The Skull King

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The Skull King Page 7

by Penelope Sky

  My eyes trailed over his body, and that was when I noticed the ring on his right hand. On his middle finger was a skull made of diamonds. It was gray, the color of fossilized bone, so the diamonds were vibrant and noticeable. It was a peculiar ring. I remembered the back of his business card and the image of the skull in the center. The fact that he had guards watching his place at all times didn’t bode well. The only kind of men that did that were criminals. “That’s an interesting ring.”

  His lips rested against my hairline. “That doesn’t sound like a compliment.”

  “Well…it’s different. What does it mean?”

  “It represents my world. It represents my power. It represents me.”

  I scooted away so I could look him in the eyes. For a man so hard and rugged, he shouldn’t have had such beautiful eyes. It seemed like a crime that a man could be that beautiful. Anytime he walked into a bar, he must have had women scratching at his pants to get them off. “And who are you?”

  He turned on his side and propped himself on one arm. He looked down at me with that fearless expression, like he truly was afraid of nothing in this world. His hand started at my knee then migrated slightly to my belly. “I’ll tell you who I am—if you tell me who you are.”

  “I have a feeling I’m not as interesting as you are.”

  “I disagree.” His fingers brushed over my belly button then glided to my ribs. “I’ll answer your question, but you have to answer any question I ask of you. We got a deal?” His hand moved through the valley of my tits, sliding up slowly as he approached my neck.

  “That sounds like a dangerous game.”

  “It is.” His hand moved to my neck and gave it a gentle squeeze. “You wanna play?”

  I didn’t know who this man was, but I’d already gathered he wasn’t Prince Charming. He had an aura of authority present at all times, and if he was being protected around the clock, then he must be worth protecting. He was obviously rich if he owned an entire building with more space than he would ever need. Maybe that hint of danger made him sexy, but I didn’t want to pull back the curtain and reveal everything. I would ever see him again, so there was no point. “No. I can already tell what kind of man you are.”

  “Yeah? Tell me.” His fingers loosened around my neck then slowly slid into my hair. For a callous man, he knew exactly how to touch a woman. He knew how to be gentle and aggressive at the same time. Confidence mixed with experience made him an amazing lover.

  “Rich, dangerous, powerful…that all leads to one thing. You’re a criminal. I just don’t know what kind of criminal you are.”

  He didn’t confirm or deny it, but he tucked my hair behind my ear. The backs of his fingers trailed down my cheek and around to my neck. “Do you want to know?”

  The second he gave me his information, he would be entitled to mine—and I knew exactly what he would ask. “The less I know, the better.”

  The corner of his mouth rose in a slight smile. “So I’m a dangerous man, but you’re alone with me…naked with me.” His hand moved down my tits and back to my thigh. “No one has a clue where you are. I could do anything I want to you…like keep you forever. Yet, you’ve been here twice now. You’re either very brave or very stupid.”

  “There’s a third option.”

  “And what would that be?”

  “My life has no value, so it doesn’t matter what happens.” I had the existence of a ghost. Most of the time, I had no purpose on this earth. I just wandered through the hallways, my feet barely making a tap against the hardwood floor. Even when Lucian wanted me, I was still dead inside. I’d subjected myself to this misery to save someone I loved—but they betrayed me. That was the worst part of this nightmare. I’d traded in my future, the chance to fall in love and have a family, to save someone who never really loved me. That regret hurt most of all.

  Balto stared at me with the same hardened expression, his intelligent eyes not blinking as he looked at me. He had a remarkable poker face, an expression that was impossible to read. He could hide anything—and everything. “So if I took you, kept you prisoner, you wouldn’t fight me?” The threat was audible in his tone, not just in his words. His hand rested on the inside of my thigh, his fingers dangerously close to my lips.

