Ray of Hope: The Cursed Elements Series Book 1

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Ray of Hope: The Cursed Elements Series Book 1 Page 10

by K. Mawhood

  “So, what do you do, Brayleigh?” his mom, Rebecca, asks.

  “Oh, right now I’m just bartending. I’m sort of just floating and saving money. What about y’all?”

  “I’m a divorce attorney for an office in town,” his dad, Chris, answers.

  His mother’s face looks sad as she replies, “I used to be a nurse, but I retired early. It was too much.” Her husband brings his arm around her to comfort her, and I get the feeling I shouldn’t ask about it further. My face must have a hint of pity on it because she says, “It’s okay. It was a long time ago. I should’ve been with them, protected them.”

  I look at her in confusion, and she asks, “He hasn’t told you yet, has he?”

  “Told me what?”

  “Cayden used to have twin brothers. They passed away when they were young. It was during a hurricane and we were being evacuated. Cayden was meeting us with the boys at Chris’s office so we could head out of town together. On the way there, some bloodsucker attacked him and took the car with the boys in it. When Cayden came to, he found the car underneath a huge tree that had fallen. They had been crushed and died instantly,” she says with a heavy heart.

  “I should’ve been home and protecting my boys, but there were so many injuries and people that needed help, the hospital wouldn’t let me leave. That was the last time I set foot in that hospital. It does give me some semblance of peace that Cayden was there and gave that bloodsucker what he deserved,” she says with tears in her eyes.

  I wrap my arms around her in a hug. I don’t know why but I just want to hug her. She hugs me back, almost too tight that I lose my breath. It feels so natural. Almost like she’s already family.

  I let her go. “I’m so sorry that happened. I know it was a long time ago but if you ever need some girl time or whatnot, I’ll be here for a bit and I’m also just a phone call away.” I smile at her. She gives me the biggest smile and says, “I’m so glad Cayden found you.”

  “Speaking of Cayden, I’m going to go check on him. It was nice meeting both of you,” I say and give his dad a nod. He seems like a nodding type. He nods back and I give myself a mental high-five.

  Looking around, I spot the guys sitting at a table near the fire with a couple. The girl looks about my age with long, light brown hair that frames her face nicely. The man looks a little older, with wavy dark brown hair that brushes his ears.

  As I make my way towards them the girl spots me and a huge smile takes over her face. She stands up and makes her way to me as the guys all turn to watch us. I’m happy to see another girl that looks my age. There are definitely more men than women here.

  “Hey, it’s Brayleigh, right? I’m Sarah,” she says, holding her hand out to me. “The guys were just telling us about you.”

  I shake her hand. “Nice to meet you,” I tell her with a smile.

  “Come join us for lunch. My mate and I decided to eat out here today, picnic-style, and we brought a ton of food,” she says, pulling me by my hand to the table.

  I chuckle at her excitement and follow her lead. Reaching the table she drops my hand and takes a seat next to her mate. He looks up at me with eyes as dark as his hair, and holds out his hand. “Hey, the name’s Harry. Nice to meet you.”

  “I’m Brayleigh, it’s nice to meet you too,” I say, shaking his hand. I look around the table for a place to sit, but there doesn’t seem to be any room.

  “Is there an extra chair I can go grab anywhere?” I ask the group.

  Liam, who is sitting at the edge of the bench, pats his lap, “I’ve got your extra chair right here, sweetheart.” I start to laugh at him, because I’m sure he’s joking, but he grabs my hips and slowly pulls me down on his lap, giving me time to pull away if I truly wanted to.

  I hear growls around the table, but I ignore them. This is actually quite comfy and I’m not moving. Sarah and Harry are staring at each of us curiously.

  “So,” I say to change the subject, “what’s for lunch?”

  Sarah opens the picnic basket on the table and starts pulling out all the sandwich fixings you could imagine. I feel my mouth water just looking at it all. I start shifting in Liam’s lap to get more comfortable, and he grabs my hips to stop me. I can feel him growing hard beneath me, and now my mouth is watering for a different reason.

