Hearts of Indesh

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Hearts of Indesh Page 4

by S. J. Sanders


  The planet Nikat was lush like a tropical paradise, Nikki had to admit. Medif had landed them miles away from any native settlement which made her feel marginally better. If it weren’t for being so damn dangerous to her health, it would have almost made a pleasant vacation destination. Sparkling white beaches, vines thick with fruit, and cool breezes fragrant with exotic flowers.

  Nikki was sitting on the beach, digging her bare toes into the warm sand, watching little crab-like critters skitter away from her, when Nazzek plopped his ass down next to her. He held a large ripe purple fruit in his hand with a smile.

  “I found this and thought to bring it as a peace offering. Don’t worry, I scanned it--it’s not poisonous.”

  She took the fruit with a small smile, the crazy male really was sweet towards her. “Thank you.” She took a bite, and closed her eyes as she moaned with pleasure as the sweet juice dripped down her throat. She opened her eyes to see Nazzek watching her with rapt fascination. Awkward. She cleared her throat. “You seem like a pretty nice guy for a pirate.”

  He snorted in amusement, “I am not a pirate, I am an aquisitioner. There is a big difference. Pirates board ships, kill their crew, enslave beautiful females, and strip everything bare to sell at the Lifomid Market. While I make use of the market, it is to sell things that I legitimately come across. The ownership may sometimes be a bit…vague, but I don’t rob anyone directly.” He smiled, flashing his sharp teeth.

  “That is a pretty fine line of distinction,” she observed humorously.

  “True, but everything important is in the details,” he stated, his eyes sparkling with laughter. “For instances, unlike pirates, I pay taxes.” That made her laugh out loud.

  “Oh, who does your book work?”she snickered.

  He curled his lip in a rather disgusted snarl, “I do, I am sad to say. It is a mess every quarter to try and figure out. Of course there are plenty of write offs. And then certain itemized things that are exempt from being taxed. Does that sound like a pirate to you?” She smothered a laugh and grinned at him. She was really starting to enjoy her new mate.

  “Just so you know, I am an accountant. I keep records organized for a living.”

  He brightened, “Certainly the gods doubly blessed me when I acquired you then!”

  “But you are still maintaining you are not a pirate, correct?”

  “Pirate? Perish the thought!”

  “Uh huh. Call me crazy, but didn’t you in fact steal me from a ship that you boarded and threatened crew members on?”

  He laughed that beautiful deep melodious multi-tonal laugh that made her insides tingle. “Well you got me there. But we try to target real pirates, liberating them of their ill-gotten wealth and return stolen females to their home-worlds.”

  An idea occurred to her, “And I suppose these females were grateful to you.”

  “Oh yes,” he nodded, grinning broadly. “More than one wanted to express her thanks to me personally.”

  “Uh huh, tell me--this thanks, did it manifest in oral sex?”

  He blinked at her, “All forms of sex actually. They all told me how romantic it was to be saved by such a handsome male.”

  “Right,” she snorted but managed to keep a straight face. “And how did they react when you returned them home afterwards.”

  He frowned slightly, “I admit that is the confusing part. After being so happy with the romance, they were all very angry when I left them. I am not sure why, we were not breeding compatible so there had no risk of being impregnated and they had expressed great pleasure at being with me.”

  Nikki just stared at him. “Did you have any experience at all with females before you got into this business?”

  “Well, no,” he admitted, his cheeks becoming a darker shade of green. “My planet doesn’t have any females left. A sickness took most of them, and slavers took what remained when our planet was in a weakened state while our population was recovering from the illness that swept through. Our planet is not part of the Intergalactic Union, so we are not even in consideration for use of the Mate Index of your planet truthfully.”

  She looked at him thoughtfully, a small smile tugging at her lips. “I hate to tell you this sweetheart, but your ideas of romance are a bit…off. I am sure the females did think it was very romantic to be rescued by a very good looking male such as yourself. Rescue can be very romantic, when it has a positive outcome. How women choose to share themselves is not really part of the romance, but is an expression of their feelings, which can vary from female to female. Sex by a loving partner can be part of romance but is not romance in and of itself,” she couldn’t help laughing a little. “They thought it was romantic because they thought you rescued them and were keeping them. No wonder they cursed you when you dumped them with their families on their home planets.”

