Faithful: Age Gap Small Town Romance (Whiskey Run Book 1)

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Faithful: Age Gap Small Town Romance (Whiskey Run Book 1) Page 5

by Hope Ford

  “I’m not giving people a horse. I’m giving my girlfriend a horse.”


  I lean in and nuzzle my mouth right next to her ear. “Girlfriend.” I can’t resist, so I kiss the lobe of her ear, and she gasps. My shaft hardens in my jeans, but all the pain in the world is going to be worth it for this curvy woman that has already turned my world upside down.

  “Let’s get Patches settled, then we’ll get some breakfast.”

  She leans up on her tiptoes and kisses me on the lips. I don’t react because this is the first time she’s reached for me, and I don’t want to scare her. I know I have the goofiest smile on my face. “What was that for?”

  Her eyes are clouded in desire, and I’m doing my best not to stare at her erect nipples pressing against her shirt. With a thickness to her voice, she says, “I just wanted to kiss my boyfriend. Is that all right?”

  “Baby, you can kiss me any time you want.”



  A week. It’s been a week since I rode Patches that morning and Austin called me his girlfriend. He’s called and texted me every day, sometimes just sending me pictures from his ranch and a lot of times pictures of Patches.

  He hasn’t been able to drive, so he’s had one of his hands bring him into town, and we’ve had lunch at the diner a few times or just walked around town holding hands. It’s already all over Whiskey Run, and people are asking me about my new boyfriend. Normally, I hate being the center of attention, but Austin has brought out the confidence in me, and I smile and introduce him around town.

  My dad and Austin have hit it off. Probably because they have the ranches in common. They can talk for hours about auctions, the price of feed going up, and all the other things you face on a ranch.

  I keep waiting for Austin to try and take our relationship to the next level. But besides the several kisses, he’s been a complete and utter gentleman. Which, to be honest, is a little worrisome. I’m ready to take our relationship to the next level, but there’s no way I can tell him that. I’m definitely going to have to let him take the lead.

  This morning he was cleared from the doctor, so he asked me out to dinner to celebrate. There’s no way I was going to say no. I’ve found myself more and more excited to spend as much time as possible with him.

  We’ve grown closer with all the time we’re spending together, and the fact that we call and text throughout the day has helped me get more comfortable with the idea that maybe not all men are unfaithful. Because I’ve watched Austin. When we’re out, he only has eyes for me. All of his attention is focused on me. I’ve never been around a man as affectionate and attentive as him.

  Lost in thought, I’m staring at my computer screen, knowing I have more work to do, but I can barely concentrate knowing Austin should be here any time.

  A knock on my open door brings a smile to my face. I’m of course expecting Austin, but it’s Alan. “Hey, boss. Can you come and look at a shipment real quick?”

  I stand up and follow behind him. “Sure thing.” In passing, I see Mike and ask him to let Austin know I’ll be right back if he shows up.

  Mike just grunts at me. If anyone has had a problem with my relationship with Austin, it’s been Mike. He’s made sure in every way possible to bring me down and to try and make me feel insecure. I’ve forced myself to ignore him. I’m not worried about what Mike thinks about anything.


  I’m crazy about her. She’s all I want. The only thing I think about anymore. I’m walking into the co-op and bypass Mike to go straight to Millie’s office. When I see she’s not there, I turn to Mike. “Hey, you seen Millie?”

  “Yeah, she had to go out back for a minute. She said she’ll be right back.”

  I nod, debating whether to go find her or wait. I hate spending any time with Mike, so I’m about to start walking when he stops me.

  “You and Millie dating?”

  Automatically, my hands fist at my sides. I hate to even hear her name on his lips. “Yeah, we’re dating.”

  The smirk on the other man’s face pisses me off. And as soon as he starts to talk, I want to punch him in the face. “She doesn’t put out. I mean, not that I mind or anything, I still got the job, but –”

  He doesn’t get another word out. He’s struggling for breath because I have him pushed up against the counter with my hand around his neck. He’s pulling at my arm, but I’m not letting go. “I don’t want you talking to her, about her—hell, I don’t want you looking at her. You got that, you son of a bitch?”

