Soldiers of the Heavens

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Soldiers of the Heavens Page 27

by Stephen L. Nowland

  Benedictum was a figure of blinding radiance on the field of battle, striding fearlessly into the conflict with great sweeping strokes of the scythe. The aethereal armour upon his body enabled him to transition from one place to another instantly, cutting down his foes without giving them a chance to strike back. He used this to great effect, keeping the horde off-balance and unable to effectively respond.

  Sayana didn't give them time to recover. She raised her palm and closed her fingers into a tight fist. Energy surged along her limbs as reality warped around the cluster of demons, drawing them into the centre of a maelstrom of nothingness. The winds howled along with their shrieks as the force of her will crushed their bodies into a tiny ball of matter, which then disappeared from existence with a rumble of thunder.

  With her enhanced vision, Sayana could see the energies of the demons were released from their bodies, not destroyed. They were similar in appearance to Benedictum's true form, though more discordant and frenzied. Without vessels to contain them, the demon spirits were forced to flee back to whatever realm they called home.

  Free from immediate danger, Sayana turned her attention once more to the ongoing battle below, and saw her allies sorely pressed by the advancing throng. Robert waded in a sea of severed limbs, facing off against three of the towering demon lords. They pummelled him with mighty blows from huge fists, slowly forcing the mercenary back toward the portal.

  Within his defensive sphere, Terinus continued to work, but time was running short. The defenders were only yards away from the sphere and were slowly being squeezed by the closing ring of monsters. They needed more time.

  Benedictum, cutting down foes with each slice of his scythe sensed this too. He opened his arms and raised his obscured face to the sky, sending out a surge of energy to the heavens which responded a moment later as fire and brimstone began to fall to the earth. Sayana was forced to teleport out of the area as everything surrounding the portal was bathed in golden fire.

  She raised her hands to shield herself from the conflagration which shook the earth with each impact, the roars of dying monsters barely audible over the noise. Once it had died down, Sayana was relieved to see her allies still standing near the portal, untouched by the effects of the storm of fire. The same could not be said of their enemies.

  The broken and charred bodies of countless demons lay strewn about the landscape as smoke rose into the sky. Those remaining pulled back from the portal area to regroup. Despite their best efforts, Sayana and her allies had only vanquished a small percentage of the horde, which would undoubtedly strike again soon.

  The sorceress, now glimmering with only a small portion of the energies she had started with, teleported back to Robert's side. He was leaning on Aeon Invictus, coughing heavily after the fight. She didn't blame him, as the stench from the roasted carcasses surrounding the ruins was overwhelming.

  Are you alright? Sayana asked out of concern.

  “Too much smoke,” he rasped ironically.

  “Look who's talking,” Aiden drawled, also showing signs of fatigue from the fierce fighting.

  “How are you progressing?” Nellise asked of Terinus, who was still focused on his task.

  “Well enough, under these conditions,” the wizard answered. “I have repaired the conduit, yet my efforts to establish a link to the portal on the Akashic Throne fail every time. It's possible I have missed something important so I am double-checking my work.”

  “We can't hold these things off forever,” Aiden pointed out. “We should be using this strength to fight you know who, not a bunch of monsters nobody cares about.”

  “What about our new friend here?” Robert asked with a distrustful glance at Benedictum.

  “I am a conduit of the Source,” the archangel intoned evenly. “Mine energies are without end. Rest thyselves while I take the fight to our enemies.” He unfurled his six wings of light and took to the sky, flying directly for the nearest group of demons where he dove into their ranks, scattering them with the impact.

  “He's good at what he does, I'll give him that,” Robert conceded. Terinus then spat a curse raising an eyebrow from Nellise.

  “What is it?” Aiden asked of the wizard.

  “My work is without fault,” he responded gravely. “I am experiencing the same issues I encountered when I attempted to connect back at the Black Tower. This portal is being blocked, just like the others. We have been deceived.”

  “That's not possible,” Nellise breathed. “The information we received came from Kylaris — it cannot be a lie.”

  “If not a lie, then a deception,” Terinus corrected.

  “I cannot accept that,” Nellise responded simply. “Why would we have been brought here, if not for the stated reason?” Sayana looked to Benedictum in the distance, who waded through a sea of demons without fear.

  I'll ask, she said to the others, then reached out to Benedictum's mind.

  What is it, my child? he asked, evidently unsurprised at her presence.

  We have just discovered the portal will not connect to the Akashic Throne, she explained. You informed us we would be able to do so from this place. How can this be?

  Dost thou think me a liar? the archangel asked sadly.

  Your information comes from Kylaris, does it not? If she is as connected to the cosmos as you claim, then you cannot be in error. This leaves only one possibility. You misinformed us on purpose. Or am I incorrect?

  Thou art not, Benedictum confirmed, but thou should understand the information was correct. Thou and thy friends transit to the Akashic Throne from this world, as has been prophesised.

  Then why the deception?

  This world was once a jewel in the heavens, strong with faith in Kylaris, Benedictum explained even as he continued slaying demons around him. When the last of the faithful perished at the hands of the fallen, we lost access to the world. Only now hast one of my kind become free to walk this world again -

  But you needed a vessel, Sayana finished for him. You tricked us into coming here so you could gain control of Pacian!