  I subtly grind down on him harder just to fuck with him. I mean, I did declare a war, right? I feel, more than hear, a deep rumble in his chest, and I feel instant gratification. I definitely won this battle. Ha, take that Liam!

  After a few hours of eating and chit-chatting with Sarah and Harry, the guys announce it’s time to head back to the house. It’s starting to get dark now, and I’m ready to chill inside for a while after days of being outside.

  I really like Sarah. She seems like a fun person and I hope I see her again after I leave here. It would be nice to have a friend who’s supernatural that isn’t one of the guys.

  While the guys are showering, I go to my room and change into some comfy clothes. Short cotton shorts and a spaghetti strap shirt. Heading back out to the living room, I decide I want to fuck with the guys a little bit.

  I turn on the TV and start searching through the different streaming services for the movie I want. I give an evil little giggle when I find it and hit play. I make myself comfy on the couch and wait.

  About ten minutes later, Barrett makes his way out, and sees what’s on the TV. He throws his head back and groans. “Oh God, why?” he whines at me.

  I blink at him innocently. “What? I love this movie!”

  Wyatt and Liam come out next and start chuckling.

  Cayden finally comes out and does a double-take at the TV. “Why in the fuck is Twilight playing on my TV right now?” he growls out. I can’t help it, I bust out laughing at the look on his face. “What’s wrong? You don’t like this movie? Wouldn’t these like, you know, be your people?” I ask, still cracking up.

  “This movie is nothing like the real deal. Besides, it’s mostly about sparkly vampires, and do you see any of those fuckers running around here?” he asks seriously.

  I start laughing again, “Come on, can I still watch it anyways? I actually do really love this damn movie.” I say, giving them puppy dog eyes.

  “Fine,” they all say reluctantly. I give a small cheer as I lay back on the couch again. Barrett comes and sits to my right while Wyatt sits to my left. Liam and Cayden take the recliners on the left side of the couch.

  I pull my feet up onto the couch and Barrett grabs them and places them in his lap. Wyatt lays his arm on the back of the couch and I move to rest my head on his chest. He slowly slides his arm down to rest over me. Barrett starts massaging my feet and I let out an embarrassingly loud moan. They all freeze and I feel every single one of their eyes on me.

  “Sorry,” I say quietly without daring to look away from the screen. After a few moments, they turn away and Barrett continues the amazing rub down on my feet. It doesn’t take long for me to pass out, feeling perfectly content

  Chapter Eighteen


  The next morning, I wake up still in the same position that I fell asleep in. I see all the guys fell asleep out here as well. They all look so peaceful when they sleep. I get up quietly and make my way to the restroom. After washing my hands, I head into the kitchen to start the coffee machine and decide to make breakfast for them.

  Digging through the fridge, I find all the ingredients and start cooking. Slowly, one by one, they wake up and make their way to the kitchen. I get a warm hug from each of them as a thank you as they make their plates.

  “Damn, these breakfast tacos are the shit!” Liam tells me with a mouth full of food. The others nod in agreement.

  “Glad you like them,” I say, chuckling at them. “So, what’s the plan for today?”

  Barrett swallows his bite before responding, “We’re just going to chill around here for a bit before we start getting ready for the BBQ.”

  “Sounds good to me. Bein
g around everyone all day, talking about this werewolf stuff is a bit overwhelming,” I tell them.

  “Then sticking around the house is definitely the plan. We don’t want you to get freaked out,” Wyatt adds.

  I smile at him, “Thanks.”

  After breakfast, Wyatt stays behind and helps me clean up while the others wander off to different areas of the house. I’m standing at the sink scrubbing a pan when I feel him behind me. I turn around to grab the dishes from him, but he isn’t holding any. He places his hands on the sink behind me trapping me between his arms.

  “I’m glad you decided to come with us,” he says softly. “I really wanted this extra time with you.”

