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Leisl Leighton - [Pack Bound 01]

Page 21

by Pack Bound (epub)

Covering herself in thoughts of ice so cold it made her shiver as it doused the fire in her hands, she yanked the door open and fell into the corridor, bouncing off the opposite wall. Pulling herself upright by sheer force of will as the backlash against her powers ramped up, she put her hand against the plaster and used it as a guide to make her way down the hall to what had once been the servants’ stairs.

  She didn’t want to see Morrigan or Alfrere again. She couldn’t bear it if they saw the spell had failed and wanted to try again. Certainly not when she was this weak.

  She swiped at her eyes, stumbled off the bottom step, down the corridor and into the kitchen and almost smacked into Ferris.

  ‘Ah, miss. I was about to bring the sandwiches up.’ He paused and put the plate in his hand down on the bench. ‘Are you quite all right?’

  Skye nodded, still shivering from the cold she’d shrouded herself in. ‘I’ll be completely fine in a few minutes.’ Her eyes flitted to the sandwiches. ‘It was so nice of you to make those, but I—’

  ‘I think you need more than sandwiches. These should help with that.’ He disappeared into the pantry and was back a moment later with a bar of chocolate and a bottle of flavoured water with minerals in it. ‘Promise me you’ll eat the chocolate and drink the water on the way home. After what Alfrere did to you, you need to hydrate yourself and you definitely need more sugar.’

  ‘You know about the magic?’ she stuttered.

  ‘Of course. Harrison and I were friends. I know much of what has gone on.’

  ‘Are you a warlock, too?’

  ‘No, miss. I have no powers to speak of.’

  She gripped his hand before taking the chocolate and water from him. ‘I don’t think that’s true. Loyalty and friendship. They have their own special power, don’t you think?’

  He smiled at her. ‘Don’t worry. Everything will turn out for the best.’

  ‘I hope so, Ferris. I truly hope so.’

  Cool rose-and jasmine-scented air wrapped around her as she stepped out the door. She broke into a stumbling run towards her car, desperate to get away from the house, from all the things she could hardly bear thinking of. But she had to think of them. She had to find a way to keep everyone safe. She had to go to Jason and ask to look at her father’s diaries.

  Pain spiked through her head again—her grandpa’s spell might not be working properly, but it still wouldn’t let her think about certain things. She’d learned from that pain not to think about magic for years. Now, she had to learn to think past it. She couldn’t allow herself to be bludgeoned into ignorance anymore. She just wished there was a way to undo that part of the spell without releasing more of her magic. If Morrigan and Alfrere had been clear on one thing, it was that she could never use her magic. It was far too dangerous to be set free.

  As she rounded the corner at the front of the house, the dog that had been howling gave a joyous yelp. Its master must have come home.

  ‘That must be nice,’ she whispered to herself. ‘To be loved like that must be nice.’

  Without looking back at the house or out into the night, she hurried to her car. Just as she got to it, a brilliant flash of light caught her eye and she turned to see Jason stepping out of the shadows of the garden, gloriously naked.

  She edged back, eyes wide as she realised he must have just changed from a wolf. It had been him howling.

  ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘I followed you. You were upset. I had to make certain you were okay.’

  ‘It was you watching me before?’

  He nodded.

  ‘Have you been following me all this time? I thought …’ She sighed, turning back to look at the house. Then she laughed, a little burble of sound. ‘Maybe it’s not as bad as they thought,’ she murmured.

  Jason frowned. ‘I haven’t been following you, Skye. I tracked you at the snow and then to here, but when I know how to find you, where you live and work, when I can feel you through the Alpha–Pack Witch bond, what would be the point of following you?’

  Her laughter died, the light in her eyes with it as she turned back to face him. ‘Oh, God. They’re right.’ She took in a shuddering breath, her eyes two pools of emerald-shaded sorrow in the dark. ‘I wish it had been you following me. It would have made things so much easier.’ Her gaze fluttered over him and then darted away. ‘Do you know you’re naked?’

