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Presence- The Marked

Page 27

by L J Branch


  “Okay, you sit right there and take off your shirt so we can get started. If you have to use the bathroom go, because we’ll be here for a while,” Leo advised as he turned on the T.V. while Alice got situated. “Here put on something so you don’t die of boredom.” Leo said before he left to get his tools. Alice flipped through the channels only stopping when a breaking news report caught her eye.

  “Though Diamond has been escorted to the hospital in time, reports say that she is currently in a coma. No one is quite sure about what could have possibly driven the young singer to attempt suicide but…”

  Alice felt herself become light-headed as the news anchor’s voice was drowned out by her own thoughts.

  “Are you fucking serious?” Eric asked incredulously as Leo came back into the room.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “No,” Alice said quietly as she wiped her eyes. “But let’s focus on this right now.” With a shrug, Leo began to set up his equipment and began to work on Alice. Alice was so lost in her thoughts, that the needle that dug into her didn’t faze her hardly as much as she knew it should have.

  * * *

  China, Hong Kong

  Meifeng sat quietly on a log in front of a fire out in the forest on the outskirts of the bustling city. Suddenly a loud crack echoed throughout the area. When she realized the source of the sound, Meifeng gazed upon a large chunk of ice that continued to crack and thaw. After a few more moments, a gloved hand ripped free as the ice shattered and an exhausted Jack appeared.

  “Welcome back,” Meifeng greeted as she watched Jack curl into himself as he shouted in pain. Meifeng couldn’t blame him either when she noticed that he now had one less arm than she remembered. That said, Meifeng soon realized that it was not his missing arm that caused his pain. “I suggest invoking your curse and freezing your heart,” Meifeng said calmly. “Spare yourself your boss’ pain so you can concentrate,” Meifeng instructed as she approached him. Soon a cold fog escaped from his body as he shut away his heart and emotions which left an exhausted Jack on the forest floor.

  * * *

  Silicon Valley, Prosperity Industries, One Month Prior

  “Filthy abomination!” August shouted after he broke free from the ice. As he glanced around the vault which had become a frozen wasteland, it wasn’t long before he found Jack, in a block of ice both unconscious and frozen in place thanks to his last desperate attack.

  “Impressive gambit, I’ll give you that. Not even I could shrug that off,” August muttered before he aimed his staff at Jack. Before he could end jack’s life, a heavenly scent filled his nose and permeated throughout the room.

  “Bloody hell, were you always this pathetic, Gladius?” a feminine voice said, thick with an English accent. August glared as he saw a hooded woman stand next to the frozen form of Jack. When she turned to face him, August saw a person he hated even more than Umbra. “This much trouble against first-years? How in Laverna’s name did a coward like you ever take Romero’s place as the Arch-Mage of August?”

  “Julia, I knew I recognized that damnable perfume of yours, such an insidious treasure,” August all but growled out as his body exploded with a bright blue light. Julia’s ruby lips curved up into a smile, more amused by his display of power than anything. August’s eyes narrowed as he stared at the pale gold necklace around her neck, its pendant being a small vial of a mysterious blue liquid that seemed to glow. Julia remained unfazed by the power that poured off of August even as it tousled her hair and shattered some of the surrounding ice. “Today is my lucky day, I get revenge on that Doll and now I can get revenge on the woman who killed Romero and my dearest Regina.”

  “Funny, last time I checked they died because of you. I just played my part in the script you wrote,” Julia said and though her smile never wavered, there was an unmistakable edge to her voice. “Settle down,” Julia said coldly, her eyes like twin glaciers. “I’m not here to fight.”

  “You won’t have a choice,” August said which only made Julia laugh.

  “No, it’s you who doesn’t have a choice,” Julia mused. “The moment you smelled my aroma, this conversation was already over.” August cursed when Julia and Jack then vanished into thin air and left him alone in the vault.

