Pretend You’re Mine: A curvy girl romance

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Pretend You’re Mine: A curvy girl romance Page 17

by Laurent, River

"Tell them what?"

  "You know, that you brought me here to be your fake fiancée? I'm wondering if one day, you're going to spill the beans and let them know what this really is."

  "One day for sure, but in the future, far in the future. The last thing I want to do is tell them now when their wedding is tomorrow and they have enough stress on their minds. Besides, I'm pretty sure Robert will get a kick out of it one day, but I don't want him to think that I thought he was so silly that I had to go to crazy lengths you know? So, one day."

  "I don't blame you honestly. I think it's a smart decision."

  "I have something to ask you. What do you want this thing between us to be?"

  "What do you mean?"

  " Now that we've said I love you, where does that leave us?"

  "I guess I didn't really think about it. I mean I knew what I felt for you but that was as far as I got with the thought really. What do you think?"

  I smiled. "You want to know something? I never forgot about you."

  Savannah blinked. "You didn't?"

  I shook my head. "Every once in a while you'd pop into my head, randomly. Other times, I couldn't stop thinking about you to the point where I was tempted to track you down and call you. I found your Facebook page once and messaged you, but I erased it all and backed off again."

  "Why?" Savannah whispered. "Didn't you think I might have been missing you too?"

  "I thought you'd be pissed at me for not calling you back. I guess I always felt guilty for hurting you. For sacrificing you at the altar of my ambition. I convinced myself that you had moved on, found someone good for you and that you were happy. That's all I wanted was for you to be happy in life."

  My fingers caressed her cheek and she laid her hand on top of mine. I couldn't believe she loved me the way that I loved her. After years of being apart, I wasn't about to let her slip through my fingers again. I ached for her for so long, I needed her in the worst ways.

  "I can't believe you thought of me for all that time." She smiled. "I used to do the same thing with you. I couldn't get you out of my mind."

  "See? I think that means we were supposed to be together." I took her hands in mine. "So, what do you say? Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

  Savannah's grin widened. "Yeah, I think I'd love that."

  I leaned forward and captured her lips. The kiss quickly turned heated as our lips crashed together. Our tongues slipped inside and explored each other's mouths. My fingers pushed through her hair and she tangled hers into mine too.

  Her breathing was shallow and fast as she pulled back and looked up at me through hooded lids. "I love you so much, Dane. I can't even imagine being without you. I was so used to being on my own that I never thought I'd want this. With you though? I want it more than anything in the world."

  "I know exactly how you feel. I want to be near you all the time. It's ridiculous." I laughed. "As soon as you're gone, I start thinking about you. I've never been that way with anyone before. I don't know what you do to my head."

  She grinned. "It's a talent."

  "So arrogant." I sighed. "How's your ankle?"

  Savannah rolled it before she stretched and flexed her foot cautiously.

  When she didn't wince, I took it as a good sign that the ice pack had helped.

  She smiled. "Much better. It was just a light twist really. I knew it wouldn't last too long. I mean it'll be a little sore but that's probably about it."


  "Can you help me with something?"

  "Name it, baby."

  "Can you help me into the bathroom for a shower? I've been rolling around in the dirt and I don't want to smell like it anymore."

  "What? You don't like smelling of grass and dirt? How weird?"

  Savannah slapped my chest. "Help me up, you asshole."

  Instead of helping her up, I scooped her up into my arms again.

  She didn't protest. She wrapped her arms around my neck and nuzzled against me.

  I loved how affectionate she could be when she wanted to. She stroked my neck, my arms, and my shoulders until I sat her down and started up the bath. As I adjusted the water, I jumped up and spun around. "Did you just grab my ass?"

  "I did." She grinned. "I told you before, I think it's perfect. How could I resist when my boyfriend is bent over that way?"

  "We've been officially boyfriend and girlfriend for all of five minutes and you're already pulling girlfriend crap. What the hell did I get myself into?"

