Wrecked: Knight Pack – Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (Knight Pack Series Book 1)

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Wrecked: Knight Pack – Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (Knight Pack Series Book 1) Page 9

by Elissa Daye

  When they stood outside the door, Brina started to tremble slightly. “I’m not sure I can do this, Killian.”

  He wrapped his arms around her. “You’re not alone, Bri. My mother will love you if you give her the chance.”

  Would she? She hadn’t met many mothers, and certainly not in this particular circumstance. Like it or not, though, the two women were stuck with each other. There was nothing that could break the bond between her and Killian. Brina took a deep breath and turned the knob in her hand. Pushing the door open, she walked in front of Killian and braced for impact.

  Thankfully, no one was right in the entryway. Part of her hoped that no one was home, but from the smell of bacon in the air, she knew that was unlikely. The sound of heavy boots on the floor caught her attention. Was it one of his brothers? Oh lord, let it not be one of his brothers. They had practically seen Killian ravish her in the forest last night.

  “Quite a looker you got there, Killian.” Brina turned around to see a much older version of him. She smiled shyly at him and tried to get her voice to work. Thankfully, she didn’t have to say a thing.

  “Yes, she is. Beautiful, strong, and intelligent,” agreed Killian.

  She turned to look up at him and found courage in his eyes. When she looked back at Killian’s father, she offered her hand. Instead of shaking her hand, the man pulled her into a warm hug.

  “Welcome to the family, Brina,” he whispered next to her ear.

  Brina relaxed against him and let out a soft breath of relief. “Thanks?”

  Kenton Knight chuckled when he released her. “That sounds about right. Always carry a fair share of doubt. You never know when my boys will be up to no good. Especially that one.”

  Killian cleared his throat behind her. “Bri, this is my father, Kenton Knight.”

  Brina smiled softly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Same. Care for some food? Amber’s been cooking up a storm.”

  Brina almost stumbled over her next words. “I’m not very hungry.”

  “Nonsense. Come join us.” He offered his arm to her, and Brina knew it would be rude to refuse.

  Brina took his arm, but looked back at Killian helplessly. She saw his amused smile and wanted to knock it off his face.

  Sensing her stress, Kenton patted her hand reassuringly. “I assure you, Amber’s bark is worse than her bite.”

  “Are you sure about that?” she whispered.

  Kenton escorted her into a room that was bustling with life, and she wondered how she hadn’t heard them before. Three men sat around a table, stuffing their faces as they talked animatedly, about what she didn’t know. All conversation stopped the moment Kenton cleared his throat.

  “Have you met Brina yet?” He asked them.

  Brina offered each of them a half smile. Her eyes looked around the room, and she was surprised to see that Amber Knight was not in the room. She wasn’t sure if this was a reprieve or the forecast of an incoming storm.

  “Looking for Mother?” Karter teased her.

  Brina almost squeaked her answer. “No.”

  “She won’t bite, much,” Karter continued to mess with her.

  “Karter!” Killian growled.

  “Well, you’d think he’d be in a much better mood after....” Karter’s eyes met hers and he had the decency not to finish his words.

  Brina held her head high, even though she felt a blush rise on her face. This was what she had signed on for—a lifetime of brothers who were filled with the hijinks of preschoolers. She rolled up her sleeves and took a deep breath. “I’ll have you know, his mood has improved greatly.” Brina smirked as she reached over and kissed Killian on the cheek. She felt him stiffen slightly, but she didn’t take it personally. “But I’m still not above letting him kick your ass if he fancies it.”

  Kam and Kyle tried to hide their amusement. They both coughed slightly as they tried to stifle their laughs.

  “I don’t know why you two are laughing. I’m pretty sure he can take both of you at once.” She crossed her arms around her and tapped her foot to make her point. “And if he can’t, I guarantee I can.”

  Killian smirked. “Don’t mess with a witch when she’s angry.”

  “You should know,” taunted Brina. “Anyone else have their two cents to throw in?”

