King's Captive: A Dark Mafia Romance

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King's Captive: A Dark Mafia Romance Page 12

by Piper Stone

  “This doesn’t have to be difficult, Emily.”

  “What is this, Cristiano? Or am I allowed to call you that? You’ve abducted me from my life, acting as if you were going to kill me, disciplining me like a bad little girl then handcuffing me to your bed. Now, you offer me coffee of any type, flavor, or choice that I’d prefer. What is next, breakfast? Maybe breakfast in bed.”

  There was no sign of amusement or anything else sweeping across his gorgeous features. He was simply blank, remaining unblinking as he stared out at his own lawn. But I could swear it was like he was seeing it for the first time.

  “I’ve lived my entire life in New Orleans, but I’ve never really appreciated the architecture or my surroundings. I was always too busy. School. Work.”

  Perfecting a kingdom forged in blood.

  I dared not say the words.

  “My family means everything as I told you, but business is what keeps me awake at night. Enjoying the wealth our family created over the decades has never been on the forefront of my mind. You see, my father taught his children to work hard. That’s what matters in my life. The simple pleasures I now realize I took for granted. Coffee. Fine wine. A juicy steak.”

  Where the hell was he going with this?

  When he finally turned his head in my direction, I noticed something I hadn’t before. Anguish.

  “That’s what you miss the most when you’re stuck in a six-by-six-foot cell, the concrete walls thick, the bars rigid steel. You think about the little things, including being able to sleep without hearing a man’s agonizing cry because he’s losing his mind. You being able to take a hot shower without worrying about some freaking asshole attempting to make you his bitch. And you long for nothing more than food that isn’t greasy and bread that isn’t stale.”

  I was taken aback by the vehemence of his words, the coldness in which he said them.

  “So, when I ask you about a choice in coffee, accept that as a privilege, Emily, one that could be taken away as easily as you took my choices away from me.”

  “Are you asking me for an apology?” I asked indignantly.

  “I’m asking you for some kind of realization that while you may see this house as something that was gifted to me, you would be wrong. As I told you, I am a bad man, dangerous on several levels, but I’m a human. We all have several sides, even a monster like me. You have been given choices. I suggest you think about that today. For your loyalty, you will be rewarded. For your continued betrayal, you will be punished. There is no in between.”

  My loyalty? What the hell was he getting at? I wanted to be shocked at his stern words, but I wasn’t. This was… no, I was just a matter of business he was attending to, a way to get back at his enemies. And all I had to do was play along then maybe I could remain alive. I had no way of reacting, no ability to fight with a madman. I was just a simple girl.

  That’s not the truth.

  The inner voice nagged at me again. I’d been used as a pawn in a vicious game. Only I’d be the one to lose.

  “Can you do that for me, Emily?” he asked after several seconds.


  He closed the distance between us, the sound of some kind of chime igniting the look in his eyes. We had a visitor. Leaning down, he kissed me on the forehead, gripping my shoulder as he did so. The act was even more intimate than anything we’d shared.




  I was confused as hell but when he stepped away, I was able to catch a glimpse of his gun nestled in a holster under his jacket. He was prepared for battle.

  “My Capo is going to stay with you while I’m handling business today. When I return, we are going to continue our discussion over a nice dinner. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes. Yes, sir.” Why I offered the word of respect was beyond me. Maybe my instinct in order to stay alive. Maybe I was falling for his lines of bullshit. I wasn’t entirely certain. I returned my attention to the area outside his fortress once again, trying to keep from shaking.

  I heard the sound of footsteps, a brief but pointed discussion although the words were muffled. Then there was the sound of loud voices, anger in Cristiano’s tone of voice. I strained to hear what was being said then walked closer to the door. My choice of eavesdropping might not be the best idea, but I was determined to find out exactly what was going to happen.

  And what the bastard was made of.

  “Why are you here, Lucian?” Cristiano asked.

  “I thought you wanted to have a discussion.”

  “Yes, but now isn’t the time.”

  I heard another laugh, the man called Lucian even snorting. Then I heard footsteps coming in my direction. I backed away, shifting toward the kitchen counter, gripping the edge with my other hand.

  “I don’t appreciate you barging in. I have business to attend to,” Cristiano barked.

  “As do I, brother.”


  Now I remembered the glorious photograph I’d seen both on the internet and used by almost every television station. The family was beautiful indeed; five brothers and a sister, both the mother and the father still alive. They were all extremely good looking, the smiles on their faces as if they were the happiest of families, but I knew they held secrets.

  Conditions on employment within their hallowed grounds.

  Threats made on government officials and law enforcement.

  When the brother walked inside, he was more than just shocked to see me. His eyes glassed over as he studied me, slowly easing further into the room. “Well, you do work fast, Cristiano. Barely a few hours out of prison and you’ve found a companion.”

  Cristiano followed him inside, attempting to block his view. “She is of no concern to you. We can discuss business later; however, you will answer me this. How is the entrance into the New York market?”

  Lucian kept his gaze pinned on me for a few seconds. Before he turned to face his brother, his brow furrowed. “Are you certain you wouldn’t like to discuss this in private?”

