The Undead Survivor Series (Book 2): Undead and the City

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The Undead Survivor Series (Book 2): Undead and the City Page 15

by Radke, K. E.

  “You’re wasting daylight,” Gloria hollered.

  Noah held out his hand again and watched her hesitate for a moment before she relented. A few feet from the exit she stopped hobbling and whispered, “What is that?”

  Up ahead, Heath had his foot in the doorway and Noah answered lightly, “I haven’t figured it out myself yet. All I know is I’m pretty sure he stole my height while I was not growing up.”

  She laughed out loud startling everyone.

  Outside, Gloria eyed the girl and said, “Found another invalid to slow us down.”

  “How’d you end up in that room?” Lincoln interrogated the girl.

  “She’s fucking heavy,” Noah blurted out. “How about we move the interrogation somewhere we can all fucking sit down.”

  “What’s wrong with your legs?” Lincoln questioned her ignoring Noah.

  “I’ve been in a fucking drawer for two days—I think—it’s hard to tell time in the dark,” the girl replied fiercely.

  Wyatt yelled from afar shielding his eyes from the sun and suggested, “There’s shade on the loading dock and it’s high enough to sit for a minute and eat. Nothing can sneak up on us on that platform.”

  Noah almost collapsed just by gazing at the distance and admitted to her, “I can’t carry you that far.”

  Heath lifted her up before she could protest and started moving. Her fists wailed on his head before he shifted her to his shoulder. Hitting his back, she screamed obscenities.

  “This is going to be fun,” Lincoln said sarcastically. He glared at Noah, “You just had to be the hero.”

  “You would have just left her?” Noah questioned putting his pack back on.

  “Yes,” Lincoln answered right away.

  Wyatt could hear their conversation and shouted, “You fucking liar.”

  “That’s cold man,” Noah said.

  “Hey, it’s survival of the fittest,” Lincoln defended himself.

  “We should have left her ass,” Gloria agreed. “She’ll just be trouble around Lincoln. I don’t need him knocking anyone up.”

  “I see some things never change,” Wyatt snickered. They caught up to Wyatt and helped roll him along the pavement.

  On the loading platform, no one settled in until ten minutes of absolutely nothing happened. Wyatt was the first person to rummage through his pack. He brought out an MRE and shamelessly shoved food in his mouth.

  Heath tried to keep his gaze averted when Lincoln, Noah and Gloria reached into their packs. He’d brought nothing with him and the last thing he wanted to do was cause a Mexican standoff with all the loaded guns.

  They were almost four feet above the ground level and there were ramps leading to and from different entrances. At least fifteen different doors surrounded them. Only two would obviously lead them into the hospital, the rest were anyone’s guess until someone opened them. Abandoned forklifts were behind Heath and empty pallets were stacked on top of each other in one corner.

  Not a lot of blood stained the concrete. Faded, crimson footprints were still noticeable, but it was clear that most of the people back here escaped alive.

  “The big man can’t go hungry,” Gloria said loudly noticing Heath’s wandering gaze on everything except the food. “Who packed this bag?” She shoved a water bottle at Heath and several granola bars.

  Wyatt’s eyes brimmed with tears and occupied his hands by taking out another MRE and tossing it to Heath.

  Noah watched the girl he rescued hungrily eye all the food being tossed around. They made eye contact and he lifted a prized water bottle. When her gaze locked onto it, he asked nicely, “What’s your name?”

  “Jule,” she rasped feeling the dryness in her throat and tried to grab for the bottle when he held it out to her.

  The first answer came so fast, Noah pulled the water bottle out of her reach. She was so standoffish earlier he thought he’d have to manipulate her in order to get the answers he wanted.

  He took advantage of her willingness to answer and held the water bottle hostage, “How’d you end up in the dead man’s bed?”

  “I’m not too picky when there’s a bunch of Rotters trying to eat me.”

  Noah grinned at the nickname and continued his interrogation. “How long were you in there?”

  “I don’t know, it’s not like I had a watch.”


