Jules and Bulls

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Jules and Bulls Page 16

by Chandler Ardnas

My phone rang instantly, and I took a deep breath.

  “What in the hell happened to your face?” he demanded.

  “I had an accident,” I said without further explanation.

  “Were you at fault?” he asked, and I realize he thought it was a car accident.

  “No, and the police were not called, something flew out of nowhere,” I said, as I imagined Tennyson’s arm flying at my face.

  “Well, you can’t perform looking like that,” he said adamantly. “Let me call the producers and see what I can do.”

  "Martin," I said softly. "I need a break; can you get me cleared until after Christmas?"

  The line was silent, and I began to cry. "If I don't get some time off, I'm going to quit," I told him honestly.

  It wasn't just the stress of the show, but now I was so worried about Tennyson. If his sister, who lived in this world was concerned, I should be hysterical.

  "You'll have to work like hell to rebuild your reputation," he retorted.

  “I know,” I said, as I rubbed my forehead.

  “You’ve had a busy year,” he relented, and I suddenly liked Martin so much more. “I’ll work it out.”

  I felt like I was less than honest with Tennyson, by letting him think I was quitting for good, and Martin, by allowing him to think I was only taking a short break, but I needed time to work everything out in my head. I hated the idea that I wanted to salvage something from my career if Tennyson ended up getting killed, but I had to face the fact it was a genuine possibility.

  I put on my jeans and found a shirt of Tennyson's I could tie up. I went to see the family and saw Cherry standing by the horses. I passed her and held up my hand, pointing to my ring and then lowering all my fingers except the middle one. Her face was priceless.

  When Miriam opened her trailer door, she gasped at the sight of my face. "Oh, honey, what happened to you?"

  "Oh, I had to beat down a few rodeo queens to get this." I held up my hand, and she looked at my ring in shock.

  She laughed loudly and pulled me into the trailer and gave me a tight hug. “I need to inform you, us queens never fight,” she said, as she pretended to check her hair.

  "I need to inform you; your son did this to me." Now her face truly showed shock, and she brought her hands to her mouth, ready to cry. I grabbed her wrist and laughed to the point it hurt my poor nose. "I tickled his face when he was asleep; he responded by throwing his arm," I explained.

  “Are you in pain?” she asked with concern.

  "No, I feel very… Weller," I laughed, and she nodded in understanding.

  “I’m glad you’re here. Amylia and Morgan are leaving to beat the truck with Georgia home.”

  “He’s being taken to California?” I asked.

  “Yes, we hired a refrigerated truck to carry his body. We’ll bury him at the ranch.”

  I nodded, and she locked her arm in mine and led me to the arena. We watched the many finals, and the crowd missed Amylia. The announcer informed the audience that Georgia died and so many fans were in tears.

  By the time Tennyson came out to ride my nose was hurting. It was my engagement day, and I looked hideous. Tennyson said something to the cowboys around the chute, and they all broke into laughter. Royal screamed, "Focus," and Tennyson raised his middle finger to him. The gate opened, and the bull sprang from the chute and began to spin furiously. Tennyson stayed centered and kept his free hand high, the beast suddenly turned the other way and jumped as he kicked, but Tennyson rocked back and then forward in opposition to the bull's movements.

  When the buzzer rang the entire stadium stood to scream for him. I was so proud of how hard he worked to go into finals with the number one seed. I could tell he was proud of himself, too. He stood in the arena and tipped his hat to the crowd before pumping his arm into the air in victory. Royal jumped over the railing and ran to his brother, picking him up around the hips and jostling him as Tennyson held his hands high. The standing ovation continued until both men walked arm-in-arm into the alley.

  Miriam, Bethany, and I were all crying like the girls we were and headed quickly to the back of the arena. I saw Tennyson talking with Russell and waited for them to finish before running at him with full speed. He caught me in his arms and swung me around in a circle. I kissed him hard, and it brought tears to my eyes because of the pain, but I didn't care. Someone handed him a bottle of champagne, and he took a long drink before giving it to me. I took a sip, and he laughed and kissed me again. Royal patted him on the back, and I let him go so his mother could love on him a bit. I heard Royal say, "Let's get home and get to work."

