Wrecked: Knight Pack – Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (Knight Pack Series Book 1)

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Wrecked: Knight Pack – Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (Knight Pack Series Book 1) Page 3

by Elissa Daye

  “Oh, hell.” He moved her into her room and closed the door behind them.

  “What are you doing, Killian?” Brina’s voice was filled with shock when his body seemed to stalk hers. Her eyes met his and she saw a light flash inside them. Her breath caught in her throat when she found the solid door behind her back.

  “Giving us some privacy.” His hand rose up to her face and his thumb gently stroked her cheek.

  “For what?” She almost squeaked.


  His lips brushed against hers gently and he coaxed her mouth open. When his tongue slid inside her mouth, Brina sighed against him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. His hands were at her sides, firmly planted against the door behind her. The kiss seemed to last forever, but in reality, it was merely seconds before he let her go. When he moved away from her, she already mourned the loss of his warmth.

  “Good night, Brina.”

  She looked down at the floor through half-closed eyes as disappointment and a little bit of shame floated across her thoughts. What was wrong with her? Brina wasn’t the kind of woman to throw herself at a man, and here he was essentially pushing her away when he could easily have his way with her.

  His thumb stroked her cheek again. “Look at me, Brina.”

  Brina’s eyes slowly traveled up his body until they came into contact with his own eyes. “Yes, Killian?”

  “I would love to finish this, Brina. But not until you’re sure.”

  He stepped away from her and moved to open the door. She moved out of his way so that he could make his retreat. The door closed quietly behind him.

  Was he saying he wanted her? Her heart skipped in her chest and she sucked in her breath. He was right. They had known each less than a few hours. This wasn’t something she should just jump into. She was here on a mission, not for a hookup. The little voice in her head whispered, Why not both?

  “Get a grip, Brina. You can’t just jump the poor man.”

  Was that a chuckle she heard? Could things get any more embarrassing? What was she going to do? Brina walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge. Things were certainly not going according to plan.

  Brina had come here when she had been visited by a spirit that was adamant that she come help the light workers near Witch’s Hollow. The spirit told her that the witches were being hunted one right after the other, and while the attacks seemed to come from some kind of dark magic, it was less than likely that the witches who worked on the other side of the line were behind it. This was something else entirely. She had been sent here to figure that out—that should be the priority. The only problem was, the minute she met Killian something in her head seemed out of focus. Or perhaps it was the other way around, actually. For some reason, she was drawn to him in a way that simply didn’t hold up to any rationale. Perhaps some things could not be explained.

  Brina sighed. It was time to push him out of her thoughts for now. She walked over to the dresser and quickly put on her sleepwear. The silky tank and shorts were just the right amount for her right now, because her body seemed to be filled with a heat that resonated from her toes all the way up the hair that was still drying from her shower. Brina made her way to the bed and slid beneath the covers, hoping to get some sleep so that she could make her way out of here in the morning. Avoiding temptation would probably be for the best.

  Chapter 4

  As Brina fell asleep, her dreams were plagued with the handsome man who had kissed her until her senses had fled her body. His hands were all over her, stoking the fires that had been dormant for so long. The images flashed through her head at such a rate that her mind could not keep up with them. When she awoke unexpectedly, Brina found her entire body was throbbing in anticipation. Desire coiled through her body painfully, and Brina knew there was only one cure for it.

  Squeezing her eyes shut, she tried to force herself to go back to sleep. Her attempt failed miserably. Was he having trouble sleeping too? Did his body seem drawn to hers the way she was to him?

  Brina pushed away from her bed and started to pace the room. If—a big if—if she went to his room, what would happen? Would she just throw herself in his arms and forget the consequences? Would he turn her away? Shouldn’t he? Honestly, for all he knew, she could be some crazy woman who would murder him in his sleep. The same could be said for him, she supposed. There was great risk involved for both of them. The more she paced, the more she had almost talked herself out of doing something she couldn’t undo. But then she remembered the way she had felt the instant his mouth had touched her hand. That kind of spark was rare. Fated even, some might say. Brina had never felt that before.

  Another few laps back and forth and Brina was still weighing her options. Her brain was trying to rationalize everything. Her heart won out as it bullied her conscience to the back of her mind.

  Brina stepped into the hallway, and took a small breath as she slowly made her way down to the door she had seen him enter earlier. As she stood outside she stared at it, wondering what exactly she should do next. Knock? She gulped slightly. What if everyone else heard it?

  She stood there with her fist poised at the door, ready to make its move, but she couldn’t seem to do it. Closing her eyes, she let out a slow breath and told herself this was exactly why she never made it very far with other men. She was afraid of the risk.

  A soft click interrupted her thoughts, and her eyes flew open when she heard a door sliding open. She was about to turn tail and run when her eyes met Killian’s.

  “Brina?” His voice was soft and almost wary.

  “I....” She fought the urge to gulp. Killian was only wearing a pair of red boxers. The body that had worn his clothing so well earlier was even more inspiring to look upon without the material hiding him. “Couldn’t sleep.”

  He smiled knowingly at her. “Neither could I.”