  My heart quickened in my chest as the stare-down continued. I had no idea who this man was, only that he was an incredible lover who knew how to handle a woman. I didn’t know what kind of criminal he was, whether he was in trafficking, drugs, or gambling. Shit, maybe he did it all. He had never been overtly dangerous toward me, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t capable of dangerous things. Lucian was fairly reasonable, but he had the kind of temperament that could leave my neck snapped in two. Just because a man didn’t throw a tantrum every day didn’t mean he wasn’t capable of murder. Who knew what this man was capable of? “That would be a really bad idea.”

  “For who? You? Or that pathetic husband of yours?” He squeezed my inner thigh.

  “He’s a very powerful man.”

  “I can promise you, I outmatch him in every way possible.” He moved closer to me, his face just inches from mine. “If your life is so miserable, be my prisoner instead.” He leaned in and kissed the corner of my mouth.

  This man had just invited me to be his prisoner, and it turned me on. It was a disgusting question, to ask me if I wanted to exchange masters. I didn’t want to be the slave to another owner. I wanted to be free. “I don’t want to be anyone’s prisoner.”

  His eyes narrowed. “If that’s how you feel, leave him.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Why?” He moved farther on top of me, his weight forcing the mattress to sink. “You strike me as a woman who doesn’t just give up. You’re the kind of woman that would rather die fighting than take this slow, painful, and suffocating death. So explain to me why you accept this bullshit?”

  I lowered my gaze, so ashamed of the answer that it hurt just to think it in my head.

  “Look at me.” He kept his voice low, but he barked out the order like a general.

  My eyes lifted to meet his again.

  “We always have a choice. Even when we think we don’t, we do. So explain to me why you’ve chosen to be this weak victim.”

  My eyes narrowed at the insensitive insult. “I’m not a weak victim.”

  “Well, you certainly aren’t the queen you were meant to be. I see a slave, not a ruler. A woman as beautiful as you should have whatever she wants. She should have her pick of any man she wants. She should not submit to an old man who isn’t worthy of her. Why did you let this happen?”

  This sexy man had just rubbed me the wrong way, had painted me in a light I didn’t deserve. I didn’t want to tell him the truth because it was none of his business, but now I had to defend my honor. “Because I made a deal with him—and I can’t go back on my word.”

  “What kind of deal?” His hand left my thigh and moved to my stomach. He leaned a little farther forward, like he might miss my revelation if he didn’t focus as hard as possible.

  I didn’t like reflecting on that horrible day. I didn’t like remembering how angry Case had been at my decision. I didn’t like remembering the day I gave up everything for a man I loved—but who never loved me in return. “He was going to kill Evan, the man I loved.” I averted my gaze again, unable to look him in the eye as I shared my most painful secret. “The only way I could save Evan was by marrying him. I promised to obey, to cooperate—forever. My brother has always told me a person is only as good as their word—so I kept mine. He let Evan go…and I’ve been fulfilling my promise ever since then.” I refused to cry because enough tears had been shed. Evan wasn’t worth my sadness. He’d already taken so much from me, and I couldn’t let him have any more.

  Balto was quiet for several minutes, his low breathing barely audible. He didn’t grab my chin and force me to look at him again. “And did Evan try to save you? Did he die in the attempt? You wouldn’t be sleeping with me if he were still around

  Balto gave Evan far too much credit. “He never tried to save me. In fact…he’s married. He has a baby now. He moved on less than three months after I sacrificed myself for him…as if I’d never meant anything to him at all.” I slid out of the bed and didn’t look back at Balto. There were no tears in my eyes, but my cheeks were ghostly pale, and I felt sick to my stomach. I wasn’t just hurt by Evan’s betrayal—but ashamed of what he did to me. “Don’t judge me when you don’t know me. Don’t assume I’m weak because of the small piece of the story you’ve witnessed. Don’t assume anything about me ever again. And don’t you dare tell me I’m stupid for what I did—because I already know.” I grabbed my dress from the floor and pulled it over my body. I left my panties behind because they were nowhere in sight and not worth looking for. I slipped on my heels next and rose to my feet, unable to believe I’d felt so much unbridled passion just thirty minutes ago.