  “I have to take Jules to New York,” Tennyson said, and I quickly spoke up.

  “No, Tenn, I talked to Martin, I’m going with you.”

  His expression caused me to laugh, and he grabbed me into his arms again. “I feel like I’m on top of the world,” he said. “Diablo will be nothing.”

  I let my eyes fall, not wanting to spoil his celebration. I would bring up the subject when he was home and had time to think about it. I headed back to my hotel to get my things and planned for my stuff in New York City to be packed and sent to my house. After turning in my rental car, Tennyson picked me up in his truck, and I jumped in and sat next to him as I laughed at the pure joy I was feeling.

  “We have to celebrate,” I said.

  "I know a perfect way," he replied, with a less than excited face. He wasn't happy; he was pissed.

  My stomach dropped and I stared at him in confusion. I finally nodded and said, "Just tell me, and I'll do it."

  “Let’s go to Niagara Falls and get married.”

  Chapter 17

  I moved away from him as I stared in shock. He started the truck and turned his face away from me. I tried to come up with the perfect words to say so he wouldn't pull over and ask me to get out of his vehicle. He finally started the conversation. "I guess you're not ready."

  "It isn't that I don't want to marry you, Tenn. I don't want to do it because we are overly excited right now. I mean, my father would freak if he couldn't walk me down the aisle.” My excuse wasn’t totally true. I didn’t care if my parents attended my wedding, they would just complain and call it another mistake. I would never consider marrying without Eric by my side, and wondered if Tenn would even allow him to attend.

  “Yeah, okay,” he said to cut me off.

  He drove with his elbow on the door frame, sitting far from me and without speaking. I stared at him, hoping he would at least look at me, but he only watched the road. I blew out a long breath of air and said, “Tenn, this is going to be a long ride if you don’t speak to me.”

  "I'm driving to Indianapolis, and we're flying home from there," he said without explanation.

  I nodded and bit my lip as I fought back my tears. This was not the reunion I was expecting it to be and I felt like I was intruding on his life. I stared into the black night as we got further and further from the city. When we pulled over to get gas, I headed to the convenience store. I made us both a cup of coffee, and when he walked inside I called out to him, "Anything you want to eat, or is coffee fine?"

  His jaw tightened, and he said, "Don't worry about it, I'll get it," and he headed to the restroom.

  I was now furious. It wasn't fair that just because I wouldn't run off to elope, he was treating me this way. I sat the coffee down and stomped after him. I pushed open the bathroom door and entered the room. He was standing at a urinal, and his eyes grew wide when he saw me. "What the hell, Jules, I'm taking a piss."

  “I’m not traveling with you if you don’t start acting like a grown ass man. I want a wedding, a real wedding,” I screamed.

  "You sure about that, because according to the radio you are healing from a car accident and anxious to get back to work in January?" I hesitated for just a moment, and he saw it. He zipped up his pants and walked over to wash his hands as he said, "Never mind."

  “No, we’re going to do this right here and right now. I asked Mart
in to get me cleared until after Christmas….”

  “Well, at least you plan on spending Christmas with me,” he yelled loudly.

  “Shut up,” I screamed at him. “I’m speaking, so shut up and listen.”

  "You're going to play diva with me?" He yelled, incredulous. "I'm Tennyson Weller, and you're on my turf right now." He beat his hand against his chest to accentuate his point. My eyes glanced around the room, and my rage faded as laughter took its place. If he wanted a men's room to be his turf, he could have at it. He finally relaxed and chuckled as he said, "Well, you know what I mean."

  “I don’t want you to ride Diablo,” I said with a soft voice.

  His face changed from anger to a hurt expression, and I knew he thought I didn't have faith in him. I wanted to hug him and tell him it would all work out, but I was scared, too, so I admitted the reasoning behind my actions.

  "Tenn, if you die in six weeks I need to have a career waiting for me. If you can promise me you won't ride Diablo, I'll tell Martin I am finished with Broadway."

