Phoenix (The Colton Cousins Book 1)

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Phoenix (The Colton Cousins Book 1) Page 19

by Rebecca Rennick

  “Shut up, fucker. I know things. Focus on your own guy.”

  A loud crack comes from behind me, and we both turn to see what made the noise. It’s Magnus. He’s gone back to using his sledgehammer and has smashed one of the guy’s feet. A blood-curdling scream follows the crack. Magnus’s nostrils flare, and the veins bulge in his forearms. This guy’s foot is mostly flattened into the stained and cracked linoleum. If he lives, he’s going to need a prosthetic.

  “See, Magnus is focusing on his own. So fuck off.” Ignoring Seb’s chuckled curses at me, I return to the blubbering idiot in front of me. He’s still yammering on about something, and I take out my rage on him. Rage built up from lack of pussy. Rage built up against Braxton, showing up and hitting on Clover. Rage for the sake of rage. It’s a Colton trait. We’re filled with it.

  Swinging my brass-knuckled fist at the ‘dealer’s frail body, bones crack with every punch. With every contact of my fist and crack of his bones, a little piece of my rage subsides. When I get my bearings back, and my vision clears of the rage, I take out the pliers. He sees them, and a pathetic whimper bubbles up his throat as he recoils in his seat, trying to cower away from me.

  “Look, man, I’ll tell you where we got it. I’ll tell you who gave it to us. I’ll tell you whatever the fuck you want to know, man. Just don’t fucking kill us.” Snot leaks from his nose, mixing with his tears and blood, creating a grotesque abstract painting on his face.

  “Oh, too bad for you, we’re not here to get info. We’re here to teach a lesson. To you and any other moronic asswipe with a death wish who thinks they can sell in our city without our approval.” Taunting him by leaning in close enough to smell the urine and shit soaking his pants, I position my pliers just over his finger.

  Yanking off the first fingernail, he screams and cries like the little bitch he is. I pull out four more fingernails before moving on to the nail gun. He doesn’t seem to like it any better as I nail his arm to the chair.

  When we finally stop, it’s only because Magnus broke his guy’s neck, mine passed out from the pain, and I think Seb’s is on the brink of bleeding to death from the cuts littering his arms, chest, face, and neck. Either way, they’ve all grown silent and are no longer putting up a fight. It’s sucking the fun right out of the room. Which smells worse than when we got here. Coated in vomit, piss, and copious amounts of blood.

  “Well, I guess we’re done.” Seb tosses the rusty razor blade on the floor. It disappears in a puddle of blood. Wiping his hands on his blood-stained shirt, he spits on the floor. “This place smells like Satan’s taint. Let’s get out of here. I’m hungry. You guys hungry?”

  “I could eat.” I agree.

  We turn to start toward the front door to head out. Magnus just behind us. “Give me a minute guys, I gotta take a leak.”

  Stepping over the razor-sliced guy, Magnus unzips his pants, pulls out his cock, and pisses on every open wound. Swiveling his hips to make sure he covers everything. Groaning as he relieves himself. “Fuck, that feels better.”

  Not that I’m looking, but I’m pretty sure the fucker has a semi.

  “You done, man? Come on.” Not waiting for Magnus or me, Seb exits the dope den heading for the truck, picking up his wrench on the way out—whistling all the way like a goddamn Disney dwarf heading to the mines.

  Grabbing Betty and the duffle bag, Magnus and I follow close behind after he tucks his dick back in his pants and props his sledgehammer on his shoulder.

  All of us head out in the SUV, our violent needs satiated. We are a lot more relaxed on the way out than we were on the way in. Feeling the blood spray across your chest and the guttural fear shaking through another man’s body at your touch is a high no drug can imitate. Only the real thing can do it. Soothing the rage and anger inside. Calming the inferno, the swells inside us all.

  Chapter 27


  B raxton returns to the bar almost every night during the next week, and most nights, Nix is there watching. He never says anything to him or approaches him. But I can tell Braxton knows he’s there. On the third night, it’s Arrow watching him and not Nix. He must have a job tonight. He hasn’t had any late-nights in a few weeks. I guess it was overdue.