  He bent to pick up a pair of tracksuit pants he’d stolen off the washing line at the back of the house after he’d given up trying to break through the protective barrier that had surrounded the house when she was inside. ‘My clothes disintegrate in the change.’


  ‘Who lives in that house, Skye? They put up a barrier I couldn’t get through. It was torture feeling your pain through the bond and not being able to get to you. What were they doing to you in there? Why did it feel like you were dying?’

  Jason knew the questions were wrong the moment they popped out of his mouth, but he couldn’t help it. What he’d felt when she was inside the house was too violent to be laid aside. Fear was still a tangible bitterness in his throat.

  Now that she stood in front of him, the urge to go to her, to wrap her in his arms and protect her from everything, was almost overwhelming. But he held back. Something had changed in her in that house tonight—he could smell it on her. She was worse than she’d been when she’d gone in. At least then, she’d only been confused and a little frightened. Now her grief pummelled at him. And something about her aura was off. The vibrations rubbed him raw.

  ‘Who lives in that house?’ he asked again when she simply stared at him.

  ‘My grandmother.’

  ‘So you said. But that isn’t possible. Your grandmother died years ago after running away from her responsibilities to the pack.’

  ‘No. My grandparents saved me. Morrigan is alive. She’s looked after River and me since our parents died.’

  ‘This makes no sense. Her body was found six months after she went missing.’ He shook his head. ‘That can’t be your grandmother in there.’

  ‘It is. I promise you. I even look a little like her.’ She looked back at the house. ‘She ran from your pack to save her son. She saved River and me.’ She swallowed loudly, as she turned back to him. ‘She told me the truth today. I—I need to share it with you.’ She glanced back at the house. ‘But not here. I have to get away from here.’

  He moved towards her, but she stepped back, coming up against the door of her car. His heart wrenched in his chest. ‘Please don’t be afraid of me.’

  She bit her lip. ‘I can’t help it. My fear of dogs and magic is long ingrained. I’m not sure how I’ll ever get past them.’

  ‘Will you try?’

  She took so long to answer that he didn’t think she was going to, but when he heard her soft ‘Yes’ he almost fell to his knees before her.

  He closed his eyes and whispered to the moon, ‘Thank you.’

  ‘I need to go.’

  He opened his eyes. Her pale face glimmered in the dark gloom of the stormy sky, her eyes wide and luminous as she looked at him. He could still see fear, but he could also see so much more. The fear he could get past now she was willing to help him. But the rest? There was something there that worried at his soul. Despite her answer, he felt her pulling away from him.

  He couldn’t let her go.

  ‘I’ll take you home.’

  ‘No. Not home. It isn’t safe for me there. It isn’t safe for Bron and Shelley for me to be there.’

  ‘Why do you say that?’

  She shook her head again. ‘I’ll explain. But we need to go to your place. They won’t be able to find me there.’

  ‘Who won’t?’

  ‘The rogue coven. They know where I live. They’ve been watching me. It’ll be safer at your place for the time being. I don’t think they’ll look there for me yet. Besides, I want to read the diaries you told me about, find out more about the Curse and about my powers. So, take
me to your house and I’ll tell you what my grandmother told me and you can tell me your side of the story and we’ll go from there.’

  He had no idea what she was talking about, but he was more than happy to have her in the safety of his house. ‘Give me your keys. You’re obviously in no state to drive.’

  She held out her hand and he took the keys from her, trying not to touch her because she was trembling.

  A slow, cold burn began as he watched her walk slowly and mechanically to the passenger door. It froze his insides, yet his skin burned, like it was on fire. The urge to lash out at something was almost overwhelming. Curling his fingers into his palm, he clenched his teeth shut against the roar clawing to make its way out.

  His wolf wanted release and it wanted it now. But she was still afraid of him, afraid of his wolf, and he didn’t want to increase the turmoil of emotion he could sense so clearly through the mating bond. He couldn’t turn into a wolf in front of her any time soon.

  First, he had to find a way to help her gain back her memories, learn how to harness her powers, then unblock them with Cordy’s spell.

