Jules and Bulls

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Jules and Bulls Page 21

by Chandler Ardnas

  “I rode differently today,” he said with a strong voice. “I rode on emotion, not skill. I felt powerful and in control, twenty-five percent better, you know.”

  “It was the only thing missing. I’m so proud of you,” I said softly, wishing he was in my arms at this moment. “I got a manicure from Eric, so you can imagine how boring my day was.”

  He laughed, and it sounded like music to my ears. "Tell him I owe him one," Tennyson said, and it was my turn to smile.

  “I think I’ll phrase it differently. Eric might be hoping for more than you’re willing to give,” I teased him.

  “I’ll make Royal deliver,” he chuckled.

  “Tennyson, Royal has a kid coming, you can’t suicide wrap under any circumstances, okay?”

  "I never do," he said with a teasing tone. I let it slide since I didn't want to argue with him right now. "Um…I'm not riding to win; do you understand what I mean?"

  “No,” I admitted.

  "I only need to make the final go-round. I'm going to ride the bronc's and the first two bulls with my other hand to keep focused. Tarwater will beat me, but I will be less likely to mess up when I ride Diablo. It's going to be ugly, but I only care about the time, I have to stay on until the buzzer."

  “Let Russell Tarwater have the win, you get the victory,” I said with a smile.

  “Yeah, I like the way you put it,” he said, and I could tell he was smiling, too.

  “Go to bed and ride in your sleep,” I told him.

  “Hey,” he said with a husky voice, “learning to use both hands will work out well for you, too.”

  “Damn you, how am I supposed to go to sleep now,” I complained.

  "I'll be waiting for you in my dreams to show you how much I love you," he whispered.

  “I’ll see you there, and I hope you know how much I love you, too.”

  We hung up, and I wanted to ask him about Pepper, but I knew it would hurt too much right now. I drifted off to sleep to find Tennyson and love him as I wanted.

  The weeks were passing slowly, and I buried myself in writing songs. I cried as I poured out words for Man-o-war to speak to Tennyson. Most people would think it was a song about doomed lovers. Instead, it was about a relationship much deeper than that of physical attraction. Tenn's horse was solid muscle, kept in shape by a cowboy who loved him and didn't mind letting the animal lead. But, Man-o-war's most significant muscle was his heart, also kept in shape by Tennyson with his constant concern and sharing.

  I realized Manny’s death most likely saved my relationship with Tenn. I was in the way of his dream and his resentment would have surfaced, eventually. We were of one mind now, working together for a common purpose. I didn’t want to think of Manny giving up his life for me, but it felt that way.

  Christmas passed with hardly a notice. I spent it with Eric and Vince, but my heart remained with Tennyson.

  The night before we would all meet in Las Vegas, Amylia called. She gave me instructions on where to meet up with Tennyson after I shared my flight information. "He's ready, Jules; he is fierce and determined. His whole demeanor has taken on the name if that makes any sense," she laughed.

  "Will he be safe at the event?" I asked, as my fears began to rise.

  “He’s got security, but don’t tell him,” she giggled.

  "How are you doing with your own loss?" I asked and purposely didn't use the word Sarsaparilla.

  “He better win or I am putting him on the grill,” she grumbled.

  “How’s Pepper? I asked, and Amylia laughed loudly. “Hey, don’t laugh at my horse. I happen to like slow and gentle.”

  “Well, then you’ll be happy to know she is still slow and gentle. You have to learn to ride a real horse, Jules.”

  “Pepper is a real horse, and I will ride a more spirited horse when Tennyson can watch Eric and Vince kiss.”

  “Oh Jules, you are such a dreamer,” she teased. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I had a hard time falling asleep. I was worried, and excited, and anxious. I knew I needed to pull it together for Tennyson. I was confident one look at the Tattorsal brand and my rage would pull me right together.

  Eric dropped me off at the airport, and I marched right past the paparazzi dressed in Wranglers, boots, and my belt with the contraband buckle from Tennyson, holding my hat in my hands. They all yelled for my attention, and I continued walking until I heard someone say, "Is Tennyson ready for the ride of his life?"