  He is willing, and understands the sacrifice he hast made, Benedictum assured her. This world must needs be cleansed of its rot, and together, he and I will undo what hast been wrought though it may span a millennium. Abraxas will be reclaimed for the Light, and the souls of the fallen will be freed. Thou must forgive mine deception, for there was no other way to have thee come here.

  And what of our mission? Sayana argued. You may be attempting to reclaim an empty world, but we are on the verge of losing tens of thousands of innocents in a living Aielund. How can you be willing to sacrifice so many for this blighted world?

  Thou wilt resolve the mystery of the portal in time to intercede, I assure thee. Thy companions and thee are free to continue with thy noble quest. Go. Sayana was speechless, and the others were similarly afflicted. She looked to Nellise, imploring her to intercede but the cleric made no such move.

  “It is the will of Kylaris,” she replied simply. “I cannot interfere.”

  “Do we even want to?” Robert pointed out. “Pacian is apparently alright with this arrangement, and I think we can get this done even without him. If they want to stay here and clean up this place, more power to them.”

  “I find it hard to believe Pacian would go along with this,” Aiden hedged. “Perhaps we can talk to him?”

  Give me a moment, Sayana said, then teleported to Benedictum's side. She made sure to keep out of his way and focused her vision upon him.

  The radiant energies of his form were blinding to her enhanced sight, but beyond that, under the serene brilliance of the celestial being was a subtle, simple energy that wasn't connected to him. Sayana recognised it as Pacian, and judging by the agitated nature of his spirit, he wasn't entirely happy with the situation.

  Pacian, can you hear me? she asked, sending the message directly to his mind. There was no answer, and she suspected he was being suppressed by the immense power of Benedictum. Astonish
ingly, it seemed Pacian was trying to reassert control over his body, though he simply couldn't compete with the archangel's might. Seeing this confirmed her suspicions and made her path clear.

  She alighted on the ground behind Benedictum and touched his back with an outstretched palm. Sayana drew in power from the air around her, darkening the sky for a moment as she summoned all the power she could manage, and then channeled it into the force occupying Pacian's body.

  The sudden and unexpected burst caught the celestial being by surprise, and he howled with anger as he was evicted from his vessel. A chorus of raging voices deafened Sayana as she continued the assault, shielding her eyes as the blinding light of Benedictum's form enveloped the area. Even the surrounding demons shied away from the manifestation as Sayana contested her will against his, and finally won.

  The light vanished and silence descended as Benedictum was banished from Pacian's body, and sent all the way back to Assumption. Sayana staggered and barely caught Pacian as he fell into her arms. Momentarily drained, she hesitated too long and the recovering demons set upon them both. Claws tore at her as she held onto the unconscious Pacian tightly and teleported back to the area directly around the portal, where they both fell to the ground bleeding from a dozen small wounds.

  “What the hell just happened?” Aiden exclaimed as they appeared. Sayana took a moment to catch her breath as she felt blood flowing through the remains of her torn clothes.

  “Hold them off,” she breathed with her normal voice.

  “How dare you assail an angel of Kylaris,” Nellise said in simmering anger.

  “Be angry with me later,” Sayana responded, getting back on her feet and moving towards Terinus. “Drop your shield, it's not going to do us any good now.”

  “I can set the portal to return us to the Black Tower, but we cannot continue our mission from here,” the wizard advised. “We need to come up with an alternate plan.”

  “Benedictum said we get through from here, so that's what's going to happen,” Sayana explained. “Set the coordinates and step aside.” Terinus exchanged a cold stare with her for a long moment, then did as he was told.

  “It is done,” he replied with a tremor of fear in his voice, even as the screaming roar of a thousand monsters descended upon them. “It will not connect, as it is being blocked from the other side.” Sayana didn't reply, but instead focused her sight on the weaving patterns of energy that made up the curtain of light. It wasn't complete, and flickered in and out of existence as if being torn down as quickly as it could be fabricated.

  Sayana followed the weave of energy until she found the point where the portal would normally connect. There was a subtle disruption in the glowing fabric of the curtain, a knot in the flow of energy. Focusing her will upon that point, she began to channel power into the portal, attempting to unravel the knot and allow the connection to occur.

  Terinus watched her for a moment, and must have been able to discern what was happening, for he turned to look at the approaching host and raised his staff. The ground shook as a wall of stone almost fifty yards across arose from the earth. It cut off most of the monsters from the ruins for the time being, although many had made it into the immediate area and were already fighting Robert and Aiden.

  Sayana could not spare them a moment's thought as she increased the energy flow even more, effectively boring a hole through reality as she attempted to force a connection. Then, with a sudden flash of violet, the curtain of light fully formed and Sayana merely had to hold it in place to keep it running.

  “Go through,” she urged with grated teeth. “I can't hold this for long.”

  “The portal is open,” Terinus thundered to make sure everyone could hear. “Fall back!” He didn't wait to see if they followed, stepping through the curtain of light to the other side.

