Pretend You’re Mine: A curvy girl romance

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Pretend You’re Mine: A curvy girl romance Page 14

by Laurent, River

  "You can start," he said as he walked in with his plate. "I know you want to. You never could wait."

  "Hey, I've grown up a lot, thank you very much."

  "So, you weren't thinking about digging into the food, but fighting yourself because you know it's rude?"

  "Fuck off."

  Dane snickered as he settled into bed.

  I sipped at the coffee he'd put on my tray and hummed. Even that was perfect. He must have paid attention to the way I made it. This man really was perfect for me.

  If only I could have him for real.


  "Are you getting ready?"

  "Yes," I called.

  We'd spent not only the morning, but the afternoon together too. Lunch had been great, a picnic and a quiet little spot out in the woods to eat it.

  Of course, it hadn't ended up that way. I still remembered picking the leaves off of my knees after Dane bent me over and fucked me to within an inch of my life. My legs still wanted to refuse to work properly after that, and he got a real kick out of it.

  "Are you sure you don't need help?"

  "The only thing I need you to do is mind your own business," I retorted. I checked myself out in the mirror. The dress was dark blue and clung to my curves in all the right places. Cleavage spilled out of the top. I'd worn a pair of nice heels and a choker wound its way around my throat.

  When I stepped into the living room, Dane stopped cracking jokes and stared.

  "What's the matter?" I asked as I propped a hand on my hip. "Cat got your tongue?"


  "I what?" I asked as I pretended I had no idea what his problem was. "Are you ready to go?"

  "We're just going to pretend that you don't look like that?"

  "Like what?"

  Dane came forward and wrapped an arm around my waist. His lips trailed a series of kisses down my throat before he nipped my collarbone.

  I tried to suppress my reaction, but it was hard to do when he kept hitting my sensitive spots. I squirmed against him and felt the hard press of his cock against my belly.

  "You look good enough to eat," he breathed against my ear. "Do you think we have time for a round three? I promise I won’t ruin your make-up and I won’t go hard. It’ll just be a little thing so I’m not salivating for you all night."

  "There's nothing little about you, and I have to wear these heels for the rest of the night."

  "I won't go as hard as earlier, I promise,” he said persuasively. “Come on, all you have to do is let me lift this and...Jesus Christ, Savvy! You’re not wearing any panties."

  I grinned as his fingers brushed over my bare pussy. "No, I'm not. I figured if you were a good boy tonight, I'd let you bend me over somewhere."

  "God, Savvy, you can't say shit like that and not let me have a little taste. I could just get on my knees and eat you out right here and no one would ever know."

  "You aren't even supposed to be having tastes, cut that out!" I laughed as I smacked his hand.

  Dane rubbed his fingers over my clit. I moaned and jutted my hips backward. He stroked me until I was a shivering mess tucked against his body and he rubbed his cock against me just to show me there was much more waiting. A fire consumed every inch of me and I panted as he rubbed me into a frenzy. Just when I felt a climax coming while standing up, right there in the living room, he stopped and pulled away from me.

  "What the hell?"

  "If I have to wait, so do you." He grinned as he raised his fingers and licked them clean, one by one.

  "I hate you."

  "Say it like you mean it, baby."

  I shook my head at him. He really knew how to get to me when he wanted to. I quickly shuffled into the bathroom and cleaned myself up. When I emerged, I was only mildly turned on and that was the best it was going to get. "Let's go," I said as I grabbed his arm. "If you start up with me again, I swear I'll bite you."

  That smug look had returned to Dane's face. "Who said I wouldn't want you to bite me? You can bite wherever you want."

  "We're supposed to be going to the party, not getting into bed again. Let's go before I tell Robert that you're skipping his party to get in my pants again."

  "He'd understand. I mean, look at you."

  My cheeks flared. He loved to see me embarrassed. He was the only man I'd ever met that made me feel like I was still in high school and had some ridiculous crush on the best-looking guy in school. My heart sped up when he took my hand. I smiled as we walked out of the door. What was he doing to me?

