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by Will Durant

  31. Faÿ Louis XVI, 308; Taine, French Revolution , I, 2.

  32. Aulard, I, 129; Michelet, French Revolution , 73.

  33. Lichtenberger, 20; Martin, H., XVI, 630n.

  34. Tocqueville, 121.

  35. Herbert, Fall of Feudalism , 76, 87.

  36. Ibid ., 76.

  37. CMH , VIII, 128.

  38. Barthou, Louis, Mirabeau , 11.

  39. Ibid ., 62.

  40. 68.

  41. Michelet, Histoire de France , V, 515.

  42. Crocker, Embattled Philosopher , 436.

  43. Barthou, 91.

  44. Ibid ., 97.

  45. 118.

  46. 138.

  47. 162.

  48. 163; Martin, H., France , XVI, 624.

  49. Jaurès, I, 77.

  50. Michelet, Histoire de France , V, 554.

  51. Herbert, Fall of Feudalism , 95.

  52. Taine, French Revolution , I, 17.

  53. Taine, Ancient Regime , 378.

  54. Martin, H., France , XVI, 625.

  55. Lefebvre, 94.

  56. Enc . Brit., XVI, 909d.

  57. Faÿ Louis XVI, 312.

  58. Ibid ., 305.

  59. Enc . Brit., XII, 491b.

  60. Taine, French Revolution , I, 28.

  61. Enc . Brit., XII, 491b.

  62. Taine, I, 28.

  63. CMH , VIII, 133; Cobban, History of Modern France , I, 140.

  64. Barthou, 171.

  65. Young, Arthur, 153.

  66. Lefebvre, 72.

  67. Young, 176.

  68. Lefebvre, 76.

  69. Young, 176.

  70. Lefebvre, 77.

  71. Young, 177.

  72. Michelet, French Revolution , 137; Lefebvre, 80-81.

  73. Speech of July 8, 1789, in Barthou, 186.

  74. Mme. Campan, Memoirs , I, 358.

  75. Mme. de Staël, Considérations Sur la Révolution française, in Ducros, French Society , 316.

  76. Kropotkin, Peter, The Great French Revolution , 61-63.

  77. Michelet, French Revolution , 133.

  78. Ibid ., 141.

  79. Lefebvre, 86.

  80. Taine, French Revolution , I, 42.

  81. Michelet, French Revolution , 150.

  82. Lefebvre, 101.


  Dates in parentheses following a name are of birth and death except when preceded by r ., when they indicate duration of reign for popes and rulers of states. A single date preceded by fl . denotes a floruit . A footnote is indicated by an asterisk. Italicized page numbers indicate principal treatment. All dates are A.D. unless otherwise noted.

  Abbas I, Shah of Persia (r. 1587–1629), 421

  Abbas III, Shah of Persia (r. 1732–36), 149, 418

  Abbaye, Béardé de l’, 454

  Abbeville, 932–33

  A, B, C, L ’ (Voltaire), 143

  Abduction from the Seraglio (Mozart), 367

  Abdul-Hamid I, Ottoman Sultan (r. 1774–89), 415, 460

  Abélard, Pierre (1079–1142), 112

  Aberdeen, University of, 763

  Abhandlung über den Ursprung der Sprache (Herder), 569

  Abington, Frances, nee Barton (1737–1815), 740

  Åbo, University of, 659

  Abrégé chronologique de l’histoire de France (Hénault), 123

  Abt, Thomas (fl. 1763), 638

  abu’l-Ahahab (fl. 1771), 415

  academic freedom, 358

  Académie de Peinture, 235

  Académie des Sciences, 894, 896

  Académie Française, see French Academy

  Academy of Arts, Russian, 432, 466, 468

  Academy of Dijon, 19–20, 22, 28

  Academy of Mines, Russian, 453

  Academy of San Fernando, 297, 299

  Accademia della Crusca, 824

  Accademia di Pittura e Scultura, Venice, 236

  Accademia Filarmonica, 245, 386–87

  Accademia Granelleschi, 242

  Account of Corsica, The Journal of a Tour of That Island, and Memoirs of Pascal Paoli (Boswell), 783

  Account of the Latest Herculaneum Discoveries (Winckelmann), 328

  actors, see theater

  Adam, James (d. 1794), 747–48, 765

  Adam, John, 747–48, 765

  Adam, Lambert-Sigisbert (1700–59), 247

  Adam, Père (fl. 1765), 133

  Adam, Robert (1728–92), 699, 747–48, 765

  Adam, William (fl. 1770), 694, 732, 747–48, 765

  Adams, Mrs. (Rousseau’s landlady, 1766), 210

  Adams, John (1735–1826), 870

  Adams, John Quincy (1767–1848), 576

  Adams, Samuel (1722–1803), 709

  Adams, Dr. William (1706–89), 838

  Addison, Joseph (1672–1719), 320, 485, 842

  Adélaïde de France, Madame (1732–1800), 96

  Adolphus Frederick of Holstein-Gottorp, King of Sweden (r. 1751–71), 655

  Adonais (Shelley), 810

  adultery, 97, 731

  “Advantages that the Establishment of Christianity Has Conferred Upon the Human Race, The” (Turgot), 77