  When that was done, and the Curse was no more, he could show her the bliss, the gift that was their mating. He would shower her with his love until fear was not this brand of ice-cold fire between them. Until then, his wolf must remain trapped inside.

  Chapter 15

  ‘You don’t understand. I can’t be your Pack Witch.’ Skye stopped pacing to stare at Jason, who had just finished telling his side of the story.

  He looked at her, his gaze steady, but she could see the hurt, the worry, in his eyes. ‘You are our Pack Witch as your father was before you. And we don’t just need you to share your power with us to help break the Curse, we need you to be a part of the pack.’

  ‘But can’t you find another witch or warlock to help you?’

  ‘No.’ He sat forward, hands clasped on his knees as if begging her to understand. ‘Each pack was tied to certain covens, made up of half-a-dozen old families, so their power could be distributed evenly through the pack without the burden being on one or two individuals. But Bridgette Collier was so powerful, as were her children, that there was no need to tie any other witches or warlocks to our pack. Her children married humans already aware of our secret, as did their children’s children, the power in their bloodline never fading, so there were no blood ties to other covens.’

  ‘But didn’t anyone see the danger in tying yourself to only one bloodline?’ Shelley asked.

  ‘The Colliere coven was always so strong, its numbers only dwindled in the last few generations. But even then we didn’t think to worry until the Curse came into effect when Skye’s father was killed and she was stolen from us.’ He turned to face Skye again. ‘So, you see, you are our only hope.’

  Skye’s mind spun. ‘But I can’t stay. I’m not safe.’

  ‘That’s because you don’t know how to use your powers,’ Bron interrupted.

  Skye glared at her. ‘Explain to me why you’re here again?’

  Bron flashed her a suck-it-up grin. ‘Because we were with Adam when Jason called to tell him where you were going and what you were doing, and I’m a big sticky beak who can’t keep her nose out of someone else’s business.’

  Skye’s lips twitched despite herself. ‘I wish you’d go. It’s not safe—’

  ‘Blah, blah, blah, rogue coven, blah, blah, blah, dangerous. You’ve told us already but it doesn’t matter. We’re not going anywhere, are we, Shells?’

  Shelley shook her head.

  ‘Adam said your father was training you to take over from him before he was killed. So, there’s knowledge in there somewhere. You just have to remember.’

  Skye rubbed at her aching head. ‘But I don’t remember. I’ve never been able to remember anything before the accident. Morrigan said it was post-traumatic stress. I—’

  She was interrupted by a growl. Surprised, she turned to stare at Adam. His usual cocky smile was missing. In its place was a look so vicious it made her take a step back.

  ‘Adam? What’s wrong?’

  ‘Post-traumatic stress? Are we supposed to believe that?’

  ‘It’s what they told me.’

  ‘But why should we believe them?’ he sneered.

  Do you think I would have kept knowledge from my granddaughter that might have helped her control her magic? If she’d remembered any of her training, we might never have needed to bind her magic like we did.

  Adam stiffened, as did Jason and Bron, as they all heard Harrison’s words.

  ‘Shelley, are you doing that?’ Bron asked.

  ‘Doing what?’ Adam asked.

  ‘She’s being a conduit between Harrison’s spirit and us, so we can hear him.’

  Shelley nodded, her face drawn, lips white. ‘I can’t do it for long. Especially with Skye here. She keeps pushing him away and it’s draining to keep him tethered to me.’

  ‘It’s hurting you,’ Adam protested, reaching forward to grasp her arms.

  She jerked away from him. ‘I’m fine. Besides, this isn’t about me. We were talking about Skye and why Harrison and Morrigan bound her magic.’

  ‘Her power is supposed to be shared. That’s the way it’s been ever since the pact was made.’ Adam turned, speaking to the air. ‘Perhaps her power is so wild because she hasn’t had anyone to channel it to. Have you thought of that?’

  I didn’t know about this side of it. Morrigan didn’t speak about her family very often. And when you failed to protect my son, I’m afraid I didn’t trust you to protect Skye and her brother as well.

  ‘What about the Curse? She had to know taking Skye would set it off.’