  “You don’t understand,” he said with a pleading voice.

  "You're right; I don't understand. You can win without so much risk. Russell doesn't have the video so if he chooses Diablo, you win. If he doesn't, and you compete for the title head-on, you win. Why take the risk?"

  "I can ride him, Jules, I know I can. I have the skill, and I can't choose the easier route and feel good about it."

  “Are you sure your ego isn’t making the decision. You don’t know anything until you sit down in that chute. What if you’re wrong?”

  “If I’m wrong, I lose,” he said with a shrug, and I wished I didn’t know better than to believe him.

  "If you're wrong you will use the suicide wrap," I said, as I watched his eyes for a reaction. He didn't try to deny it. He knew I would see it if he lied to me. He continued to stare without any response whatsoever. “Tenn, what if Royal gets killed this time? Can you live with that?”

  “He won’t,” he said adamantly.

  “You’re going to risk your brother’s life because you say so?”

  "I'm not letting Morgan come," he said, and I had to think what he could mean. It finally dawned on me; Morgan wouldn't be able to warn the family and Royal would stay back until the end of the ride.

  I stood there growing angrier. He was heading right toward his death and kept making excuses. But, the thing that angered me the most was the fact he genuinely expected me to marry him and then watch my husband die.

  The door opened, and a truck driver gave me a stunned look and then glanced back at the wording on the door. I apologized and headed out of the men's room to retrieve the coffee. Tennyson paid after throwing some chips and donuts onto the counter. We got in the truck, and I finally asked about Indianapolis.

  “I’m meeting a rope maker; he’s got some custom stuff to show me. Someone will meet us at the airport and drive my truck home. I have a lot of work to do and can’t spend time on the road,” he explained.

  "Yeah, preparing for your death must be time-consuming," I mumbled, as I looked out the window.

  He sighed loudly, and I noticed how his knuckles tightened around the steering wheel.

  My cell phone rang, and I looked to see my parents calling and groaned loudly. "Should I answer?" I asked Tennyson.

  He shrugged and said, “Are you ashamed to be with me?”

  I angrily answered to show him he was wrong. I had no idea what I was going to tell them, but I was too mad to think about it. “Hello, I don’t want to hear it,” I yelled into the receiver.

  “You were in a car accident and didn’t tell us?” my mom yelled back.

  “No, Mom, I wasn’t in a car accident. It is just a story to get me some time off.” I tried to play it off and was relieved they didn’t bring up Barton or Tenn.

  “Are you coming home?” she asked.

  I was tired and angry at myself for answering the phone. “No, I’m spending time with Tennyson,” I finally admitted in a hushed voice, and heard only silence on the line.

  Tennyson stuck out his hand and said, “Let me talk.” I looked at him like he had just threatened my life and scooted further away, shaking my head. “Jules, give me the phone as you check the birthdate on your driver’s license,” he said angrily.

  I knew he was calling me a baby, so I threw my phone at him. It bounced off his door and landed in his lap. He grabbed it in his hand and pulled over, slamming his breaks and sending me flying forward against the harness of my seatbelt.

  “Hello,” he said into the phone as he tried to calm down. “Hi, Mrs. Smith. May I call you right back? Thank you.”

  We both sat quietly in the truck for several moments, wondering what was happening to make everything begin so severely. Tennyson finally turned to look at me and said, "Jules, I want you to be my wife and the mother of my children. Do you think I plan on dying?"

  “Tenn, I’m not happy without you. I need to know if I give up my career you’ll be there.”

  “I’m not asking you to give it up…totally. But, I want you to be honest with me, so I don’t have to get news about my fiancé from the radio.”

  "That is exactly what I am trying to get you to understand; it is all fake. Don't believe anything you hear about me from the radio or magazines."

  "Here's what I want from you," he said. "I want you to invite your parents to Blue Lake so I can meet them. I want you to pick a date for our wedding and start looking at schematics for a house I want to have built for you."

  “A house?” I asked in surprise.

  “Yes, we all have our own land on the ranch. Royal and Bethany just moved into theirs.”