  “That’s hard to do since I have to see her fat ass all day.”

  I lift my knee and hit him in the nuts. When he doubles over, I punch him in the face, and he falls backwards, holding his dick in one hand and his nose in the other. “Enough. You want me to kill you or fire you? I’ll let you pick.”

  “You can’t fire me,” he says as he spits blood out on the floor.

  I barely restrain from kicking him in the face with my boot as I walk by him. “Watch me, motherfucker.”

  I’m panting when I get to Rusty’s door, and there’s fire raging through my veins. I still may have to fight the guy even after he’s fired.

  “Hey Austin. How’s it going?” Rusty says as I stand in the doorway.

  “Austin. What’s wrong?” Millie comes up behind me, and her touch on my back instantly soothes me, reassuring me that I’ve done the right thing. She’s so sweet, so beautiful, I’m not going to let anyone talk about her the way Mike did. Ever.

  “Tell your dad about Mike, Millie. You tell him, I tell him, or I go out there and kick the shit out of him some more. It’s your choice.”

  “It’s not your place...” she starts.

  I’m surprised by how gentle I am when I wrap my hand around the base of her neck. “It’s my place. I’m making it my place. I’m not going to stand by and let him or anyone else talk about you like he was. It ends now, Millie.”

  She obviously can see how upset I am. She wants to do what she thinks is right for her dad, but it’s not going to happen like this. She turns to him, and it’s my turn to comfort her. I thread our fingers together. “Dad, uh, Mike only dated me because he wanted the manager job. He was cheating on me.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Rusty asks, stunned.

  “Because you deserve time off. You’ve been planning to retire for so long, and it was finally going to happen, and I didn’t want to mess that up for you.”

  Rusty comes around his desk and stops in front of his daughter. “Millie, you’re the only thing that matters to me. Not this store, not the ranch we live on, nothing.” He shakes his head, no doubt disgusted with himself that he hired a man that disrespected his daughter. “I’ll take care of it.”

  “But Dad...” Millie starts, with guilt in her voice.

  I cut in, because I’m not going to stand by and let her talk him out of it. “Rusty, I have a hand that is way overqualified for his position. He’s trustworthy, a hard worker, and has a family. Can I send him in”—I hold my hands up in front of me—“on a trial basis. If he doesn’t work out, you fire him, and I’ll take him back out to the ranch. I just want to help.”

  Rusty rubs his beard. “What do you think, Millie?”

  She leans back into my warmth. “Dad, if Austin says he’s good, then I believe him.”

  Rusty agrees with her. “All right, have him come in tomorrow.”

  “Sir, we’re going to dinner, but I can stick around and help out with Mike if you want before I go,” I offer. A part of me is hoping he wants my help because I’d like to get in another lick or two. Another part of me is ready to get Millie out of here and away from the asshole.

  I’m not surprised when Rusty turns down my offer. “Thanks, but I can handle Mike.”

  Millie hugs her dad bye, and I walk with her hand in hand to the front to grab her purse out of her office. As we’re walking out, she has a tight grip on my hand. We pass Mike, and she holds m
e even tighter. I give her a quick smile before turning to Mike. “Rusty needs to see you.”

  Mike, with blood on his shirt and still wiping at his nose, frowns at us. But as soon as we get out the door, I ask Millie, “We have reservations at the Peddler. You want to walk there or drive?”

  With her eyes lit up, she says, “It’s going to be a nice night. Let’s just walk.”

  I tuck her under my arm. “You’re right, sugar. It’s going to be a nice night.”



  He’s so calm. I saw the blood on Mike’s shirt. I know he and Austin must have fought, but Austin is completely composed and seemingly unruffled. Not me, though. I’m a case. I’m actually freaking out a little. We sit down to eat at Peddler. The décor is farmhouse with big country style tables, and they have the best steaks in Whiskey Run and Jasper combined.