  Adventures of Mr. Nicholas Find-Out, The (Krasicki), 485

  advertisements, newspaper, 786

  Aegean Isles, 411

  Afghanistan, 417–18

  Africa, 356

  African Company, 732

  African slavery, see slavery and slave trade

  Agde, riots in, 954

  Agnesi, Maria Gaetana (1718–99), 219

  agriculture: in Austria, 345, 356

  in England, 670–71, 680, 682

  in France, 859, 861, 927–31

  in Holland, 646

  in Italy, 217

  in Hungary, 341

  in Poland, 472–73

  in Spain, 273–74, 287–88

  Agrigento, 589

  Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius (63–12 B.C.), 110

  Ahmad Hatif, Sayyid (fl. 1750), Persian poet, 421

  Ahmed III, Ottoman Sultan (r. 1703–30), 414–15

  Ahmed Khan Durani, Shah of Afghanistan (r. 1747–73), 420

  aides, 936

  Aiguillon, Anne-Charlotte de Crussol de Florensac, Duchesse d’, 118

  Aiguillon, Armand de Vignerot, Duc d’ (b. 1750), deputy in States-General, 957

  Aiguillon, Emmanuel-Armand de Vignerot, Duc d’ (1720–82), French statesman, 89, 92–93, 853

  Aims of Jesus and His Disciples, The (Reimarus), 513

  Aix-en-Provence, riots in, 934

  Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of (1748), 38, 40, 58, 279, 648

  Ajaccio, 312

  Alam, see Shah Alam

  Alba, Duke of (1508–82), see Alva

  Alba, Don José de Toledo Osorio, Duke of (d. 1796), 274, 280, 303

  Alba, Teresa Cayetana María del Pilar, Duchess of (1762–1803), 291, 303–4

  Albani, Alessandro, Cardinal (1692–1779), 328

  Albani, Villa, 249, 331

  Albania, 415

  Albany, Count of, see Stuart, Charles Edward

  Albany, Louise Caroline of Stolberg-Gedern, Countess of (1752–1824), 339–40

  Alberoni, Giulio, Cardinal (1664–1752), . 277–78

  Albert (1738–1822), Duke of Saxe-Teschen, 361, 846

  Albon, Comtesse Julie d’ (fl. 1732), 122

  Alcázar, 297

  Alceste (Gluck), 369–71, 373

  Alembert, Jean Le Rond d’ (1717–83), 108, 118, 120, 123–30, 172, 190, 214, 280, 485, 567, 636, 656, 769, 824, 894, 908, 920

  Abarca’s intimacy with, 281

  abilities of, 127

  Catherine II and, 447, 892

  contributions to Encyclopédie, 123, 162

  death of, 892

  deference to royalty, 176

  Diderot and, 892

  Mme. du Deffand and, 123–25

  early life of, 123

  on expulsion of Spanish Jesuits, 284

  Frederick II and, 124, 497–98, 892

  French Revolution and, 940
/>   Genevan clergy and, 198

  on German literature, 506

  Goldoni and, 798

  Hume and, 892

  Julie de Lespinasse and, 122–28, 130, 892

  later years of, 892

  on Louis XVI, 857

  nature and, 169

  poverty of, 126

  Rousseau and, 163, 191

  supporter of Puccini, 372

  Voltaire and, 125, 138, 876–77

  Alexander I, Czar of Russia (r. 1801–25), 462, 466, 468

  Alexander Palace, Tsarskoe Selo, 468

  Alexander the Great, King of Macedon (r. 336–323 B.C.), 895

  Alexis Petrovich, Czarevich (1690–1713), 429

  Alfieri, Benedetto (1700–67), architect, 226

  Alfieri, Vittorio, Conte di Cortemilia (1749–1803), dramatist, 310, 336–40

  Alfonso II d’Este, Duke of Ferrara (r. 1559–97), 584–85

  Algarotti, Conte Francesco (1712–64), 238, 254, 370

  Algeria, 411

  Ali Bey (1728–73), 415

  ‘Ali Hazin, Shaykh (1692–1767), 421

  Allegri, Gregorio (1582–1652), 386

  Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels (Kant), 533

  Allgemeine Preussische Landrecht (1791), 500

  Allgemeine Schulordnung (1774), 352

  Almada e Mendonça, Francisco de (d. 1804), 263

  Alps, 169

  Altham, machine-wrecking at, 679

  Altona, Jews in, 635

  Alva, Duke and Duchess of (18th cent.), see Alba

  Alva, Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, Duke of (1508–82), 592