  A loud ruckus filled the air as all the men in the room started to laugh loudly. It lasted briefly, before all the air seemed to be sucked out of the room. Brina didn’t even have to turn around to know that Amber Knight had walked into the room. Brina held her spine stiff as she turned around to face her.

  As if sensing the battle within her, Killian wrapped his arm around her and held her closer. “Mother.”

  Amber nodded at them. “May I have a word with you, Brina?”

  Brina fought the urge to gulp, but she pushed it to the side. She felt his hands pull her closer, but Brina pushed them away. Brina was a grown ass woman. She could handle his mother. “Of course.”

  Amber led her from the room, and as she did, the room was silent as a morgue. Was Brina walking to the slaughter? Or were they simply hoping to hear the exchange between them? Either way, Brina held her guard up. When they stopped inside what appeared to be a four seasons room, Brina waited to see what would happen next.

  “Sit, Brina.” Amber gestured to one of the chairs.

  Brina was half-tempted to stand on principle. She knew the woman didn’t care for her much. Even a blind person could have figured that one out. She sat down across from her and crossed her legs and arms, as if waiting for the inevitable attack.

  “I think we got off on the wrong foot,” the older woman conceded.

  Brina didn’t answer her. What could she say? She knew that Amber had tried to talk her son out of choosing her. Not that she blamed the woman, because honestly, they had only known each other for minutes. But the primal feeling between them was timeless. Brina knew that Killian was the one she had been waiting for. Every bone in her body understood that.

  “I’ve been judgmental.”

  “Go on...,” Brina said softly.

  Amber’s eyebrows rose curiously. “My, you do have a fair amount of pluck.”

  “Would you accept any less for Killian?” She challenged her.

  “No. They all need a firm hand.” A slow smile slid across her face. “You’re not afraid of me?”

  “Terrified,” Brina admitted, but she still refused to back down. “He’s worth the risk.”

  “I’m glad you see that.”

  “Are you?” Brina only half believed her. “It’s pretty clear you don’t think I’m good enough for him.”

  “Goodness...is that what you think?” Amber had the decency to blush guiltily. “I’ve become his mother after all.”

  “Excuse me?” Brina uncrossed her arms and looked closer at her.

  “Kenton’s mother was brutish. A terror in her own right. When he first took me to mate, I thought her eyes would shoot me down on the spot. Of course, she was a werewolf like the men. Not a witch like us. She didn’t want them choosing an outsider,” Amber explained.

  “I can see that.” She could. Her mother had always wanted her to find herself a like-minded partner, but Alinda had also believed that the heart took precedence over the mind. Brina knew her mother would have approved of her choice.

  “You’re generous.” Amber sighed. “One day you’ll have children of your own to protect. They may all be shifters, maybe not. You’ll want them to have the best in life. You may even be so blinded that you forget what it was like to be young and in love.”

  Love? Her heart skipped a beat. It had been unspoken between them. Their desire for each other had overwritten any need to make the declaration, yet Brina knew that she loved him. Perhaps for her entire life, if she was honest with herself. Although then, he had only been an idea that she had cradled deep inside her.

  “I do love him.”

  “Of course you do, silly girl. Even a fool would recogniz
e that.” Amber smiled at her.

  Brina returned her smile. “He’s pretty remarkable.”

  “As are you,” Amber conceded. “Not every woman could face the challenges of taking a life mate. It’s not always easy.”

  “Nothing ever is.” Brina waved her words away.

  “No, it isn’t.” Tears filled the woman’s eyes. “I’m sorry if I caused any pain.”

  Brina reached over and took her hands. “Don’t worry. I had a mother once. She was pretty protective too. I think she would have liked you.”

  “I’ve never had a daughter before. I’ve been overpowered in a house filled with testosterone.”

  “I’m surprised you haven’t lost your hair,” teased Brina.

  “I’d very much like a daughter, if you wouldn’t mind.” Amber gave her a soft smile.

  Brina felt a part of her flutter inside at her words. It would be more than nice to have a mother figure in her life again. She rose from her chair and knelt before her. Brina wrapped her arms around her and gave her a reassuring hug. “I wouldn’t mind at all.”

