Destiny of a Warrior (Legends of the Fenian Warriors Book 4)

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Destiny of a Warrior (Legends of the Fenian Warriors Book 4) Page 23

by Mary Morgan

  Rose reached for a tissue from the box on a nearby table. Handing it to her sister, she waited until she composed herself. “I meant every word. I love you, my beautiful sister.”

  Lily engulfed her in a hug. “I’m so happy for you, though I wished you would have sent for me when Aidan was in a coma.”

  Rose sighed wearily. “We’ve gone down this conversational road. I had Aelish with me, and you were dealing with Society issues.”

  “I still can’t believe the woman is a Fae,” admitted Lily. “You should have witnessed my stunned look when you told me on the phone before we departed for here. It’s another secret we’ll have to keep from the other women.”

  “Does it bother you to know who she is?” inquired Rose, studying her sister’s features.

  Shaking her head slowly, Lily responded, “Not at all. It only makes her more enduring to me, and I’m honored that she has chosen to stay on longer.”


  Standing back, she gave one final inspection and a tweak to her dress. Pointing to Rose’s feet, she frowned. “Where are your satin slippers?”

  “I want to feel the earth beneath my feet.”

  Her sister clucked her tongue in disapproval. She dashed over to the bed and retrieved the ivory beaded slippers. “You can remove them when you’re under the trellis. The garden has had some recent animal visitors, and they’ve left their mark upon the land.”

  Rolling her eyes, Rose permitted her sister to slip the slippers onto her feet. “They’re only rabbits.”

  “Rubbish. I think the deer have entered, along with others, including Thor. I tried to keep the dog from scurrying about in that part of the garden, but he’s a trickster. Don’t be surprised if you find him at Aidan’s side during the ceremony.”

  Grinning, Rose replied, “Maybe they’ve come to witness the wedding of a human and Fae.”

  Lily’s eyes grew wide. She drew close as if she were about to impart a great secret with Rose. “I thought his powers were taken?”

  “I have learned to never underestimate the man or Fae.” Rose gestured outward. “Lead the way, sis.”

  As Lily made her way out of the room, Rose took a deep breath in and released it slowly. Clutching her bouquet to her chest, she followed her sister. Slowly and steadily, her steps took her along the corridor where tapestries of ancient centuries greeted her in passing. She took her time descending the stairs, and when she journeyed beyond the massive oak doors, her heart started to beat rapidly.

  With each step leading her closer to her Fae, goose bumps traveled over her skin in anticipation. Upon entering the garden, her heart truly did stop for a fraction of a second. Aidan stood in front of the trellis—the arches overflowing with red, yellow, orange, and pink roses. Recalling her sister’s words, Thor sat regally next to the Fae.

  Aidan stood in his usual powerful stance, hands clasped behind him. Yet, it was the clothes that spoke volumes to Rose. His sleeveless ivory tunic matched the color of her dress to perfection. Edged around the collar and bottom of the tunic was a silver pattern reminiscent of those markings on his arms, which denoted his royal lineage. His pants were of the same material, though in black. The contrast was magnificent—like the Fae who stood before her.

  How honored she was he had chosen this attire for their wedding day.

  Aidan arched a brow, and smiled fully as she approached. Rose’s breathing hitched, and she melted to her very core. The man oozed a raw sensuality. She thought she couldn’t love him more, but she was wrong. This day brought a new meaning to their world. He had given up everything all for her. All for love.

  And the child she carried was her gift to him.

  Holding out his hand, Aidan waited. Doing his best to remain rooted to the ground proved to be difficult the moment his beloved stepped into his view. She was a radiant vision with the sun casting a golden halo around her. Him a hardened warrior, brought to his knees by his love for her. He’d endure the pain of his torturous prison endless times to be with the woman who captured his heart and soul. Never would he be parted from her again.

  Her fingers were warm and scented with the roses she carried as he brought them to his lips. “I shall treasure this moment forever, mo ghrá,” he uttered in a hoarse voice, raw with emotion.

  “And I, too,” she whispered in return, handing Lily her bouquet.