  Braxton is polite and charming. Yet tonight, he’s been excessively aggressive with his pursuits. Arrow’s here watching, so I know nothing will happen. If Braxton does make a move, Arrow will protect me. He may not look like the dangerous type. However, knowing what I know about the family business, I know looks can be deceiving. I politely decline any invitation he offers to drive me home or take me out to eat after work. I think he might be starting to suspect Nix has warned me off him. He doesn’t give up, though. Tipping me big every night, way more than necessary. With all this extra cash, I might be able to get my own place faster than I originally planned.

  I don’t particularly want my own place anymore though, I’ve grown fond of living with Beau and Nix. Living alone or with some random roommate from Craigslist just sounds unappealing. Rosie, however, has come up with a solution for my extra income. Seems there’s a high-end club one of the families owns in town, and she wants to take me there this weekend.

  On Saturday, we went shopping, spending way too much on a new dress and shoes—I haven’t had anything new or unused in years. Goodwill has been my best friend for all of my clothing needs.

  Rosie picks out a blood-red lace halter top dress that hugs her gorgeous curves, showing off her exaggerated hourglass figure. I pick out an emerald green, deep V-cut spaghetti strap dress that pinches in at my waist and flares out to a soft flowy skirt. It hits mid-thigh on me. Rosie says it compliments my red hair, which I let her style in some sort of half pinned up look. The rest of it falls around my shoulders. Apparently, this outfit calls for a light pink glossy lip. Rosie says if I wear red lipstick, I will look like I was going to a sexy Christmas party.

  “What if I want to look like I’m going to a sexy Christmas party?” I joke, planting my hands on my hips, striking a pose to match.

  “Just you wait. We have a killer Christmas party every year. You’ll get your chance.”

  “Okay, you’re going to have to tell me all about that, like right now.”

  As we step out of the Uber, we’re both laughing at a story Rosie just told me about Nix getting drunk and hitting on Mrs. Claus at their Christmas party a few years back. The woman was apparently not a woman, but a man in drag as a joke for the party. Poor Nix didn’t even know until he tried to feel ‘her’ up and got a big surprise. I about peed my black lace panties laughing. Ones that I had also splurged on at the mall, as well as a few new bras. I really needed them. Mine were all almost in shreds from too much use.

  We approach the extremely upscale club, and there’s a line half a block long at the door. Damn, it’ll take forever to get in. Rosie doesn’t even glance at the line. Instead, she heads straight for the hulking bouncer at the door. Wrapping an arm around his shoulders, she presses a soft kiss on the man’s cheek as he leans down to return the hug.

  “Hey, Zander. Big crowd tonight?”

  “Yeah. It’s pretty packed in there. There are a few Shaws here tonight, too, so keep an eye out.” He whispers into her ear. The large man turns to look at me and smiles. He’s gorgeous. Just as big and bulky as Nix, but there’s something softer about him. He could break me in half just as easily, but I get the feeling he’s much less likely to.

  “Hi. You must be Clover. I’m Zander.” He extends his large hand out to me, and I shake it. The tinge of Southern in his voice is sexy. I wonder why Nix doesn’t have an accent. It seems to vary in this family for some reason.

  “Nice to meet you. Are you Zander Colton? Beau’s brother?” His bright moss-green eyes are similar to that of Beau’s emerald green ones.

  “That’s me. Glad to know my reputation proceeds me.” He chuckles with a huge grin. I like him. He seems like a giant teddy bear to me. I bet he gives great hugs.

  “Is the normal
security also inside?” Rosie asks her cousin.

  “Yes, they are.” Zander’s tone turns conspiratorial. What could they possibly be talking about? Why does it matter what security is inside? I’m sure Rosie will tell me if it’s important.

  Without further inquiry, Zander opens the large black door and ushers us in.

  “Have fun, ladies. You come to find me if you need anything.” He winks as he shuts the door behind us.

  When I turn the corner to the club, I am in pure awe. It’s huge, with loud music and flashing lights everywhere. Dance floors are filled with swaying bodies. Bars are filled with chatting, smiling faces. Drinks abound. I think we’re going to have a good time tonight. Definitely what I need to get my mind off things or people more specifically.