  Laughing, Cristiano didn’t bother looking in my direction. “The question is a simple one. We can get into the specifics later. Have you gained membership into the elite area within New York?”

  I could tell there was unbridled tension between the two, the kind of bad blood that often led to family feuds. I also gathered that Lucian’s appearance was unexpected, further angering Cristiano.

  “I’ve had several discussions with our contact, but he seems disinclined to garner entrance into the exclusive club.”

  Lucian’s answer only further infuriated his brother. I’d read enough to know the Kings owned several legitimate businesses, or at least according to tax records. I’d also heard rumors that their foray into the world of expensive and exclusive diamonds was merely a front, giving them an entirely different market in which to launder money from their sale of illegal drugs.

  “And the reason?” Cristiano hissed between clenched teeth.

  “Let’s just say our notoriety didn’t suit their conservative tastes.”

  Cristiano remained quiet, taking his time before answering. “That is unfortunate.”

  It was Lucian’s turn to laugh. “There are certain issues you aren’t aware of, brother, ones that should take precedence.”

  “We will discuss this further. Now, I have business to handle. I suggest you gather all the reports and financials. We will meet at the office later.” There was such utter contempt in Cristiano’s voice, a growing anger than was only partially due to whatever animosity they shared with each other.

  “Very well, brother. Aren’t you going to at least introduce me to your friend?”

  “As I said. She is no concern of yours. Period. You can see yourself out.”

  “Friend, or did you take matters regarding your incarceration into your own hands?” Lucian asked.

  Fuming, Cristiano closed the distance between them, his face pinched. “Leave it alone, Lucian. From what I’ve
learned, you’ve ignored enough of your duties that you should be concentrating on ensuring that I’ll be able to pick up the broken pieces. If not, you’ll be the one to face my wrath.”

  “Be careful threatening me, brother. I was one of the few who really had your back. That’s something for you to keep in mind.”

  They remained in their tense positions for a full twenty seconds before Cristiano finally chuckled. “You should leave.”

  “Yeah, I guess we have nothing to talk about. Enjoy your… business.”

  Lucian glared at him for several seconds before storming toward the door.

  Cristiano cleared his throat. “There is just one more thing. Mario. He is never to be placed on my detail again.”

  His brother barely darted a look over his shoulder, but once again, his eyes settled on my face, leaving me even more uncomfortable than I was. “Be careful, brother. You’re already alienating everyone who attempted to pick up the pieces after your… actions.” He left without saying another word. The sound of the front door slamming was jarring, only further fueling Cristiano’s rage.

  When he turned to face me, the look in his eyes left me trembling. I backed away as he took long strides closer and in a split second, raked his hands over the counter, knocking coffee cups and a crystal bowl of fresh fruit onto the floor. The sound of smashing glass was followed by his angry bellow.

  He took several exaggerated breaths before walking toward the same window where I’d stood, smacking the glass with enough force the panes rattled.

  The seconds that passed were agonizing.

  “While I’m sorry that you had to see that exchange, it would be wise of you to remember that you are a guest in my home. What you might hear is not to be repeated. Not to anyone, including me. There are some aspects of my business that are off limits.”

  I shrank back against the counter then looked away. The emotional rollercoaster he was on was as terrifying as the man. “Yes, sir.” The contempt in my voice was likely to push him over the edge.

  Instead, he laughed. “Every family has issues.”

  Before I could even think of something to say, another chime dragged his attention to toward the front door. Hissing, he glanced at his watch before walking away.

  Only then was I able to take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. He was volatile, hiding behind thinly veiled at resuming the command. I had the distinct feeling that the battle he was about to wage would be deadly.

  Another male voice.

  Another set of footsteps.

  Thump. Thump. Thump.

  They were getting closer.

  “Emily, this is Dimitri.”

  I resigned myself to turn around, staring at the scarred blond from the night before. “We’ve met.”

  The man smiled curtly, his eyes locking with mine briefly before glancing down at the wreckage on the floor. There was no look of admonishment or desire. He was simply a soldier. Jesus. They lived as if every day was going to become a battle zone. I couldn’t imagine a life where burly men dressed as mercenaries, carrying a wide array of weapons became everyday life. That wasn’t living.

  “Lucian?” Dimitri asked.


  “You will do everything that he tells you and you will not fight him. Is that understood?” Cristiano asked softly.

  “Yes. I understand.”

  “I will purchase some clothes before I return. You’ll be allowed to wear them as long as you remain obedient.”

  I wanted to bite his head off, but I merely nodded. I knew now wasn’t the time to challenge him on anything.

  “If she gets out of line, you have my permission to discipline her. However, she is to be left unharmed,” Cristiano continued.

  “Yes, sir. I’ll take care of her,” Dimitri answered.

  “I know you will.” Cristiano gave me another stern look before moving quickly toward the door, slapping his hand on the threshold. “Leave the mess. I’ll have one of the staff come in.”

  He didn’t bother saying another word before walking out, only this time, the slamming door didn’t bother me.

