Wolf Hunt

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Wolf Hunt Page 6

by Jennifer Ashley

  He hid the bike in a stand of scrub then, in fluid movements, shed his coat and sweatshirt.

  Nadia’s gaze fixed to Logan’s baring body and wouldn’t move. He had the hard torso of an athlete, the broad shoulders of a fighting man. His chest was dusted with golden hair that caught the moonlight, a thin trail gathering to point to his waistband.

  Nadia didn’t realize she was intently watching his hand on his fly, waiting for him to unzip, until he caught her eye. Logan said nothing, didn’t change expression—he only turned away and finished undressing behind a tree.

  The tree wasn’t wide enough to hide his well-formed body, or his nice ass when he slid out of his jeans and bent over to bundle his clothes together. Nadia started to grow fond of that tree.

  Nadia knew she could help him hunt the werewolves, but only if she too changed her form. She hesitated.

  Most humans and life-magic creatures were repulsed by a demon’s true form. People could handle demons in everyday life as long as said demons retained their glamour as beautiful humans. Physical beauty tended to disarm even the most prejudiced person. Scales and horns, on the other hand, made them reach for weapons. Though not all demons had scales and horns.

  Nadia quickly stripped off and willed the glam that kept her in human form to fall away. She felt herself growing taller, her limbs smoothing at the same time they became stronger and more muscular.

  She was in mid-change when a wolf trotted out from behind the tree, a huge gray animal with tawny eyes and a heavily-muzzled wolf’s face. Logan’s wolf glanced up at her, the fur on his neck rising as he saw her changing. He growled once then sat down and watched Nadia in silence.

  Nadia’s body took on a white sheen, a glow she could escalate or dampen at will. Her hair fell, black and long, to her waist, and her eyes enlarged as her vision strengthened. She could see shapes that shadows would hide from her when she was in human form, and a spectrum of colors humans didn’t even have names for.

  Black feathery wings emerged from her shoulder blades and cascaded down her back to her heels. Nadia unfurled the wings and felt herself float a few inches above the forest floor.

  Logan regarded her intently, his wolf’s gaze never moving. After a moment of them regarding each other in silence, Logan rose and walked toward her. He moved faster with every step.

  Nadia held her breath, knowing that as strong as she was, a werewolf, especially one with Logan’s power, could easily take her down. Logan kept his tawny gaze fixed on hers as he charged straight at her. At the last minute, Logan swerved by her, his hard body sliding against her legs.

  Nadia reached down and ran her slender-fingered hands across his back. Logan’s fur was rough and wiry but tickled at the same time.

  Logan circled her again, and this time Nadia crouched down to meet him, her body shimmering as her fears flowed away. Logan looked straight into her eyes, then closed his own and rubbed his muzzle under her chin.

  “Mmm.” Nadia wrapped her arms around Logan’s strong wolf’s body, burying her hands in warm fur. “Nice doggie.”

  Logan snarled gently, lips peeling back from ferocious-looking canines. He pushed her with his body, and Nadia toppled lightly onto her back, a couple hundred pounds of wild wolf landing on top of her.

  Nadia’s wings cushioned her fall, and Logan shifted his weight to not crush her. His paws rested on her shoulders, pinning her, his breath hot on her face.

  “Wolf breath.” Nadia grinned. “Yum. Just what I’ve always dreamed of.”

  Logan growled again. His entire body rumbled with it, like a cat purring, but ten times as powerful. Nadia brought one wing around him to touch his back.

  Logan’s life essence shot through her, so heady Nadia feared she’d pass out. She longed to wrap her body around his, to put her face against his human one and suck that essence into herself. She’d drink him greedily, unable to stop herself. Nadia had only ever taken the life essence of humans who were perpetually half-drained by their addiction to demons—she’d never felt anything like the wild, powerful life essence of this wolf.

  “My,” Nadia said, willing her voice not to shake. “What big teeth you have.”

  Logan very gently touched those teeth to her throat. A dominant gesture, the wolf saying, I outrank you.

  His hot breath did things to her insides, making Nadia wish he’d morph back to his human self and kiss her until she begged for more.