  * * *

  China, Hong Kong, Present

  “And then according to her, she brought you here since I was the one who issued the contract to protect you. I couldn’t have my father knowing about this and kept you hidden out here,” Meifeng said as Jack did his best to warm up by the fire. “I must admit, I’m impressed that you broke out of your first cryostasis in a month,” Meifeng praised. “Normally when a young member of your family first pushes themselves too far it takes months but you did it in one. Must be a perk of being head of the family.”

  “I see,” Jack muttered his emotions still frozen away in an attempt to protect himself from Diamond’s pain. “What about your guards? You said your father was overprotective of you.”

  “Just as you said, they’re my guards,” Meifeng said mischievously. “Not his, though I don’t think he realizes that just yet. They listen to me and act as though they listen to him.”

  “Diamond and Kat, what happened to them?”

  “Your infiltrator’s body was nowhere to be found,” Meifeng revealed which made him raise an eyebrow. “Your guess is as good as mine. As for the Princess, well former Princess, she stepped down and chose to end the Midas line. Her grief seems to have consumed her. Last I heard she tried to take her own life, currently, she’s in a coma.”

  “I see, then I need to be by her side,” Jack said as he rose to his feet.

  “And do what? Fail her again?” Meifeng said skeptically. “I was told you Frosts were to be rational without your emotions distracting you.”

  “What is more rational than being by my boss’ side in her darkest moments?” Jack asked making Meifeng laugh softly.

  “How about becoming strong enough to make sure she never feels that pain again?” Meifeng asked and Jack paused. “How about becoming a thief worthy of your family name?”

  “Impossible, my treasure is gone,” Jack said as he gestured to his stub with his left hand.

  “A thief and their treasure are inseparable. One cannot exist without the other,” Meifeng scoffed. “You can’t see it but you can feel it, can’t you? Arondight’s power? If it were truly gone, your presence would have torn your body asunder by now.” Meifeng’s expression then softened. “Stay and let me teach you, show you the path to true power the likes of which not even your precious Vivi has seen.”

  “You know I can’t pay you right now, right?”

  “Fool,” Meifeng said as she walked to a nearby tree and placed her hand over a thief mark that was etched into the wood. Soon shadows surrounded them both as Jack felt a twisting sensation over his body. Within moments the darkness disappeared and Jack found himself on a mountain with a full moon shining brightly behind him.

  “What the hell!?” Jack exclaimed before his eyes widened. His curse was no longer active but he still felt no pain. “Where are we?”

  “My legacy, this temple is where I plan to have my school. I had it made in secret, hidden in the black desert surrounding the Guild,” Meifeng said making him turn around to find her standing on the steps of a temple. However, though he knew she was Meifeng, he couldn’t believe it. Instead of her white robes, Meifeng now wore a silky black robe as her hair now fell freely. Her robe hung off her shoulders which revealed part of a black butterfly shaped brand that seemed to take up a majority of her back. Her electric violet eyes shone even brighter as she made her way toward him. Gone was her kind, almost shy, demeanor and in its place was a quiet ferocity that seemed to keep an overwhelming darkness at bay. “A place where I can be who I really am. I am Li Meifeng, master in all but name. It is with your help that I plan to remedy that.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The way thieves are taught is dictate
d by those given the title of Master. Of those Masters, there are three that are ranked the highest and are given the ability to dictate who can and cannot become a Master and open their own school within the Guild. For assassins they have Headmistress Corday, for infiltrators, it’s the Phantom Thief, and for enforcers, that honor is given to my father,” Meifeng said with a sneer. “Their ways are too old and will get future thieves killed. They refuse to change, to adapt to times even as our enemies do. Their mentality is crippling us and the only way to stop it before it’s too late is to get true masters who understand how this world works to teach future thieves. My methods may seem too…dark…for my father’s liking and he will never approve, despite my obvious skill. This is one of the reasons I chose to help you, for I could see myself in your frustration, your anger,” Meifeng said as she strode toward him. “Tell me, between The Three Masters, did any of them teach a single member of your band about the changes the mages have done to their spells?”

  “Changes?” Jack asked with a frown.