  "Hmm…me?" Savannah's hand reached out. She dragged her fingers down my stomach then pushed them back up and underneath my shirt. Her nails scratched over my skin and I shuddered.

  My hips jutted forward on their own and she used that perfect opportunity to cup my dick through my pants and give it a friendly squeeze. "What are you doing?" I asked breathlessly.

  "What does it look like I'm doing?"

  Before I could answer, she unzipped my pants and worked my cock free. Gripping the base, she pushed my already hardening length between her lips. Savannah's cheeks caved and she started to suck and slurp like she had a point to prove.

  "Shit," I hissed as I gripped the sink counter to help keep me standing up. "That's so good."

  Savannah only replied with a hum. It vibrated up my shaft and gripped me by the balls. She truly was perfect in every single way. Not only was she sweet, loving and kick-ass she was hot as hell too. My hand gathered her hair and made sure it stayed out of her face as she sucked me off.

  Her movements shifted from nice and slow to hard and fast. My hips thrust into her mouth. I felt the moment my dick hit her throat as she opened wide and accepted my cock. Her tongue caressed and lavished me as her fingers massaged and squeezed my balls.

  "Savannah." A jolt of electricity shot through me. My hips bucked and I felt the orgasm explode out of me. My body shook as I tried to regain myself and she slowly pulled back.

  Savannah gazed up at me as she swallowed every drop.

  I had to hold onto the sink to keep from losing my footing.

  Her eyes were glittering triumphantly. Savannah was a little demon in disguise.

  God, was I glad she was mine.


  I adjusted my dress and walked with Dane to the wedding. The ceremony really was beautiful, everything decked out beautifully. The ceremony was held inside, but the reception was out in the garden and…it was perfect.

  I glanced over at Catherine and Robert. She sipped from a glass of champagne and gazed at him lovingly. We had more in common than I thought. We both could have missed out on the best men around if we didn't give in and stop being so stubborn. And now? We were both happy.

  Dane kissed my neck and wrapped an arm around me as he handed me a glass of champagne. "Sure you're feeling okay?"

  I nodded. "Perfect. Not even a little throb."

  "That's what I like to hear."

  He kept an arm around my waist casually, but I knew it was anything but that. As soon as he'd asked me out it was like he couldn't get enough of touching me, being near me. I loved it. The way he treated me felt as if he couldn't live without being near me, and I soaked in that feeling of being wanted and needed. It felt good.

  "They look happy, don't they?" I asked as I nodded toward the happy couple. They smashed cake into each other's faces and everyone cheered.

  "They do look happy. Do you think you'll ever want to get married someday?"

  "You know if you'd asked me before we came here I would have laughed and said no way in hell. Now?" I shrugged. "Who knows what the universe has in store."

  Dane nodded, but he said nothing.

  I curiously raised a brow, but if something was on his mind, he definitely wasn't giving it away.

  We sipped our drinks until they were gone, then we joined everyone else on the dance floor.

  I was pretty sure I'd never get tired of dancing with Dane. From slow songs where I got to be held in his big, strong arms to the fast songs where I got to tease and grind agai
nst him. I never grew bored of it. We moved until both of us were tired.

  Robert walked over and clapped Dane on the shoulder as we sat down to take a breather. "I'm so glad you were able to come." He grinned. "This day wouldn't have been the same without you."

  "Someone's drunk," Dane teased as he stood up and shook Robert's hand hard. "I'm glad I could make it too. The two of you make an amazing couple."

  They hugged.

  My eyes teared up at the sight of them. I happened to glance over and Catherine was the same. We smiled at each other and I wondered if we'd end up being really great friends in the future. The only way to tell was to just let it happen.

  "We're sneaking out early on our honeymoon, but I’ve had everything set up for you."

  "Thank you. I'll see you in the city soon."