  Logan took his teeth from her neck and licked it instead.

  Nadia laughed. “My, what a big tongue you have.”

  Logan growled, licked her cheek, and heaved himself off her.

  Nadia remained stretched out on the ground, arms overhead, letting her wings flow out to either side of her. She was in no hurry to leap up and chase the hunters, no hurry to help Logan get himself killed.

  But in spite of the danger and her ongoing worry, she basked in vast relief that Logan didn’t hate her in this form.

  If Logan had decided to hate the demon she truly was, he’d have let his wolf take over and do what werewolves instinctively did—kill demons. But he’d accepted her. Nadia wanted to celebrate, to leap up and twirl around and shout to the starry sky.

  Instead, she climbed slowly to her feet, while Logan watched her with his yellow gaze. “I suppose we have werewolves to track,” she said.

  Logan gave her an admonishing look, rumbling low in his throat. Nadia realized she was glowing, a beacon in the dark woods. With effort, she dampened the fires within her, and the light died. Logan growled again, glad she finally understood how to be stealthy, and walked back toward the campsite.

  Logan sniffed around the abandoned campsite for a time, then he raised his head and loped off under the trees. Nadia followed easily—though Logan was a faint shadow in the dark, his life essence led her like a glowing trail.

  Nadia’s heart squeezed as she remembered the terror of her flight through the woods, of her desperate fight when the hunters finally caught her, of the burning pain when they’d thrown the spelled net over her.

  She knew Logan thought he’d already solved the problem—he planned to track his pack leader by following these wolves, put Matt Lewis in his place, and take Nadia home. But Nadia’s predicament wasn’t over yet.

  Matt had her over a barrel, and he knew it. His instructions had been clear—Nadia brought Logan to Matt, and Joel would be safe. Matt hadn’t mentioned he’d have his wolves chase Nadia through the woods until she dropped and then do what they wished to her. She’d assumed that ploy had been to make sure her fear was real, so she’d sound truly desperate when she called Logan for help.

  Her heart was ice in her chest. Damn all werewolves. She’d just been putting her life back together when they’d decided to tangle her in their problems. Nadia didn’t have much, but she had Joel, and he made life worth everything.

  Ahead of her, Logan slowed and came to a silent halt. Nadia moved to stand just behind his shoulder while his ears pricked forward and he tested the wind.

  Logan started walking, every step deliberate and silent. After a few yards, he dropped into a crouch, then slunk like a cat to the top of a rise. Nadia folded her wings close to her body and moved silently with him, coming to a rest beside him.

  Below them lay a half ring of tents surrounding a camp stove. Canvas chairs had been placed near the stove, the three werewolves lounging in them. They were drinking coffee— espresso, Nadia put a name to the odor. Arrogant shits.

  Logan was flat on the ground, but his nose was working. The human guide came out of his tent, straightening up nervously as the three werewolves snapped their gazes to him. They eyed him with the contempt of paranormal creatures for someone who, in the deep past, would have been their lunch.

  “You know,” one of the werewolves drawled, “if we can’t find the cute demon, we can always hunt you.”

  The human stopped, his fear cranking high.

  “Not as good as the demon woman,” a second werewolf agreed, “but fun in its own way
. You deserve it for letting that sweetie get away before she got filled up with werewolf cock.”

  Nadia made a noise of disgust, then cut it off. Logan was utterly silent, but his body was rigid, the glint in his eyes murderous.

  Logan watched another few seconds then backed carefully away. He sped noiselessly down the hill, leading Nadia the way they’d come until they reached the spot where they’d left their clothes. Nadia relaxed the glowing magic inside her, and her demon form slid away, her wings receding until they vanished, her human features returning.

  Logan watched her again, just as intently. When she was human again, he circled her, pressing her legs hard with his wolf’s body. Nadia gave a half laugh as she stumbled then caught herself and lowered herself to her knees.

  She wrapped her arms around Logan’s warm, furry body, smiling as he let her rub her forehead against his. He’d never do anything so affectionate human to human, she thought, but right now he was still thinking like a wolf.