  "The last party before the wedding," Dane said, interrupting my thoughts.

  "Yeah," I said and frowned a little.

  "What's wrong?" he asked immediately

  "Oh, nothing. I'm fine."

  Dane looked at me closely, but I'd replaced the frown with a smile as we walked to the party. I didn't want him to know I felt upset about it all. Once this party was done, all we'd have left was the wedding and the flight home. Then my life would go back to its boring routine and so would this fabulous adventure with him. Would he even talk to me afterward? Or would it go back to the way things had been before? I couldn't stand the thought of not being able to talk to him.

  "There you two are!" Robert called as he waved us over. "I thought I was going to have to drag both of you out of the cottage. How are you doing today, Savannah my dear?"

  I smiled at him. "I'm fine. Really."

  "I really am sorry about that bastard last night."

  I waved a hand. "No need to apologize. Dane took care of it and I'm fine now. Things happen that you can't control. I don't want you to feel responsible for it. This is your wedding. You should be focused on your new wife and this killer party."

  "Almost wife." Robert grinned. "She loves to remind me of that. Speaking of Catherine, there she is."

  She walked over in a long white dress that had a long slit up the side. Her hair piled on top of her head and she was draped in expensive looking jewelry. When she reached Robert, she wrapped her arms around his and leaned against him. "Hey, Dane."

  Dane nodded. "Good to see you. I could use a drink. Savannah?"

  "Oh yeah, grab me something too, please. Anything you're having."

  "Okay baby. I'll be back." Dane kissed my cheek sweetly.

  I relaxed at the way he kissed me in front of Catherine. She still obviously had it out for me; greeting him, but pretending that I didn't exist. I refused to let her get to me. Instead, I simply smiled as he walked away and turned back to them.

  "You two are so cute together," Catherine drawled. "I think it's adorable when people have those little relationships like you guys."

  "Well," I ruffled. "Not so little considering the ring." I showed it off to her. "Remember? We're engaged."

  "Right? How could I forget?"

  I reminded myself it would be a horrible idea to smack the bride so I simply smiled at her. Whatever her problem was, she would have to give it up sooner or later. After all, she was getting married and soon. How much longer could she actually toy with the idea of trying to get Dane? Clearly, he didn't want her and she was running out of time.

  "When are the two of you going to get married?" Robert asked.

  "We're not sure yet. Dane's so busy with his work and all that we figure it might take a while to get everything planned out."

  "I'll be there whenever it happens for sure. We both will."

  I smiled. "That would be amazing."

  Dane came back and handed me a drink with some green liquid in it.

  I sipped at it cautiously. It wasn't anything I'd ever tasted before, kind of sweet and fruity. I liked it.

  "Did I pick right?"

  "I love it. You have great taste, as usual."

  "I'm with you, aren't I?"

  My face turned red and I quickly sipped at my drink again, to avoid having to say a word.

  The music pumped from the huge stereo. They had a live DJ that played different music.

  Once the small talk with
the happy couple was over, Dane nudged me with his shoulder. "Want to dance?"

  "Yeah." I smiled. "I'd love to dance."


  He took my hand and pulled me into the crowd. We disappeared amongst the throng of people. Somewhere in the middle, he turned around and pulled me against his body. We swayed to the music and I smiled as I tucked my face against his body. He ran a hand down my back and pulled me closer against him as we moved across the dance floor.

  "You're actually not horrible," I said with a laugh.

  "You know if you keep getting surprised that I don't suck at everything, I'm going to get really offended."

  "What happens when you get offended?"

  "It depends. If they turn out to be as cute as you, I’d put them over my knee and spank them for insulting me."

  "You're kinda okay in bed too."

  "Now, we both know you're lying out of your ass."

  We cracked up as he pulled me closer and held me against him.