  Dane and I happily clapped the bride and groom out as they headed for their limo. They weren't going to waste any time it seemed. Once they were headed for the airport, Dane took my hand.

  I gazed up at him. "What did he set up for you?"


  "Back at the table Robert said he had everything set up for you. What did he mean?"

  Dane shrugged.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. It was clear that something was going on. He took my hand and kissed the back of it which made me relax a bit. I had to learn to trust him. He loved me. He would never hurt me.

  "Let's get out of here. I don't know about you but my body is killing me."

  I sighed. "Same. I'm ready for a hot bath and a glass of wine."

  “Hey, I was thinking when we get back, we should go on a real date.”

  I smiled. “Really? You’ve been thinking about that?”

  “Don’t start,” he warned.

  I couldn’t help it. As much as he called me a sap, Dane could be just as bad when he wanted to be. I found it kind of cute, really. And I loved the fact that he thought about me all the time. It just made me feel even more important to him.

  “Where do you think we should go?”

  “I was thinking maybe we could go out to a nice restaurant, get some drinks, and go dancing. Whatever you want really. I don’t want to just jump in and take over everything.”

  “No, I’m okay with that,” I said as we strolled. “You take the first date and I’ll plan the next one.”

  “If I pick the first one, you know it’s going to be something ridiculously elaborate right?”

  “Where are we going?” I shrugged. “Paris? Egypt? Tokyo?”

  “Get out of my mind, woman,” he said with a deep laugh.

  “I know you too well. You talked about it to me that night, you know?”

  “I did?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. You talked about flying the girl of your dreams around the world showing her everything that you loved and exploring new places together. When we ended up sleeping together, I thought that girl would be me and I loved the idea.”

  “Can I apologize again for being such a massive prick?”

  “You don’t have to, but I certainly won’t stop you.” I grinned.

  “That’s my baby,” he said, patting my hand. “I’m sorry, but I plan to make it up to you for the rest of my life.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.”

  We followed some of the crowd as the party thinned out, but instead of heading to our cottage, I noticed Dane took a different direction. He led me through a gate and into the pool area. It was completely deserted, but surrounding the hot tub were candles flickering in the breeze. A bottle of champagne sat in a bucket and swimsuits were laid out neatly on some nearby chairs with towels stacked beside them.

  Rose petals floated on the surface of the water in the hot tub and their sweet scent made me smile. "What is all of this?" I whispered.

  "This is for you. After the time we've had here, the ups and downs, I wanted us to leave on a very high note. Besides, I think you deserve it. You put up with a lot of shit and I knew you'd be sore after walking around in those heels all day."

  I chuckled. "They are pretty killer."

  "I don't even know how you do it." He shook his head seriously. "Let's get you out of those clothes."

  I turned around and Dane unzipped my dress. It slipped from my shoulders and pooled to the ground. I shimmied out of my underwear and bra. Once I was naked, I walked over to the hot tub and slowly walked down the steps until I sat inside. I sighed with contentment. I glanced back at Dane.

  He stood, frozen, my dress in his hands and his mouth hung open.

  "What?" I asked.

  "I didn't think you'd want to get in naked."

  "Why not?"

  "Well, I figured you wouldn't want to take the chance of anyone seeing us."

  "Does anyone else have a key?"

  "No," he said slowly.

  "And it's super dark. And even if they do, who cares what anyone thinks?" I laughed. "Come on, get in. The water feels amazing."

  "You've changed so much since we were young. I mean you were always a bit feisty, but you were still shy about some things."

  "I grew out of it. Life's too short not to do something a little wild and crazy every once in a while, right?"

  "Right." He grinned. "God, I love you Savvy baby."

  I giggled. "I love you too, Dane baby."

  Dane stripped off his clothes and before I knew it, he had slid into the hot tub with me. The primal sound that rumbled from his chest and throat tugged on a direct line to my clit. I squirmed and quickly joined him by his side. My arms draped around him easily and I kissed his neck and ear. "Since we have the whole place to ourselves, why don't we really relax?"