  Standing outside his door, she wasn’t sure whether she should ask if she could come in, invite him to her room, or just sputter something about maybe asking for some random thing that might help her sleep, like warm milk or a snack of some kind.

  Thankfully, he took the lead. His hand reached out to hers and he led her into his room beside him. He closed the door behind them, and she heard the sound of a lock clicking into place. When he saw her surprise, he grinned at her. “I have four brothers. They tend to think they can bother me at all hours of the night.”

  “Oh.” So, what did that mean? Brina was trying to figure out what came next. Her timid nature rose to the surface once more, and she felt like she had lost all power of verbal communication. She looked away from him and tried to conjure the bravery that had sent her to his door in the first place.

  “Brina....” His voice was close to her, and it sounded like he was demanding something.

  Her eyes snapped up and found the delicate flame that seemed to burn in his own. “Yes, Killian?”

  “Why are you here?” He asked her.

  “Here?” Here as in Witch’s Hollow, or here as in...well, his bedroom.

  He moved closer to her, like a predator stalking its prey. Heat filled her face as she thought how delicious it would be to be devoured by him. She imagined his lovemaking was masterful. Clearly, he wasn’t talking about her trip to find the culprit responsible for...what was that thing responsible for now? Rational thoughts seem to evaporate from her mind when his eyes flashed like amber before her. She moistened her lips with her tongue and closed her eyes to try to focus.

  “You have to tell me, Brina.” Killian’s mouth was now at her ear as he walked behind her. She felt his hands slide around her stomach and she melted against him. His breath was hot on her neck and she gasped slightly. His hands roamed up her belly as he massaged her skin gently.

  “I couldn’t stop....” Daydreaming? Thinking about him? Wanting to taste him?

  “What do you want, Brina?” His whisper against her ear had the same effect as the gentle kiss that fluttered against her

  “You,” she whispered. She felt him stiffen behind her, as if her words had shaken him to the core. His hands gripped her stomach and pulled her tight against him.

  “There are things you should know, Brina.” He pulled back a little, and she missed his heat against her.

  Brina turned around to face him. “Are you married?”

  “Married?” He chuckled. “No.”

  “Have a girlfriend?”


  “A boyfriend?” Yes, that had happened to her before.

  “What?” He held up his hands and waved that away quickly.

  “So, what’s the problem?” Brina felt like some stranger had taken over her body. Was she literally trying to talk him into sleeping with her? Oh, Goddess help her.

  “I’m not like other men, Brina.”

  Her eyebrow rose curiously. “Oh?”

  “I’m actually surprised you didn’t already know.” His hand reached out for hers and he kissed it before placing it on his chest.

  The moment her fingers were over his heart, she closed her eyes. Flashing images echoed in her head. Hints of fur, a glint of teeth. Brina saw a creature sliding through the shadows, seen and unseen by the world around it. She opened her eyes and looked up at him. “You’re a werewolf?”

  “Yes.” His jaw seemed hardened now, as if he were braced for her rejection.

  “So?” She smirked at him. There were far worse things he could be.

  “I’m not like other men, Brina. I can’t just sleep with whomever I want, not when it’s my time.”

  Time? What was he talking about? She glanced at him curiously. “Time?”

  “When we are younger, we can be as careless as we like, Brina. When our beasts reach a certain age, we’re no longer able to run wild. We must choose a mate to live out the rest of our lives with.”

  “Oh....” So, he was saying that they couldn’t sleep together. Brina felt like cold water had been thrown at her face. He didn’t really want her. “I understand.”

  “Do you?” His body moved effortlessly across the floor and he swept her against him again. “Make no mistake, Brina. I want you more than the air I breathe. Every inch of me wants to mark you as my own.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. It wasn’t fear that pulsed through her, but a raw desire to find out just how he intended to make his mark. Her eyes met his again, and she was transfixed in the moment where destiny seemed to be calling her home. Her grandmother had always told her she would know the one. The old woman had foreseen it long ago, telling her that when she did she could not let that moment pass her by. Brina had never understood it until now.

  “Will you?” she whispered.

  He blinked in confusion. “Will I what, Brina?”

  “Make me yours.” She nibbled on her bottom lip and waited to see what he had to say about that.

  “I’m not sure you really understand....” He ran a hand through his hair, as if he were trying to maintain some semblance of control.

  “I do. I think I’ve been waiting for you.” She stepped closer to him and put her hands on his chest. His muscles bunched up in reflex.

  “Brina....” His voice was almost a soft growl. “Don’t touch me right now.”

  “Why not, Killian?” She whispered as her fingers slid down his stomach.

  “I’m trying to do the right thing,” he cautioned her.

  Brina withdrew her hands and her eyelids shuttered. Had she been wrong? “I see.”

  She felt tears building behind her eyes, and she felt even more foolish. Turning away from him, she started to walk to the door. Brina’s hand had just touched the knob when his voice stopped her.


  “Do you know how hard it was for me to walk down this hallway, Killian?” she whispered. “I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you. It defies reason.” She turned around to face him, determined to let him know just how he made her feel. “Do you know how hard it is to find someone who accepts you? I do. I come from a long line of witches who refuse to back down from anything. You probably couldn’t handle that.”