  I looked around the crowd and saw a young man wearing western clothes holding out a recorder. I walked over to him, ignoring all the questions about myself.

  "They made a huge mistake coming after something Tennyson loved. I've learned a lot about Cowboy justice, and Tennyson will hit them where they live. They might as well heat up the grill because that bull won't be worth shit after this weekend."

  The young man smiled widely and nodded at me as I turned and walked away, leaving the other reporters trying to figure out what I meant.

  I landed and was shocked to find Miriam and Bethany in the limo waiting for me. Bethany looked uncomfortable, and Miriam looked extremely stressed. I didn't let it damper my confidence at all.

  “You look authentic,” Bethany said, as she gave me a once over with her eyes. “But you still aren’t supposed to wear that buckle.”

  “It’s his to give,” I said with a smile. “Anything new since I spoke to Amylia last night?”

  “Yeah, Morgan is going to handle the flank strap on Diablo, but it is supposed to remain a secret until right before the ride,” Miriam told me.

  “A secret from Tennyson?” I asked, wanting to tell them there was no way I was going to go along with that.

  “No, Tattorsal,” Bethany explained. “The association is building this up big, and they aren’t about to let those guys cheat by having the bull stall.”

  “How’s Royal?”

  Bethany rolled her eyes, and Miriam laughed. "If you don't have horns or balls he won't know you exist. He is so focused I doubt Tennyson will get to even speak to you if Royal is around."

  "If that's what it takes, I'm good," I said, genuinely willing to wait until after the ride to speak to the man I love.

  “What happened to the girl who thought we were abusing animals?” Bethany laughed.

  “I met a cowboy who loved his horse as much as he loves me,” I said honestly.

  We pulled into the arena parking lot and drove behind the security gates before climbing out of the car. The lot filled with trailers, and my pulse was racing. I was headed to Miriam's trailer and not even looking for Tennyson when a rope flew over my head and tightened around my body.

  I screamed in shock and turned to find Tennyson holding the end of the rope. “With my left hand even,” he smiled proudly.

  "You're not a roper," I said pointedly and pulled the rope back over my head.

  “I just wanted to lasso me a purdy lady,” he said in a thick southern accent.

  "I thought you were focused?" I asked as I eyed him suspiciously.

  He dropped the rope and came up to pull me into his arms, “I am focused; do you want me to ride you to prove it?”

  "Will it ruin my value if you do?" I asked as I put my hands on his ass.

  “I’d have to retire you, but I’ve already taken you off the market,” he said, and then kissed me sensuously.

  “Take me to your trailer,” I said, as he moved to my neck.

  “Dammit, Tennyson,” Royal yelled, and I pulled away like a teenager getting caught by her parents. “I thought you were working on your left-hand dexterity,” he added with anger.

  "I am, I promise only to use my left hand," he said as he winked at me.

  "And I'll make sure he does," I said to Royal, as I stared at Tennyson's eyes.

  He smacked Tennyson across the back of the head and said, “Where’s your rope?”

  I laughed and headed into Miriam’s trailer letting Tennyson get back to his focus and was handed a drink as soon as I
entered. “I know it’s early, but it will be one of those weekends,” Miriam said with a smile.

  I quickly downed the drink and asked the hard question. “What will happen when Tennyson see’s someone from Tattorsal?”

  "Expect him to fight at the dance tonight," Bethany said as she sipped her juice.

  "Really? You think there will be trouble?" I asked with fear.

  "Come on, how could there not be? Tennyson must be there as the reigning champ, and they are going to want to rattle him. They'll say some shit about his horse and Tennyson will respond. But, most of the Cowboys are going to side with him, so it can't get too out of control."

  I took a deep breath and began to worry. I had made a lot of changes, but I still struggled with the idea you hit someone to work things out.

  We all headed to the opening ceremonies, and it dawned on me for the first time Tennyson would be introduced but didn't have a horse to ride in on. I assumed he would ride Colossus but smiled at the thought of him riding in on Pepper. They would have to lengthen the ceremony just to give her time to walk around the arena.