  “A long fucking time,” she raised her voice annoyed. Noah stayed silent and waited for an answer. With a cracked voice she guessed, “Like two days maybe.”

  Noah finally gave her the water bottle and she drank it voraciously.

  “Are you a nurse?” Lincoln asked even though she looked too young.

  She pulled the bottle away from her lips audibly gulping down what she had in her mouth before shaking her head.

  “Can you get us the supplies to fix his foot?” Lincoln questioned calmly trying to keep the suspicion out of his voice.

  Jule stared at Wyatt’s foot and put the water bottle to her lips again without answering. Lincoln purposely brought a Kit Kat out of his pack and opened the package slowly.

  He broke one off and crunched loudly while talking with his mouth full, “Two days. You must be starving.”

  “Where the hell did you get that?” Noah asked enviously.

  Lincoln broke off one and gave it to Noah. Jule’s eyes followed it and then she glanced at Lincoln and found the man staring at her. He pulled another Kit Kat from his pocket, “Do you know where we can get supplies?”

  He dangled the candy between his forefinger and thumb to entice her.

  “You’re the guy that everyone’s parents warned them about right now,” Wyatt burst out laughing.

  “All you need is a white van,” Heath agreed.

  Jule suddenly jerked to the left and pointed at something behind Lincoln. Her confused expression changed to shock in the span of a few seconds. She started screaming hysterically, “Help her!”

  Even if it was an attempt at theatrics so she could escape, no one dared to call her bluff. Everyone turned as Gloria collapsed on the ground.


  S tatic filled Lincoln’s ears as he dropped everything and dived to the concrete too late. On hands and knees he rapidly crawled the rest of the way and gently cupped her face with his hands. Two fingers pressed against her neck feeling for a pulse as he stared at her ghostly complexion.

  Something pulled on his shirt and he shoved the hand away growling words he couldn’t hear. Knees appeared on the opposite side of Gloria’s body and hands were suddenly on her head. Lincoln snapped and grabbed the person across from him not recognizing Noah as he roared murderously, “Don’t fucking touch her!”

  Noah held up his hands in a surrendering gesture. Lincoln watched his mouth move but static drowned out the words. Crouching over Gloria’s body, Lincoln felt the pounding pressure inside his head and tried to calm down so he could save his mother.

  Immediately he grabbed for a cell phone that was no longer there. 911 was nonexistent. A heavy weight started to press against his chest and his hands automatically fumbled with his shirt trying to find the cause of the pressure. Gasping for air, someone’s muffled voice seized his attention. His eyes wildly bounced over everyone’s face surrounding him as he tried to comprehend the words being said.

  “Lincoln, we just want to put something soft under her head. No one’s going to hurt your mother,” Wyatt said softly. He was to Lincoln’s left on the floor trying to make eye contact. “Can we put the shirt under her head? Just nod if that’s okay.”

  Lincoln slowly nodded and fell backward allowing them access to his mother. He realized the next step was a hospital, but it was no longer a viable option. They haven’t even been able to help Wyatt. No one with medical knowledge was left to help him.

  Noah folded the shirt and placed it under Gloria’s head. He felt for a pulse and started going down the list of common problems that could cause a person to pass out.

  Wyatt watched
Lincoln curl in on himself with his head in his hands feeling helpless. Between the four of them no one knew what to do next. Heath shook his head when Wyatt gazed in his direction for help, silently saying there was nothing he could do.

  In a calm voice Wyatt told Heath, “Keep watch.” Heath nodded.

  Movement in the corner of Wyatt’s eye made him jerk in that direction. Jule was attempting a pathetic escape, but her legs wouldn’t cooperate. Not that he blamed her for trying. Her life was in the hands of strangers. People she had no choice but to trust and one of them was clearly dying.

  Wyatt climbed into his chair and rolled it in Jule’s direction. She gazed up at the noise and seemed surprised that someone remembered her.

  In a hushed tone Wyatt pleaded, “Is there someone in that hospital that can help her?”

