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King's Captive: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 23

by Piper Stone

Cristiano exhaled but nodded. “As you might imagine, I need you to keep this quiet. No police. No reporters. Do you understand?”

  There was something about the way Cristiano issued the words that was chilling. While there was no overt threat or even anger in his tone, I could tell the doctor knew exactly what had been mandated. And what would happen if he disobeyed.

  “Of course, Mr. King.”

  I backed against the wall, wringing my hands.

  The power of the King.

  There were several soldiers positioned outside the house, all with loaded guns. They were prepared for another attack. I couldn’t get past the thought. As I took a sip of wine, I stared at the liquid in the glass. Blood red. I’d seen enough blood in one day. My hand shaking, I eased the goblet onto the table before kicking off my shoes. At least I’d scrubbed my hands, removing the awful stain.

  I remained on the couch, staring out the French doors, the glistening lights of the pool mesmerizing, only stiffening when Cristiano approached.

  He placed his hands around my neck, rubbing gently. “You didn’t eat much at dinner.”

  “I wasn’t really hungry.” As he continued to caress my skin, the emotional dam almost broke. “Why did that happen?”

  “Because as bad as you think I am, there are even more merciless people who will stop at nothing to tear down my family. That includes you.”

  “I’m not your family.”

  He chuckled softly, moving to knead my shoulders. I realized the simple act was more intimate than anything we’d experienced. Maybe there was a real person inside, just like Sheila had told me. “You’re more than just family, Emily. You’re going to be my wife. I hold that more dearly in my heart.”

  “Yet I don’t have a ring.” I wasn’t entirely certain why I made the stupid statement. Maybe because I was still shaking from what had happened. Or maybe I was still testing him.

  “You will have any ring you so desire, but it’s only a symbol.”

  A symbol of commitment. One of love.

  When he brushed the tips of his fingers across my cheek, I found myself nuzzling against his hand. Desire remained just below the surface, my body tingling from his touch. I could no longer hate myself because of it. There was far too much electricity between us, a raging connection that refused to be denied.

  We’d take a savage vow to become man and wife. I now knew he would protect me with his life, but would he promise to love and honor? That I wasn’t certain of. I guess it no longer mattered.

  When he took my hand, squeezing and guiding me to my feet, I wasn’t certain what to expect.

  “Come with me,” he said oh-so quietly.


  “Just come. Trust me.”

  Perhaps a tiny part of me actually did trust him. After everything we’d been through, I was no longer positive which one of us was actually the prisoner.

  When he led me outside, I couldn’t have been more surprised. “Aren’t you afraid a sniper remains in the darkness?”

  He chuckled as he led me toward one of the tables. I was surprised to see two folded towels as well as a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

  The gesture was unexpected, especially after the shooting. I tipped my head, gazing into his eyes. Instead of the anger I’d seen before, there was something else entirely. Not just concern but…

  “I realized today that somehow you’ve managed to yank away all my defenses, Emily. I wasn’t expecting to care about you. In fact, I was determined to keep you at a distance, but when that assassin pointed his weapon at your back, I was prepared to do anything to keep you alive. You are very special as well as extremely beautiful.” When he lowered his head, pressing his lips against mine, I felt as if the entire world was spinning.

  Falling in love with him wasn’t something I’d wanted to do, but as he pulled me into his arms, sliding his hands down my back, I was shaken to the core.

  The kiss was sweet at first, allowing a gentle side of him to break through the surface. Everything about him was all consuming. He was so powerful, so commanding. Every part of me was aroused, my nipples aching as they slid back and forth against the material of the dress. I could detect my own scent as it floated between us.

  He cupped my buttocks, lifting me onto my toes as his actions became more aggressive. Goosebumps popped along my skin as he swept his tongue inside, the kiss just the beginning of his dark cravings. The man was going to devour me.

  And this time, I wanted it more than anything.