  “I could,” he argued.

  “I’m incredibly complicated to deal with. Mornings are a pain in the ass until I have my coffee. I get up at all hours of the night to deal with the dead. I hunt for the truth whether that fits in with a man’s schedule or not. I’m a nightmare.”

  “I see.” His eyes seemed to have a merry light to them.

  “I’m a real mess. But I’m your mess, if you want it.” She moved closer to him, turning the tables on him without even thinking about it. “Or are you not man enough to handle it?”

  Desire flashed in his eyes. “Brina, I don’t think—”

  “I see...your loss.”

  She turned away from him and made a hasty retreat from his room. She knew the terms. He had literally spelled them out for her. If she slept with him, there would be no turning back. Clearly, she was not sure what he wanted. Could she blame him though? They barely knew each other.

  When she slid into her room, she locked the door behind her. She couldn’t handle one more inch of rejection. Brina walked over to her bed and curled up in a ball as the tears fell down her face. Clearly the madness of the moment had taken over. The best thing she could do was to get out of here as soon as possible. The more distance she put between them, the easier it would get. Brina knew that she would never feel this magnetic pull with anyone else. It didn’t take a fortune teller to convince her. When she finally tired of crying, she slipped into a tormented sleep.

  Chapter 5

  The next morning, Brina quickly packed her things. As quietly as she could, she moved her bags down to the first floor. She was thankful that Killian was nowhere around. If she were lucky, today the car would start. She was half tempted to cast a fortune spell to make it so, just so she could avoid making a bigger fool of herself.

  “Leaving so soon?” a voice called across the foyer as she was rolling her bags.

  Brina nearly jumped out of her skin. She had not seen Karter sitting on the chair near the fireplace. “I’d like to get a head start if my car actually starts.”

  “Pity.” He smirked slightly. “You know, he’s not always such a brute.”

  Brina blushed. “It has nothing to do with Killian.”

  “Right. Nothing at all.” His voice was teasing her slightly, but his eyes were serious. “I can take a look at your car if you like.”

  “If it wouldn’t be too much trouble.” Brina gave him a weak smile.

  “Not at all. Always happy to help a damsel in distress.” He rose from the chair and walked over to where she stood. He offered his arm to her. “My lady.”

  A growl sounded from the stairs above them. “Karter...what are you doing?”

  Brina wanted to sink into the ground and disappear. She didn’t want to see him, be anywhere near him, or breathe the air he breathed. Ignoring the battle that was about to ensue between the siblings, Brina walked away and continued to take her bags out to the car. She made it out to the porch before she heard a loud exchange behind her.

  Closing her eyes, she tried not to care about whatever they were discussing. He had made it clear last night that he wasn’t looking for a mate. He wanted her, but not forever. At least that’s what she walked away with. “Men.”

  As she made her way across the stones, at least there was enough light to keep her from sinking into the mud like last night when she had missed the path completely. When she got to the gravel, she started to roll her bags again. At this point she didn’t care how messy her bags were. She just wanted to get the hell out of there so she could check this off as the worst experience of her life. Tossing her bags into the trunk, she almost ripped her nail as one of the handles slammed against her hand. “Damn it.”

  “Need some help?”

  Freaking a.... How many men were here? She turned to find another brother staring at her with a mischievous smile plastered on his face. “And you are?�

  “Kameron.” He appeared to be a little older than Killian. His hair was a dark brown with reddish hue. His eyes were bright green, which suited the friendly smile on his face. While Killian was well-built, his brother was a giant. His arms were the size of a thigh, and well maintained, as she could see the way the T-shirt fell against his muscles. Handsome was apparently in their DNA.

  “I see. That leaves one other, I think.” Brina sighed. “Can you help me get my car started?”

  “I can, but you won’t get very far.”

  “Why’s that? Do you think he will stop me?” Brina’s chin jutted out defiantly.

  “No, but the roads might. It rained most of the night.” His eyes twinkled merrily.

  She cursed under her breath. “Of course.”

  “He’s not all that bad, you know.”

  “What is it with all of you?” Brina stomped her foot on the ground and a small drop of mud splashed up on her hand. Angry tears formed in her eyes, as the emotions that she had been trying to keep well contained were swimming to the top.

  Kameron looked at her with concern. “Did he hurt you?”

  “No,” she denied.

  “I’ll kill him. Fucking brute.” Kameron ground one of his fists into his hand. The satisfied look on his face only led her to believe he liked to fight with his brothers.

  “No... he didn’t hurt me.”

  “Then why are you crying?” He asked her seriously.

  “Gah! Men!” After throwing her purse in the trunk and stuffing her keys into her jacket pocket, Brina slammed the door shut on her car. She held up her hand as she started to walk away from him. “Just leave me alone.”

  Brina almost stomped away from him. She didn’t want to deal with any of them at the moment. It was bad enough that the road was flooded. Brina decided to do the one thing she had come here to do. She walked down the path that would lead her toward Witch’s Hollow. At least she could do what it was she actually came here to do—if she could forget the hazel eyes that seemed to be stained into her memory.


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