  She couldn’t hold it in any longer. She fell back onto the sand laughing uproariously. When she finally managed to catch her breath between giggles, she felt Nazzek nuzzling her hair affectionately. He pulled back to look down into her eyes, a smile twisting his lips.

  “I have to confess,” he murmured, “I always did wonder why my friends look at me so oddly whenever I speak of romance. This has been very…enlightening.” He chuckled. “So would you say that our relationship has been romantic?”

  Nikki pursed her lips as she regarded him, a small smile playing at the corners. “Yes I suppose it could be. It remains to be seen how everything comes together. A daring rescue, fleeing a jilted mate, exotic locations…it is certainly something that seems out of the pages of some great romance.”

  He grinned down at her. It was amazing how his sharp teeth no longer bothered her. It was just a part of his beautiful smile. Her breath caught in her throat as he leaned down to brush his lips against hers. Heat instantly coiled in her belly at the brief lightest of touches.

  When he pulled back she grinned back up at him, a finger tracing the delicate scales along his face, so different than the thick plate like scales covering most of his body. Each scale though looked like a beautifully cut gemstone, yet he seemed to have full sensory in the smaller flexible ones on his hands, face and likely his lower torso, as his upper torso was covered with the larger heavy plating. All of what seemed to be erogenous zones had the smaller delicate scales. His eyes flared with heat, and his lids became hooded with desire as she ran her fingers over to perfect cupid bow of his lips. He really was beautiful, inside and out.

  Her stomach growled, disrupting the moment, and both laughed. His tail sweeping the sand, he hoisted himself to his feet and gallantly offered a hand down to her. Grinning like an idiot, Nikki took his hand and allowed him to help her up.

  “Let us go get some more of that fruit. Oigr and Medif went out hunting while I guard you, but we can enjoy some while we wait for their return.”

  Hand in hand they strolled into the trees bordering the beach and he showed her the thick vines heavy with fruits, from where he retrieved the peace offering he had brought her. Just looking at them made her hungry, recalling that she hadn’t eaten anything else since the evening meal the night before.

  Greedily they snagged several fruits from the vine and returned to their little campsite on the beach where they sat side by side with their small pile of food.

  “Should we save some for the guys?” Nikki asked, eyeballing the purple fruits, her mouth salivating.

  “Let us just enjoy these fruits my heart. The vine is only a short span away. If we need more fruit we can get some more.”

  The man talked sense. She started to reach towards the pile when his tail wrapped around one, flipping it dexterously and holding it out to her. She giggled.

  “Your tail is very flexible,” she observed.

  He raised his brow and smirked. “Actually it is not a tail, it is an anterior tentacle.”

  “Really?” Now she was fascinated. It really was something from her teen hentai fantasies then. She peered at the tentacle with inter
est. “May I touch it?”

  He winked at her, “Certainly my heart of hearts. Just be gentle with me.”

  She snorted out a laugh but very lightly brushed her fingers on the delicate scales of his tentacle. “I would have thought that you would have the heavier scales plating your…uh…tentacle like you do on most of your body.”

  He spared a glance from her fingers to the scaling along the tentacle. “Most tentacled species don’t have scales at all, as you may or may not know. Naturally, for the dexterity of a tentacle the heavy plating would, in terms of our species evolution, not make sense. These finer scales have fine-tuned sensors to their environment, and are highly flexible. They also grow faster so if we loose a tentacle, which happens from time to time, they can grow in quickly when the new tentacle grows back. Plus it is sexier,” he leered at her playfully.

  She choked on her bite of fruit and grinned at him. “Are you speaking from personal experience?”

  “Which part?”

  “Hmm, both?”

