His to Hold (The Malone Brother Book 3)

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His to Hold (The Malone Brother Book 3) Page 1

by S. L. Sterling

  His To Hold

  S.L. Sterling


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Mia’s Spicy Meatballs

  A Note From The Author

  About the Author

  Other Titles by S.L. Sterling

  Dedicated to my husband

  May we always have a plate of meatballs and chocolate chip cookies to get us through all the stressful times.

  His to Hold

  Copyright © 2019 by S.L. Sterling

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved about, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of the book. This is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Disclaimer: This book contains mature content not suitable for those under the age of 18. It involves strong language and sexual situations. All parties portrayed in sexual situations are consenting adults over the age of 18.

  ISBN: 978-1-9995736-6-9

  Editor: Brandi Aquino, Editing Done Write

  Cover Design: Sarah Paige, Opium House Creatives

  Chapter 1


  I walked into the office Friday morning and, having gotten only three hours of sleep the night before, knew I looked like shit. Staying up arguing with your ex because she doesn't feel the need to leave your condo takes its toll. We had broken up months ago, and I had taken pity because she had nowhere to go, but now she was just being an unreasonable bitch.

  I probably wouldn't have even come in today, but Hunter and Carter had called a last-minute meeting with Chase and me. I had no choice but to go in. I was hoping to sign on as junior partner this year and it would look bad if I hadn't shown up. My brothers had gotten nothing handed to them, and they believed in making me work for what I wanted.

  Chase and I had been working with one of our top clients on a corporate merger. They were looking at buying a smaller local company, but upon thorough review of the books, things weren't looking consistent. Our client wanted a second opinion, and I couldn't say I blamed him.

  I entered the office carrying a hot cup of coffee and a bag containing a breakfast sandwich from the coffee shop around the corner from my place. I didn't have the time or desire to eat at home. Alyssa wasn't even up out of bed when I left, and I knew if I hung around and took my time, she would start on me as soon as she was awake.

  I glanced at my watch. I was on limited time, and as soon as this meeting was finished, I needed to start preparing for my own upcoming meetings today. My phone hadn't stopped going off all morning, starting as soon as I had turned it on. I greeted Josie and Kim and entered through the doors of our boardroom. I took a seat beside Carter, who had his head down in the client file.

  "Morning," I mumbled, sitting down and unwrapping my breakfast, running my hand over my face.

  "About time you got here." He chuckled. "I see you got the breakfast of champions this morning."

  "Yeah, I know. Sorry I'm late. Alyssa still hasn't left. She is making my life a living hell."

  "You really should deal with that, instead of hoping she just goes away."

  "It's not like I haven't tried," I said, taking a bite of my sandwich and ignoring what my brother said. He knew the troubles I had been and still was having with her, and he knew how hard I had tried to get rid of her. I took another bite and downed it with a mouthful of coffee as Chase walked in carrying a cup of coffee and sat on the other side of Carter.

  "Jesus, you’re just as bad as Bryce," Carter said, closing the client file and looking to Chase.

  "Yeah, well, it was a late night, if you catch my drift." Chase smiled smugly.

  "We don't want to hear about your latest conquest. It’s a business day. Save that for guys’ night," Carter said, clearing his throat and diving right in. "Hunter had an early appointment this morning, so he won't be here."

  Carter cleared his throat again and jumped into all of the company business as usual. "All right, so I did manage to get a minute to look over some of the case files you two are working on, especially the one you asked me to look over, and I know you want a second opinion," he said, shuffling some papers around.

  "So, here's the problem: There is something definitely up with the new documents your client was given. Your client is right to think something is going on. Things are not consistent. So, you guys are going to advise your client to request a meeting with TexCorp. You are both going to go over those documents firsthand at that meeting and request any other documents that you see fit that will support the documents here. Chase, according to your email, the meeting has been set for four weeks from Monday, is that correct?"

  Chase nodded.

  I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pulled up my calendar. "The tenth of February?" I questioned.

  "Yep, eight in the morning."

  I updated my calendar with the meeting details.

  "Chase, send over the details to Bryce,” Carter ordered. “Bottom line, your client feels that they are lying about something, and I agree, so it’s up to the two of you to figure it out. He wants a second set of eyes on everything before he enters into the contract."

  "Fair enough." I stood. "If that is everything, I need to get to my office."

  "Yes, that’s it. Have a good day, boys," Carter said as we both left the boardroom.

  Chase and I parted ways, him going into his office just around the corner from the boardroom. I continued down the hall, and as soon as I rounded the corner to my office, I was immediately attacked with questions. I wasn't in the mood this morning for this, and I barked out orders and answers left and right a lot harsher than I normally would.