  The mattress shifted when he rose from the bed. His footsteps sounded against the floor as he picked up his clothes and pulled them on. He didn’t berate me for my story or try to make me feel better. He said nothing at all…because what were you supposed to say to something like that? I ruined my life for a man who never loved me. It was pathetic.

  He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me into him slowly, his powerful chest pressing against my back. He squeezed me gently then rested his face against the back of my neck. His breaths slowly fell across my heavy locks and drifted over the small hairs at the nape of my neck.

  He didn’t say a word, but somehow his presence was comforting.

  His hands squeezed against my stomach, lightly tugging on me, like his body wanted to swallow mine whole.

  I closed my eyes as I let my body lean against his, using him as a crutch because my legs were too useless to carry me. My arms slid over his, and I leaned my head back against him.

  We stood there together for minutes, saying nothing, just breathing.

  His hand moved to the strap of my dress, and he pulled it over my shoulder.

  I didn’t stop him.

  He pulled the other one. Then the dress slowly slid down my body until it landed in a pile on the floor.

  I stood there naked, somehow more vulnerable than I’d ever been.

  His hand undid his jeans, and he pushed them down his narrow hips, his boxers sliding down too. His hard cock pressed right between my cheeks, long, hard, and searing hot. “You never loved Evan. You think you did, but you never did.” He grabbed my hips and turned me around so we were face-to-face.

  I expected to see judgment or disgust, but I saw the same expression he always gave me.

  “And no, he didn’t love you either. Because a man who loves a woman is selfless, devoted, and murderous. He would rather die a million times than let the woman he loves open her legs to some asshole—until death do you part. That was lust mixed with immaturity. That was hope mixed with confusion. When you really love a man, you’ll know. And you’ll know because he’ll love you more fiercely than you ever could love him in return. That’s love. Real fucking love. And you’ve never experienced it.”

  He spoke like a man who understood it all too well. “Have you?”

  His hand moved into the back of my hair, where he got his usual grip. “No.” His thumb softly brushed across my cheek as he held me naked in front of him. “But I know exactly how I would be if I loved a woman. I would be loyal, devoted, and honest. And I would never, ever, allow her to put herself in harm’s way to save me. Because she’d be the queen—and a king will always die to protect his queen.”



  Her eyes were closed as she lay next to me, a beautiful woman with beautiful curves. She had the sexiest hips, the kind that gave birth to gladiators. She had a lone freckle on her right hip, and I found my tongue migrating there whenever I kissed her. She had the smoothest skin, like olive oil had been drizzled all over her.

  I noted her light breaths and the gentle way her chest expanded in her sleep. She was out cold, and I wasn’t going to wake her up. If her husband discovered she was missing because she was out all night, I didn’t give a damn.

  I hoped he found out.

  My eyes moved down to the enormous rock on her left hand. The diamond was so large, it was obnoxious. It didn’t represent love or commitment. He just wanted to be vain, to show off his beautiful wife and the things he could afford to buy her. A truly wealthy man didn’t care about flashing his wealth. If he were actually rich, he didn’t need to prove it.

  When she explained her marriage, it only infuriated me. She sacrificed herself for some punk-ass little bitch. I couldn’t even call him a man because there was nothing manly about him. He was just a boy who liked to play with his dick too much. Nothing irritated me more than seeing a stunning woman with some loser guy. They needed to open their eyes and search a little harder before falling for the first loser who gave them some attention. When I first met Cassini, I thought she’d be different. She was so confident and suave that she seemed in control of her own destiny. But she was a slave—a willing slave.

  The asshole inside me wanted to give her shit for her stupidity. I wanted to tell her she was an idiot and it was ridiculous to honor the promise when there was no point anymore. But when she turned her back to me and shut me out, I knew I was standing on the threshold of loss. If I said the wrong thing, she would walk out and never call me again.