  Her smile was a rainbow of promises yet to be fulfilled.

  Placing her hand in the crook of his arm, Aidan led her underneath the trellis.

  The druid, Bryan dipped his head in greeting. Closing his eyes, he lifted his arms upward. “We are gathered here in this sacred part of the land. Nature abides everywhere. She is present, along with those who will witness the handfasting of Aidan Kerrigan and Rose MacLaren. Their love has brought them to this sacred union. As each has confessed to me, they have already stated their vows to one another, but will do so once again for all those gathered.” The druid withdrew a silver and gold cord from his robe.

  Aidan took Rose’s hand into his and held it outward. They watched as the druid draped the cord around their wrists.

  Taking a step back, Bryan nodded to both. “You may pledge your vows.”

  Bringing their joined hands to his chest, Aidan stared into the depths of his beloved’s eyes. “As I have declared once before, I had no compass when it came to love. It was a foreign emotion and one I had no wish to explore. It took a chance encounter under a rare occurrence for my heart to find love. Always, will my body protect, love, and serve you, Rose. You have brought me home. When the time comes for me to take my last breath, I shall await you at the entrance to eternal youth.”

  He withdrew a ring from his pocket. As he slipped it on Rose’s finger, Aidan lowered his voice. “The circle of our love is forged in the waters of my homeland and the red stone from the caves where the great beasts once resided.”

  “Aidan, it’s gorgeous. I love it!” She smiled seductively and dipped her fingers into the bodice of her gown.

  The blood pounded in his veins as she removed a silver ring with etchings similar to the markings on his body. Humbled by her gesture to honor him in this fashion, he fought the tide of emotions in front of so many witnesses.

  She took his hand and slid the ring over his finger. “With this ring, I seal my love to you always. Let it be a symbol of the old and new—of the past and present. I honor both within you.”

  He kissed the ring and drew her close to him.

  She trembled under his touch, but her voice remained strong and firm. “From the moment you lifted me into your arms, my soul truly felt at home. My heart beat for the first time with our first kiss. And when our bodies joined, we wove a thread of love so powerful that not even death can rip it apart. My home is here with you on this earth, until the time comes to either wait or meet you on the shores of the Summerland. I love you, Aidan—forever.”

  He leaned his forehead against hers. “There are no words to express my undying love. Only in my deeds, actions—” He winked and continued “—and to cherish your body.”

  Noting the blush staining her cheeks and neck, Aidan brushed a kiss near her ear. “Even now, I long to carry you away.”

  “Your chambers or beneath the shade of the elm trees by the river?” she asked in a throaty whisper.

  Before Aidan had a chance to capture her succulent lips, Bryan coughed, alerting them that the ceremony had not concluded.

  Giving the druid a smile, he stepped back and held their joined hands outward.

  The druid approached. “Aidan and Rose, as your hands are bound together, so are your lives and souls, which are melded in a union of trust and love. Like the radiant stars above you, allow them to be a source of light. With the land beneath your feet as a solid foundation to keep you steady on your path of growth, may your love flourish, even in the darkest times. Let your binding vows you speak today strengthen your union in this marriage of two souls, and may the Goddess bless you on your journey.”

; After removing the cord, he gestured outward to the gathering. “May I present Aidan and Rose Kerrigan.”

  A resounding cheer and applause swept through the garden, surrounding the joyous couple.

  Aidan slipped his arms around his wife’s waist, bringing her against his body. He scanned her lovely features, committing to memory each detail of this glorious day.

  “What are you waiting for, my knight? Permission to steal a chaste kiss?”

  Letting out a growl, Aidan covered her mouth hungrily, showing his beloved that there would never be chaste kisses from him.

  Not now. Not ever.


  Twirling the wine in his silver goblet, Aidan waited patiently for the first star to enter the evening sky. It had become a ritual ever since his return above. Never would he forget his heritage or love for his people. The door to his previous life closed eons ago and a fresh one blossomed before him. A new home forged with his beloved by his side. Anger was banished by the love for his wife.