  I had just gotten into my office, shut the door, and sat down, when Kim, my legal assistant, came in and handed me the file that she had been working on for a meeting I was to have on Friday. She didn't say anything. She laid the file on my desk and left quietly, while I listened to my voice mail.

  Of course, the first message I had was from Alyssa. I rolled my eyes as I listened to her whine, and by the time I hit that last message and her voice came over the speaker again, it pissed me off more than I already was. I let out a breath as I hung up the phone, trying to regain my composure.

  Once I had calmed down enough, I opened the file that Kim had left for me and began going through all the paperwork she had completed. Every page I looked at was nothing but a half-assed attempt at putting together information for me. Everything about it was wrong. I pressed the intercom, calling her into my office. I waited, drumming my pen on the edge of the desk.

  "Mr. Malone, you wanted to see me?" she meekly announced as I sat behind my desk, highly agitated and pis
sed off.

  "I did. Please, come in and sit down." I nodded to the chair across from me. My eyes followed her as she shyly walked in and took a seat in the chair. She folded her shaking hands in her lap and looked at me.

  "In regard to these documents. What the fuck are you thinking? I can't go into a meeting with these clients with this type of drivel," I said, throwing the paperwork around.

  I could see the tears welling in her eyes, but I didn't care.

  "Sir, I completed everything as—"

  I held my hand up to stop her. "If you dare say you completed everything as I would want it, you may collect your things and head home right now.".

  Her lip started to tremble. I glanced out my office door and saw Josie walk by my office, glaring at me, at my behavior and utter lack of professionalism.

  I got up and slammed my office door shut. I had already had it out with Josie today as well, before I had even come into the office this morning. I had zero professionalism today, along with zero patience, and I knew it.

  I collected the mass of paperwork, shoving it back into the file, and handed it to Kim. "Fix it," I barked out, and turned my attention to another file sitting on my desk.

  She stood there looking at me, not knowing what to say or do.

  "I suggest you get to work. You have many hours of it to do, and you aren't going to get it done by standing there staring at me," I barked.

  She hid it well, but I could see a tremble in her lower lip before she quickly turned and left my office. I was sure I would have a complaint filed to Carter and Hunter in a matter of minutes for how I had just treated her. If that happened, I was sure my shot at junior partner would be put in jeopardy, and it would be just one more thing I could blame Alyssa for. After all, she was the reason behind my delightful attitude.

  Before I opened my next file, I went to take a sip of my coffee, finding it had gone cold, which set me off even more. Mug in hand, I walked down to the coffee room. Employees were stepping out of my way, whispering to one another, as I walked down the hall, most turning their faces away from me, but no one dared speak to me with the way I was behaving.

  As soon as I walked in, I saw Kim in the corner with Josie. She took one look at me, wiped her eyes with her thumb, and left the room, along with every employee in there, except one—Josie. She had been my personal assistant since I became a lawyer here. She knew me better than most of the staff, aside from my brothers. She, like them, was not afraid to call me on my shit.

  "Bryce, may I have a few words with you in your office when you are finished here." She didn't give me a chance to reply. She turned on her heal and marched out of the room, no doubt, heading down the hall to my office.

  With a fresh cup of hot coffee in hand, I made my way back to my office. When I entered, Josie sat in the chair across from me, drumming her fingers on my desk.

  "What is it?" I barked.

  "Bryce, I have just spoken to Kim. I have talked her out of reporting you to HR and to your brothers, so essentially I just saved your ass. What is wrong with you? You don't act this way."


  She looked at me in disbelief. I knew it because she was right. I never acted this way.

  "Bryce, you better get your shit together. I looked at Kim's work before she submitted it to you. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it. Now, if this is a personal issue between yourself and her, then I suggest you have a talk with Carter or Hunter and get her transferred. You cannot and will not be abusive to staff. I won't allow it. Do I make myself clear?"

  One thing about Josie that I had always admired was she never cared if she stepped out of turn. She was right. She was saving my ass, and for that I was thankful.

  "I mean it, Bryce, and if it’s a personal issue outside of this building, then you best go home and straighten it out before you get yourself into trouble."

  "Send Kim in," I grumbled.

  "Are you going to be rational?" she asked.

  "I said, send her in."

  Josie looked at me, shook her head, and left without another word.

  Ten minutes later, Kim appeared at my door, file in hand. She was just about to sit down when my phone buzzed on my desk.

  "Put the file on my desk and I will review it once again."