  I felt tears forming, and I tried to smile, but only sobs broke through. Tennyson misunderstood and thought I wanted out of the deal. His head dropped, and his shoulders slumped. I unhooked my belt and scooted over to him and placed my hand on his cheek. "Tenn, I look awful, and you still want me. I love you so much."

  He pulled me into his arms and kissed me softly. It didn't progress into deeper kisses, he kept it sweet and tender. I leaned my head on his shoulder, and he started the truck and got back onto the road.

  “Is Valentine’s Day too pretentious?” I asked him softly.

  “Can I wear boots?” he asked hesitantly.

  "I planned on dressing you like Cupid; you would look hot in a diaper," I teased.

  "Fine, but so that you know, I'm pretty decent with a bow and I will shoot your ass."

  “Of course, you are, cowboy,” I said with a chuckle. “Now the biggest issue of all…which bed do we keep?”

  “Oh, hell no,” he said quickly, and I laughed hard.

  “My mother will want me to wear her wedding dress,” I said sadly.

  “Jules, why wouldn’t you want to wear her dress? I think it is a great idea.”

  “Um…no way, I have taste,” I said, as I shook my head. “The dress looks like she was channeling Cinderella. I want a sleek, simple gown, without all the beading and lace. I know just the designer.”

  “But, I can wear my boots, right?” he asked again, and I knew he was worried about it.

  “Boots and socks, I promise.”

  He smiled widely and nodded with appreciation. I called my parents and invited them to the ranch; they surprised me by quickly accepting. Tennyson drove through the night, and we arrived at our destination the next morning.

  I was too tired to concentrate on what the men were talking about and caught phrases like, offset center, Brazilian rope, rounded lace, and an awful lot of talk about hand packing. When Tennyson finally got back into the truck, he asked about an old mare named Pepper.

  “My brother in Wyoming still has her,” the man said.

  “Do you think he would be willing to give her up, for a price?” Tennyson asked, and I wondered if he was getting the horse for Amylia.

  “I’ll let you know,” the man smiled, and Tennyson shook his hand.

  By the time we got on the flight to L.A
., I was beyond tired and fell asleep before the plane even took off. It seemed like only moments passed before we landed. I was surprised nobody stopped me for an autograph and knew I looked different with a swollen nose and a black eye, but that usually never stopped the tabloids from hovering like vultures.

  We caught a cab and headed to my house. I dropped one of Tennyson's bags in the foyer and headed straight to my bed. He crawled up behind me, and we slept from five that evening until the next morning.

  I woke up and put on some coffee before starting a shower. Tennyson jumped in and smiled at me, “Man, you look like someone beat the shit out of you.”

  “Thanks, you say such romantic things,” I complained.

  “We need to hurry, I want to get to Blue Lake as fast as we can,” he said as he quickly shampooed his hair.

  “So, I should bend over and hold onto the wall?” I asked, and his hands froze in his hair. “I’m only teasing,” I said, and smacked him in the stomach.

  “I don’t know if I should apologize or turn you around,” he admitted, and I smiled at him.

  "I need to pack some stuff. I have my shit all over America, and I'm not sure what is where," I said, as I shampooed my hair.

  "Okay, no sex, we have to hurry. I'll fix you something to eat while you pack," he said and grabbed a towel.

  “You’re going to cook? Are you sure it won’t cost you some of your nuts or guts?”

  “I plan on making sausage and bacon,” he laughed, and I glared at him.

  I was dressed in only underwear and a t-shirt as I packed some clothes when the doorbell rang. I looked through the peephole to see Eric standing there waving at me. I opened the door as I headed to my bedroom to finish dressing.

  Eric followed me and stood in the doorway. “Why didn’t you tell me you were home?”

  “I got in yesterday and went right to bed. I’m leaving again today,” I announced.

  “Well, this is Vince,” Eric said, and I spun around to see someone standing behind Eric.

  "God, I'm so sorry," I said to the young man smiling at me. "I didn't see you. Nice to meet you, Vince."

  “Eric talks about you constantly,” he said with a shy smile.


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