Leisl Leighton - [Pack Bound 01]

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Leisl Leighton - [Pack Bound 01] Page 4

by Pack Bound (epub)

  Shelley rolled her eyes. ‘I’ll have you know that Bron’s “hinky herbal things” are highly sought-after natural medications that have a long history of helping people in the Wiccan community. But given how I know you well and how you feel about anything that might have the slightest hint of the magical about it, I’m offended you think I would offer you one of those.’

  Skye grinned ruefully. ‘You did mention auras.’

  Shelley chuckled. ‘I forgive you if you forgive me.’

  Skye nodded gingerly.

  ‘I’ll get you something with codeine.’

  She stood as the door opened and Bron danced into the room.

  ‘Oh good, you’re here. I’ve got something really cool to tell you.’ She danced over to the mirror, barely looking at Skye or Shelley, and made a face at her reflection. ‘Ew. Serious hat head.’ She began to fluff up her choppy black hair.

  Skye tried not to wince at her friend’s excited voice. She knew Bron wasn’t yelling, but it sure sounded like it.

  ‘Shelley, did you tell Skye about the guy we caught the lift with today? He was a honey. Better than Chris Hemsworth in Thor: Ragnarok.’

  ‘He wasn’t that good,’ Shelley mumbled, heading towards her bags.

  ‘Not every cute guy is like Charlie, Shells. You have to get over him one of these days. Maybe then you’d agree that the guy on the lift today would definitely go on the list.’

  ‘What list?’ Skye asked, trying to get Bron off the subject of Shelley’s ex. She knew Bron thought talking it through would help, but like her, Shelley wasn’t a talker.

  Bron’s cinnamon eyes sparkled as she turned to face Skye. ‘You know. The list of who you could sleep with with no repercussions if you ever met them. The free-pass list.’

  Skye tried to smile, but it hurt too much, so she just said weakly, ‘I thought that list was supposed to be made up of famous people and was only for those in a relationship.’

  ‘Oh, who cares about silly rules?’ Bron spun in a graceful pirouette that made Skye’s head swim to watch. ‘All I know is our lift buddy would top the list. And I said to Shelley today that if I bumped into him again,’ she said, taking in a deep breath and waggling her eyebrows, ‘all bets would be off. And then, you won’t believe it, when I was coming into the lodge, there he was. What are the chances of that? It’s like kismet. Anyway, his name is Adam and he’s here with his brother and nephew and the nephew’s nanny.’

  ‘Oh, I think I might have met them outside.’

  ‘He’s gorgeous, isn’t he?’

  Skye shrugged. He had been good looking, but nothing like her Adonis.

  ‘He asked us all out tonight. We’ll go, right? Please say we’ll all go?’

  Skye laughed at her friend’s pleading expression and then clutched at her head. It felt like it was about to tear in half.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ Bron asked, the dreamy look on her face changing to worried.

  ‘She’s got a bad headache,’ Shelley began, but Skye shook her head frantically behind Bron, despite the pain. She didn’t want Shelley to tell Bron she’d used magic. Bron would want to discuss it; something she definitely wasn’t up for right now. Besides, she was pretty certain what had caused the problem and wasn’t going to let it happen again, so it didn’t matter.

  Thankfully Shelley got the message.

  ‘She had a spill on Federation today and hurt her foot and bumped her head and then was stupid enough not to come in straight away and have them looked at.’

  Skye pushed up onto her elbows, trying to ignore the pounding in her head. ‘I didn’t have a spill. I was knocked over by an out-of-control snowboarder.’

  Bron knelt down beside the bed. ‘Is it bad? Has Shelley checked it out yet?’

  ‘She’s getting me some painkillers.’

  ‘What about the foot?’ She glanced at Skye’s legs. ‘You haven’t bandaged it.’

  ‘I haven’t had a chance to look at it yet,’ Shelley said, rummaging in her bag. ‘Can you do that while I get the first-aid kit?’

  ‘I’m fine,’ Skye complained. ‘You both worry too much. You’ll get wrinkles.’

  Bron stuck out her tongue. ‘For your information, I use my grandma’s herbal moisturiser, so I don’t wrinkle. Now, stop whinging and take these off so I can get a good look.’ She tugged at Skye’s ski pants.