  "Mr. Malone, if I have done something wrong, please tell me."

  "It's not you, Kim. Leave the file. I am giving you the rest of the day off with pay to make up for my behavior. Go to this address." I quickly scribbled the address of the day spa Hunter and Carter sent their wives, Autumn and Hope, to and handed it to her. "Have whatever treatments you would like and send the bill to me."

  I'd probably be up shit creek for doing this, but I handed her the slip of paper anyway. She quickly took the paper from my hand and left my office without another word.

  It was 10 p.m. by the time I had decided to head back to Chase's apartment. I had decided to stay there going forward, until Alyssa vacated my condo. I entered his condo to find all the lights off. No doubt Chase was either out or had some broad over.

  I kicked my shoes off and loosened my tie and threw my suit jacket down over the back of the couch. I made my way into the kitchen. I needed something to eat.

  Pulling the fridge open, I grabbed the veggie tray and quickly made up a plate. After I ate, I made my way down to the spare bedroom. I changed and crawled into bed, then laid there with my arm over my face, letting the tensions of the day leave my body.

  I had just about drifted off to sleep when I heard a woman moan Chase's name, and then the rhythmic sound of his headboard banging on the wall above my head. Last thing I wanted to listen to was my brother banging some broad.

  I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the sound, but it just kept getting louder. I got up and pounded on the wall. "Trying to sleep in here, fuckface!" I shouted. I didn't care. If I couldn't be happy, why should he?

  The rhythmic sound stopped, only to start again a few seconds later, and kept going until she was moaning and screaming his name even louder than before.

  I rolled my eyes. I was irritated as hell, not to mention horny. With every bang of the headboard, I too wished I could sink myself into someone. I lay there for a few more minutes, and when I couldn't take it anymore, I got up out of bed and slid my suit pants back on, grabbed my shirt and jacket, and went back to the office.

  Chapter 2

  Bryce - A week later

  "Bryce. Wake the fuck up."

  I felt someone shove my shoulder. I opened my eyes, squinting at the light that was already pouring in through the windows of my office. What time was it, and what had happened last night?

  As soon as I moved, I felt a searing pain run through my head. I blinked hard, Hunter and Carter coming into focus, both standing above me, frowning. What the hell were they doing here?

  "What...what time is it?" I yawned, sitting up, rubbing my temples.

  "It's seven-thirty. What the fuck is going on in here? This office is a disaster," Hunter said as Carter took a minute to pick up the plastic food containers that were strewn about on the floor.

  "Have you been living here?" Carter asked, looking annoyed.

  I saw him looking at the clothes that hung in the corner of my office. I ran my hand over my face, trying to sit my sorry ass up. I had tied one on last night, getting too drunk to be able to drive back to Chase's condo.

  "Yeah that is what Josie suspects," Hunter answered.

  I'd had enough. Alyssa still wouldn't leave the condo, and all Chase was interested in was fucking women all hours of the night. I didn't know what the fuck was going on. I also didn't know what I had done wrong. It wasn't like either of them hadn't lived at the office at one point in their careers.

  "You know Kim came to my office the other day to complain, right?" Carter told Hunter.

  "Yeah, she called my office, but I was in with a client and had to leave right after that meeting. What was all that about?"

  "Apparently, he gave her shit, and then paid her
to take the day off. He then sent her to the spa, some form of bribe perhaps."

  They were talking amongst themselves as if I wasn’t even in the room.

  "Fuck, it's enough!" I shouted, rubbing my hand over my face and sitting up, my head still pounding, the room spinning.

  "Bryce, what the fuck is going on?"

  Both of my brothers stood looking at me. Thank God I had put my pants back on before passing out last night or this would have looked way worse than what it already did.

  I cracked my neck, sat up, and looked toward the door. Josie walked by my office door on her way to her desk. She looked in quickly, and when she saw Hunter and Carter standing there, and then me staring back at her, she picked up her pace.

  "Bryce, are you going to answer us?"

  I really had nothing to say, except that I hated everything about my life at this exact moment. I looked to the garbage can filled with takeout containers, the empty bottle of booze that lay sideways on my desk, and the clothes that hung on hangers on the corner of my bookcase. "It's nothing."

  My brothers looked at one another and then sat down. "We don't think so, Bryce. Spill it."

  As more people began to pour into the office, Hunter got up and shut my office door and pulled the blinds on the windows that were open toward the hallway to give us more privacy.

  "For God’s sake, throw a shirt on, would you? Have some sort of respect for yourself," Carter demanded and threw a dirty, balled-up shirt at me that had been thrown in the corner earlier in the week.


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