  He laughed out loud. “Well I did loose a tentacle once. In my youth, my older brother slammed an old rusted door on it when we were playing in an abandoned shuttle. I think I was about ten revolutions old, and he was fifteen. The door got caught and my father had to come and pull me out. My tentacle detached in the process. It took a whole lunar cycle for the damn thing to grow back.”

  She laughed too. “It seems like older brothers are the same no matter what part of the universe you are at. My brother torched my dolls as part of his scientific experiments, and put molasses in my hair while I slept. Molasses is a very sweet, thick, sticky syrup.” They laughed companionably and continued on for a while exchanging stories of the ruin of having elder siblings as their pile of fruit rapidly diminished.

  “But as to the second part regarding my personal experience …”He grinned down at her as he took another large bite of fruit, sexual interest clear in his eyes. “There are many fun things one can do with their tentacle when it comes to pleasuring a female.”

  Nikki felt her whole body suffuse with moist heat and hurriedly stuffed another chunk of fruit in her mouth. She just bet there was. And her naughty imagination was happy to remind her of a certain number of hentai scenes that demonstrated just how he could use his tentacle on her.

  She squeezed her thighs together, embarrassed. Her libido was certainly all out of control with this male. She had noticed it on the ship, but it seemed to be sky rocketing at an alarming rate as she sat beside him on the beach. As in, she struggled not to jump him. That was new for her.

  She wasn’t the only one affected thankfully. On casual glance--or what she hoped look casual and not a blatant ogle at his crotch--she noticed a definite bulge going on. She tried desperately not to stare--it was quite…sizable. She wondered if it was covered in the same tiny, soft, warm scales too. Gods, that would feel so amazing!

  His tentacle brushed up against her thigh and Nikki couldn’t hold back her shudder of pleasure. She watched, entranced, as it wound around her leg, the tip disappearing to brush delicately against the crotch of panties. For the first time since this adventure began, she wasn’t sorry that the required dress code for females going to Caysta consisted of dresses. The blue material inched up as his tentacle coiled up higher.

  Panting, she met Nazzek’s eyes which had darkened to a deep pansy purple. Even his skin had a strange radiant glow to it that she found captivating, like someone shining a bright light through a crystal. His horns also seemed to glow with an inner light making them sparkle like diamonds. It almost felt like a Twilight moment, just with a sparkly alien instead of a sparkly vampire. As much as she had personally mocked the concept of glitter-vampires--and mocked it a lot--she found it alluring with his biology.

  He made an odd resonating multi-tonal trilling noise deep in his throat that made her skin shiver as he brushed kisses across her neck and shoulder. She drew in a shaky breath, drawing the thick lush perfume of the flowers surrounding them deep into her lungs as she felt his tentacle caress back and forth across the length of her slit. She jerked in pleasure when it finally slipped underneath the band of her panties, to brush directly against her hot flesh. The feel of the soft scales sliding against the lips of her cunt made it flood again with fresh moisture. She moaned as the tip dipped to explore the recesses within.

  “Nikki?” Nazzek packed a great wealth into that one question. She knew what he wanted, what she wanted. What they were both driven to need at this moment. His tentacle slipped from her cunt and from around thigh as she turned to face him, and their lips met in a hurried crush of passion. Tongues delving and caressing. Gentle nips and suckles that pushed their passion up higher. It was almost frightening, like a living thing surrounding them.

  Their embrace tightened as he stripped the pale blue dress from her body, worshiping every bit of her exposed flesh with his mouth and his hands. She wasn’t even vaguely alarmed when those wickedly clawed fingers caressed her body. Like a human, had had five fingers, but each sported a diamond-like claw that looked like it could ribbon flesh easier than a ginsu-knife. Instead, her nerve endings reacted with pleasure to each gentle brush of their tips against her.