  Being held in his arms, oh yes, I could really get used to it. The more he touched me and took care of me the more I could see myself wanting it all the time. It was addictive.

  He was addictive.

  I wasn't sure how long we danced, but we did to everything. Slow music, fast songs, it didn't matter. And Dane actually kept up with me. He shed his jacket and just wore his button up with his sleeves rolled up his forearms. It was my all-time favorite look on him. I licked my lips, already hungry to get back to the cottage and have that round three.

  "I need to go to the bathroom," I whispered in his ear after the fourth cocktail he secured for me. "I'll be right back."

  "I'll be here waiting."

  I nodded, the music was too loud to keep trying to get to his ear. I moved through the crowd and headed for the bathroom. Once I was done, I tidied up my makeup a bit and felt rejuvenated. I was ready to dance with Dane all night. When I made my way back to the dance floor I froze. Dane was dancing with Catherine and they laughed as they did. I frowned. Why the hell does he have to even dance with her?

  My hand clenched tightly as I watched how much fun they looked like they were having. I didn't want him to enjoy it so much. I knew she'd probably asked and he was being polite to his best friends' fiancée, but I only wanted him to smile that much with me and no one else.

  "Looks like the two of them are hitting it off," Robert said as he watched them dance.

  I searched his face. I thought maybe he was a little oblivious, but as I watched the concern on his face, I realized that he wasn't as naive as I thought. Even he must have known what his fiancée was up to, but I guess he trusted Dane. And I would too. "Yeah. The music is pretty good."

  Robert smiled. "Want to dance?"

  I took his outstretched hand. "Sure. I'd love to dance."

  We moved to the dance floor and he spun me around before he pulled me back to him. I laughed and forgot about my jealousy for a minute. As we danced, I relaxed. Robert really was a good guy. I could see why Dane liked him so much.

  "So, you and Dane," he mused. "I never thought I'd see him settle down, but he seems to do it for you with no problem."

  "You think so?" I laughed.

  "Yeah. I mean he was pretty much always a player and he used to drive women insane with that. Then he met you and it's like he's a completely different person. I've never seen him so happy."

  "You're serious?"

  Robert nodded. "Really. I think you're good for him. Usually, he's either on his own or in a string of pointless relationships that everyone knows aren't going to work out, but I think he deliberately chose those, so they wouldn’t interfere with his work or distract him too much."

  "Was that what happened with him and Catherine?"

  "Yeah, pretty much. I knew Dane was done with the relationship before he even knew. She's not what he needs. He needs someone that's going to stay on top of him, but still knows how to let him lead every once in a while. As much as he swears he doesn't, Dane loves a challenge. He always has."

  I smiled. Robert was right about that. Every time I stood up to him, I watched him grin and then he was ready to throw me down and have his way with me. He definitely had a thing for a fiery personality which was a good thing because I didn't know how to temper mine. "Yes, he's a great guy," I said wishfully.

  "He is. And I'm glad that he has you. It's obvious how much in love you are with him."

  I jolted. "What do you mean?"

  Robert blinked down at me. "It's the way you look at him. Every time he talks, it's like you're stuck on every word.”

  Is that true? I didn't think I was that obvious. The more I thought about it though, the more I realized it was something a lot bigger than I’d originally thought it could be. I'd tried to hide it, but it looked like I had completely failed there. My cheeks flared as I thought about Dane and the way I must have been staring at him lately. "It's really that obvious?"

  He laughed. "Way more than you can possibly imagine. It's so easy to see when someone's in love."

  In love? There was no way I was in love with him! Was there? I knew there was a tinge of something there. A crush, or lust, or something like that, but love?

  Yes, Robert was right, I do love him. Dammit! The thought smacked me in the chest and I realized without a doubt that it was true. When I was away from him, I wanted to be back near him again. When I thought about Dane, I was happier and I even found myself sometimes smiling to myself and thinking about him. I loved him. It had slipped up on me slowly and now I knew how much I wanted him. Am I supposed to tell him? What would he say? What if he disappeared again?