  I continued to shudder as he peeled the dress from my shoulders, tugging until gravity pulled the material to the deck. While there was a distinct possibility that several of his soldiers were watching, I honestly didn’t care.

  After breaking the kiss, a growl rose from his chest, the sound creating vibrations dancing throughout my body.

  He took a step away, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, yanking it off and tossing on one of the chairs. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He was muscular in all the right places, his abs carved out of stone.

  “If you don’t remove your panties, I will,” he said gruffly.

  I took a step away, toying with him, sliding my fingers under the thin waistband. “They’re mighty expensive.”

  Another growl permeated the night air. “You won’t need to wear panties, not inside this house.”

  “Hmmm…” A round of butterflies kicked up in my stomach, my hands trembling as I wiggled my hips, slowly lowering the lacy thong. The brisk breeze only added to the shivers, my heart racing as he began to unbuckle his belt.

  He noticed my gaze, his breathing even more ragged than before. “Are you looking for a punishment, Emily? Are you ready to repent your filthy little sins?”

  “Only if you are.”

  Laughing earnestly, he tugged on the belt and when it was finally released, he took his time wrapping the thick strap around his hand. “You will be disciplined, just not tonight. Tonight, I plan on ravaging you.” He finally placed the belt on the table then removed his shoes, his eyes never leaving me. As he unzipped his linen trousers, my mouth watered, unable to breathe as he rolled the dense material over his chiseled hips.

  When he was naked, I couldn’t stop my heart from skipping several beats. He was utter perfection in a man.

  “Mmm…” I shook my head, giving him a heated look as I continued to back away.

  “Where are you going, my little flower?”

  After darting a glance at the water, I made a knee-jerk decision. As I dove in, an odd sense of freedom washed over me. I kicked my legs, powering forward, spiraling once before jetting to the surface. Water trickled into my eyes, forcing me to blink several times. Where the hell had he gone?

  I should have known he would never let me out of his sight, not even for a few seconds. The splash of water was followed by the savage man dragging me against his chest, his hard cock sliding between my legs.

  “As I’ve told you before, my beautiful but bratty flower, there is no place on earth that you can run or hide from me. I will find you, no matter what it takes.”

  The words were thrilling, accentuating the fantasy.

  And I knew he meant every word.

  Cristiano swung me around to face him, our lips almost touching. I eased my arms over his shoulders, fingering his wet hair. He was even sexier, leaving me feeling vulnerable, his eyes more hypnotic than ever.

  As he brushed his hand down the back of my head, he swung me around, the water swishing over us.

  “What do you want, Emily?” he asked in his deep, husky voice.


  “Then that’s what you’re going to get. Everything you’ve ever desired. Perhaps even the fairytale.”

  The words were almost cathartic, chipping away at the insanity that I actually cared for him. There was no such thing as love at first sight, certainly not in this case, but as my heart continued to race, I knew I was lying to myself. He’d awakened the woman locked inside. He’d allowed her to spread
her wings, even though nothing made any sense.

  I wrapped my legs around his hips as he held me, brushing his fingers up and down my spine. With every shiver, every tingling sensation, the embers sparked more and more.

  He lifted me by several inches, sliding the tip of his cock up and down my swollen pussy. A moan skipped past my lips as he continued to tease me.

  “Are you wet for me, little flower?”


  “Are you hungry for me?”

  “Mmm… Yes. Yes, sir.”

  A smile curled on his lip as he pulled me down, thrusting the entire length of his cock deep inside.

  “Oh. Oh!” The ragged whimper was swallowed by the splash of water.

  Every sound he made was guttural, the heat of his body searing mine. He was nothing more than a savage beast, one who was ready to consume me. I couldn’t stop trembling as he lifted me again, yanking down with enough force I couldn’t hold back a series of cries.

  “Tight and so wet,” he muttered before entangling his fingers about my arms, turning in circle after circle.

  The feel of the plug as well as his thick cock was enthralling.