  Logan licked her face, then his body began to change, his wolf flowing away as he became a human male, his hair becoming the close-cropped sleekness she’d liked the first time she’d seen him.

  Logan’s arms remained around Nadia, and the tongue-swipe he’d begun ended with their mouths meeting. He tightened his hold around her, his body covering her as he deepened the kiss. He cradled her head in one hand as he drew her up to him, his mouth hard and hot.

  He tasted of his wonderful life essence and the uniqueness of himself. Nadia opened for him, unable to get enough. She slid her fingers down Logan’s back as he kept kissing her, his mouth a place of warmth. She found the taut muscles of his backside, daringly caressed him there. It was cold in the woods, but with Logan on her, kissing her like this, Nadia was warm and happy.

  Her heart beat double-time. She was falling in love with this man—a dangerous thing to do. When she’d seen him through the tangled hunter’s net, there for her, coming when she’d called, her fate had been sealed. He’d cared enough to come for her himself, to make sure she was all right. Her heart, which she’d been in danger of losing to him, decided.

  Nadia pulled him closer. Logan smelled of the woods, the musky odor of wolf, and the tang of man. Logan, the Packmaster, the strongest of them all, was gentling his touch for her.

  Not too gentle, though. Logan bit her cheek before he kissed her lips again. His weight pinned her to the forest floor, never mind the mud and dead leaves everywhere.

  Logan lifted his head, his eyes glittering. But instead of leaping off her, he smoothed her hair, his fingers shaking. “This isn’t the time or place,” he said in a low voice.

  “No kidding.” But maybe the last chance Nadia would ever have with him.

  Logan kissed her one more time, then he took away his lovely heat. He got to his feet and reached down for her, pulling her up beside him. Nadia landed against him, and Logan slid an arm around her and kissed her lips again.

  “Now it’s time to get some justice,” he said.

  Chapter Nine

  Logan swung away from Nadia to retrieve his clothes, leaving Nadia’s heart thumping. The bereft feeling didn’t go away even as Logan bent to gather up his jeans and underwear, giving her an enticing view. He was less inhibited after his shift from wolf than he’d been before it, as though the animal in him realized nudity was nothing to be ashamed of.

  “What do you mean, get justice?” Nadia asked worriedly. “What are you going to do?”

  “Find Matt.” Logan jerked his jeans on over his delectable body. “After I take you someplace safe.”

  Nadia realized she stood in the woods without clothes, and her human flesh was growing cold. She snatched up the clothes Logan had bought for her and slipped them on. “What are you planning? Try to force the werewolves to lead you to Matt? They’ll kill you.”

  Logan shook his head, settling his sweatshirt over his torso. “No, I’ll just keep an eye on them. They’ll need to meet with him sooner or later, and I’ll be right behind them.”

  Nadia’s unease didn’t fade. “What if they see you?”

  Logan shrugged on his coat and shot her a smile. “I’m armed and dangerous.”

  Dangerous was right. Logan was furious. He wanted vengeance, not simply justice for wrongdoing.

  “How about we watch them together?” she suggested.

  Logan’s eyes glowed a sudden yellow. “You are getting out of here, Nadia. This isn’t your fight anymore. Do me a favor and do what I ask.”

  “Screw that, mighty Packmaster.” Nadia met his gaze squarely. “What guarantee do I have that as soon as you have me tucked away somewhere, you won’t go back and all-out attack them?”

  He would, she saw it in his eyes, and she’d seen it in his wolf’s eyes. Logan would hole her up out of the way so she couldn’t stop him.

  “It will be more dangerous for me if I have to worry about you,” Logan said. “You know that.”

  True, and if the werewolves caught her again, they’d use her to lure Logan to them, and he would be dead.

  Nadia gave him a nod. “All right, I’ll go, but only if you give me your word you won’t try to take those werewolves down by yourself after I’m gone.” She held out her hand. “Give me your pledge.”

  Rage rose in Logan’s eyes. Werewolves didn’t lightly pledge anything, not like demons. Demons had many different levels of oaths. There were the offhand promises that had no binding, hand-clasping oaths that were only binding if both parties had decided beforehand that they planned to keep their word. Then there were the serious oaths, done in secret, in dark places with blood symbols drawn and ancient incantations recited. Those oaths were the ones that bound you until death.