  Propping up at a bar, we order our drinks and toast when they arrive. They are sweet and strong, and I instantly feel more relaxed as the liquid slides down my throat.

  “Okay, so what kind of trouble do we want to get into tonight?” Rosie giggles, scanning the room, seeking out a target for the night’s entertainment.

  “I don’t know. What are our options?” I, too, look around the massive space, surveying the options for the night’s amusement. Dozens of gorgeous women showing miles of skin flirt and dance with men of all kinds. Every single one of them more attractive than the next. Jesus, who knew there were so many stunning people in Huntersville, North Carolina. In a sea of tens, I rank at a mere five. Although I know I’m not ugly, compared to this crowd, I’m a dog-faced gremlin. As I survey the room, I relax more and more. I may not be at the top of anyone’s list tonight, but that’s okay. I’m just happy to be out being normal.

  Toward the back of the club, I spot a roped-off section; it must be the VIP area. There are large plush booths and low-lit tables. It’s not as full as the common area. In one of the sections, I notice a well-dressed man with dark hair. I think it’s Braxton. Zander did mention there were Shaws here tonight. Did he mean him? Must have. Please don’t let him see me. I’m not really in the mood to deal with him and try to brush off his advances.

  Averting my eyes before he sees me, I spot another man I was not expecting to see. And from the look in his eyes, he wasn’t expecting to see me either. Phoenix Colton, dressed in all black, stands at the entrance to the VIP section. Staring at me with such fire that I squirm a little under his gaze. Shifting in my seat nervously. He just stares at me, not blinking, not moving. Why is he here?

  Breaking free from his spell, I blink and turn away. The moment I do, he too breaks free from his stoic stance and makes a beeline directly toward us.

  “Shit,” I mutter.


  “Nix is here.”

  “Oh really.” Rosie grins. Why does she not sound surprised?

  “Yes, and he’s coming this way.”

  Rosie swivels in her stool and spots the massive man bulldozing his way through the crowd.

  “So he is. Who would have guessed he would be working here tonight,” She says it as though she did know he would be working tonight all along.

  “Rosie,” I warn.

  “What? I had no idea Nix would be working security for the VIP section here tonight. It’s pure coincidence.” Bringing her martini glass to her lips, she sips and avoids eye contact.

  Sure, you didn’t.

  Dammit, she totally set me up. I haven’t even had a chance to have one drink. By this time, Nix has made it through the dance floor and is closing the last few feet to us.

  “What are you doing here?” He barks out at me when he reaches us at the bar.

  “Well, hello to you too,” I snap back.

  He’s not paying any attention to my response. He’s too busy running his eyes up and down the length of me. My skin prickles under his scrutiny, and my panties dampen just from his eyes on me. Dammit, Clover, calm the fuck down. He’s just looking at you. Like he wants to eat you. My chest heaves with my deep breaths, and Nix’s eyes land on my very exposed cleavage. The deep V-neck cuts straight down, all the way to the waist, leaving it impossible to wear a bra, so my breasts and my under-boob tattoo are exposed for all to see. Nix didn’t know about that tattoo until this very moment. I’d never told him about it, and it was never visible before. As his eyes devour the exposed skin, a hot blush creeps up my neck.

  “Why are you here?” He asks again, labored restraint in his voice.

  “We decided to have a girls’ night out. Rosie said I would like it here.”

  “Did she?” He snarls and turns his attention to Rosie at my side. Rosie evidently doesn’t care that her cousin is practically breathing fire at her. She just sips her drink and shrugs her shoulders.

  “What? Am I not allowed to go out now without your permission?” I have to down the rest of my drink to make it through this conversation.

  “Not here,” He growls.

  “Why not?”


  “Because why?”

  “Because this is no place for you.”

  “Oh, but it’s a place for you?”

  “You shouldn’t have brought her, Rosie. You knew he would be here.”

  “I did not,” Rosie yells, offended. “I had no idea he would be here. I wouldn’t do that to her. I did, however, know you would be here.” The last sentence is mumbled under her breath, but I still hear it. So, she did set me up. She knew Nix would be here and would cause a scene.

  “You’re leaving,” Nix demands, grabbing onto my elbow while forcing me from my stool.