  On a deep sigh, Aidan lifted the cup up to the glittering star. “You are the sentinel that leads the other guardians who have gone to the great realm in the cosmos. Continue to shine over us, Great Dragons.” After draining the wine from his goblet, he wandered back inside the library.

  He reached for the letter from the university and smiled. After a month of negotiations, his elevated position had been granted. As part of a select group of professors, he would oversee a unique archaeological department researching new digs. Reaching for a pen, Aidan scribbled his acceptance on the contract.

  “An interesting and fascinating arrangement,” he uttered in the hushed silence of the room and dropped the pen.

  He picked up the flower on his desk, eager to present it to Rose.

  Reminiscing about past digs and their relation to historical events, Aidan proceeded along the corridor heading to the kitchens. When he entered, he frowned. Expecting his beloved to be preparing the evening meal, he found the rooms dark and quiet.

  Quickly exiting, he searched for Rose in the separate sitting room. When he found no trace of her scent, he paused at bottom of the stairs. Had she taken ill? Last he had seen her was in the stables with the horses hours ago.

  Taking the steps two at a time, he made his way to their chambers. As he approached, he drew his hand behind his back with the flower.

  When he pushed open the doors, he halted. A fire crackled in the giant hearth. But it was the vision on the velvet coverings in front of the blaze that drew the breath from his lungs. Her shawl barely covered the sheer lavender gown she wore underneath. The moonstone around her neck glittered in the soft light. Instantly, the blood heated in his veins.

  By the hounds, he’d never grow tired of seeing Rose.

  She tilted her head to the side. “Are you done with your work in the library?”


  “Signed the contract?”

  He nodded slowly.

  “Good. Then I believe we need to celebrate. I thought we could eat our meal before the fire in our room. We’ve been having chilly evenings, and I was longing to have a fire in here.”

  “Meal?” he croaked out, oblivious to anything but the enchanting beauty sitting there.

  She patted the spot next to her in invitation. “Yes. I have mushroom and onion pasties, a variety of cheeses, olives, apples, nuts, and…”


  Her eyes crinkled with mischief. “I strolled down to the cellar. Your collection is extensive.” She held up a bottle. “Is it whisky? A type of sherry? The amber glass is exquisite.”

  Arching a brow, he replied, “You do realize you’ve chosen a rare vintage?”

  “Strange, the label doesn’t have any words. Only this symbol.”

  “Then you understand it is from the Fae realm?”

  Smiling, she nodded. “I came to that conclusion.”

  He crossed the room and sat down next to her. Taking the bottle from her delicate hand, he lifted it to the firelight. “Made from the waters near my home, I have saved this elixir for a time I deemed appropriate. In truth, I’ve forgotten all about this passion liquor.”

  “Ahh…so it is not whisky?”

  Aidan smiled, setting the bottle down. “No. Quite the opposite, it’s a powerful aphrodisiac. Have I not shared the story of when King Arthur requested a certain amber liquid to bestow upon his wife on their wedding day?”

  “You have yet to reveal that fascinating story, husband.”

  “A great tale for another time,” he suggested.

  Rose laughed. “Then let’s save the story and amber liquid for another time, say after the birth of our daughter. All I wanted was a sip, since I wasn’t going to indulge.” She glanced behind him. “What are you hiding?”

  Aidan brought forth the flower.

  Her mouth gaped open in astonishment. “How? There are no colors like this in the world.” She brushed her fingers over the flower. “Each petal is different.”

  He placed the delicate silver and lavender rose in her hand. “I have been practicing daily. My magic of the land has returned, though not as powerful as before. Learning to become one with the earth has taught me many lessons, some I had forgotten.” Exhaling softly, he cupped her chin.

  While she held the gift against her chest, Rose’s eyes misted with unshed tears. “It’s lovely, Aidan. What a powerful scent, too.”

  “My love for you.” He pushed the shawl off her shoulders, letting the material slide to the ground. “For now, I have no need for additional drink to increase my heady desire for your body.” Tapping the bottle, he added, “If I drank one glass, we would not be leaving this room for several days.”