  “They’ve begun weaponizing the element of light from the sun and moon, says it helps them defeat monsters easier. However, that extends to thieves as well as they weaken the power of our shadows with their light,” Meifeng said as Jack recalled how August turned his staff into a spear of light. “By adding light to their shields, they reduce the power our skills have on them, a technique based off of tactics used by the Knights’ Order. I imagine someone like August, in particular, would find such an ability useful. For poor unsuspecting first years, it could be the difference between life and death.”

  “What are you getting at?”

  “What if I told you there was a way to counter this method? A way that I told my father and he ignored in his foolish attempt to maintain traditions?” Meifeng questioned curiously.

  “Why would he ignore it?”

  “Fear, fear to do what needs to be done. If the Mages’ Circle begins to use more light, then should we not counter it with darkness? Meifeng questioned. “You are a Frost born into darkness. My father’s idea of balance is but a pipe dream for you. However, you have me and I will make sure you succeed by any means necessary.”

  “You are risking a lot just for me to succeed, why?”

  “Laverna came to me in a dream, she saw how much I was training you and gave me a chance to become a Master, to prove my theories,” Meifeng explained. “If I can make you an enforcer that she deems acceptable, she will give me the rank of Master herself. From there I can build a school that surpasses father’s and bring an end to the old ways of the Three Masters. I could save the Guild’s future initiates before it’s too late. Before they end up band-less like me…like you almost were…” Meifeng said quietly. “So? What do you say? Not even nectar can regrow your arm but let me truly train you. I can give you back everything you’ve lost with interest as well as give others like us a chance to truly thrive.”

  “Meifeng,” Jack said quietly as he fell to his knees and bowed while she gazed down upon him. “Teach me.”

  “Teach you what?”


  CHAPTER 17: Healing


  When Diamond came to, she grimaced as her eyes had to adjust to the bright scenery that surrounded her. Diamond was confused when she felt soft blades of grass beneath her fingertips and looked around to find herself in an incredibly beautiful forest. After she forced herself to her feet, Diamond began to walk around the strange realm in wonder.

  “Beautiful, ain’t it?” a voice asked making Diamond turn to find herself face to face with Crystal. “Come on, follow me, there’s something you need to see,” Crystal said as she grabbed Diamond by her gloved hand and practically dragged her through the forest.

  “Crystal, where are we?”

  “Elysium of course!” Crystal said with a grin as Diamond looked at her in shock. “Come on, you said you wanted to know if the Goddesses abandoned you? Let’s find out. Just remember what I said, be prepared to bow if they haven’t,” Crystal said before they came upon a large clearing. Diamond gasped, eyes wide, as she saw a massive ivory throne that rested in the middle of the clearing, separated from them by a stream of water.

  “It’s…empty…” Diamond said and her heart plummeted when she saw that the abandoned throne was covered with vines and moss.

  “Of course, it is, no one has sat in it in ten years,” Crystal said as she walked to the river.

  “Then doesn’t that mean they…left…us,” Diamond trailed off as she watched in confusion as Crystal undressed. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking a bath, it’s been a long day,” Crystal said as she glanced back at Diamond before she dipped a toe into the water and shivered at how cold it was. “Easy does it,” Crystal muttered as she slowly climbed into the river and slowly submerged herself. Confused by Crystal’s actions, Diamond sat down and took a moment to just think. Think about life and just where everything went wrong. Before Diamond could come up with an answer, she heard a splash and saw Crystal climb up out of the water on the opposite side of the river. “That’s better,” Crystal said, her eyes closed as she ran her fingers through her hair. Diamond began to say something only to stop when she noticed that Crystal’s gold highlights seemed to grow and spread throughout her hair. Diamond rubbed her eyes and looked again only to see that Crystal’s hair color had really began to change. Crystal’s dark skin seemed to glitter even more than usual only Diamond was positive that it wasn’t make-up. This was only reaffirmed when it looked as if Crystal had the very stars themselves branded on to her back. A glowing blue constellation soon formed on Crystal’s skin. Crystal hummed to herself as she rung the water from her hair while an elegant white transparent toga formed around her body. Diamond could only watch when Crystal strode toward the throne as her body drastically grew in size. With a wave of her hand, Crystal removed the vines and moss disappeared before she sat upon the throne. A golden diadem appeared on Crystal’s head before she crossed her legs and gazed down upon Diamond with now bright golden eyes. As she rested her cheek in her hand, the divine being smiled down upon the incredulous form of Diamond. “Now, tell me again how I abandoned you?”

