps and hard chests, threading through thick, silky hair. I wished I had more hands—wanted to be able to touch all of them at once, the way they were touching me.

  I was pressed deeper into the mattress as we left the ground, the force of our takeoff pinning me to the bed.

  And then I was falling through it. Falling out of myself.

  No! No, no, no, goddamn it! Not now!

  My body stiffened, and with the last bit of my strength, I tried to grab onto the brothers, to anchor myself to them. To keep the Sight from tugging me away. But it was no use.

  I heard my own sharp cry, and then I couldn’t hear anything. Couldn’t see anything.

  Darkness claimed me.

  Damn it! Why now? Why?

  I flailed my not-body in the nothingness of the vacuum, throwing a mini temper tantrum.

  Being worshipped by all three of the brothers had been amazing. Incredible. And it’d been about to get even better; I was sure of that. Regret ate at me like acid. My Sight’s habit of plunging me into visions when my body overloaded on sensations was starting to become a real problem.

  Calm down, Willow. If you’re getting a vision, it’s because there’s something you need to see. Sex can wait.

  Only about half my brain agreed with that reasonable voice in my head. The other half wanted to tell the plane’s pilot to take the brothers and me to some remote island where we could do nothing but finish what we’d started. I wanted to hide away with them someplace where there were no shades to fight. No weird sisters. No threat to vampires and supernaturals.

  But of course, doing that would make me no better than Carrick. One of the things I loved most about Malcolm, Jerrett, and Sol was their dedication to protecting others, their drive to keep the world safe. That was how I wanted to live too.

  So I stopped struggling against the blackness that pulled me under, letting the vision sw
eep me away.

  When the world took shape around me, I recognized my surroundings immediately. I was back in the dungeon with the weird sisters, in the room their captor had locked them in. Time seemed to have passed since I’d last seen it, decades maybe. The room showed signs of wear, and the style of the women’s dresses had changed—but the blank, dead expressions on their faces remained the same.

  The two sisters sat on the floor, slumped against the wall with their heads resting against each other. When the door to their dungeon cell opened, they didn’t even look up.

  But the man on the other side wasn’t the one who had turned them. This man was broader, with a neatly trimmed beard and streaks of silver in his black hair. At the sight of the women, he snarled in anger, baring his fangs.

  Another vampire.

  The sisters’ captor rushed in as the two women finally began to rouse themselves from their stupor. He darted forward, but the larger vampire shoved him into the wall. Several other vampires entered, restraining the lanky man as their leader crouched before the women.

  His face twisted with pity and disgust as he looked at them. He turned back to the man who had turned them, who was nearly spitting with anger. “Unapproved fledglings. Did you really think you could keep them secret forever, Ranolf?”

  But whatever Ranolf said in response was lost in a rush of blackness as the scene shifted and changed before me.

  When my vision cleared, the dank dungeon room was gone. I wasn’t exactly sure where I found myself now, but it looked like a court of some kind, opulent and beautiful. The walls were pristine white marble, which made the dark red fabric and shining mahogany of the furnishings seem even more vivid. Several vampires sat at a high bench, and standing before them were the two sisters and the man who had captured them, Ranolf.

  “Do you deny that you created two new vampires without the approval of the council?” a woman with sharp features and a reedy voice asked.

  “No.” Ranolf looked less angry than he had in his dungeon. Now he looked resigned and petulant.


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