  A crimson blush stained her cheeks. “Goodness, all the possibilities.”

  Aidan nibbled along her bottom lip. “All the positions—ecstasy that can have you soaring to the stars.”

  “Have I not already experienced that sensation, my Fae?” she asked provocatively, rubbing her face over the stubble on his cheek. “Love this new look and feel.”

  Arching a brow, his hand slipped down to cup her breast. “Then I’ll endeavor to keep this rakish look to appease you, wife.”

  “I love you, husband,” she uttered tenderly.

  Capturing her face in his hands, Aidan showered kisses around her lips. “As I love you, beloved—to the stars. You swept into my life like a magical spring breeze and illuminated my soul, opening up a void which I refused to view.”

  When her sigh entered him, Aidan sealed his vow with a kiss worthy of his love.

  Note from Author

  The great Aidan Kerrigan was a tale I feared to write. When he first appeared in the story, Dragon Knight’s Medallion, I panicked. I did not know he was a Fenian Warrior until he walked through the crowd of people at the airport to greet his daughter, Aileen. His presence loomed mighty and grew with the previous stories in the Legends of the Fenian Warriors. Regardless, I knew then that his and Rose’s love story had to be told. With each Fenian Warrior’s story, I shared a layer about this Fae. Little did I know when I penned his first line of dialogue that he was the leader of the Fenian Warriors, came from royalty, and his sister was Queen of the Fae realm.

  He chose not to reveal any of this to me. And this is why I became terrified. What more could he share? Well, dear readers, Aidan made it simple. He told me to write a love story. “For you see, love is greater than all the power attained in the world—be it human or Fae.”

  Therefore, I took you back in time to when he was the leader of the Brotherhood. To when this great warrior had no blemish to stain his life and love flipped his world upside down.

  Eventually, Aidan and Rose will depart Scotland and make their home with their young daughter at the Society of the Thistle in Boston, Massachusetts. If you’ve read Dragon Knight’s Medallion, then you know the reasoning behind this move.

  I truly hope you’ve enjoyed the final book (for now) in the Legends of the Fenian Warriors.

this holiday season, I’m taking you back to the Dragon Knights of Urquhart and their friends, the MacFhearguis clan, specifically Patrick MacFhearguis. It’s time to weave a spell of love over this rugged Highlander in To Weave a Highland Tapestry.

  Coming in December 2019



  Turn the page for a sneak preview…


  When the ancient MacFhearguis clan settled near the Great Glen in Scotland, the Chieftain wished to bless the land and his castle, known as Leòmhann—the lion. Druids came from far away, bestowing their approval over stone, land, and people. Afterwards, they took part in a grand feast. Drink and food overflowed in the Great Hall. The bards recounted the tales of their Chieftain and his people, while the children listened in rapt attention. Minstrels played songs of past triumphs, and the dancing and feasting lasted for countless days.

  However, another tale lay buried within the stone walls of Leòmhann and only those brave enough could recant the true account.

  And so it was whispered there were those in the clan—weavers from an ancient order from the west—not happy with the Chieftain’s refusal to offer a gift to the Fae who had graced his land before him. Or his lack of interest to take a wife from one of the tribes who followed their belief. Though he honored the old ways, the Chieftain deemed their requests a foolish act. He argued that the druid’s blessing fulfilled their needs and hardened his heart against them.

  On a cold autumn morn, he banished these irritating women to the forest, fearing they would weave ill thoughts among the other people.

  Saddened by this act from their Chieftain, the women grew concerned that the Fae may not give their own blessing and their people would be left without a compassionate and wise leader. Regardless of his order to silence them, they sought another path to right this injustice.

  Gathering around a bonfire on a moonlit Samhain eve, each woman brought with them one long golden thread from their looms. On a whispered prayer, they knotted them all together. Traveling deep into the forest far away from Leòmhann, they came upon a young yew tree. As they swayed softly, the women wrapped the knotted threads around the tree. After they were done, they joined hands and sang out as one.


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