  A soft shuffle of sound could be heard from the doorway. Two women’s voices erupted at once.



  The two men held up their hands and exited the room before another word was uttered. The two women burst out laughing.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to that after a while,” assured Amber.

  “I don’t mind having a built-in radar. I bet it helps keep tabs on them.” Brina stood up and offered Amber her hand. “You’ve been cooking all morning. Maybe it’s time to eat.”

  “Perhaps. Besides, they’ll only keep at bay for so long. The Knight pack is more curious than a raccoon chasing a shiny bauble.”

  Brina giggled at the image. “Should we pretend that we’re in an awful row?”

  “As much as I love to keep them on their toes, I think we should show our united front.” Amber took her hand and followed her out of the room.

  When they entered the room, several pairs of eyes were trained on them. Brina shook her head at them. “You really should chew with your mouths closed.”

  “You’d think I never taught them any manners,” Amber clucked her tongue at her sons.

  “No time like the present,” Brina teased them.

  “Oh, I see what you’re doing there.” Karter spoke first.

  “I told you she’d charm her,” Kam challenged the rest of them.

  “Yeah, but your bet was on Mother. I’m not sure we know who actually won,” Karter retorted.

  Brina smirked and tapped Karter on the nose. “Guess you’ll never know.”

  When his mouth was left gaping wide open, the rest of the room broke into a chorus of laughter, including Amber Knight, which surprised Brina. She couldn’t believe she had been so afraid of her.

  Brina walked over to Killian and put her hand in his. He brought it to his mouth and kissed it gently as pride shone in his eyes. She didn’t really know what to do with that gesture, for she was still getting used to him. Brina pulled away from him, to his surprise. “What? I’m hungry and there’s bacon.”

  “Bacon?” his father chortled. “Oh, dear. A woman after my own heart.”

  Brina sat down next to Kenton Knight and let him pile the bacon on her plate. “Oh, that’s plenty, thank you.”

  “Lightweight,” he teased her.

  “For now.” She winked at Killian’s father.

  “Better get yours while you can, Killian. Apparently, she’s worked up quite an appetite,” Karter teased him.

  “You’re just jealous I found her first,” Kilian shot back.

  Brina reached across the table and touched Karter’s hand. “Karter, darling. It would never have worked between us. You’re way too immature.”

  “Boom!” Kyle dropped an imaginary microphone and made an explosion sound.

  Karter sighed. “Perhaps. I am better on the eye though.”

  “You keep telling yourself that,” grumbled Killian, who was now sitting down next to her.

  Brina retracted her hand and giggled. “You all are too much.”

  “How’s it feel to be surrounded by a loud, obnoxious, rowdy bunch of men?” Kenton asked her.

  “I always wondered what it would be like to have a big family. Even overbearing brothers who don’t know how to mind their business.” Brina turned to Killian. “Is that what you called them, Killian?”

  Killian nearly choked on his water. “Bri....”

  She slapped him on the back and took one of his arms and started to flap it in the air. “Breathe!”

  Kyle shook his head at them. “You really can’t make this stuff up.”

  Brina giggled into her hand prepared for the retribution she saw in Killian’s eyes. It was totally worth it. He needed to lighten up just a little. Brina enjoyed the easy back and forth between the family sitting around her. Brina had never realized how much she had missed out on until this moment in time. She hoped they had more than one child. The idea sent a shiver through her, reminding her that this was a conversation they had never had yet.

  Brina nibbled on her bottom lip as she pondered all the things they had yet to discuss. They had already established that she didn’t have to stop her work. Where would they live? The cabin was cut off from the rest of the world, and not at all suited to raising children, if he wanted children. She kind of assumed he did, considering he had not taken any precaution against it. Then again, neither had she. Brina had been so lost in the moment that it hadn’t even occurred to her. Now that it had, Brina felt slightly conflicted. Not because she didn’t want children, but that several steps had already been skipped. Being a mate, was that the same thing as being a wife? Legally?