  Her lips pursed like she had a secret to hide and answered, “Even if there is, how are we going to get her in there unconscious?”

  As much as she wanted to ignore what was happening right in front of her, Jule was concerned about the old woman even if she was a stranger. She was still human. And nowadays that counted for something.

  “You see that man on the ground?” Wyatt nodded to Lincoln. “He is how I survive. He is how my daughter survives. If something happens to him, I won’t make it back to her. Right now, he needs someone to help his mother,” Wyatt said it slowly. He didn’t know if she was listening because her eyes were on her legs.

  “Jule,” Wyatt said her name softly, trying to hide the desperation in his voice. Her attention snapped to him. “I am asking for your help. Please.”

  She stared at the old woman on the ground and exhaled heavily. Shifting her weight around uncomfortably she contemplated his plea. Her entire life had been one disaster after another. Full of tricky adults trying to cheat her out of what was rightfully hers.

  Wyatt examined her, watching the internal debate play out on her face. He’d seen it plenty of times as a school teacher. Most of his students just needed to have a choice in order to make the right one. “Jule, as much as I need your help, I know what it’s like to protect someone. And it’s fine if you say no. You’re allowed to say no,” Wyatt told her amicably. He kept a small smile on his lips while his stomach flipped, and hoped the tactic worked.

  A grown man had never spoken to Jule like an adult in her entire life.

  “There’s a nurse on the fourth floor,” she said just above a whisper. “I left to find food and got stuck in the morgue. If you can find a way up, she might be able to help you.”

  “Thank you Jule,” Wyatt said hurriedly, and used his good foot to roll back to Lincoln.

  “Lincoln!” Wyatt yelled. Lincoln didn’t budge until Wyatt was right in front of him blocking the view of his mother. “Lincoln, I need you to listen to me. Jule says there’s a nurse on the fourth floor that might be able to help Gloria.”

  The word nurse registered and brought Lincoln back to reality. Noah repeated the information to Lincoln while Wyatt made sure Jule got something to eat.

  Lincoln checked his weapons and put an extra magazine in each pocket. He put his pack on first and then slung the rifle over his shoulder. On his feet he walked straight up to Jule and asked her directly, “How do I get to the fourth floor from here?”

  She finished the last bite of her MRE and replied, “The only way up is the stairs.”

  “How far are the stairs from here?” he asked with pure determination in his voice.

  “It’s not far, but you won’t make it with all the Rotters in the way. Especially with your entourage. She’s out, he’s rolling around in a chair and the little guy could barely help me.”

  “The little guy has a name,” Noah shot back. “It’s Noah. And I saved your life. Let’s all keep that in mind.”

  Lincoln ignored Noah and held out his hand to the girl. She gazed at it confused before her eyes reached his.

  “I need you to navigate the building,” Lincoln said impatiently.

  “I can barely walk,” she pointed out gesturing to her legs.

  “What happened to the girl that’ll kick my ass if I touch her?”

  Defiantly, with a steel gaze she answered, “I’m right here.”

  “Well, you’re about to kick my ass,” he warned and wrapped his fingers around her bicep and lifted her up.

  She wobbled a bit trying to stand and push him away at the same time, the terror in her voice prominent when she screamed to leave her alone. He forcefully wrapped her arm around his neck and had his arm around her waist. The only choice she had was to lean against him and become dead weight. He easily dragged her across the floor, down a ramp and refused to drop her.

  “If I drop you it’s because I have to shoot, if I carry you it’s because we have to run,” he said with a firm grip on her. “The faster you help me, the easier it’ll be. You keep fighting me and I’ll drop you in the middle of a flesh eating hoard. Which way?”

  She struggled a little bit longer and tried to prove she was tougher than she appeared, but in the end she only managed to tire herself out.

  “Which way?” Lincoln repeated with more authority.

  Being pulled against her will, her voice came out higher than normal, “What’s the plan? To go barging in like Rambo and hope you don’t get eaten along the way? There are probably thousands of them just waiting for fresh meat. They literally do nothing but wait for their next meal.”