  “Juventas,” Diamond whispered in shock. To say there was a lot she wanted to say, to ask, would have been an understatement. That said, it didn’t take long for Diamond to realize what she had to do. The former Princess had to do something she had never done before. Juventas watched in amusement as Diamond simply fell to her knees and kneeled before her.

  “We have much to discuss,” Juventas said as Diamond bowed her head.

  * * *

  Hollywood, Midas Manor

  “Roderick…I’m so sorry,” Vivi said quietly as she rested a hand on her boss’ shoulder while he gazed down upon the unconscious form of his daughter who barely clung to life. “What the hell did she take that even nectar can’t wake her up?”

  “Is it my fault?” Roderick questioned with a frown. “I tried hard to be both father and King. She was always so strong, my little gem, unbreakable just like her name,” Roderick said as he gently grasped the side of his daughter’s face. “It’s hard to know when a Midas needs help, but I tried so hard just like I tried for her mother. Yet like before, here I am failing to be there when they need me most of all.”

  “It’s not your fault,” Vivi tried to reassure him. “Diamonds are durable, yeah, but they can shatter if hit in the right spot. You couldn’t have known someone would hit that spot, don’t blame yourself.”

  “You’re wrong. If you’re a parent and your child is in this situation…an attempt on their life by their own hand? You’ve messed up somewhere,” Roderick muttered before he kissed Diamond on her forehead. “Let’s get to work, Vivi, they’ve taken our children. So, from them we’ll take everything.”

  * * *

  China, Hong Kong

  “Again!” Meifeng ordered as Jack forced himself to his feet.” Come on, I thought you wanted power.”

  “I do,
but I am at a bit of a disadvantage if you hadn’t noticed,” Jack said as he gestured to his stub.

  “A disadvantage of your own choosing. Your mother’s blood is in your veins, her darkness is yours,” Meifeng said coldly as she went on the offensive. Jack grimaced as his body trembled from the force of her blows. Use that power to regain what you’ve lost!” Meifeng shouted as she grabbed his wrist and with quick fluid motion, snapped his left arm. The pain almost blinded Jack but it was drowned out by a rush of fear when Meifeng kicked him in his chest and knocked him off of the mountain.

  * * *

  Jack was confused. One moment he was falling off of a cliff, the next he found himself standing in the middle of a frozen wasteland as a blizzard raged around him. However, before he could question what was happening, he noticed that nine massive circles were etched into the ground, each one inside another. From each circle, a frozen chain extended toward the center of the realm and wrapped around a large beautifully crafted blade that was thrust inside the innermost circle. The blade was identical to the brand on Jack’s arm and just like it, the sword had nine circles etched into it, all connected by a single line that ran from the tip of the blade to its hilt. Behind the blade, Jack saw a demonic suit of armor that seemed to have been sculpted from black ice. The gauntlets of the armor resembled a pair of claws, and its talons were light blue and crackled with a blue presence. The frozen knight gripped the hilt of the blade tightly and as if moving on instinct, Jack tried to reach out toward the blade, his stub outstretched as if desperately trying to reach it. A crack could be heard as the knight’s right gauntlet released the blade before it reached out toward Jack. As a blinding blue light erupted in the realm, Jack felt a freezing sensation where his right arm used to be.

  * * *

  Jack found himself awakened from the strange daze he had fallen into and to his surprise, his descent had halted. When he looked up, he found the right gauntlet of the frozen knight extending from his stub. The talons of the gauntlet crackled with presence which allowed them to sink into the stone effortlessly. It was on the back of his now armored arm, however, where Jack found his attention drawn for it bore an all too familiar brand that Jack had thought was lost to him.


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