  She pushed her food around her plate for a few seconds before she made her apologies to the table. “Excuse me. I think I need some air.”

  Chapter 15

  Killian watched Brina leave the table. Something was wrong, and he was afraid to find out what. What if she was having second thoughts? In making her his mate, he had changed her life completely. Not only was she stuck with him forever, she was also stuck with everyone in this room. He had not contemplated how that would make her feel.

  “What’s eating her?” asked Kyle.

  “I dunno.” Killian looked back to the table around him. Women had always been a mystery to him.

  “Did you hurt her?” Kam asked him seriously. Kam looked as if he might like to smash Killian in the face.

  “No!” He held his hands up in defense. “Maybe she smelled you?”

  Kam sniffed his arm pits. “No, I’m fresh.”

  “Give her some space,” suggested his mother.

  “Your mother’s right. A lot has happened to her in a very short period of time.” Kenton agreed with his wife.

  Karter whistled loudly. “You done messed something up. I smell turbulence ahead.”

  “Shut it.” Killian was really close to knocking that grin off his brother’s face. It had been a week since the last time he’d smashed it, although they had been shifted at the time. They often took their frustrations out on each other. But now that Killian had mated, maybe the aggression from the rest of the pack would subside. It came with the territory, unfortunately.

  “Did you find out what she came here for?” Kenton asked.

  “Investigating Witch’s Hollow,” Killian answered.

  He had wondered what had really brought her here. Fate, perhaps? Not that Killian had ever put stock in destiny or the notion that things happened for a reason. To him, everything was a choice. Brina could just as easily have made the choice to set him aside. He wouldn’t have blamed her in the least. Although, he would have yearned for her the rest of his life, even if he had claimed someone else. His wolf would never have let him forget her. She’d called to both of them, starting with the minute she touched him outside Witch’s Hollow, to protect him. Even now, the idea of her trying to keep him safe made him feel like chuckl
ing. At the time, she had no idea that he was the one thing that could be the most dangerous for her. He had tried to protect her from that, but neither one of them seemed able to deny the desire that swirled between them.

  “Why?” asked Kam.

  Killian blinked. He looked at his brother and smirked. “What?”

  “Earth to Killian. Why did she come to investigate Witch’s Hollow?” Even Kyle seemed to find the situation amusing.

  “She’s a witch too, Kam,” Amber tried to explain to her sons.

  “Like that explains anything.” Karter rolled his eyes.

  “Um...I don’t think I actually got around to asking her that.” The reason for her arrival hadn’t mattered to him the minute his wolf had attached itself to her scent. He had clearly been distracted. Even now he was thinking about sinking inside her sweet core. Killian felt himself stiffen, and he adjusted in his seat slightly.

  Karter snorted. “Thinking with your—”

  “Karter!” Amber interrupted him. “Manners.”

  “What? I was going to say wolf.” Clearly, Karter was going to say nothing of the sort.

  “Like hell,” Kyle chuckled.

  “Boys.” Their mother threw her hands up in the air. It was probably the third time she had done so that day.

  “So, what happened yesterday?” Kenton interrupted.

  “Well, Killian got la—”

  “Karter, so help me, if you finish that….” Killian slammed his fist on the table. Heaven help the woman who fell for that idiot.

  “Boys, if you’re going to tear into each other, would you do it away from the fine china?” Amber Knight sighed in defeat.

  “I heard the four of you outside in the afternoon. Was there a problem?” Kenton redirected the conversation.

  “Well, she heard the Calling.”

  Killian did not want to answer that question. There had been many witches who had heard what they all knew as the Calling. It was some magnetic pull that came over them when they reached the glen near Witch’s Hollow. Many witches had been lost to it over the years. That was one of the reasons the pack kept a close eye on the river. Killian didn’t like to think what would have happened if he hadn’t made it to her in time. She had been so close to the hole that sucked people into its hidden depths—not to mention the lack of control over her faculties would have made it far easier to drown in the current.


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