  I wanted her to call me again.

  It was wrong for me to judge her when I didn’t know all the facts, and it wasn’t like I hadn’t made mistakes either. I’d never let someone play me for a fool quite like that, but I hadn’t lived the most honorable life.

  It would be hypocritical to insult her.

  But I was still pissed because she deserved better.

  But I also admired her for keeping her word—even under the terrible circumstances. Perhaps she came from a good family that prided their reputation. She did seem to carry herself with confidence, like she had a reason to stand so tall and so straight.

  I continued to watch her sleep, enjoying the way her hair fell perfectly on the pillow. This woman looked naturally beautiful in every pose she made. Even when she rolled over and closed her eyes to sleep, she looked ready for a picture. With those full lips, that sexy freckle in the corner of her mouth, and that olive skin, she was the most desirable woman on the planet.

  Bedding a married woman was always nice because she didn’t get attached. She wanted the affair to be a secret so her husband would never find out. Sometimes they had families, and the last thing they wanted was for them to fall apart. But it annoyed me that someone else owned her, that she never took off that ridiculous wedding ring.

  Her eyes opened, and she took a deep breath, like she was waking up to a beautiful morning. That serenity disappeared quickly when she remembered where she was.

  “You only dozed off for thirty minutes.”

  She immediately relaxed.

  “But you’re welcome to sleep here—if you’d like.” I didn’t extend that invitation often. I was a hit-it-and-quit-it kind of guy. Sometimes I let a woman sleep over when she passed out and couldn’t move, but that was just because I didn’t want to carry her to the truck and drive her home.

  “I can’t stay.”

  “Where does your husband think you are now?”

  “I don’t know. He’s out of town.” She ran her fingers through her hair in the sexiest way—without even trying.

  “Then you can stay.”

  “He’s got guards everywhere. If I’m out too late too often, they’ll get suspicious. And the maid keeps an eye on me.”

  If this guy had guards everywhere, he wasn’t just wealthy. He had enemies—the way I had enemies. Maybe he was a player in my world. Maybe he was someone I dealt with on a regular basis. Or maybe he was one of my many enemies that I wanted to destroy.

  “I should probably get going…” She turned to get out of bed.

/>   I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. I had already had her three times, but I wasn’t interested in letting her go. “I have something for you.”

  “You’ve already given me plenty tonight.” She rubbed my chest and leaned in to kiss me.

  Those plump lips always made my cock twitch. It didn’t matter how satisfied I was. I always wanted her. The next time she came over, I wanted those plump lips around my dick, her lipstick smeared across my skin.

  She pulled away, a seductive smile on her lips.

  Why the fuck did Evan let her go? Why the fuck didn’t he save her? I turned to the nightstand and pulled out the phone. “This is for you.”

  “I already have a phone.”

  “Yes, but you’re worried it might be monitored. Now you can call me and text me anytime you want. You don’t have to go down to the bar and use the phone every time you want to fuck me.”

  She eyed the phone but didn’t take it. “This can’t keep happening—”

  “It will keep happening. I want it to keep happening.” I forced the phone into her hand. “As do you.” I closed her fingers around it.

  She eyed the phone in her fingers before she finally accepted it. “I’m surprised you even want me after what I told you…” Her eyes fell again, the shame so strong she couldn’t face it.

  “Mistakes are lessons, not life sentences.”

  Her beautiful green eyes lifted to meet mine. “I expected you to be a lot harsher. I know it was so stupid. My family reminds me that every day. My brother has never looked at me the same since.”

  She already had the world judging her for her stupidity. She didn’t need another shit-talker. “You’ve punished yourself enough.” I could see the self-loathing in her eyes the second she confessed the truth. It haunted her, tortured her. Instead of judging her for her past, I should just let it go. It wasn’t like I actually cared about this woman. I enjoyed fucking her, but that was it. So what did it matter to me?


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