  Knowing there was no use in arguing, Skye lifted her hips off the bed and shimmied the pants down as best she could.

  ‘Oh my god!’ Bron gasped as she saw the full extent of the damage. ‘What did he do? Whack you over the leg with his board then slice you with the edge for good measure?’ She looked up at Shelley then back at Skye. ‘It’s a pity you won’t let me do some reiki on it because this is going to ache like a bitch for days.’

  ‘Not going to happen,’ Skye growled.

  Bron looked at her, startled. ‘I know that. Jeez, a bump on the head and a bruised leg and ankle are the least of your problems. You’ve lost your sense of humour. Quick, Shells, get the laugh paddles, stat.’

  ‘Leave her alone, Bron,’ Shelley said, coming to stand beside the bed. ‘She’s touchy because the snowboarder ruined her perfect run record.’

  Bron snickered. ‘Yeah. That would do it. So we’re not going to need a humour transplant then. Just some ice packs and a bandage.’

  Bron took the bandages from Shelley and began on Skye’s foot while Shelley handed Skye a glass of water and a couple of tablets. Skye swallowed the tablets and lay back, letting Bron fuss over her.

  After a few minutes, she shoved a pillow under Skye’s foot to elevate it. ‘Doesn’t that feel better?’

  ‘Yeah, it does.’

  ‘It’s a pity I didn’t bring one of my herbal poultices with me—they’re great for inflammation and bruising,’ she mused. ‘I forgot I was coming away with a daredevil. But this will have to do.’ She cracked the icepack in her hand to mix the two chemicals and placed it over Skye’s ankle. Once done, she pouted at Skye. ‘This means no gallivanting for you tonight, I’m afraid. I’m so disappointed. I was hoping you’d be my wingman. Adam was going to take us to the Arlberg for karaoke and everything.’ She sucked in a deep breath. ‘But I’ll have to give up on that now.’

  Skye sighed as she felt the painkiller start to take a hold. ‘Why? Can’t Shelley play wingman?’

  ‘We’re not leaving you here alone.’

  ‘You’re not staying with me.’ Skye pushed up onto her elbows, but her head spun, so she lay back down. ‘I’m serious. I’m going to be as much fun as a piñata full of spiders. Go out. It’s our last night.’

  Her friends shared a look.

  ‘I’m not a child who needs taking care of. I’ll be fine.’ She ignored Shelley’s piercing stare. The pain in her head meant the spell was obviously working fine now. What had happened before had been an aberration. It wouldn’t happen again. ‘I’ll stay put and rest up like you told me to.’

  ‘Good girl.’

  ‘Are you going to pat me on the head now and tuck me in?’

  Bron chuckled, but neither of them moved.

  ‘I’m serious. Off you go.’ She pointed at the door. ‘Go out with Adam and his brother and have some flirty fun. I want all the delicious details tomorrow.’

  Bron’s eyes lit with anticipation and she turned to Shelley. ‘What do you think?’

  ‘Are you sure?’ Shelley asked, her gaze saying far more than her light tone.

  ‘I’m sure. I’m fine now. I promise.’

  Shelley nodded slowly, although she didn’t look fully convinced. ‘All right. But if you need us, give us a call.’ She waved her mobile phone.

  ‘Yes, Mum.’

  Bron chuckled and shook her head as she grabbed a towel and her toiletries bag. ‘I’m going to have a shower.’

  ‘In case I’m out like a light by the time you get back, have a fun night.’

  As the door clicked closed, Shelley said, ‘You’re a good friend.’ She placed a blanket over Skye. />
  Skye dropped the false cheer she’d put on for Bron. ‘No, I’m not. You are. Both of you.’ Tears pricked her eyes and she blinked them away. ‘Now, I don’t want to see either of you again until after midnight.’

  Shelley straightened and smiled. ‘Okay.’ She turned at the door. ‘Make sure you rest.’

  ‘The way these tablets are making me feel, I think I’ll have no choice about that.’

  Shelley blew her a kiss, turned off the light and closed the door.

  Skye shut her eyes.

  Memories of blue fire arcing from her fingers and flickering into the dark surged across her mind.