  Her argument did nothing to slow Lincoln down, she was positive he’d ignored every word as he beelined for the closest door dragging her alongside him.

  Panic stricken, Jule glanced back at Noah. The men stood around and wanted to be useful but had no idea how to tell Lincoln not to risk his life for his mother. It was clear he’d stop at nothing to save her even if it meant his own death in the process.

  Carefully wording the sentence Noah spoke up, “You can’t just go in expecting for the best Lincoln.”

  “I’m sure we can come up with a better strategy if we just take the time to plan it out,” Wyatt said calmly.

  Completely ignoring his friend’s appeals, Lincoln stopped right in front of the nearest entrance with a key card entry. He pulled out an ID and swiped gaining access to the building. In a low voice he said, “If you have a safer way in, I’m listening.”

  Sweat gleamed on Jule’s forehead with each ragged breath while she struggled to stand and tried not to lean heavily on Lincoln. She fought against his grip and all hope of running away was crushed when his hand touched the doorknob, ready to unleash what was behind the door. Jule screamed, and rushed the words out, “Stop! Do not open that door.”

  Lincoln’s hand rested on the doorknob and he scrutinized her. Keeping his tone harsh and full of authority, he asked again, “Do you have a better idea?”

  “Not dying comes to mind,” she said sarcastically. “You don’t happen to cling to buildings with your bare hands?” She questioned in an innocent tone edging on cynicism. “Or maybe possess the ability to fly?”

  Not in the mood for stupid remarks, Lincoln clenched his jaw and twisted the knob on the door. Jule used her strength to knock his hand away and watched the door automatically lock again.

  His fingers hovered over the access box with the ID in hand when she said in a tired voice, “I will tell you how to get to the fourth floor in exchange for food.”

  “Good thing we already fed you then.”

  “I meant for the people up there. They were relying on me, and I’ve been missing.”

  “The only food I have left is now being split between this group. At this point it comes down to you either tell me how to get up there or we both die trying,” Lincoln told her hoping for the former. He had no intention to storm the building, but she didn’t know that. If she values her life but is stuck to the crazy man ready to run straight into danger—she’ll give up and tell him exactly what he needs to know.

  “I know where we can find lots of food,” she paused gazing up at Lincoln. “So, if I can get Heather
to help your mother, will you help me get the food?”

  “Is Heather the nurse?” Lincoln inquired. Jule nodded so he answered, “It’s a deal.”

  “Turn around,” Jule demanded shifting her weight.


  “Because you’re going the wrong way. We need to get back into the morgue,” Jule announced allowing Lincoln to help her walk.

  Lincoln winked at the group of men as he passed them. Heath picked up Gloria and put her pack on. Noah helped Wyatt off the platform throwing their packs to the ground before rolling Wyatt toward the morgue.

  “He winked at us like it was all part of his plan,” Heath mumbled.

  “Fear motivates people to cooperate. It’s a pretty easy weakness to exploit and he used it to his advantage. There’s no way any of us would have survived if we followed him in back there.”

  “What about the people who don’t cooperate?” Noah questioned obnoxiously with a sly expression trying to stump Wyatt.

  “Technically those people aren’t actually scared, are they? They would fit into another category,” Wyatt replied.

  “I think he was ready to die,” Heath said nonchalantly. No one said a word so Heath continued, “And he didn’t care who he took with him. Something to think about.”

  Noah’s pace slowed at the thought, and Wyatt was glad no one was in front of him to see his expression.


  L incoln already had the sliding doors open and everyone settled in the entrance. He set Jule down and quietly treaded down the hallway for any surprises. Signaling it was clear, Wyatt used his good foot to roll himself and Noah helped Jule until Lincoln took his place.

  The morgue as exactly how they left it, except the room was silent and all the dead bodies were scattered across the floor instead of twitching upright.

  Everyone huddled in the room inspecting the only noticeable door that held countless ghouls behind it the last time Lincoln checked.


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