  A Marilia (Gonzaga), 269

  Amelia, Princess (1782–1810), dau. of George III, 727

  America: English colonies in, see American colonies, English

  French colonies in, see French America;

  Portuguese colonies in, 262–63, 269

  Seven Years’ War and, 57–58

  slave trade and, see slavery and slave trade;

  Spanish colonies in, 80, 83, 262, 288

  Voltaire’s influence on, 881

  “America libera” (Alfieri), 340

  American colonies, English, 669

  commerce and, 57, 708–9, 732–33

  early conflicts with England, 708–11

  population of, 708

  revolt of, see American Revolution;

  slave trade and, 57, 708, 732–33

  American Indians, 709, 833

  accounts of, 31

  Jefferson on, 891

  Jesuit communists and, 80, 83, 262

  American Revolution, 78, 683

  aided by European powers, 354, 711, 867–72, 922

  battles in, 713–14, 869, 871

  Beaumarchais’ services to, 867–69, 922

  Burke’s support to, 693, 711–14

  early predictions of, 708

  English reactions to, 689, 693, 704, 711–14, 833

  France and, 354, 711, 867–72

  French Revolution and, 872

  George III and, 687

  German mercenaries and, 504

  Gustavus III’s fear of, 662

  influence of, 520, 872, 899

  Johnson’s opposition to, 833

  Kant’s support for, 548

  Lafayette’s aid to, 869, 871–72

  outbreak of, 711

  peace treaties (1782–83), 871–72

  philosophes and, 867–68

  Pitt the Elder and, 689

  Rousseau’s influence on, 891

  Spain and, 290

  surrender at Yorktown (1781), 761

  Ami des hommes, ou Traité de la population, L ’ (Mirabeau the Elder), 74

  Amiens: factories in, 932

  Peace of (1802), 726

  riots in, 954

  unemployment in, 935

  Amigoni, Jacopo (1675–1752), 235, 298

  Amleto (Scarlatti), 257

  Amsterdam, 361, 646

  Jews in, 637

  publishing in, 647

  An die Freude (Schiller), 574–75

  An die Freunde Lessings (Mendelssohn), 640

  Anabaptists, 646

  Anacreon (563–478 B.C.), 18

  anarchism, 178

  anatomy, Goethe’s work on, 617

  Anaxagoras (500?–428? B.C.), 176

  Ancre, Maréchal d’ (Concino Concini; d. 1617), 93

  Andalusia, 273

  Andrews, Dr. (fl. 1762), 798

  Anecdotes of the Late Samuel Johnson, LL.D., during the Last Twenty Years of His Life (Thrale), 828, 840

  Anecdotes of Painting in England (Walpole), 794

  Anet, Claude (d. 1734), 12–13

  Angelucci, Guglielmo (fl. 1773), 922

  Anglican Church, 261, 711, 734–35

  Anhalt, in League of Princes (1785), 362

  Anhalt-Zerbst, Prince of, see Christian August

  Anhalt-Zerbst, Princess of, see Johanna Elisabeth

  Ankarström, Jakob (1762–92), 664–65

  Anna Amalie, Dowager Duchess and Regent of Saxe-Weimar (r. 1758–75), 552, 580, 591, 600