  ‘No,’ she muttered. She had to think of something else. Something that made her feel safe and warm. Actually, not warm. She didn’t want to feel warm at all. She wanted to feel cold. Ice cold.

  She grabbed the still-cold icepack from her ankle and wrapped it around her fingers, just in case.

  She closed her eyes, tentatively. Blue greeted her again, but this time it was the lightning-shot blue of the eyes that had mesmerised her this afternoon, surrounded by dark lashes, set into a face that would almost be pretty if not for the scar running through the full lips and stubborn jut of the square jaw.

  She smiled. This was an image she could safely go to sleep with.

  She filled her mind with her memory of what had happened this afternoon, the feel of him as he lay on top of her, legs tangled. As memory turned to dream, she didn’t push away like she had earlier. Instead, they were suddenly naked, the snow turning into a soft, warm bed. She stared up into those remarkable eyes, pierced to her soul by the warmth in them as he gazed down at her. His lips twitched into a crooked smile.

  ‘Skylar,’ he whispered.

  She frowned. Why had he called her that? But before she could question him further, he leaned towards her, his breath brushing over her, a thousand warm caresses along her sensitised skin. Then, in a voice that could melt even the frostiest of hearts, he murmured, ‘You’re mine.’

  In her dream, Skye murmured, ‘Yes.’

  But even in her dream, as he leaned down to claim her lips, she knew it was a lie. Her hand made a fist at her chest over the deep ache there.

  She could never belong to anyone, least of all a man like him. All she had was dreams. Deep in her subconscious, she decided to give in to the allure of this one.

  Winding her hands into the dream man’s hair, she opened her lips and poured herself into the kiss, hoping that if she gave in to her desires this once, the adrenaline rush would be enough to gain back her control.

  Chapter 3

  Jason waited in the shadows, staring at Skylar Collins’ closed door. Her friends had left with Adam, whose job it was to get any information he could from them about their friend, after which Suzie had brought Tom by to say goodnight before she tucked him into bed.

  That had been hours ago.

  He started when the door he’d been staring at for hours suddenly opened and the woman he knew had to be Skylar Collins hobbled out, a towel slung over her shoulder and a toiletries bag in her hand.

  His wolf inside came alert, watching her intently, taking note of her wild red hair and peaches-and-cream complexion with the smattering of golden freckles across her nose. Looking down at those freckles this afternoon, he’d had the absurd desire to lean forward and lick them, see if they had the tang of the caramel they so resembled.

  He swallowed hard, trying to ignore the inclination to show himself. He couldn’t, just yet. He had to be more certain before he gave her the Bond Wine.

  His gaze ran up and down the gentle curves of her lithe, athletic body. She wore a loose, oversized T-shirt that hung sexily off one shoulder, and black leggings that encased her long legs like they’d been painted on. She wore a fluffy green sock on one foot, a scarlet one with orange stripes on the other.

  Jason smiled, wondering if she was quirky or just disorganised. His wolf wanted to know. He wanted to know. But only because any information he could garner about this woman would be helpful in figuring out if she was their Pack Witch and why she hadn’t returned to them when she’d reached her majority.

  She hobbled across the hallway in front of him. He couldn’t help but notice the sway of her hips as she made her way to the bathroom.

  His mouth dried. His wolf whimpered.

  The woman swung around, wobbled, catching herself on the door jamb of the bathroom, and stared into the darkness of the hallway behind her.

  He drew back further into the shadows, pulling his aura more tightly around him. He could see the confusion in her eyes as she seemed to stare right at him.

  ‘Who’s there?’ she asked, her voice hesitant.

  He didn’t answer. This was a test. Cloaking themselves in their aura was a talent the Pack Witches had taught the Were, something that used internal energy rather than magic. However, even though the cloak’s essence wasn’t magic—if she was in control of her powers, she’d be able to see him.

  Her gaze slid away.

  His wolf whimpered again in frustration before he could muffle it. Her gaze snapped back to the shadowed corner he stood in as if she’d heard the internal sound. Then she winced, touching her head.

  ‘I heard you, Grandpa or Morrigan or whoever you are today,’ she whispered. ‘But you’re wrong. There’s nothing there.’