  “No, I’m not,” I argue back.

  “Yes, you are.”

  Unceremoniously, Nix grabs me by the waist and throws me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

  “Ahh. What the hell, Nix?” I scream. “Put me down.” Kicking and slapping at him, I try to break free from his vice grip.


  I can already see Rosie disappearing in the distance as Nix strides through the club with me on his shoulder like a tantrum-throwing child. Desperately, I try to cover my ass. This dress is not conducive to this angle.

  “Nix, people can see up my skirt. Put me down!” I plead, hoping my sweet voice will entice him to put me down. It doesn’t. He just places his giant hand right on my ass, holding my skirt down.

  “Hey. Hands off.” I smack at his hands uselessly.

  “Make up your mind. You want people to see up your skirt or not?”

  I groan and give in. I’d rather not have my panties being flashed to everyone we pass by.

  “That’s what I thought.” He chuckles. Then he gives my ass a playful squeeze, and dammit, I like it. Fuck. I’m so screwed. This is not going to end well.

  “Fucking Prince Charming as always.” Grumbling into Nix’s back as I sway back and forth in his hold.

  The whole day is a fucking waste. Buying new clothes and spending a whole hour getting ready—pointless. Ten bucks spent on an Uber to get here just to have one drink and then be carried out against my will while strangers gawk at me. Fucking fantastic. The only upside to my current position is that it affords me a great view of Nix’s ass. I wonder if I squeeze it, if it’ll be enough of a surprise, he’ll loosen his grip so I can wiggle free. I don’t get to try, though, because we’re already at the front door and stepping out into the warm night air.

  “Leaving so soon?” Zander’s voice is amused as we pass by.

  “You knew, didn’t you?” I yell at him angrily. I can’t see him, but I know he’s there, holding the door open for us.

  “What are you talking about?” He’s all innocent, and I don’t believe one damn bit of it. Lifting my head to glare at him as we pass, I can see his smirk.

  “You’re on my list, Zander Colton!” I scream as I point viciously at him.

  “Night, cuz,” He calls out to Nix, completely ignoring my threat. Damn Colton’s.

  “Night Z,” Nix calls back over his shoulder.

  Nix doesn’t put me down until we make it all the way to his powder blue
Chevy in the back parking lot. Taking advantage of being on my feet again, I attempt to escape his reach and return to the club. Not getting far before his arm wraps around my waist and turns me back to his truck.

  “Calm down, sweet cheeks, and get in.”



  “No. I came out with Rosie to have a girl’s night, and I am going to have girls’ night, dammit.” Trapping me between his arms against his truck, his breath is hot on my cheek when he speaks.

  “You know, you’re fucking adorable when you’re mad.”

  His hot sexiness so close to me makes my nipples pucker and my pussy clench. Shit, why does he have to have this effect on me? I can’t let him see that he gets to me. Suck it up, Clover.

  Squinting at him with all the malice I can muster, I am sorely tempted to knee him in the balls. Sadly, I can’t bring myself to do it. Not wanting to injure the member that has been the star of my fantasies lately.

  I’m pretty sure he can see the peeks of my nipples through my silk dress as he opens the door and forces me in. With a squeak, I plop down onto the leather bench seat, and he shuts me in.

  Immediately, I search for the handle. It’s locked. Searching for the lock, I come up short. There isn’t one. Why the fuck isn’t there a lock? Does he kidnap people in this truck? Nix’s heavy body slams into the driver’s side and the force of it causes me to bounce on my side of the bench seat.

  “What the hell was that all about?” I demand, arms crossing over my exposed chest. Apparently, that was the wrong thing to do because his eyes are drawn right to my cleavage. Looking down, I realize crossing my arms has pressed them up and together, even more, the green silk sliding to the sides. A tiny sliver of pink from my nipple shows, and I pull the fabric to cover myself as best I can. My anger ebbing a little into embarrassment as I’m sure my cheeks pink with my mortification. I blush way too much around this man.

  “You can’t go to that club again, Clover.” The thickness in his voice is so erotic.

  Dammit, snap out of Clover. Don’t let him distract you. Focus you’re angry at him.


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