  Everything was so much bigger and grander for the finals. The parade of horses and queens was at epic proportions. The judges, along with all the dignitaries were introduced to the crowd before the National Anthem. The lights grew low and began to blink off and on as the audience stood to scream for Tennyson. My heart was pumping fast, and I could feel the tears threatening. His name was announced to a thunderous roar, and then a collective gasp could be heard when Tennyson walked into the ring.

  I covered my mouth with my hands and watched him walk with his hat in his hand. He had on new chaps with the image of Man-o-war painted down one entire leg. I looked at Bethany and saw her wiping away tears. Tennyson's jaw was tight, with a look of determination on his face. He stood right in the middle of the arena as a tribute to Man-o-war played on the vast screen overhead. The film ran to my song about the moon, and I watched as Tennyson looked up to see the slow-motion images of him entering various events, riding in on his beloved horse.

  The crowd was silent as the tribute played, several people openly weeping. I watched Tennyson drop his head and wipe away uncomfortable tears. When the song ended, he put his hat on just as Royal came riding in on Colossus. He headed right for his brother with his arm extended. Tennyson grabbed the offering and was pulled up behind Royal to ride around the railing as the crowd screamed in delight. Tennyson held his hands high in the air as the strength returned in his expression and the sorrow moved into the background. A picture froze on the screen above, showing Man-o-war reared back with both legs high in the air. It was how Tennyson would feel him in his heart.

  I took a deep breath and pulled my emotions back into check as I mentally prepared to see Russell score higher than Tennyson in the bareback bronc category. The crowd was loud and enthusiastic giving the riders an extra bit of determination, so the scores were high and the number of riders making it to the buzzer was incredible.

  Russell climbed into the chute with his ever-present smile. He adjusted his rigging quickly and nodded as Royal and Colossus waited on the far side of the arena to assist if needed. His ride was perfection, and even the family stood to approve. Tennyson was up next, and I thought my nerves would be going crazy, but I felt an overwhelming calm wash over me.

  Tennyson climbed upon the railing of the stall with a huge grin on his face. It was so out of character for him, and I looked at Royal to see if he would scream for his brother to focus. Instead, Royal was smiling, too. He held his thumb high in approval and Tenn straddled the bronc. He raised his strong arm in the air and prepared his legs to spur as he gave a quick nod.

  The gate sprang open, and the bronc exploded from the chute bucking wildly. I had intended to watch Tennyson's legs to see if he was slipping or if his spurring was off, but I never made it past his face. His eyes stayed glued to his riding hand, as he focused on his center of gravity. His jaw wasn't clenched like it usually was, but he had a peaceful look the entire time.

  I don't remember hearing the buzzer, but Royal was suddenly riding right along Tennyson, as he smoothly exited the ride. Royal dropped him to the ground, and I noticed how Tennyson patted the image of his horse on his leg. The score was given, placing Tennyson one point behind Russell Tarwater.

  Chapter 23

  During the second go-round, more cowboys were bucked off, and scores were lower. Russell had another great ride, and Tennyson appeared to be trying something different with his arm. It didn't work as well, and he ended up dropping to third. He didn't seem upset and walked off talking animatedly with Royal.

  Amylia set the crowd on fire and didn’t disappoint. Sarsaparilla didn’t lean as much as Georgia in the turns but seemed to be faster on the straightaways. She broke her own record and jumped up and down in the alley.

  I left at that point and went looking for Tennyson. I worried about him running into any Tattorsal people, although Royal would be able to handle anything better than I would. I found him working on some gear in Royal’s trailer.

  “You were amazing,” I said with a smile.

  "I think I found a way to confuse the bull some more," he said, feeling apparently very happy with his third-place standing.

  “Amylia just broke her own record,” I informed them, and Royal shook his head back and forth.

  “I told her Georgia was holding her back,” he said.

  I looked directly into Royal’s eyes and asked about the dance. “Is there going to be a fight tonight?”

  “I sure hope so,” Royal smiled.