  Dimitri stood exactly where he was, tense, even awkward. When I heard him muttering something in Russian, I turned my attention to the broken glass, bending down.

  “You don’t have to do that,” Dimitri remarked, although his tone had little sincerity.

  “I might as well be useful while I’m here. Is there a broom and a dustpan, or is there no cleaning equipment in this house of glass? I doubt Cristiano had ever had to lift a finger his entire life.”

  I heard his deep chuckle behind me. “You have no understanding of the King family. None. You Americans are all alike.” This time, the words he muttered I knew were exclamations, curse words said in frustration of being saddled with me. He walked past and into another room, returning with exactly what I asked him for.

  “And what does that make Russians?”

  He cocked his head, looking away after a few seconds. “We are a proud people who understand the concept of hard work.”

  “Then it must make you angry that Cristiano and his family live a life of luxury. How can you stand to work for him? How? I don’t get it. My guess is he treats you like some servant. I’m surprised he didn’t command you to clean up the mess he’s made. Isn’t that what you do? I can only wonder where you live.” I bit back any additional retort, knowing I was pressing my luck.

  I could tell I’d angered him. I concentrated on cleaning up the mess, my own rollercoaster of emotions finally breaching the surface.

  He backed away after a few seconds, still remaining in close proximity. Too close. I wanted him gone, away. I needed some peace and time alone to process all the shit that had happened in such a short period of time. That wasn’t going to happen. There were no landlines that I’d seen while being escorted down the hall. There was a massive security system that I had no doubt couldn’t be breached.

  Then there was the cage in the basement if I was a bad girl.

  A single tear slipped past my lashes, one too many. Crying wasn’t going to do me a damn bit of good.

  And why the hell was the asshole hovering around me?

  “To answer your question, my life in Russia was a shit show. My family had no money, my parents taking any job they could to try and make ends meet. My father died because of his work in a factory. There were no precautions taken so he was forced to breathe in toxins for years. He died when I was only seven years old. After that, I did what I could to protect and care for my mother, ending up working for a man who you would consider the devil reincarnated. I won’t tell you about my experience in a Russian prison because if I did, you would have nightmares for the rest of your life. Coming here was a godsend. Working for the King family is amazing.”

  The statements made by two dangerous men were gut-wrenching but didn’t give either one of them an excuse to take lives when they saw fit. Yet as I gazed into his ice blue eyes, I could see compassion and such respect that I was surprised. “I’m sorry, Dimitri.”

  He snorted. “Cristiano has been very good to me. I have a little house and a yard. I have clothes and a vehicle. And I have money to feed myself, enough to send to my sister who refused to leave Russia. I’m the one living a life of luxury.”

  I nodded, unable to find any words.

  Moving quickly, he took the broom from my hand, resuming the task of cleaning up. “I do anything that Cristiano asks of me. Anything. That is called loyalty. And as far as Cristiano. He knows the meaning of hard work and sacrifice as well. His father is very tough, refusing to give to his sons. They must earn their place, which Cristiano did after years of struggling to please his father. Not an easy task. I suggest you keep that in mind before you condemn him.”

  I backed away, studying the scar on his face, taking a deep breath as I thought about what he was saying.

  “He kidnapped me, and I have no doubt that when he gets tired of me, he’s going to kill me. That’s all I can think about

  Dimitri swept the rest of the glass shards from the floor before rising to a standing position. “If he wanted you dead, Emily Porter, I would have already disposed of your body.”

  I realized my lower lip was quivering. “Then what does he want?”

  He thought about my question, exhaling before answering. “Love.”

  Chapter 10



  I’d never feared death while growing up. I’d been invincible, the kid who refused to take no for an answer. I took a deep breath, gathering the hint of several types of flowers. They often gave me comfort but not today.

  Misery continued to wrap around my heart, the ache more powerful than usual. If only things could be different.

  The beautiful day did little to ease the pain I always felt when I came to such a bleak, cold place. I studied the bouquet, fingering the few roses before kneeling down, gently laying them across the beautiful patch of green grass. Everything was just as manicured as I’d remembered, the grass always cut to a perfect design.

  Yet nothing felt right.

  Sadness wrapped around my heart as I brushed my hand against the granite tombstone, tracing the letters of her name.

  “Sweet Bella.”

  There wasn’t a day I hadn’t thought of her since she died, not a single day. Her smile. Her laughter. The way she flipped her hair when she was angry.

  The memories were precious. The ugliness irrevocable.

  Death now held an entirely different meaning.

  The monster responsible would be found.

  One day.

  And on that day, the angels would sing, the asshole writhing in anguish.

  “I’ve missed you.” My words seemed so hollow. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was looking down on me, frowning about my actions, especially with regard to Emily. I’d accepted the fact I had no conscience a long time ago. Something had snapped inside of me, erasing all the joy and happiness.

  That day was one I would never forget.

  I closed my eyes, allowing an image of Bella’s face to form in my mind. It wasn’t as difficult as it used to be, but today I found it debilitating, my anger surging.


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