  Dane's eyes opened slightly and all I could see was lust and desire. "Yeah? Is that what you want to do?"

  I nodded and licked my lips. "Oh, yeah."

  "Fuck it."

  Dane kissed me and I laughed against his lips. I never thought I could be so happy being with him like this. I loved him. Dane was the man I would never let go of.



  Six months later

  I kicked off my heels the minute we walked through the door and stretched. Being on a private jet was still a luxury that I hadn't gotten used to, but I loved it just the same. It was so easy to relax without being cramped onto a plane with a bunch of strangers.

  Dane came through after me and Barry, Dane’s driver carried the bags into the house. Needless to say, I'd over shopped again, but that was completely Dane’s fault. Every time he saw a dress, shoes or jewelry that he thought would look good on me, he stopped and had me try it on. I think we purchased half of Barcelona and there were still parcels being shipped to the house.

  "I'm pretty sure we went overboard," I told Dane.

  "Nonsense. I want my baby to have everything she could possibly want."

  As soon as Barry walked out of the house, Dane pulled me into his arms.

  I ran my fingers over his scruffy beard and smiled. I never thought he'd turn out to be such a caring, attentive, sexy as all hell man. I loved everything about him from head to toe. Dane really was just perfect. "The only thing I want is you, though," I answered honestly. "I love having fun and exploring together, but I don't need any of that stuff. Just you."

  "That just makes me want to spoil you even more."

  I chuckled at his stubbornness. No matter what I said to the man, he was determined to shower me with gifts. I'd given up on saying no a few months ago and realized it was just how he showed his love for me. I was sure he'd slow down eventually. Or he'd have to get a bigger house. My apartment was already cramped.

  "I guess we should take some of this stuff to my place tomorrow," I mused as I looked around his huge house and saw signs of me everywhere. "I think I've taken over a bit."

  Dane scowled. "Why do you want to go back to that place? Just move in here with me."

  I laughed. "Ha-ha very funny."

  "I wasn't joking."

  I examined Dane's face and saw the seriousness there. "Y
ou really want me to move in with you?"

  "Why not? You're here all of the time, anyway. And you’re here every night. Your job isn't that far away from here. And that's another thing. Are you going to continue to work there?"

  I chewed at my lip. I'd thought about that a lot lately. It was harder to work for the agency than it had been before. Back then, I was single and free. So flirting, touching and even light kisses, were a part of the job. Now, none of it felt right and I didn't do it. Of course, that meant I turned down the best paying jobs, but I wasn't even enjoying the other assignments as much anymore.

  "I thought about quitting, but it's what I'm good at. I don't even know where I'd work if I wasn't there."

  "Come work with me," Dane piped up. "I could always use some help around the office and I'm sure we could find you something to do there. Then I would get to see you even more. I hate my overly busy schedule."

  I touched his cheek. "You can't help it, you're a busy man." I crinkled my nose. “I don’t think I want to work for you though.”

  "All right then, at least move in here."

  "What if we get sick of each other?"

  Dane dismissed my nonsense with the wave of a hand. "You're so full of shit. Of course, we won’t get sick of each other."

  Damn, he was right there. "Fine, I guess I could move in."

  "Don't sound so excited."

  I grinned. "I'm joking. Of course, I want to move in with you. I'd love that."

  Dane smiled. "Yeah? You really want to be around me even more than we already are?"

  "I do miss you when I go back to my place. And it's not the same anymore. I used to really love being by myself, you know? Now, when I get back there, all I can think about is what you're doing and when I can see you next."

  "Then it's decided. I'll help you take care of everything."

  "Thanks, I'd appreciate that."

  "Let's go pick out your space in my bedroom."

  I happily grabbed some bags and jogged up the stairs with him. We peeked around his room for space and found some, but he still didn’t look satisfied. When I came up with the last bags, he was busy measuring.


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