  I looked at Tennyson and noticed he didn't answer. He continued working on his equipment as if lost in his own thoughts. I moved to kneel in front of him, and when he looked up at me, I blew him a kiss.

  “Were you saying something?” he asked, afraid he was ignoring me.

  “No, I was just looking at you,” I said, and he winked at me.

  My phone rang, and I looked at it and groaned. It was Martin, and I didn't want to hear him complain about anything. I stood and answered in irritation. "What, I'm resting, remember?"

  "You are not going to believe this, Jules. You have been offered a part in a sitcom. You will be the female lead."

  I didn’t answer and could see Tennyson looking at me, trying to judge what Martin wanted.

  “Oh really?” I said without much enthusiasm.

  “Yeah, really, they want to meet with you. I will be back in LA next week, will that work? I can have them come to your home if you like.”

  “Hum…maybe, let me call you later.”

  I tried to keep Tennyson from guessing anything was up because I wanted him focused on his ride. Martin wasn't going to let me get away with that. "Maybe? Did you say maybe? What's going on, Jules?" he screamed.

  “Listen, I’m with Tennyson now,” I said, hoping it sounded final to Tennyson.

  “I don’t care who you’re with; get your act together and jump on this opportunity.”

  “I’ll tell him you say hi. Bye, Martin.”

  Tennyson gave me a suspicious look and told Royal to check on Amylia. Royal glared at me as if to warn me to keep his brother focused. I smiled to show him there was nothing to worry about for now. He walked out, and Tennyson nodded his head to have me sit.

  “What’s going on?”

  "Martin wants me checking in. He's working on some things and wants me to feel like part of the negotiations."

  “What things?”

  “Tennyson, this is not important right now. I’m here, with you, and it is just where I want to be, okay?”

  “Okay, I am trusting you, Jules.”

  “So, are you excited for the dance?” I asked, hoping to bring up the possibility of a fight again.

  “I’m excited to dance with you,” he said quickly.

  "Will any… Ranch people be there?"

  “Possibly,” he said softly.

  “What should I prepare myself for?” I asked, hoping I could trust him to tell m
e the truth.

  "My fight is in the arena," he said, and I instantly relaxed. I watched him work for close to an hour, and he finally stood and reached for my hand. We went to his trailer and got ready for the dance. It was after nine when we finally showed up. We were both smiling like crazy from our post-shower activities and joined the family at their front table. Merritt was hovering over his boys, and I was sure it was due to the possibility of a fight.

  When the band began playing the rodeo song, Tennyson grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. He was enthusiastic and having a ball. I was laughing and feeling like I finally belonged in this world. When the song ended, Tennyson dipped me and kissed me with passion. The entire room cheered for us and I felt like things would be okay tonight.

  We danced through a couple of more songs and went back to the table for a beer. "You look happy, Jules."

  "I'm having a lot of fun. I understand things so much better, and I am so proud of you," I said, and gave him a quick kiss.

  Tennyson stood and continued smiling down at me as he pulled his belt from his pants. I laughed and wondered if he was going to strip right here. "Someone's a bit anxious," I teased, and he nodded his head.

  "Just let me know when you want to leave," he said with a grin, as he wrapped his belt around his hand methodically. The large buckle was covering his knuckles, and I heard Royal yell, "Dad," from somewhere behind me, but I was mesmerized by Tennyson's beautiful smile.

  “I’m good, no need to leave just yet,” I said, and Tennyson leaned over to kiss my cheek.

  "Hum…would you look at that," he said nonchalantly, as he leaped onto the table and ran to the end before jumping into a crowd of men.

  I was staring in shock as his belted hand hit a man so hard the blood sprayed clear to a different table. The man fell to his knees, and Tennyson walked calmly in front of him and kicked hard with his boot into the man's groin.

  I was frozen to my spot and saw Royal and Merritt standing behind Tennyson in case someone wanted to get in on the fight. Tennyson unwrapped his hand and put his belt back on as the man writhed on the ground. Nobody attempted to assist him, and Tennyson walked back to me still wearing a smile. I felt sick inside and had to sit down before I fell.


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