  As he took control, pounding into me, I clung to his shoulders, taking gasping breaths. The electric surge was almost dangerous, the live wire skittering to the edge of all rationality. This shouldn’t be happening. I shouldn’t want him.

  But I did.

  Whatever the reason, I never wanted this to end.

  As he thrust brutally, my muscles clamped around the thick invasion, pulling him in even deeper.

  He cupped my breasts, kneading my aching nipples between his fingers, pinching then releasing. The flash of pain was exquisite, pulling me closer to nirvana.

  I bucked against him, the friction adding gasoline to the heated flames. I was breathless, my pussy clenching then releasing. He refused to stop, taking me to new heights of pleasure. As a climax trickled up from my toes, he yanked me even closer, crushing his mouth over mine.

  The orgasm was just as powerful as the man, driving into me with such ferocity that I could no longer feel my legs. The kiss was just as savage, his tongue dominating mine, growls slipping past his lips.

  I was lightheaded, unable to stop shaking, the beautiful wave of pleasure sweeping over me, keeping my heart racing.

  After ending the kiss, he continued to hold me close, dragging his tongue around the edge of my mouth. Every sweep of his tongue, every thrust of his cock yanked me closer to another raging orgasm. I wanted to hold back, to make the moment last.

  His breathing even more labored, he dug his fingers into me, continuing to pump hard and fast. Within seconds, I couldn’t stop another climax from building. When I clamped down on my muscles, his body began to shake violently as he erupted inside, filling me with his seed.

  The second he threw his head back and roared, I finally let go, the beautiful wave of ecstasy blanketing every inch. I was unable to breathe, my eyes no longer focusing. And at this moment, the rest of the world didn’t matter.

  Not the danger.

  Not the horrors of the day.

  Not the jaded future.

  When he eased away, I lolled my head on his shoulder, cognizant he was moving through the water. The moment was soft and sweet, his fingers rubbing my neck. I closed my eyes, more satisfied than I’d ever been. He walked out of the pool still holding me. I’d never felt so safe in my life.

  With careful motions, he lowered me down onto a lounge chair, immediately leaning over.

  “You’ve become my life, Emily Porter. Very soon, no one will be able to take you away from me. You are mine. Mine to care for. Mine to protect. Mine to discipline. And mine to love.”


  Was the four-letter word even possible?

  As he walked away and toward the champagne, I studied the man who would become my husband, a man riddled with sadness.

  Then I thought about my favorite quote.

  “In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.”

  Maya Angelou

  Chapter 17



  Perhaps they were more like fools, men aching to be something that they could never understand. I’d come to realize I’d fallen into that category.

  There had been several revelations that had come to light during the late hours of the night, the first being that the treachery of betrayal was never easy. The second was that every family held secrets, some more damning than others, the lies and deceit surrounding them allowing enemies a foot into the kingdom.

  And third…

  That I was a man capable of love.

  While it was difficult to express, the swell of emotions inside could no longer be denied. The moment of horror from the day before had represented all the evil in the world, so much of it based on decisions the family had made in our attempt to maintain control. It had also represented the very reason for living.


  The thought was one I tried to hold onto as I stormed into my father’s house and into his office, finding him sitting in the same chair as the day before. There was an aura around him, the news of the previous day weighing heavily on him. He looked haggard, as if the secrets he’d been keeping had finally reached a necessary end, a requirement to confess his sins.

  Only I wasn’t certain he had the capability.

  He’d never been a man to admit when he was wrong, his brutality often covering up for his mistakes. He should be proud. I’d turned out just like him.

  I wasn’t there to coddle the man. The earlier attempt was just the beginning.

  As I approached, he barely glanced in my direction, at least not until I slammed my palms onto his precious wooden desk. “You lied to me.”

  He took his time answering, further fueling my anger.

  “About what, son?”

  “About knowing who Enrique Vendez really is. Didn’t you? Does the man even exist or only in some variation that you alone understand?”