  I feel myself getting warm. “I’m glad I came too. I really like being around you guys,” I whisper. I’m having an extreme reaction to him, and I feel myself pushing closer. He lifts one of his hands and softly traces my face, still staring into my eyes. It’s intense. I can feel his touch all through my body and between my legs, making me clench them together.

  My body is getting hotter by the second. I need to calm down and stop before someone walks in. I can’t help myself though, as I lift one of my hands and start sliding it to the back of his neck. Now would probably be a good time to cool off before this goes further.

  Suddenly my back is getting drenched from the water coming out of the faucet, causing me to shriek in shock. Wyatt jumps into action and reaches behind me to shut the water off and then looks at me with wide eyes.

  “Well that was fucking weird,” he says.

  “Um, yeah that was. What the hell is wrong with his sink?” I question.

  He shrugs his shoulders looking back at the sink. “I don’t know but I’ll try to fix it.”

  “Ok, I’m gonna go get changed real quick,” I tell him.

  I slip away from him and head to my room. Yeah, that was fucking weird. I really don’t want to believe I have some sort of powers, but what the fuck was that? Why is this weird shit only happening when I’m close to them? Maybe being near them is what’s causing these weird occurrences. I’ll have to test that theory later, I guess.

  A little while later I’m sitting at the bar watching the guys get ready for the BBQ. I offered to help, but I was told by Liam, and I quote, “Sit your cute little ass down, and let us do the work.” I won’t argue with that. I like watching them move. The way their muscles ripple when they reach for something or strain when they are carrying stuff. It’s seriously turning this girl on.

  Cayden starts getting some meat and veggies ready as the guys head out to start the pits. He gets steaks and burgers out of the fridge and seasons them. Then he starts making some kebabs with chunks of steak and the sliced up veggies. He then puts everything in foil pans for easy transport to the BBQ pits.

  My phone starts ringing and I glance down to see that it’s Kels. “Kelsey’s calling me. I'm gonna go on the patio and talk to her a bit,” I tell Cayden. He nods and says, “We’ll be by the fire pits where we had lunch yesterday when you’re done.” I nod and walk off as I answer my phone.

  “Hey, Kels, what’s up?”

  “What’s up? Are you kidding me? You couldn’t call a bitch and let her know you’re safe?” she screeches at me.

  “I thought you had that tracking thing on my phone, so you wouldn’t be worried,” I remind her.

  “I know where your phone is. I don’t know if you’re just lying there dead next to it or not,” she snaps at me.

  Shit, that’s true I guess. “Sorry, Kels, it’s just been overwhelming being here and I forgot. I promise I will call you every day from here on out.”

  “Damn straight you will. Don’t make me have to hunt you down to find out your well being.”

  “Ok, ok, I promise I will,” I say, laughing.

  “Good. Now, how’s it going with those hotties?”

  “Great. I’m having a lot of fun with them. More than I thought I would. I really like it out here at Cayden’s pack; everyone is so welcoming,” I tell her.

  “I’m glad it’s going well. Have you had any more weird shit happen since the other day?” she asks me.

  “Yeah, actually, earlier today. Things were starting to get a little hot between me and Wyatt. I remember thinking I needed to cool down. All of a sudden the damn kitchen sink starts spraying me with water. It was the weirdest thing.”

  “Things were getting hot between you and Wyatt?” she asks excitedly.

  “Is that really all you got out of what I just said?”

  “No, but honestly it is the most exciting thing you said,” she says laughing.

  I just roll my eyes, waiting for her laughter to subside.

  “Seriously though, maybe you need to say something to them about it. I bet they know what’s going on with you.”

  “I don’t know. Wyatt thought it was weird too, so they might not. I think I’m just gonna wait a while longer and see if anything else happens. I don’t need them thinking I’m crazy,” I tell her.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. It’s your call. Anyways, I’ll let you go now. I was just checking in. Don’t forget to call me!”

  “I won't, I swear. Later, bitch. I love ya.”

  “Love ya too, later,” she says before hanging up.