  “Hey,” Robert broke into my thoughts, “it’s the same with Dane too. When he looks at you, it's just all smiles and laughs. And the way he tore into Matt last night. I’ve never seen him like that. Dane’s always been a cool guy, but I thought he was going to kill that guy. You two were definitely meant for each other."

  The song ended and I smiled up at Robert. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome. It was a good dance."

  I just smiled at him. He'd helped me with a lot more than just a dance and he didn't even know it. Maybe one day, I'd get to tell him and thank him properly, but at that moment, I needed to find Dane and tell him how I felt. Even if the thought terrified me.

  "Where did they go?" I asked as I glanced around the party.

  "Probably went to go get a drink? Or, they ended up dancing somewhere else? This crowd is crazy."

  "I'll see if I can find them."

  "When you do, tell Catherine to meet me by the bar, that is if I don't see her first."

  "No problem."

  I trekked through the party and stopped off at the bar first. Neither of them were there. I figured they'd found someplace to sit, or they wanted to talk away from all the noise of the giant speakers. It had started to even rattle my nerves.

  My legs took me out of the party, to the quietness of the garden. The sound was kind of toned down there and I decided to look around just in case. When my eyes landed on them I smiled, but my smile froze.

  Something looked wrong with the picture in front of me. Catherine stood way too close to Dane with her hand on his arm as she glanced up at him. The look in her eyes was familiar. The desperation and love clear even in the moonlight that illuminated the flowers and trees.

  "What's wrong?" Dane asked.

  "I've just been meaning to tell you something all this time."

  "Tell me what?"

  "I love you, Dane."

  Dane stood there and stared, but he said nothing in return.

  I wanted to scream at him. Why didn't he shove her away? Or tell her to fuck off? Or remind her that she was getting married to a great guy? Did he really have feelings for her even though he denied them?

  I bet that's exactly what it was. He wanted her and I did exactly what he hired me to do. All he needed me for was to make her jealous and get his dick wet on the side.

  Anger and betrayal bubbled in my chest. I wanted
to rip her to shreds and lay into him. How dare he string me along? I watched, as the situation only grew worse. Catherine leaned forward, pushed herself onto her toes, and leaned in to kiss him.

  I wanted to see no more.

  I wasn't sure I could take it. I turned on my heels and stormed off as my eyes teared up. The last thing I wanted to see was her lips pressed against his. The tears I tried to force down broke free and streamed down my face. My heart felt like it was ready to shatter.


  When Catherine said she felt faint, I figured getting her away from the party would be the best thing to do. She suggested the garden and I escorted her there so she could sit down and regain herself. I'd even run and gotten her a cup of water. I should have called Robert, but I never thought I would be on the receiving end of a scam.

  All of it was apparently bullshit.

  The minute she stood up, I was worried she might fall, so I let her hold onto my arm. And then she dropped her bombshell on me. Right on top of my head. I wanted to slap her spoilt little face. Who the hell thought they could kiss someone else the night before their wedding? What Robert saw in her I would never know. She chose her wedding party to tell me she was in love with me?

  I was so shocked I couldn’t even speak.

  I had no idea it went that far. If anything, I thought it was a pointless little crush, one that would die when she saw how crazy I was about Savannah. One, I stupidly thought would be crushed out before she walked down the aisle. I hadn't given her a minute to think that I was interested in her in anyway, so I wasn't sure why she still tried so hard.

  Then she tried to kiss me. I yanked away when I heard a weird sound.


  She rushed away from us and I knew she'd seen everything. It must have looked horrible, but I didn’t run after her immediately. "What the hell is your problem?" I snapped at Catherine.

  I knew I needed to finally have a conversation with Catherine. I had to solve this ridiculous problem of her thinking she was in love with me. I owed that much to Robert… but only after I found Savannah and explained about what she thought she saw.


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