  “I can’t,” Logan almost snarled.

  Nadia lowered her hand. “Then I’m not leaving, not without you.”

  Logan folded his arms, shutting her out. “Damn it, Nadia, we don’t have time for this.”

  “Make it quick and easy, then. Swear on your blood that you’ll get backup before you confront the werewolves, and I’ll let you take me out of here.”

  Nadia’s words were calm, but her breath came fast. She was too afraid to not have his promise. If Logan died, there was no guarantee the rest of her life would be worth living. “I’m not going to lose you, too,” she said quietly.

  The fury in Logan’s eyes sparked. “What do you mean, swear on my blood? Is this some demon thing?”

  “Blood swearing is a level-nine oath. A pledge binding you until the circumstances change. Werewolves keep their words, I’ve heard.”

  “I’ve heard that too,” Logan said, tone dry. “What do I do?”

  Nadia explained, while Logan listened skeptically. When she finished, he let out a breath and pulled a pocketknife from his coat. His movements stiff, he quickly nicked his palm, and blood trickled across his skin.

  Logan came to Nadia and clasped her hand, repeating the words she told him to say. “I pledge on my blood that I won’t attack the camp or go after Matt until I get help.” He spoke rapidly, irritated. “All right?”

  Logan’s hand burned against Nadia’s, his powerful latent magic searing through her from his blood on her flesh. A part of his life essence seeped into her, curling through her in tendrils of heat. The little life essence he’d given her in the hotel room had lit up her body. What would it be like to take even more?

  Nadia made herself let go of his hand and step back. She saw the honor in him when she caught and held his gaze. Logan wouldn’t break his word, no matter how angry he was.

  Nadia stepped to him, rose on tiptoe, and kissed his lips. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Logan’s eyes darkened. “Unless they attack me first. I reserve the right to fight back.”

  “I’m not that unreasonable.” Nadia kissed him again, withdrew, and turned to the bike. “Can I drive back? This is one awesome machine.”

  Logan rode back to the hotel room with his arms firmly around Nadia. While her lithe body moving against his dr
ove him into a frenzy of lust, Logan also admired the way she handled the bike. She was good at it, leaning into the turns, compensating for Logan’s weight as well as her own, playing the throttle like a musician played a fine instrument.

  Logan would love to ride behind her out on the open road, letting mile after mile of the world go by. They could head out everywhere and nowhere, sleep curled up together by the side of the road, keeping each other warm.

  It was deep night now, and Logan fought the instinct to sleep. His body reminded him he hadn’t slept since before he and Nez had spent all night staking out vamp clubs, and that he’d eaten only one small cheeseburger in all that time.

  His instincts were telling him to hunt, kill, eat, then drop into sleep. Whenever Logan punished his human body, his wolf liked to take over, no matter how inconvenient that would be. His overwhelming protectiveness was rearing its head as well, snarling at him to keep Nadia safe.

  I am keeping her safe, Logan told himself irritably. I’m taking her in the opposite direction of the danger.

  Logan knew this logically. The wolf in him, on the other hand, snarled at him to lock Nadia in a guarded room while he hunted down and murdered those who’d dared hurt her.

  Nadia’s demon form had surprised him. Demons were more varied in looks than any other species, their true forms ranging from small batlike creatures to tall horned beings with cloven hooves. But Nadia was like nothing he’d ever seen before.

  Her demon was tall, like a Sidhe, her body beautiful and glowing white. He hadn’t been certain which part of her had been light and which flesh. Her face had been delicate-boned, and her black eyes almond-shaped, wide and beautiful.

  And wings. Her long, black, feathery and warm wings had wrapped around him in a loving caress. Logan had wanted to morph back into human form and rub himself all over the soft feathers, and have Nadia hold him while he did it.

  Logan wondered if his longing for her was part of her glamour, the demon’s siren call to life magic creatures. Nadia was full demon, and although Logan was strong, he knew she could drain him if he wasn’t careful. And Logan would smile all the way down.


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