  “What are you having?” Austin asks as we sit down at the table.

  I shrug, looking at the menu. I know exactly what I’m getting, but I feel like if I look up at him he’s going to know exactly what I’m thinking right now.

  The server walks up to the table, and before she can get the whole phrase out of asking what we want to drink, I interrupt her. “Can I get a shot of the Blaze Cinnamon Whiskey and a water?”

  “Sure, are you ready to order?”

  “Yes. Steak, medium well and side salad.”

  “Sir, what can I get you?”

  Austin is staring at me as he orders. “I’ll take a water and filet, medium with a baked potato.”

  Austin takes my menu and stacks it with his before handing it to the server, who retreats from the table.

  As soon as the server walks away, he asks me, “Are you okay?”

  I nervously giggle. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” What I want to say is I’ve never had a man stick up for me like you did, but I don’t. I keep that tidbit to myself.

  Luckily, he doesn’t ask again, because the server brings back our drinks.

  “Did you know that the Cinnamon Blaze Whiskey is the number one selling whiskey from the Whiskey Run Distillery? That’s what Violet uses to make her apple cake too. It’s very popular.”

  I lift the small glass to my lips, and the cinnamon burns my nose as I inhale the hot scent.

  I watch him as he picks up his water glass. I look between our two drinks. “Should I not be drinking?”

  He shakes his head. “You can drink whatever you want. I won’t let anything happen to you or take advantage of you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  I am just about to put my lips on the drink when I stop suddenly. “So if I drink this, you won’t take me home with you tonight?”

  My face heats, but I don’t care. I know I was going to wait for him to make the first move, but I’m done waiting.

  His eyes darken. “Do you want to come home with me tonight?”

  I nod, and he takes a deep breath. “One drink. I want you sober later.”

  My whole body trembles at the promise I hear in his words.


  Sitting through the meal is pure torture. She can’t drop a bombshell like that and then not expect me to lose my mind. I hustle her through the meal, but she doesn’t seem to mind. Neither one of us can keep our eyes off the other, and damn if it isn’t the most sensual foreplay I’ve ever been a part of.

  We’re walking back to the co-op, and she’s holding on to my arm. Her skirt is swishing around her legs as she walks, and I can barely refrain from touching her right here in the middle of town. We talk about the ranch and how well Patches is doing with people now.

  “I can’t believe you tried to give me that horse, Austin.”

  My voice is husky and thick. “I’d give you a dozen horses if I thought it meant you’d spend more time with me.”

  When we get to the parking lot, she starts to walk to her truck, but I stop her. “Uh, uh, sugar. You’re riding with me.”

  “But I have to work in the morning, and I’m sure you do too.”

  But I’m already pulling her to my truck and opening the passenger door. “It doesn’t matter. You’re going with me. I’ll bring you into town tomorrow.”

  She doesn’t argue. She pulls herself into my truck, and as soon as she’s seated, I shut the door and jog around to the driver’s side.

  I give myself a pep talk. Take your time, Austin. You have all night. Don’t rush her. Don’t fuck this up.

  I pull onto the road to home and reach over to wrap my arm around her thigh. It’s like her soft skin is vibrating under my palm. She’s holding on to my arm, and I hate to give her an out, but I know I have to. “Are you sure about this, honey?”

  “Am I sure I want you?” she asks softly in the dark cab of my truck. She’s usually shy and insecure but seems to have done an about-face. I nod my head and swallow.

  She doesn’t answer, and I start to get nervous. We’re on the two-lane out of town, and I sneak a peek at her. I finally start to breathe again when I see that nod. “Yeah, Austin, I’m sure I want you.”

  I pull the truck off the side of the road to a screeching halt. Gravel is flying everywhere, and I put the truck into park. I’m breathing hard, like I’ve been running a race instead of sitting easily in an air-conditioned truck.

  “Austin! What’s wrong?” she asks in alarm. She’s looking out the windows in front of us and to the back.