  She groaned and yanked his shirt off him, licking her tongue against the warm plating of scales across his chest and upper abdominal muscles. At his lower abs the tiny delicate scales resumed disappearing into his pants. With a muttered curse, Nazzek kicked off his boots and yanked his pants down revealing the proud jut of his cock. And it was glorious. Of the palest green, the tiny scales shimmered with their own light all along the thick, long tapered length of him that curved up ever so slightly like a horn. Her pussy clenched at just imagining how that would feel as she ran a hand up and down the length, and watched in fascination as pale, iridescent green pre-cum collected at the tip.

  Curious, she leaned forward and swept her tongue across the tip, and taste the slightly salty tart taste of his essence. If she closed her eyes, it bore some similarity to an apple-tini, with just a bit of a stretch of imagination. She sucked down the length into her mouth, as much as she could manage without gagging, enjoying his husky layered growls and trills that vibrated from him.

  She felt his cock pulse briefly before Nazzek pulled her off his cock with a resounding pop. Before she knew it, she was being lain gently back into the warm sand. She looked up to see a few petals and a rosy dusting of pollen fall over them, before her vision was taken up by the beautiful flowering color of his eyes looking down at her. She grabbed his horn and pulled him down for a kiss, rubbing along the smaller spiked horns along his jawline as she drew him in, lifting her hips as he tightly wrapped his tentacle around her waist.

  Reaching between them she gripped the length of his cock and lined it up to her slit, Nazzek hissing from pleasure with the contact. Eagerly he surged in, her hips jerking up at the fullness of his sudden invasion. Never had she had a lover fill up her so tightly, or rubbed her just so in just the right places. She convulsed immediately as the head of his cock rubbed deeply against her g-spot on its path to her womb.

  Nikki wrapped her legs tightly around him, drawing him deeper as she moaned with pleasure. Nazzek rocked down against her in response, and she rose up to meet him. She felt the firm grip of teeth gently on her throat, subduing but not breaking skin, as he pulled nearly all the way out and rammed home. Nikki screamed with ecstasy. Again and again he pumped into her savagely, rutting into her. The very fine grains of sand bathed her back, the tiny particles rubbing deliciously against one side while his softer scales of his belly and pelvis rubbed at her other side.

  She dug her fingers into the heavy plating of scales on his shoulder and hung on as they fucked vigorously. No, not fucking. It was more than fucking. She felt something within her reaching for him as he pounded into her. Something that rose with each orgasm but never retreated.

  They gasped and moaned together, riding the high crest of a powerful orgasm together. Suddenly she felt a movement inside her and a
small pinch, and she was flooded with such pleasure that it sent her crashing over the edge into a long brutal orgasm, but cunt clenching down mercilessly on the cock buried within her, pulsating as she shook with micro-orgasms. Nazzek roared out his own pleasure like a rippling tide of sound waves flowing across her, stroking her sensitive body into another intense orgasm.

  She shifted a bit and he groaned against her neck. “My pleasure barb has us connected sweet Nikki, let it ride out. Don’t move sweet mate.” He pressed kisses repeatedly across her face as he continued to shift and grind together. Nikki honestly had no intention of going anywhere. Already, she could feel an up swelling of lust rushing through her body again as her mate bit her sharply where her shoulder and neck met.


  Nazzek panted into his mates neck, licking away the drops of blood. Pleasure rippled through him. His body recognized his mate. His pleasure barb had never latched onto any female he bedded before. He wasn’t a hundred percent certain if it was because she was a compatible species or something deeper. At the moment he hooked into her, he felt that part of him which had been reaching for her latch into her spiritual essence just as securely as his barb latched the womb of his mate. He secured the bonded mating by the instinctual bite he delivered to her. The essence of her blood entering him while the entire time he was latched his cock pulsed his semen into Nikki in an endless stream completed the circuit. Without the latching he could ejaculate mating fluid, but this was true breeding between mates. A true joining of essences. He had mated her now, in truth, in every way.

  He knew that the latching of the barb was highly pleasurable for the females, but never expected his little human to react so strongly. Her whole body milked him over and over as she fairly vibrated with her own orgasms. He sighed when the barb finally released the inner lining of her womb, but his cock still felt harder than Indesh sirupals, their most precious gemstones.


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