  A wry smile crossed his face. “When you were a little boy, I had doubts that you’d ever be able to take over the kingdom.”

  “Stop the bullshit, Pops. We don’t have a kingdom. We have a fucked-up family who are required to sleep with weapons under our pillows. We have unbelievable wealth, but we can’t enjoy our spoils of war.”

  “Our life isn’t about a war!” he exclaimed with all the attitude I’d grown used to.

  “Oh? It isn’t? Then why do we employ seventy soldiers? Why do we all live in secure fortresses? And why do we have a number of enemies who refuse to back down if we aren’t in a war?”

  His face seemed to crumble, his body slumping in his thick leather chair. “I did my best, son. I wanted to leave my children a legacy.”

  I laughed bitterly. “Well, if you mean a trail of blood, you did a damn good job. I’m not here to debate whether or not you were a good father. I’m here to find out who’s behind an attempt to destroy us.”

  “I… I’m not certain.”

  I stared at him incredulously. “I think you know exactly who has the balls to attempt something like this.”

  Very slowly he rose to his feet, moving to the small safe hidden amongst his library of books. I watched him curiously, wondering if he had any understanding of the urgency. The scuttlebutt on the street was getting worse, other members of our family in the crosshairs. It would appear that additional hits had been taken out, the information leaked as if a master game player’s warning. The asshole wanted us on edge, which would mean any one of us could make a mistake.

  “You might not believe me, but I’m proud of you, son. You’ve turned out to be a fine man. You will make a very good leader one day. I’m very happy you’re getting married. I hope you will enjoy a long and happy life together. It doesn’t matter the circumstances regarding how your marriage began.”

  I shook my head, managing to remain patient. “Does this have some kind o
f a meaning or are you trying to be my father for once?”

  “You owe me some respect, Cristiano. I am your father.” He pulled an envelope from his safe, holding onto it with a shaking hand. “What I’m telling you is that the marriage with your mother was arranged and while it took a long time, we eventually fell in love.”

  “What?” The news wasn’t anything that I would have expected. “Why? How?”

  “There will always be rival crime syndicates, mob families who attempt to take over. There will always be wars on the street, lives lost. The Vendettis were insufferable bastards, Italians from the old country who refused to surrender to the ways of America. They were brutal, even though they were not nearly as powerful as the King family. However, the blood that was spilled in the streets because of the battles was becoming an issue. My father confronted the Vendetti Don, determined to come to some form of peace.”

  As I listened to the story, a powerful sense of knowing settled in.

  “A deal was proposed. Vendetti’s daughter would be betrothed to the eldest son of the King family.” He laughed, finally able to look me in the eyes. “As you might imagine, I was not happy with my father’s decision. I even refused to accept the deal made. I learned the hard way that daring to defy my father was not in my best interest. So, we were married and an all-out war was prevented.”

  “No wonder you tried to force me into an arranged marriage.”

  He exhaled, the sound rattled. “I was wrong, very wrong.”

  “Why are you telling me this now?”

  “Because I do not believe in coincidences, but I do believe in karma.”

  “Riddles, Pops. What the fuck are you talking about?”

  He took a deep breath before continuing, the rattled sound more troubling than it had been just the day before. “The patriarch of the Vendetti family was Endrigo. Endrigo Vendetti. Enrique Vendez.”

  I took a step back, sucking in my breath. “Why would a member of the Vendetti family be coming after us?” When he didn’t answer, I smashed my hand on his desk again. “Why?”

  “Because my father didn’t keep the end of the bargain and neither did I. That period of time was difficult. The economy was horrible, the recent hurricanes making life in New Orleans demanding. Tensions were high, tempers even more so. When my father believed the Vendettis had moved into our turf, taking what few profits we had, he reacted, killing two of Teresa’s brothers. In turn, your grandfather was murdered in cold blood in the middle of a restaurant, several of his Capos as well. I was thrust into becoming the leader of this family when I was only twenty-three.”


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