  Making my way to the grills, I look around at all the different people around me. Everyone has their own little group of friends and family but everyone is smiling and is so happy. I can tell the community as a whole is so close-knit and in general, a big huge family. Is that what it is like being a wolf in a pack?

  I suddenly smell the food as I get closer to the grills and my stomach growls uncontrollably.

  “Someone’s hungry,” Wyatt shouts. When I get to them, I hit his arm. “You really heard that? I was like fifteen feet away”

  “Everyone did,” Liam says. Oh shit, I forgot. I’m surrounded by wolves with supersonic hearing. I really hope I don’t fart.

  “That’s embarrassing,” I murmur.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, sweetheart,” Liam says while putting his arm around me. The second our skin touches, I get that feeling again. This time, it’s more intense. I feel like jumping him. What is wrong with me?

  Cayden puts the grill tops down and announces the food will be ready soon.

  “I’m going to go to the restroom,” I say as I get out of Liam’s hold and rush to Cayden’s house.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I get in the bathroom and shut the door and begin to rinse my face with water.

  “Stop being such a horny slut,” I say in the mirror. I take a few moments to calm back down. Just as I’m about to step out, Liam opens and shuts the door. He turns on the water faucet full blast and looks at me like I’m the most beautiful girl in the world. It makes me melt.

  “You are so amazing, I can’t help myself. I need to kiss you, feel you. I never want to be away from you.” he whispers in my ear as he begins to back me into the wall, taking my hands in his and moving them above my head. I can’t go anywhere and I don’t want to, either.

  Just the heat from his whisper makes me wet and I know the feeling he is talking about. I’ve never been so attracted to someone in my life, let alone four guys.

  “Can I kiss you, please?” he all but begs. I know I shouldn’t but the more he whispers, the more turned on I get and I can’t deny these feelings anymore.

  “Yes, yes, please. Kiss me.” I squirm against him, feeling his cock is already hard.

  His left hand takes hold of both mine and his right drops down to my hairline. He softly grazes my cheek down to my chin, holding it with his thumb, and then he kisses me. He kisses me so hard and passionate, I sink. He holds me up and continues to kiss me, sneaking his tongue in.

  God, he’s a great kisser. I think there is something else to this. I swear, if he asks to fuck me right now, I’d let him, and normally I would never do that. I still can’t move but I want to, so bad. I want to dig my fingernails into his muscular back and grab a hand
ful of his strawberry blonde hair.

  He drops my hands and begins to undo the top buttons of my dress. He bends down, takes the bottom of the dress and lifts it above my head, and drops it on the ground. He sees the lingerie and gets even harder. I feel so vulnerable but also strong. I’ve never hated my body but it’s far from perfect. He reaches back and unbuttons the strapless bra and it falls as well. His eyes immediately land on my breasts, cupping them and going down to kiss my nipples gently. I grab his hair in one hand while going to his dick with the other.

  I push down his joggers and his cock all but bounces out right in front of my entrance. It’s fucking huge. He begins kissing me all over, taking my nipple and squeezing it. I moan so loud and I know now, I’ll need to change my underwear. I reach down and begin to stroke him. He inhales sharply between his teeth.

  “This is about pleasing you,” he says while trailing my hand back to his neck.

  He wraps an arm around me and places me on the edge to the cold sink, while simultaneously ripping my thong with the other. He begins to tease my clit with his dick, making me arch my back and close my eyes. He grabs my neck and kisses me hard. He cuts it short causing me to open my eyes.

  “I’m not going to fuck you in this bathroom but I am going to make you come,” he says against my lips. “I will stop each time you close your eyes or look elsewhere. Do you understand?” he says while staring at me with desire.

  Oh my gosh. This is so fucking hot. I’m the wettest I’ve ever been. I slowly nod and try not to moan again, when he slips the tip in for just a second. He’s such an asshole. But I’m also glad because I’m actually debating if that monster will even fit inside me.

  My lady bits are so ready for this. I’m about to burst already. I go to kiss him but he starts to kneel down with a smirk. Fuck, yes.


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