  Jason frowned. Who was she talking to? A familiar? Most witches he knew who had familiars usually chose an animal of some kind, but it wasn’t unheard of that a familiar could be a spirit. But if she had the power to talk to a spirit familiar, then why couldn’t she see him? What was going on here?

  After a long moment of staring into the shadows, she turned away and rubbed her eyes. ‘What the hell was in those painkillers?’ she muttered, her voice husky. ‘I think they’re making me hallucinate.’ She made a face and he heard her smack her tongue against the roof of her mouth. ‘And how can my mouth still feel like the Sahara after a full bottle of water? It’s not fair. I’ve got all the symptoms of a hangover without the fun drinks beforehand.’

  He had to bite back a laugh at her tone.

  She pushed open the bathroom door and hobbled inside. The door clicked closed behind her. He heard the sound of a shower.

  He thought of soapy water moving over that soft, creamy skin and silently cursed as his cock hardened, pressing painfully against his jeans. He tried to think of something else. It was more difficult than it should have been.

  The shower turned off after a few minutes—thank the Moon. He didn’t think he could take much more of that. Although the thought of her towelling down that delicious body was just as bad.

  Fuck. He needed a shower. An ice-cold one.

  The door opened, a steamy cloud billowing out into the hallway, filling it with the fragrance of orange and lemongrass–scented soap and herbal-fragranced shampoo. Skylar emerged behind the cloud, her wet hair pulled back into a ponytail. The severe hairstyle just emphasised the slash of her cheekbones, the rose pink of her lips, the slightly tilted almond shape of her eyes.

  He took in a sharp breath, drinking in the delicious perfume that was her essence. She was a beauty. But it was the kind of unknowing beauty that made a man tremble inside with longing to be the one to show her just how beautiful she was.

  He shook his head against the thought. That’s not what he was here for.

  She limped back to her room.

  The wolf lunged inside him, wanting him to move, to touch the silken flame that was her hair, caress the creamy skin of her shoulder exposed by the T-shirt. But he didn’t. He stood in the shadows, hands clenched to his sides.

  When she returned a moment later, he didn’t follow her. He knew she wasn’t going out—she still wore those mismatched socks and leggings.

  Before he showed himself, he had to get under control.

  Halfway down the hallway, she stopped and turned, looking right at him. ‘Look, you can see for yourself, Grandpa,’ she said, pointing at the shadowed corner Jason stood i
n. ‘There’s nothing there. Now stop making me even more paranoid than I already am and let me go and get some dinner. I’m hungry.’

  With that she turned and hobbled down the hallway towards the lounge room and kitchen.

  Jason stayed where he was, the spark of desire that had flared to life now thoroughly doused by confusion.

  She had definitely been talking to someone. Grandpa? Strange name for a familiar. Even stranger that the familiar sensed him, yet she couldn’t. And what was going on with the limping? She should have healed herself by now—unless she was hiding her abilities for some reason. Or someone was blocking them, as Adam had suggested. Although, if that were the case, he shouldn’t be able to sense magic on her at all, and yet there was a definite something emanating from her. It just wasn’t what he expected.

  None of it made sense. Unless she wasn’t Skylar Collins.

  But then, why had the dreams shown her to him and brought him here? There was also the fact she had Paul Collins’s red hair and piercing emerald green eyes and Ivy Collins’s heart-shaped face.

  And what about her scent?

  He breathed in deeply, her familiar scent still vivid among the others in the hallway. He remembered that essence emanating from the baby he’d held in his arms all those years ago, mingling with normal baby smells of powder and mother’s milk. Yet something had changed in it that had nothing to do with the fact that she was an adult now. There was something wrong with it. Almost like a hint of something dank and musty clinging to the edges. But this afternoon, that dankness hadn’t been there. Whatever was going on, he was intrigued.

  So was his wolf. It was lunging forward, trying to break out of the protection of the aura cloak, wanting to get closer. Needing to touch, to taste.


  That wasn’t what he was here for. Besides, it was ridiculous. He barely knew this woman. She certainly wasn’t his type. And yet, this afternoon, lying on top of her, her scent surrounding him, those green eyes searching his soul, the raw edge of lust had threatened to take over. He’d almost leaned forward and taken her mouth in a kiss that had nothing to do with duty to pack and everything to do with getting her into bed.


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