  ‘She didn’t tell me about that at the time, but from what she said tonight, she didn’t think it would as long as Skye was safe.’

  ‘But it has come on, slowly, but inexorably,’ Jason said, arms crossed, face grim. ‘Could that be because Skye wasn’t safe?’

  ‘But that’s the very point I’m making,’ Skye said.

  ‘We’ll take care of the rogue coven,’ Jason said, his jaw firm. ‘There’s no need to leave because of that. We’ll keep you safe.’

  Skye threw her hands up in the air. ‘You’re not listening to me. I’m not safe. I’m a danger to all of you. Even if the rogue coven wasn’t after me, I’m still a danger because I’ve got the power of two inside me—a killing amount of power—and I don’t know how to control it. The only solution is to find you another Pack Witch to bind to you, and then I have to go.’

  ‘No. Don’t you know what that will do to m— to us?’ Jason’s voice was husky with tension.

  Tears burnt Skye’s eyes as she looked at him. He was so beautiful, and yet that wasn’t why she was drawn to him beyond all reason. That he had turned into a wolf didn’t seem to matter anymore. But she couldn’t give in to her need for him. He didn’t understand.

  Pain thumped sickeningly in her head and she gripped the back of the lounge to steady herself as she met his gaze. ‘I don’t want to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you. I’m so sorry. But we have to find some other way around the Curse.’

  ‘There is no other way.’ Jason stood, came around the lounge and took her hand, coaxing her from behind it, pulling her down beside him, but she resisted. ‘Please, let me explain.’

  She sat, but pulled her hand from his. ‘I think I understand everything you’ve told me.’

  ‘I don’t think you do. The reason for the Curse was to make certain no pack ever takes their coven for granted. Your health and happiness is tied into ours. If you’re on the run, in danger, it wouldn’t matter if you found some way to give us power, the Curse would still be in place because the rogue coven is truly a danger to you. That’s why the Curse activated when your grandparents took you from us—because we were no longer responsible for your protection. If you don’t let us protect you now, then it will hit us in truth and we will all die. River will die.’

  ‘River? But why? He gets some of my
power through the twin bond. And he’s been with me all this time.’

  He grabbed her shoulders, looked deeply into her eyes. ‘He’s Were. If he’s not actively looking after your wellbeing, then the Curse will get him too, no matter how much power you funnel into him. And given he’s not changed in all these years, he’s in more immediate danger of falling prey to it than any of us. Do you understand why you can’t leave now?’

  She paused, rubbed at her aching head. ‘I don’t know … I can’t think.’

  He’s right, Skye. I thought that having Alfrere bind you again and then running from the rogue coven was the only solution, but I had no idea about any of this. The fact the power swapping between the Were and their Pack Witches is so symbiotic might make all the difference in making your powers more stable.

  Hope fluttered in her chest. ‘What do you mean?’ she breathed.

  I think the Were are a channel for you—Jason in particular. Your power settles around him, becomes more fluid and malleable. That could make a difference even against the rogue coven.

  Jason nodded, leaning forward, his hands clenched before him. ‘Cordy said something similar. She told me I was Skye’s channel. She flamed out at the snow only because the Alpha–Pack Witch bond came into effect so suddenly.’

  ‘I lashed out at you this morning with my power. I wasn’t stable then.’

  ‘No. But I frightened you. It was a reflex. Your hind brain at work, so to speak. You didn’t try to fry me when you saw me at your grandmother’s house.’

  Jason’s blue gaze was hot on Skye, never wavering. She realised with a thump of her heart that he was sending her a message. He would never let her go. He would find a way that meant she didn’t have to leave. He was the Alpha. It was his responsibility to look after his pack.

  And his Pack Witch.

  The thought tore her in two even though she knew she should be grateful he felt nothing more for her than he did for any of his pack. Turning her mind away from the futile thoughts, she tried to concentrate on what her grandpa was saying.

  The problem is, something has changed in the spell I wove into her magic to lock it. I’m not sure how or why, but it’s resisting Alfrere’s spell—which it shouldn’t have done.


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