  “Secure the breach on the other side!” Robert bellowed, struggling to hold his opponents. Nellise hesitated for a moment before grasping Pacian's leathers and dragging him through the portal. Aiden and Robert began backing up, but their foes weren't interested in an extended fight. The door from this world was finally open and they lunged for it with all their might.

  Aiden was kicked to one side, but he recovered quickly and brought his deadly sabre across the leg of the monster who'd kicked him, severing the limb directly from the torso. The giant demon roared as it crashed to the ground, colliding with its cousins as they attempted to gain their freedom. Robert and Aiden took advantage of the confusion to break from the fight and run as fast as they could through the portal, and on the way past the mercenary grabbed Sayana's arm and pulled her through.

  Sayana found herself standing in a room lit only by the shifting colours of the portal's curtain and the subtle glow of Nellise's wings, with the rest of her companions standing guard at the portal's edge. Still connected to the device, Sayana had to take a moment to extricate herself from the strands of energy. In doing so, she set in motion the explosive device Terinus had implanted, ensuring the door would be sealed behind them.

  Just as Sayana triggered the device, a huge clawed hand came through the portal and lashed out at whatever was nearby. It struck Aiden who was unprepared for the surprise attack, and was flung into the darkness.

  “Close it!” Robert shouted hoarsely, unaware Sayana had been attempting to do just that. Finally free of the portal's energies, she released her will and the curtain vanished in an instant. The sound of flesh being severed made her queasy, for the creature had been partially through the portal when it closed. Blood flowing from the severed arm formed a sizeable pool on the floor.

  The only sounds Sayana could hear were the thudding of her heart and the heavy breathing of her companions. A light sprang into being from the tip of Terinus' staff, shedding its warm glow over what appeared to be a small storage room, covered in dust.

  “Aiden?” Nellise called, having just spotted him lying motionless on the floor near a pile of large metal objects of varying sizes. His neck was at an odd angle — an impossible one, as it turned out. Nellise quickly checked his pulse and looked upon his broken body helplessly.

  “He's dead,” she whispered, much to the shock of all present.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Aiden floated in a formless void, dark and alone. Unseen winds buffeted his body, if indeed it could be called such. A glowing tendril of light emerged from the centre of his chest and continued far into the darkness, tethering him to something unseen. There was a feeling of being pushed and pulled at the same time, and if not for the anchor he would surely be tossed into the void by the tumult.

  A small golden dragon clutched onto his shoulder for dear life. It seemed barely able to muster the strength necessary to resist the pull of the void, and its glinting eyes looked at Aiden plaintively. He had seen that look before and knew what it wanted. It was a price Aiden was reluctant to pay, but under the circumstances he couldn't bring himself to refuse. The tiny dragon seemed to grow in size and strength as it absorbed the life energy he offered.

  Don't try to speak, Aiden. Just listen closely, for we do not have much time, the aspect of Salinder spoke in his mind with a degree of urgency. We are on the verge of death, but the phoenix stone you bear will restore our life within moments. It is only in your dreams that we can speak. Even this has become too dangerous of late, so I have been suppressing your mind while you rest to avoid detection.

  Aiden opened his mouth but was unable to find the strength to speak. He was barely coherent, and the place where his chest connected to the tether throbbed with pain. Part of him wished it would allow him to fly free, though he knew if this were to happen, he would be gone forever. Salinder seemed oblivious to Aiden's internal thoughts as he continued to talk in his own way.

  The destruction of the Ironlord blinded our enemies, granting us time to make ready for the assault, yet that time expired hours ago. Their attack on your mind was far stronger than I anticipated, and only when we worked together were we able to fight them off. Know
that I am not transforming you to take over your existence, but to grant you the power you will need to survive this confrontation.

  Aiden made a choking sound at this, for he was still unable to speak. Salinder seemed to glean his intent, however.

  You wish to remain fully human, he remarked within Aiden's mind. I understand this. Unfortunately, this has not been possible for some time now. Our spirits are fused together, inexorably linked for the remainder of our days. I am astonished you have lived even this long, given the experimental nature of my work. That you still draw breath is a testament to your will and my power.

  I have watched over you for most of your existence and in a way, you are my own blood kin. I wish to aid you and exact revenge for the demise of my former existence, but I cannot do that if you keep suppressing me. I need you to let go. Allow me to take over and I will ensure victory.

  “I want to live,” Aiden managed to whisper hoarsely. “Another year, another month, or even just another day. I'll take what I can get.”

  You have already been living on borrowed time, Aiden. Even if you and your companions are victorious here, my soul stitching will eventually unravel and you will return to the state in which I found you — dead. I cannot save you again, but you may be able to save me. The sa'quaarin are unlike anything you have faced. When you confront their leader, the one known as the Strator, you must—

  A lurching sensation in Aiden's chest interrupted Salinder's words and a moment later, they were reeled forward along the tether. A sensation akin to falling out of bed caused Aiden to lurch upright, and it was then he noticed he had returned to the world, with his companions standing around him in various states of concern while he inhaled in a deep breath.


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