  Anna Ivanovna, Empress of Russia, (r. 1730–40), 425

  reign of, 429–30

  Anna Leopoldovna (1718–46), Regent of Russia (r. 1740–41), 430–31

  Anna Petrovna (d. 1728), 429, 432

  Annales politiques (Linguet), 82

  Annalia d’Italia (Muratori), 244

  Anne, Princess, Regent of Holland (r. 1751–59), 648

  Anne, Queen of Great Britain (r. 1702–14), 818

  Anne of Saxe-Lauenburg (fl. 1697), 228

  Année littéraire, L, ’ 372

  Ansbach, 354

  in League of Princes (1785), 362

  Ansbach and Bayreuth, Margrave of, see Christian Friedrich Karl Alexander

  anti-Semitism: decline in, 629

  Voltaire’s, 149–50, 629–30; see also Jews

  Anton Ulrich of Brunswick, Prince (1714–76), 430

  Antony, Mark (Marcus Antonius; 83?–30 B.C.), 31, 238

  Antwerp, 342, 361, 364

  Anville, Madame d’, 118

  Anzin firm episode, French Revolution, 932

  Aphorisms for Women, by a Shepherdess of the North (Nordenflycht), 660

  Apology for Suicide (Frederick the Great), 54

  Apraksin, Count Stepan (1702–60), 48–49, 432

  Aquinas, Saint Thomas (1225–74), 241

  Arabia, 411–12, 415

  Aranda, Pedro Abarca, Conde de (1718–99), 274, 280–81, 292, 848

  background of, 282

  conflict with Jesuits, 283–84

  fall of, 286

  as father of Spanish Enlightenment, 287

  foreign policy of, 290

  political diplomacy of, 282

  reforms of, 142, 286

  Arblay, Gen. Alexandre d’ (d. 1818), 791

  Arcadian Academy, 256

  Arcangeli, Francesco (d. 1768), 330

  Archimedes (287?–212 B.C.), 672

  Archinto, Alberico, Cardinal (1698–1758), 326, 328

  architecture: baroque, 111

  classical, 110, 747

  in England, 747–48

  in France, 109–11, 910

  in Germany, 524–25

  Industrial Revolution and, 682

  in Italy, 247

  in Russia, 426, 432, 467–69

  in Scotland, 765

  in Spain, 297

  in Turkey, 414

  Archytas of Tarentum (fl. 400–365 B.C.), 555

  Arco, Count, 344

  Ardinghello (Heinse), 522

  Argens, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d’ (1704–71), 59

  Argenson, Marc-Pierre de Voyer, Comte d’ (1696–1764), 67

  Argenson, Marc-René d’, see Voyer, Marquis de

  Argenson, René-Louis de Voyer, Marquis d’ (1694–1757), 81

  dismissal of, 85

  on French nobility, 930

  predicts American Revolution, 708

  on revolutionary sentiment of Pa
risians, 91, 92

  Argental, Charles-Augustin de Ferriol, Comte d’ (1700–88), 875

  Argentau, Mercy d’, see Mercy d’ Argentau

  aristocracy, see nobility

  Aristomène (Marmontel), 105

  Aristophanes (450?–385 B.C.), 136, 241

  Aristotelian unities, 296

  Aristotle (384–322 B.C.), 163, 294, 511

  Arkwright, Sir Richard (1732–92), 673

  Arlechino (comic character), 232, 241

  Armed Neutrality, Declaration of (1780), 713; –, League of, 457, 648, 713

  Armenia, 418

  Armentières, Marquis d’ (fl. 1758), 161

  Armide (Gluck), 372

  Arminians, 646

  Armour, Jean, see Burns, Jean

  Armstead, Elizabeth (b. 1750), 726

  Arnaud, Abbé François (1721–84), 371, 372–73

  Arnim, Bettina von, nee Brentano (1785–1859), 562, 611

  Arnim, Henrietta von (fl. 1787), 575

  Arnould, Sophie (1744–1802), 113, 370–71, 373, 883, 920

  Arran, James Hamilton, 2d Earl of (1517?–75), 779

  Artamène, ou Le Grand Cyrus (Scudéry), 169

  Artarin, publisher, 402

  Artois, 928

  Artois, Comte d’, see Charles X

  Ascanio in Alba (Mozart), 387

  Ashkenazi Jews, 630

  Ashraf, Shah of Persia (r. 1725–30), 418

  Asia Minor, 411

  see also Islam

  Assemblée Nationale, see National Assembly, French

  Assembly of Notables (1787), 75, 944–45

  Astarabad, 419

  Astrée, L ’ (Urfé), 169

  atheism, 734

  philosophes and, 183

  Rousseau denounces, 183

  Athens, ancient, 21, 579, 690

  atmospheric engine, 674

  Attempt by J. W. Goethe, Privy Councilor of the Duchy of Saxe-Weimar, to Explain the Metamorphosis of Plants, An (Goethe), 617

  Auch eine Philosophie der Geschichte (Herder), 569

  Auchinleck, Laird of, see Boswell, Alexander

  Audenaarde, 361

  Aufklärung (German Enlightenment), sources of, 507–8

  Aufklärungspartei, 351

  Augeard, Jacques-Matthieu (1731–1805), 850

  Augereau, Maréchal Pierre-François-Charles (1757–1816), Duc de Castiglione, 606

  Augsburg, Diet of, 176

  Augusta of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Princess of Wales (d. 1772), 687

  Augustine, Saint (354–430), 4

  Augustinian friars, 285, 294

  Augustus (Caius Octavius), Emperor of Rome (r. 27 B.C.-A.D. 14), 31, 252

  Augustus II the Strong, King of Poland (r. 1697–1704, 1709–33), Elector of Saxony as Frederick Augustus I (r. 1694–1733), 475–76, 633

  Augustus III, King of Poland (r. 1734–63), Elector of Saxony as Frederick Augustus II (r. 1733–63), 502

  in alliance against Frederick II, 43, 45, 46, 48, 502

  Frederick invades Saxon kingdom of, 44–45, 249, 502


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