  I lift the console between us and flip it back. I lean into her, and she comes to me without question. “One taste, baby. I need something to hold me over until we get home.”

  I clasp my lips to her and taste her. She tastes like forever and a little bit of cinnamon Blaze Whiskey. I nip at her lip, and when she whimpers I try to pull away, but she grabs the front of my shirt and holds me where she wants me.

  “Austin,” she moans. She grabs on to my hand, and while she’s looking into my eyes, she brings it between her legs. Her skirt has ridden up, baring her thighs to me. When she widens her legs, she’s holding my arm as if she’s afraid I’m going to pull it away, but there’s no chance of that. Her panties are soaked, and I slide my finger into the side of her leg and stroke her hot core. Her head falls backward on a moan. “Does that hurt, baby?”

  She nods. “I hurt so bad. It’s like I’m wound tight and I just, uh, I don’t know.”

  Her hips lift, urging me deeper, and I coat my fingers in her soft, wet, channel. Stroking her clit, I circle it, gauging the perfect pressure by the tiny whimpers and moans that escape her mouth. When her nails dig into my arm, I know she’s close. Back and forth, around in circles I stroke the bundle of nerves. “Come for me, sugar. I want you to come.”

  Her legs kick out, her one hand goes to the dashboard, and her whole body clenches. I don’t stop, because I want her full release. I want to give her what she needs. She continues to writhe against my hand, and when she drops back into the seat, I pull my hand away and bring it to my lips. She tastes just like she smells: of sunshine and honeysuckle.

  I move to get back fully in my seat, and she’s leaning toward me, her hand reaching for my leg. Her touch is feather light as she moves from my knee and up. I stop her and move our hands to the seat between us. I won’t be able to get us home in one piece if she’s touching me. “I need to get you home, Millie.”

  She scoots toward me and leans her head on my shoulder. I put the truck into gear, and she sits with her warm, soft body pressed against me the whole way. It’s the longest and most frustrating ride I’ve ever had to make.



  I should feel like a hussy, but I don’t. I bite my lip the rest of the way to his ranch. I’m squirming in my seat while his hand strokes across my leg. He won’t let me touch him, and I’m going crazy. I wish I’d had some more of the Blaze Whiskey because getting undressed in front of him is going to be tough. I look at his profile and he’s so handsome he takes my breath away.

  When we get to his house, he comes around to help me down from the truck, but I’v
e already jumped out to meet him. He takes my hand and pulls me through the house. I’m secretly hoping that we don’t see Carrie because I know that would be embarrassing. Looking at the two of us, there’s no doubt what we’re about to do.

  We walk up the stairs and into his bedroom.

  He barely gets the door shut and he’s pulling at my shirt. “I can’t wait. I need you now.”

  When he starts to pull my shirt up, I catch his hand in mine.

  “Millie.” He cups my jaw. “I don’t want to rush you. No matter how much I want this, I’ll wait until you’re ready.”

  “I just...” I start and stutter to a stop.

  “What is it? You can tell me anything.”

  He walks me over to the bed and sits on the edge, patting the space beside him. I sit awkwardly next to him, my back straight, looking anywhere but at him.

  “I’m not like the other woman you’ve dated.”

  The smile slides onto his face easily. “I know you’re not. You’re not like anyone I’ve ever known.”

  I scoot closer to him and slide my hands up his chest and wrap them around his neck. I want him so badly, and even though this is embarrassing, I need to say it. “I’m fine with who I am. I like me.”

  “I like you too, Millie, and so help me if you’re about to tell me you don’t want me to see your body or something crazy like that, I’m going to lose it, because right now, I’d probably sell the ranch to see you right now.”

  I lean in and kiss him. He tries to deepen the kiss, but I pull back. “I wasn’t going to say anything about my body, I figure you already have an idea of what you’re getting there, but thank you for that. I won’t make you give up the ranch; this is going to happen.”

  His nostrils flare, and he looks into my eyes. “Then what is it?”

  “I’m not really that experienced, and well, I just don’t want to disappoint you, that’s all.”


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